Survival in the Wilderness: Live Broadcast My Leisure Life

Chapter 136 The revenge of the snake star? (5, please complete the order!)

Lin Han's speed was too fast, a tree twenty or thirty meters high climbed up in a matter of seconds.

It is nearly twice as fast as climbing a coconut tree before!

Li Shuixin didn't react at all, and when she turned her head, she found that Lin Han was gone, and stayed in place.

"Li Nvxia: Hey, what about people!"

"Haha, Nvxia Li's cute look is so cute."

Her appearance amused many netizens.


But what surprised netizens the most was Lin Han's speed.

"Fuck, so fast!

"I remember when Lin Shen climbed a coconut tree, some people said he broke the world record. Dare I ask what record was broken today?"

"I just flipped through the playback, and Lin Shen climbed a 20.68m coconut tree in six seconds. This time, how high and how fast, where is the boss? 93

In Lin Shendu's live broadcast room, there is never a shortage of bigwigs.

"I just measured it with a ruler, and the position of Lin Shen's station is about fifteen and a half his height, Lin Shen is 1.82m, so his height can be estimated, it is about 27-28m.

On the other hand, just 4.7 seconds was used by the God of Gangdai.

That said, this time the speed is 5.7-6! Nearly double the speed of the last 3.2!"

"Huh? Using a ruler?"

"Is this a big guy?

Netizens are powerless to complain, and now being a boss, the threshold of "August 10" is getting lower and lower.

However, although this man used a stupid method, the error was very small.

After all, there is no other reference, his stupid method is the most effective.

"[Mischief] Come out quickly, climb 6m per second, you tell me that there is no light work in this world?"

"[Little handyman] The police pretended to be dead. I just installed a diving software, and I found out about the diving for a few days. So the police hid it, hurry up and explain it. This is not light work, what is it? !33

Lin Han's speed is too fast, many netizens think that this is Qinggong!

In this world, there is light power!

In fact, this is one of their wishes, a complete martial arts dream!

Martial arts without Qinggong is incomplete!

So they desperately want to determine whether there is really light gong in this world!

After being Aite by countless people, [please call me a little handyman] I can't laugh or cry, in order to force me to rhyme, as for installing a diving software?

[Please call me a little handyman]: "Everyone, I am a small handyman, so please don't be too hard on me.

Since everyone wants to know the knowledge of Qinggong so much, then I will give you some popular science.

Qinggong actually exists. But we all know that most of Longguo's martial arts work behind closed doors and do not like rumors. As a result, communication was blocked, and many essences were passed on and then cut off.

Qinggong is a profound martial art. There are many records in the martial arts books, but none of them have been passed down. Even today's great masters will not take it lightly. "

Flying over the eaves and walking the walls is not called Qinggong.

Many well-established warriors know this skill, and some well-trained special forces can also do it.

But the real light work, flying flowers and leaves, treading water without a trace.

It has gone beyond the scope of skill, it can be regarded as a wonderful skill against the laws of physics!

However, as soon as the little handyman finished speaking, he was madly sprayed by netizens.

"Since it once existed, how do you know that no one will do it now?"

"The world is so big, beware of being slapped in the face."

"Listening to his name, he is also an outer sect disciple, I'm afraid he doesn't know much more than we know.

"I think, even if the whole world can't, my husband will definitely!

Seeing these barrages, the little handyman vomited three liters of blood,

What is it that you called me out when you heard a lot of calls, what you said was not what you wanted to hear, so you started to bury it?

He was so angry that he almost exposed the identity of his senior brother!

However, after thinking about it, he decisively gave up this idea.

Does exposure work?

Who believes!

"Stand farther away, I'm afraid these rubber seeds will hit you. 39

Lin Han stood on the tree and shouted to below.

It was very obvious what he was going to do.

"Oh, is it alright now?"

Li Shuixin retreated more than ten meters, put his hands in front of his mouth, and shouted loudly in a trumpet shape.

Lin Han,

Already started shaking the trunk.

He clasped the tree trunk with both hands and shook it violently!

The seemingly incomparably strong tree shook violently.

As if it was hit by a tenth-level typhoon, the rubber seeds on the tree fell one after another!

After a while, a thick layer of rubber seeds fell from under the big tree.

"Fuck, Lin Shenniu shoots, such a big tree is in his hands, like a small bamboo!"

"The trunk of a rubber tree is very tough and difficult to shake. How strong is Lin Shen?"

"Isn't it already reaching the limit when fighting 400 catties of wild boars before, how does it feel that his strength has increased again!

[Please call me a clerk]: "A person's strength can be continuously enhanced. I guess that the last time Lin Han beat wild boars, Lin Han broke his own limit, and it is natural for his strength to increase.

As for shaking the tree, it doesn't take as much effort as hitting a wild boar. Therefore, for Lin Shen, there is no exercise effect.

He was right,

Lin Han shook the trunk very hard, but still didn't get any hints.

It is not so easy to break your own limits.

It not only needs exercise, but also opportunity!

