Survival in the Wilderness: Live Broadcast My Leisure Life

Chapter 139 Wuyou Eight Extremes Set the Universe! (3, please complete the order!)

In the stone mountain, there are many stones and rugged edges and corners, which greatly hindered the speed of the two.

However, Lin Han was not in a hurry, he also knew that the snake would return to rest after eating. Therefore, as long as you are patient, you will definitely be able to find the anaconda.

It's important to recover the saber, but you can't let yourself get hurt.

Now the weather is hot, it is easy to cause wound infection.

Once infected, it is likely to fail.

"It's okay to be slow."

Seeing Li Shuixin's anxious face, Lin Han comforted softly, "The python will return to rest after eating. Therefore, it must be nearby.

You see, there is blood on this stone. The blood on it was fishy and dry, it was snake blood.

Snake blood appears more frequently, indicating that it has slowed down, and we are not far from it.

Lin Han continued to use the sense of the earth to search the surrounding stone mountains.

They were already five or six hundred meters away from the bamboo house, but they still did not perceive the existence of the python.

It can be seen that the python's apartment is far away from the bamboo house. So why did it come here and attack his bamboo hut?

Was it hunting nearby and stumbled upon the animals kept in the enclosure?

After tracking for a distance, the trace of the snake became more and more obvious.

Either snake blood, freshly knocked off edges, or broken branches.

Even Li Shuixin can continue to track a certain distance based on this information.

The only difficulty is that the rocky mountains are rugged and changeable, the roads are impassable, and there are many undergrowths.

If you are not careful, it is easy to break the thread.

"Lin Shen Niu shoots, smells it and knows that the python has escaped from there, and its nose is even more sensitive than that of a hound.

"This rocky mountain is winding and winding, and I have long been dizzy. Lin Shen can chase it up to now, I admire it!"

"Sure enough, there is nothing that can make it difficult to live with Lin Shen.

"I think Brother Snake might know that Lin Shen was chasing it, and ran away in fright. Otherwise, why haven't he caught up after so long.

"Shishan is so rugged, wouldn't the goddess Lin break into the snake's nest with the goddess?"

As the tracking deepened, the atmosphere in the live broadcast room also became tense.

Worry, nervousness, anticipation, excitement...

Some feel that Lin Han shouldn't take the risk for a saber.

However, there are still some who watch the fun and want to see the scene where Lin Han and the python fight.

After all, after watching Lin Han kill wild boars, everyone believed in Lin Han's ability.

Men, who doesn't like to embellish passion with blood.

"Huh? Found it!

810 Finally, the anaconda entered Lin Han's perception range.

At this time, the anaconda was hiding in a cave, rolling its body continuously, trying to squat down with the saber inserted on its back.

However, the knife pierced deeply and got stuck in the snake bone.

For any snake, this is a fatal injury.

The friction has deepened the depth of the saber's piercing, which has already injured the knee bone.

If it is not taken out early, his spine will be affected and deformed, or even infected and deteriorated, directly threatening his life!

Originally, Lin Han was worried that the saber would fall on the road, so he followed it all the way.

Now that he has learned that the saber is still on the back of the snake, there is no need to go further.

"Go this way.

Lin Han pointed to the hillside and shouted.

"Ah, did the snake go up the mountain?"

Li Shuixin looked at this two-and-a-half-meter hillside in surprise, wondering if snakes could climb up?


The blood on the ground clearly indicated the front.

"But, is there blood here?"

Li Shuixin thought that Lin Han had made a mistake, and pointed to the blood on the ground as a reminder.

Netizens also thought it was outrageous,

"The snake went up the mountain? It's unlikely.

"Yes, there is clearly blood on the ground, why is God Lin so certain?"

"I also think that when the snake is full, it should hurry to find a place to hide, instead of swaggering up to the mountain to continue."

"Did Lin Shen guess wrong this time?"

Your problem is Li Shuixin's problem.

They were worried that Lin Han was impatient and made wrong judgments.

"Take a shortcut."

Lin Han replied lightly, "I'll take you up first.

"Shortcut? All right.

Li Shuixin didn't say anything, she believed Lin Han's judgment.

