Survival in the Wilderness: Live Broadcast My Leisure Life

Chapter 134 Survive in the wilderness and make it a happy farm (3, please complete the order!)

"Lin Han, it's incredible, we really made a waterwheel!"

Looking at the three-meter-high behemoth in front of him, Li Shuixin grabbed Lin Han's arm and jumped with excitement.

It's as if the two of them have completed an amazing work.

Lin Han said calmly, "I think it's very simple.

It's easy - Lin Han!

The functions of Fantong are becoming more and more powerful, and Lin Han feels that he may really be able to build brick and tile houses. If there is a mine on the island, maybe he can also open iron smelting...

It is not impossible to make this island a paradise.


Li Shuixin was speechless, "I think you misunderstood this word!"

Although, she has always been very good, and she is your child in the eyes of people.

However, her excellence is only manifested in the aspect of a police officer.

And Lin Han is almighty!

Compared with Lindsay, she became an ordinary person.

There are so many incredible things about this man.

"Woooo... After watching the live broadcast for more than two months, Li Nvxia finally spoke the voice of the public!"

"Quotations of Lin Shen: It's very simple!"

"Setting traps, fishing, and catching are easy, we put up with it, building a bamboo house is easy, we put up with it, and we put up with cooking pottery and boiling salt. We even put up with the waterwheels that have disappeared for many years. Come on, you say it's simple! I really can't do anything about you except forbearance!"

"I thought that Lin Shen had been very boring these days, but I didn't expect to hold back the big move. It is an honor to be able to see this ancient inheritance with my own eyes. Thank you Lin Shen!

"Yeah, now more and more cultural heritage has been impacted by modern technology and gradually faded from our sight. I remember the last time I saw a waterwheel, it was forty-three years ago. This anchor , well, much better than those wiggling ones.

"Grandpa, you are exposed."

Lin Han is also quite satisfied with his work.

"Try it and see how the water diversion ability is."

Lin Han came to the waterwheel, grabbed the arm made of oak wood, and turned it hard.

The friction force of the wooden bearing is much higher than that of the metal bearing, so the first few laps are more difficult, but when the waterwheel turns, it has the inertia of the sign, and the later is easier.


The waterwheel turned very slowly, and within a dozen seconds, the first trough of water was brought to the sky.

It's coming soon,

Every two seconds, a trough of water is poured into the bamboo that leads the water, and flows into the water storage bucket along the bamboo trough.

The effect is not bad.

"Lin Han, let me try. 93

Li Shuixin walked over happily like a child lining up to play with toys.

In the beautiful eyes, there is a surprise before the experience.

"It will be more laborious."

Lin Han took a step back and handed the handle to her.

Now that the waterwheel has turned, it has its own inertia, and it only needs to add some force to maintain the rotation.

Therefore, even if Li Shuixin is a girl, she can turn easily.

Really "can send water up!"

Looking at the water being carried into the air by herself, Li Shuixin was so happy that she seemed to have won the first place.

Each of the water tanks in the large runner is relatively large and drives more water.

In about fifteen minutes, the large cistern was full of dew.

Lin Han went to try the shower in the bathroom and the "faucet" in the kitchen. As long as the valve was opened, the water would quickly flow down the pipe, which was very convenient.

In the future, washing vegetables and doing things can be done in the electric shed, and there is no need to go to the lake.

"Not bad.

Lin Han nodded with satisfaction, "In the future, we will fill up the water every morning, and the water in the storage bucket will be able to take a hot bath at night after a day's sun exposure, which is equivalent to a solar energy.

"It's amazing, I didn't expect to be able to take a shower in a place like this!

Li Shuixin was still in shock.

This and (aide) her imagined desert island survival, there is a world of alarm.

"This world is created by the wisdom of all human beings. As long as we dare to act and think, we can live a better and more comfortable life in the future."

Lin Han is full of confidence in his life in the next ten months.

To tell the truth, he is a little bit fond of this island now.

It would be great if I could stay here forever. Take your parents over, live here with the people you like, and live a life of indifference to the world, at ease...

Think a bit far.

He didn't know who owned the island, but it wasn't his.


Seeing Lin Han try the shower and running water himself,

Netizens called them amazing.

"The anchor of the police is still in Shuishandong, living in a grass hut, eating tasteless meat, and wearing clothes made of tree bark. And Lin Shen has lived in a luxurious police villa with a shower, wearing the most fashionable clothes and eating all the time. It's the delicacies of the mountains and the sea. Every time I see this, I will quietly go to other anchors to give a fish ball to express my sympathy for them.

"Living in a luxury villa, and then the most beautiful woman, hoeing the ground every day, sniffing small animals.

Lin Shenjing is to survive in the wilderness and make it a happy farm.

"Only envy can express my complicated feelings at the moment. 33

Thinking of being able to take a shower, Li Shuixin couldn't wait to try it.

Lin Han, on the other hand, opens the traditional task panel.

When Seong and Li Shuixin went to the water together, Fantong had already hinted at the gap.

