Survival in the Wilderness: Live Broadcast My Leisure Life

Chapter 150 Lin Shen will call the wind and call the rain! (4, please complete the order!)

"Lin Han, are two enough?"

Li Shuixin stood at the top of the tree and shouted to the bottom.

"Enough is enough, I can't eat it all to waste.

Lin Han replied.

"La, la.

Two coconuts fell, and then, a light figure quickly slid down from the tree.

The whole process did not take a minute.

Until Li Shuixin returned to Lin Han with two coconuts, the two of them reacted.

Climb up a coconut tree more than 20 meters high in ten seconds, this woman is a monkey!


Niu Chuan reacted, his eyes almost popping out, "You... you've already gone up, why don't you pick two down? 11

Li Shuixin gave him a warning look and replied coldly, "Enough to eat, why pick two more?

"Hang, hang..."

Lin Han skillfully cut open the coconut shell, hollowed out the coconut eyes, and then inserted the prepared thatched straw into it, and two cups of coconut drinks were ready.

one by one

so sweet!

"You have already gone up, help us pick a few.

Niu Chuan anxiously wanted to hit someone.

What, I don't know we can't climb up?

"You didn't tell me sooner."

Li Shuixin held the coconut drink and snorted.


Niu Chuan is about to vomit blood,

How do I know, you go up so fast, come down faster!

He wanted to argue, but was stopped by Charlie Zhang,

Charlie Zhang knew that Li Shuixin listened to Lin Han's words, so he walked up to Lin Han and said politely, "Little brother, do you think this is okay? I'll give you two catties of wild boar, and you can let this beautiful girl do it again. Go up once and help us pick a few more coconuts down.

You know, wild boar can be very rare and delicious, and their meat is rich in nutritional value. Two pounds of wild boar for a few coconuts, you are not at a loss.

Lin Han took two breaths and finished drinking a coconut.

Then, looking at Charlie Zhang, "You can change coconuts if you want, one pound of coconut is one pound of meat. Or, you can exchange other vegetables.


Charlie's face turned ugly,

Tell him well yourself, but this kid doesn't know what's wrong!

A coconut weighs four or five kilograms, but the coconut water in it is less than one kilogram. It is a loss to exchange one kilogram of coconut milk for one kilogram of meat. Why do you want to exchange one kilogram of coconut for one kilogram of meat?

"Then you can climb up and pick it up yourself."

Lin Han shrugged, an attitude that I didn't want to help you in the first place.

[Ding, weather warning: In two hours, there will be a heavy rainstorm on this island, please take shelter from the rain in time. "

Weather forecast function, not only can check the weather within three days, but also have severe weather alarm/alarm function.

two hours?

Lin Han turned on the weather forecast function and checked it.

This is a sudden torrential rain, accumulating cumulonimbus clouds, which will last for three or four hours.

In other words, there is no way to search the island in the afternoon.

However, the traditional tasks are that if you bring 24 hours on this island, there will be rewards for staple food crops. It doesn't matter if you search or not, just stay long enough.

Charlie groaned and took the fishing cage to the other side of the coast. He planned to catch some more fish and shrimp here and prepare to take them back to eat.

In fact, what he wanted to catch most was a big fish.

If he can catch a big fish, he has the capital to show off in front of Lin Han.

Maybe that beautiful girl saw how good he was and switched to his camp?

"Shuixin, I guess it will rain in a while, or let's spend the night on this island tonight. Didn't we find a cave just around, where we can spend the night there.

Lin Han looked at the sky and offered to make a suggestion.

"Okay, listen to you."

Li Shuixin smiled slightly, she never objected to Lindsay's proposal.

"Well, I'll pick a few more coconuts and save them for the evening to quench my thirst, and then go catch two fish for dinner."

"Hmm. 1

Li Shuixin nodded obediently.

Through the perception of the earth, Lin Han has discovered that there are many rock frogs outside the reef beside Charlie Zhang and the others. Although I don't know if it is the best, but there are a lot of them, enough for him to boil two more catties of oyster sauce.

However, he was not in a hurry, and did not want these two people to know his intentions.

Lin Han quickly climbed up a coconut tree and patted the coconut with his palm, "La La La...

Seven or eight coconuts fell.

Li Shuixin collected them and kept them beside him.

"Fuck, so fast!

Before, he thought that Li Shuixin had already climbed fast enough, but seeing Lin Han's speed, he knew that Li Shuixin was nothing.

This guy, how can he climb so fast!

He is almost turned into lemon essence now, he wanted to eat a coconut, but he begged his grandfather to tell his grandmother that he couldn't eat it, but he smashed his hand.

But these two guys, picking coconuts is like picking up sand on the ground, it's like playing.

People are more mad than people.

"Brother Zhang, they picked so many coconuts, why don't we go to them to exchange? 99

Niu Chuan licked his dry lips and said eagerly.

"Don't you feel ashamed enough to want them to despise you again?"

Charlie Zhang was depressed.

For a long time, he was very good at autism, how could he run into walls everywhere in front of a small bald head.

"Also, this boy really needs a beating, why don't I beat him up and grab a few coconuts?

Niu Chuan said viciously.

Charlie Zhang glared at him, "Forgot the rules of the show team? Challengers can't fight privately, do you want to be kicked out?"

Niu Chuan did not dare to speak, and lowered his head in a sullen mood.

"Although I really want to beat him, brother, just bear with it. I think God will take care of us, that kid might be eliminated soon.

Charlie Zhang said angrily.

Just then, they suddenly saw Lin Han walking towards the beach.

The two looked at each other in amazement, their hearts racing!

"No way, is God really so good?"