So he nodded and walked to the hillside.

The hillside is not very steep, it is a 60-70 degree slope, but it is more than two meters high, and it is still a little difficult to climb up.

Lin Han folded his hands together,

Li Shuixin took a few steps back, rushed over quickly, and stepped on Lin Han's palm.

As soon as her feet landed, she felt a force lift her body up. The body is light and fluttering, as if it were flying.

Lin Han sent her directly to the top of the slope and landed smoothly.

Then, Lin Han took a few steps by himself, with his toes a little on the hillside, and flew up easily.

Not even using your hands, it's like walking on flat ground.

"Shortcut? I heard it right. If you take a shortcut in such a complex terrain, is Lin Shen not afraid of losing his trail and finding Senchan again? 29

"Lin Shen may be in a hurry.

"It's a bit of a waste of time to lose track of the snake.»

"I think that after a while, Lin Shen will return to here and follow the trail again. 93

"I said a few people upstairs, haven't you been beaten enough in the face? Dare to question Lin Shen?

"It's been said that everything related to God Lin cannot be avoided by common sense. You scumbags, wait for the slap in the face by God Lin."

Above the stone mountain, Lin Han has been using the sense of the earth to lock the anaconda, making sure that it will not escape.

With the guidance of this perception, he can easily find the nearest road and avoid the threats on the road.

A few minutes later, through a rubble and a bush, I came to a mountain.

"That senna is in there. But be careful, there are other snakes around here.

Lin Han reminded.

The cave is cool and humid, with many caves, which is the environment that snakes prefer to live in.

It is also the best place for snakes to hatch snake eggs.

Therefore, Lin Han found not only anacondas, but also several other snakes here.

Although mussels have territorial awareness, they only target other large snakes. This small snake can live with it.

However, the anaconda is the king of snakes after all, and within a certain range, other snakes dare not offend.

Therefore, as long as you pass through this cave and enter the mussel's territory, you will not be attacked by other snakes.

With Lin Han leading the way, you can easily avoid other snakes and come to the cave.

There is a small stream here, the source of which is the cave where the mussels live. But the creek didn't flow very far, and disappeared into the stone crevice.

Therefore, the island's freshwater resources are still relatively scarce.

There is some scarlet in the stream, obviously, it is the blood of anaconda.

Seeing the behemoth twisting in the water, everyone was startled.

"I found it!"

"Lin Shen Niu Pai, the shortcut he just took, he walked for about a kilometer, how did he find this place?"

"The brothers in front of you, do your faces hurt?

"This mussel seems to be in pain, it must have been the heroine who caused a lot of damage to it. 93

"Oops, the anacondas at this time are the most aggressive. They feel threatened and will attack the offender desperately. If Lin Shen wants to retrieve the saber, I'm afraid it won't be easy.

"The key is that he is hiding in a cave, and Lin Shen can't do anything about him.

Netizens were discussing and helping Lin Han to make suggestions.


The cave was very deep, and no one knew what was in it. And the surrounding stones are covered with moss and very smooth. The police said that the knife (aide) was taken, but it was very difficult to even approach.

"The saber is still on it, but it is hiding in the water, and we can't get close."

Seeing that the saber was still there, Li Shuixin breathed a sigh of relief,

Then she looked around and searched,

"How about we figure out a way to get it out of there?"

As she spoke, she grabbed a rock the size of a brick from the ground.

Lin Han shook his head and said,

"Don't be so troublesome, I'll just go and drag it.

The perception of the earth told him that except for the anaconda, there were no police creatures in the water, and it was very safe.

for water,

Lin Han, who controls the rhythm of the water, is not afraid at all.

He took off his shirt and threw it to Li Shuixin, then plunged his head into the water!

"Among me, Lin Shen is too fierce, right?"

"This muscle is so handsome.

"Snow-trained muscles, is this the legendary white stripe in the waves?"

"Going to catch anaconda in the water is too reckless!"

Everyone was shocked by Lin Han's actions.

After all, snakes are more nimble than humans in water. Besides, this is the anaconda's territory, the home of portraits.