The shower room and running water are complicated, two points more comfortable than expected, and the two add up to a total of 26 points.

Perhaps it is the effect of solar energy.

After ten days of hard work, Lin Han gained a total of 37 comfort points.

At the moment, the comfort level sums to 75 points.

It doesn't sound like much, but that's a pretty high score.

Many people living in the city may not be able to achieve such a level of comfort.

Now, just wait for tomorrow's reward.

The next morning, Lin Han woke up early.

Traditional and timely,

[Ding, it is detected that the host wakes up and starts to give out rewards.

Congratulations to the host for completing the comfort level challenge task. During the task, a total of 37 points of comfort have been added, and Zheng Ji’s comfort level has reached 75 points. Outperformed 100% of wild challengers, and 63% of humans.

Get the mystery prize, the perception of the earth!)

Here's a, new talent!

Induction of the sea, benefits Lin Han has been deeply benefited by it. In the sea, he can grab whatever he wants to eat, and no creature can escape his eyes within the range of perception.

The names of these two awards are similar, so they must not be too different.

[Earth perception]: It can perceive any living beings and special substances within a radius of one kilometer.

Tip: Perception for a long time will consume mental power and accelerate fatigue.

Sure enough, as Lin Han guessed, the perception of the earth is the same as the perception of the sea, and it is the perception of life within a certain range.

However, the perception of the earth is obviously better, and you can also feel the existence of special substances.

This is equivalent to a super radar. If you want to find something, you can just locate and search.

As for the consumption of mental power, accelerated fatigue.

The impact on Lin Han is not very big, his mental power is much stronger than ordinary people, and the recovery speed is also very fast.

As long as you keep using it, there will be no problem.

"try it."

Lin Han stood at the door, closed his eyes, and his perception spread around.

Perception is in the form of eyes with tactile sensations, and wherever you go, everything is as close as you are!

And the range of perception is not only plane, but three-dimensional space.

He can perceive places one kilometer underground and one kilometer in the sky.

For example, a small frigate bird that just flew over the clouds above his head seemed to be flying past him, and he could see it very clearly.

Another example is the underground lake, Xiuyuan and Zhengguo couple who have woken up, but are on the morning exercise.

"This fellow, Xiuyuan, what kind of exercise do you do in the morning, come on.

Lin Han quickly withdrew his perception from the lake.

Early in the morning, setting fire?

"Yeah! 13

Lin Han just turned his attention away from thinking about things that are not suitable for children.

Li Shuixin didn't pay attention when he was at Jimen, bumped into him, and the whole body was stuck with him.

have to,

Fire therapy is big.

Fortunately, the trousers are looser, so the police can't see the difference.

"Lin Han, why are you standing at the door.

Li Shuixin picked the forehead that was hurt.

Instead of looking at the road while walking, he complained about Lin Han instead.

Lin Han is a little speechless, my eyes are slightly behind?


The sense of the earth seems to have this function.

However, Goddess Li was really good at it, she almost didn't eject him when she sewed the bump.

Li Shuixin didn't notice his, so he walked around him, washed his face and brushed his teeth.

Lin Han came to the vegetable field,

The information of two vegetable fields and a pasture appeared in front of his eyes,

Special vegetable plot 01

Level: Lvl (961/1000)

Special vegetable plot 02

Level: Lvl (877/1000)

Special Ranch 01

Level: Lv11889/1000)

All three are about to be upgraded.

Especially the special ranch, with the addition of the seven little wild boars, it has become a latecomer and can provide a lot of experience every day.

"Is the pepper tree full?"

I have been busy with the shower room for the past few days, and pay less attention to the vegetable field.

When Lin Han came to inspect the vegetable field, he found that the pepper tree was full of peppers, and the reminder column of the vegetable field also had a reminder of ripe picking.

In addition to the peppers, the tomato vines were also full of knots.

I haven't eaten much taro these days. Lin Han found that some new seedlings grew next to the old taro.

"Exactly, dry some dried chili and make some chili noodles.


Lin Han finished picking the mature crops in No. 01 field, weeding, watering, and a set of combos, and the vegetable field was upgraded smoothly.

[Ding, the special vegetable field No. 01 has been upgraded to Lv2!)

A reminder came.

[Special Vegetable Field Lv2]: The growth efficiency of crops is increased by 150%, the yield is increased by 150%, and the nutritional value and taste of crops are increased by 300%. And not easy to die, natural pest control.

Remark 1: The area of ​​1 piece of land is 100 square meters.

Remark 2: The host can obtain more vegetable fields by increasing the variety of crops.

Remark 3: Harvesting crops, weeding, watering, fertilizing, etc., can gain vegetable field experience.

Lin Han was a little disappointed to see that the first two only increased by 50%.

But the nutritional value and taste increased by 200%, and I was surprised.

He knows that the growth efficiency and yield are actually enough, and he eats it himself, not for sale.

The most important, of course, is the nutritional value and taste.

"Improve it by 300%, what will the taste look like?"

Lin Han picked an unripe tomato from the tomato vine and threw it into his mouth.

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