Niu Chuan's heart beat faster and he was very excited.

Charlie Zhang did not expect that things would develop so dramatically. He swore that he was just saying it casually, but he never thought that God would actually help him fulfill it!

This kid, actually planning to go fishing in the sea?

"God must have heard our prayers!"

He quickly ordered four points in front of Hungary.

Niu Chuan said in surprise, "Go, let's go with the shark. At that time, your tools, your food, and your woman will all be ours! 99

He glanced at Li Shuixin, his eyes were full of greed.

Both of them unanimously chose to shut up.

They were looking forward to Lin Shen being eaten by sharks!

You don't know what they think, after all, their live broadcast room is really unwatched.

Lin Han took off his clothes and jumped into the water, swam to the deep water area, and his long tail swam towards him quickly.

"Come on, here comes the shark! 99

Niu Chuan and Charlie Zhang were very nervous at the moment, as if looking at a prey, slowly approaching their trap.

All, hold your breath!

Charlie Zhang secretly glanced at Li Shuixin, and as soon as the shark started to eat people, he immediately ran over to "comfort" the beautiful girl.

How smart he is, how can he not know Niu Chuan's leg/leg idea.

Therefore, he has to strike first.

"Eat him, eat him!"

Niu Chuan clenched his fists with excitement and kept urging.

However, the shark just circled around Lin Han, but didn't mean to bite Lin Han at all.

And Lin Han, doesn't seem to be afraid of sharks at all.

"How is this going?

The two were dumbfounded.

In the next scene, the shock almost burst their eyeballs!


"WTF! He actually rode on the back of a shark!!"

I saw Lin Han rolled over and sat on the shark's back, then followed the shark and plunged into the sea.

Lindsay is going to eat fish tonight, and by the way, look for the big lobster nearby.

The lobster is rich in meat, sweet and delicious, and it is not greasy no matter how you eat it.

After swimming in the water for a while, he found a rock lobster with a big head. Although this rock lobster is not as good as the Splendid Lobster and Blue Lobster, it is also a rare delicacy.

0....... ask for flowers......

However, this lobster sewed more than three pounds, which was not enough for two people.

Lin Han found a group of salmon, so he and Long Tail read to drive away the salmon, the two surrounded the salmon, and Long Tail was responsible for catching.

After a while, two salmon were caught.

Dinner, has fallen.

Watching Lin Han come back on a thresher shark, catching this big lobster in one hand and two salmon in the other, Charlie Zhang and Niu Chuan dripped blood with envy.

What a huge gain in just a few minutes?

And they stayed for the whole morning and then caught less than a pound of small fish and shrimp, such a big gap, when they first met, they even laughed at them for not eating meat...

"Let's go.

Lin Han threw the lobster and salmon into the basket, then picked up the basket and walked towards the forest.


Charlie Zhang and Niu Chuan were dumbfounded,

"Brother Zhang, what should we do, should we keep up? 93

Niu Chuan asked.

"Why keep up? Let's check it out!"

Charlie Zhang said angrily, "Forget it, we are blessed by God, and our luck will not be bad. I just saw a few big fish swimming around the fishing cage. Maybe we will have a big fish tonight. fish to eat."


Niu Chuan nodded and looked at the two who disappeared in the forest. He complained unwillingly, "Damn, the program team broke the rules! Laozi really wants to grab their stuff! 99


One of his fists was clenched tightly.

After Lin Han left, the two of them stayed beside the fishing cage, watching the fish swim and swim in the water, but they didn't want to enter the cage. They wanted to jump in and catch the fish and put them in the cage.

However, they dare not do so.

Jumping in will only scare away the fish, in that case, there will be no fish to eat at night, only wild boar that is hard to swallow.

after an hour,

There was a sudden strong wind on the sea, and dark clouds gathered.

"Fuck, things have changed!"

"Put the fish cages away, we have to go back.

The two wanted to collect the fish cage, but a wave came and almost swept them into the sea.

When the waves receded, the fish cage was gone.

"Damn it!

Charlie Zhang scolded angrily and said bitterly, "It's going to rain heavily, let's go."


Before the words were finished, a heavy rain poured down, instantly drenching them into a soup.

At the same time, Lin Han and Li Shuixin had already started a fire in the cave, quietly watching the heavy rain pouring down like splashing water.

"Unexpectedly, you can still watch the weather!"

Li Shuixin sat on the ground, holding her calf in both hands and looking at Lin Han, her eyes were full of surprise.

"Actually, the weather can be deduced. Of course, this knowledge is more esoteric."

This sentence is more euphemistic, but Li Shuixin understands what Lin Han means.

The direct point is: I don't understand what I told you!

Well, don't ask the head office.

"What will happen to those two people in such a big storm?

Li Shuixin suddenly smelled it.

"Who knows."

Lin Han shrugged, those two people were not worth his saving.


Li Shuixin followed his example and shrugged.

Hearing them talking, netizens remembered that the two were on the beach.

"What happened to those two jokers?

"I don't know, I'm curious anyway."

"The storm will come as soon as you say it, and their fate is estimated to be miserable."

"I remember when we were at the beach, Lin Shen and the woman said that it would rain for a while. But it was cloudless, the weather was clear, and there was no sign of rain at all. Why is it raining so hard, just say it? What about it? You said, could this heavy rain be caused by Lin Shen? 11

"Ha, do you mean that Lin Shen can call the wind and call the rain? It sounds nonsense, and what's more nonsense is that I actually believe it! 93

"Mighty Forest God!"

"Go and see what those two idiots have been drenched in. Is there a team?"

"Team +1!

"Team +10086!19


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