The moment Lin Han fell into the cave, the mussel had already sensed the danger,


It opened its bloody mouth and threatened Lin Han with a letter.

At this time, it didn't want to fight with the police, just wanted to scare Lin Han away.

However, Lin Han has no intention of retreating at all, stepping on a water flower, his body is like a fish, extremely flexible.

In an instant, he came to Senna.


Sen Clam was obviously provoked by his provocative actions, opened his mouth wide, and slammed into Lin Han.

Netizens saw this scene,

It was as if this big snake was coming to bite him, and he was so frightened that his breathing stopped, and the whole person froze.

"Go away!"

Lin Han roared violently, raised his fist, and slammed it down on Sister Sen's chin.

This punch condensed the strength of his whole body.

The strength of more than 500 kilograms exploded under the action of boxing skills, directly blasting the mussels out.

The huge body collapsed after a bang, and slapped the water fiercely.


Set off several feet high water splash.

"Fuck, this punch hits the power of the original bullet!

"Should I see an ophthalmologist, a huge python was smashed into the air by Lin Shen?"

"Me too, thought I pressed the wrong button and switched to the movie channel."

"Smashing anacondas weighing several hundred kilograms with one punch, Lin Shenniu is a plus!

"What kind of boxing is this, it's too good, Aite (please call me a little handyman). 99

"Aite [Please call me a chorus] +537806.

In an instant, countless people, Aite, a martial artist.

The little handyman who is daily diving has a bitter face,

What's the matter with you, with people facing the front, not the back? Laozi is too lazy to explain!

However, this punch is really handsome, not to mention unpleasant!

[Please call me a little handyman] In the end, I couldn't hold back the temptation, and I explained it for the shock, "Take every inch and hit hard. The hook is fierce, unpretentious and fast. This is a typical eight Extreme Fist.

However, Bajiquan usually exerts force on the heel and walks on the waist, so it is very important to use the strength of the footsteps. However, when Lin Shen is in the water and his feet are not on the ground, it is really shocking that he can burst out with such amazing power!"

If it is on land, the little handyman has the confidence to play such a might.

But in the water, if your feet don't touch the ground, not only is there no point to use strength, but the water's obstruction will greatly weaken the fist.

It is very difficult to achieve this step of Lin Han!

This is also the reason why the little handyman would rather be sprayed by online games than speak up.

Such a wonderful move, don't spit it out.

"Wen has Tai Chi to set the world, and Wu has Baji to make the world safe?"

"I slammed my shoulders into the sky and stomped my feet to shake Kyushu!

"This is the legendary Bajiquan, the bull shot is broken!

"No wonder Lin Shen dares to put it in, with this strength, he can hang and beat anacondas anywhere!

"Lin Shen: I'm invincible, you can do whatever you want!"

One punch knocked down the anaconda, Lin Han didn't give it a chance to breathe at all.

Pull out the water with both feet and use the rhythm of the water to approach Senner easily.

In the water, he is like a fish, much more flexible than the anaconda.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Sen Clam quickly shrank his body, trying to roll up Lin Han. This is its fatal move.

Apparently, it had forgotten that it had used this trick on Lin Han two months ago.

Lin Han let him roll over, stretched out one hand, and grabbed the saber stuck to the anaconda.

Then with a stroke,


On the back of the frog, there was a long hole on the hook.


The mussel screamed in pain, and his body twitched violently.

Lin Han hurriedly dived into the water.

Being pumped by a body weighing several hundred pounds is no joke.

Sen Chan was already mad with pain, twitching his body frantically, and the cave was beaten like it was boiling.

It knows that it is far from being the opponent of this man,

The instinct of survival drives it to escape from here.

With its full strength, its speed soared to the extreme, quickly rushing out of the water and rushing in the direction of Li Shuixin.

There, is its hook mouth!


Lin Han didn't know when to follow him, grabbed its tail, and revealed it backwards.

Then a palm knife looked at its seven inches,

The snake's head was pressed down, and Lin Han jumped over to make a punch on its head.


The anaconda vomited a letter, and his eyes quickly lost the light.

This punch was twice as powerful as the one that hit the wild boar, and it directly shattered its skull.



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