Two minutes later, Lin Han jumped down from the tree, but instead of letting Li Shuixin approach, he continued to climb a rubber tree next to him and continued to shake.

There are more than ten rubber trees in this forest, all of which are not shaken down, and it is not a problem to collect three or five hundred kilograms of rubber material.

But Lin Han thinks it's not enough!

Because the rubber seeds ripen once a year, all these rubber materials are shaken off, and there will be no more. We have to wait until next year, when new ones grow out.

Five hundred catties of rubber seeds can squeeze about forty or fifty catties of rubber seed oil at most.

After all, most of the weight is on the shell.

If there are modern equipment, of course more than that.

But Lin Han can only be pressed by the original method, and the oil yield is very low.

Forty to fifty pounds is an ideal state.

Under normal circumstances, it is enough for two people to eat 50 pounds of oil a year, but Lin Han's appetite has increased a lot, and one person is equivalent to three or four people's appetite. There are a few foodies at home, and occasionally need to fry some things, 50 pounds of oil is not enough.

So, have to find alternatives.

After all the dozen rubber trees were shaken, Li Shuixin happily pulled up with the little flowers.

After a while, Xiuyuan and Zhengguo were full of money on their backs.

They are about a hundred and twenty pounds.

Lin Han carried 100 jin in one hand, Li Shuixin picked up 40 jin, and there was still almost 100 jin, so he had to run again.

On the second trip, Lin Han walked slowly and walked by himself.

However, Xiu Yuan was not idle, and transported sand with Li Shuixin.

Because most of the rubber seeds picked today have just fallen from the trees and have not yet opened their shells.

This is a 0...

If you want to extract oil, you have to open the shell first and hook the rubber seeds inside.

Looking at the 400 to 500 catties of rubber seeds they collected today, the shells actually accounted for three-fifths of the weight.

The method of opening the shell can be sun exposure or stir frying.

Lin Han doesn't have such a big pot, so he can only use sun exposure. As long as the shell is dried and the water evaporates, most of the shells can be opened naturally. If the shell cannot be opened naturally, the shell can also be opened by touching it with a stone.

Open the shell and continue to squeeze oil!

After lunch, Lin Han asked Li Shuixin and Zhengguo to continue transporting sand, while he and Xiuyuan went to chop bamboo and tree trunks.

Xiaohua followed him, Dahua protected Li Shuixin and left Xiaobai to guard.

By evening, the goats, antelopes, and rabbits in the pasture were all restless.

Xiaobai, who was standing on the roof, suddenly condensed his eyes, like a sharp sword, staring at Shishan Fang!

There, there is movement!


Xiaobai warns!

However, the warning is useless.

A behemoth, Shishan rushed out of the bushes! The huge body, directly ignoring the scarecrow, crushed the fence of Lin Han's yard and rushed towards the pasture!


Xiaobai fluttered his wings and flew into the sky, trying to drive away this behemoth.

However, this is a huge anaconda!

With a body that is six or seven meters long, he is not afraid of Xiaobai's threat at all.

Xiaobai's sharp claws even caught the snake scales on its body!

After trying several times, but unable to stop Du Senchan's footsteps, Xiao Bai suddenly fluttered his wings and flew away into the woods.

"Wow hey hey."

The anaconda broke through the fence built by Lin Han and bit the yellow antelope. The huge body wrapped around the Yellow Antelope tightly, causing it to breathe in a few seconds.

The goat was chained to a chair, scared to death but unable to escape.

Only a few of the rabbits escaped, but Lin Han's yard was big enough that they did not find the hook that was crushed by the snake. Other rabbits hid in cages.

After Sen Chan strangled Huang Ling to death, he devoured it on the spot.

They do not have the ability to take their prey, and usually eat where they are killed.


Xiaobai flew into the bamboo forest, and Lin Han, who was cutting bamboo, was alarmed by him.

"Xiaobai 3.4? Why are you here?

"Gu Gu Ming."

Xiaobai made a sound.

It communicates with Lin Han, and Lin Han can understand its meaning!

"What, you said there is danger at home!"

Lin Han dropped the bamboo in his hand, grabbed the military shovel and ran back quickly!

Xiaobai is the overlord in the sky, and even a ferocious guy like the wolf is on his recipe. It must be a brutal guy who can make it powerless and run for help.

But a big leopard, or a tiger lion really.

Lin Han prayed silently in his heart as he ran back.

If it was them, they might kill all the animals they raised.

However, he is four miles away from the bamboo house, and he can't go back in a short time.

Just when the anaconda swallowed half of the antelope, Li Shuixin and Dahua suddenly greeted him.


Dahua was the first to discover something was wrong, and rushed into the yard to keep roaring at the anaconda.

Li Shuixin didn't have any police weapons, he drew a hook saber in one hand, and followed behind with a stone shovel in the other.

Facing such a behemoth, although she is afraid, she must protect herself!

At this time, she suddenly saw some white hairs on the ground,

The whole person is like being struck by lightning!

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