Survival in the Wilderness: Live Broadcast My Leisure Life

Chapter 152 There will be no shortage of goose eggs to eat in the future! (1, please complete the or

"The rain has stopped."

Two hours later, the dark clouds dissipated and the sky was clear again.

The weather on the island is like this, the wind and clouds are changeable, the storms and the sun are shining, and it may only take a few seconds to change.

Li Shuixin stood at the entrance of the cave, looked at a rainbow hanging in the sky, took a deep breath of fresh air, and felt extremely comfortable.

No matter what happens, as long as she is with Lin Han, she will feel at ease.

"Lin Han, shall we continue to search later?"

Li Shuixin looked back at Lin Han, who was dozing off.

In this way, it was fun to walk in the mountains with Lin Han and find things.


Lin Han opened his eyes and woke up from closing his eyes.

Now following about four in the afternoon, there are still three hours before dark, and there is no problem in walking around.

However, now that the rain has just stopped, the ground is relatively slippery, so I can go out and look for it.

"The sense of the earth!"

Lin Han meditated in his heart, radiated his perception, and started searching within one kilometer.

birds on the tree,

worms in tree trunks,

And a silver ring snake that shuttles through the grass, looking for food...

Various creatures flashed before his eyes. However, after looking around, he didn't find what he was looking for.

When you come to this island, in addition to collecting raw frogs, you naturally hope to find new vegetables and fruits.

Just when Lin Han was about to receive the perception of the earth, he suddenly found a nest of wild!

These wilds were hidden in the thorny grass. When Lin Han's perception swept over, one of the female wilds had just laid an egg!


No matter where it is, it is a kind of food. 08

Eggs are rich in nutrition and delicious, and are loved by people all over the world.

Lin Han wanted to eat eggs many times, but he couldn't find a campsite, so he could only dig out bird nests one by one.

There are six wild animals in this litter.

One male, five females!

If you can catch them back and feed them full every day, you won't have to worry about eating eggs in the future.

"Shui Xin, is there a bamboo forest in the place we looked for this morning? 99

After locking Ye's position, Lin Han put away the perception of the earth and asked.

Li Shuixin nodded and looked at Lin Han curiously, "Well, it's about ten minutes away from us, not very far. 39

"After waiting for half an hour in the sun and the road is a little dry, we will chop two bamboos back and weave a cage.

Lin Han smiled slightly, thinking that he would eat eggs in the future, and he was in a good mood.

If you let the audience know what he thinks, you don't know what to think in your heart.

Millions of seafood meals, can't it be compared to a meal of eggs?!!


Li Shuixin was at a loss, "Why do you suddenly have such thoughts?

Netizens are also very curious, what is the purpose of making a cage?

"Lin Shen plans to use the method of catching rabbits to catch wild j?

"Theoretically possible!

"But, what?"

"I thought I knew the male god very well, but he was always able to do something diligently, which made me bewildered. 99

"Lin Shen: Guess what, can't I just make up a cage to play with? 19

Lin Han didn't give a shit this time, looked at Li Shuixin with a slight smile, "Just heard the buzzing, I think there might be wild animals nearby. If we can catch them back and let them lay eggs, we won't worry about eating eggs in the future.

"Jj cry? Why didn't I hear it!"

Li Shuixin was standing at the entrance of the cave just now, while Lin Han was inside the cave.

She was certain that she had never heard a cry.

"My hearing is better than normal.

Lin Han explained casually.

He has already demonstrated martial arts, and it is normal for people who practice martial arts to have stronger senses than people.

"All right."

Li Shuixin was a little speechless, and was honestly beaten by this guy.

Half an hour later, the two of them lay down and went to cut bamboo.

After a while, he dragged three big bamboos back, Lin Han peeled the pieces, and Li Shuixin weaved the cage.

In the pair of two people, in less than an hour, the big cage was completed.

"The cage is ready, what about j?

Li Shuixin looked at Lin Han and asked.

"Look for it, I just heard the buzzing, and I'm not sure about their exact location."

Lin Han lifted the cage and opened the earth's perception again.

Because of the wet surroundings, Ye did not leave the nest. The mothers kept warm in the palace while the males foraged nearby.

It's still good!

After an hour, Lin Han was afraid that they would escape.

I was relieved to see that the Ye J group was still there.

"I heard the call again, do you hear it?"

Lin Han looked at Li Xinshui and pretended to ask a question.

He couldn't be too obvious, he had to cover up when necessary.


Li Shuixin quickly pricked up his ears, but couldn't hear anything, "No. 99

Lin Han shrugged, "It's said that I'm better at listening than you, so go this way.

Li Shuixin:

Does your hearing improve?

She followed Lin Han, climbed over the stone mountain where she was, and climbed a small hill. After a while, a thorn bush was found on the mountainside.

Here, it is very close to Ye J.

Lin Han slowed his pace, pointed at the thorn bushes covered with thatch, and said, "Shh, the wild is in this thorn bush."

"Really wild?

Li Shuixin looked at the thorn bush in amazement, but she still didn't see anything.

The wild was well hidden, even the drone in the air didn't find anything.

"True or false, Lin Shen won't be fooling the heroine, right?"

"From here to the cave, the straight-line distance is at least 600 or 700 meters. Lin Shen stayed in the cave, how could he actually hear the cry from such a distance? 11

Many newcomers expressed doubts.

The old netizen laughed.

Reminders are impossible to remind, and it is also a pleasure to watch new arrivals get slapped in the face every day.

"Will you know in a while, you come to scare the wild, I hide behind and catch! 99

This thorn bush is very large, and it is not easy to catch the wild.

Must, the two should say hello and detour.

"Okay, what do you want me to do?"

Although he was confused, Li Shuixin still believed in Lin Han.

Because she questioned Lin Han many times, but never succeeded once. Over time, it becomes unconditional trust.

"The wild is written in the middle of the thorns, if you want to catch them, you must scare them out and go around.

You cut the surrounding thorns with a military shovel and scare them with a sound. Remember, you can't just cut down one place, you have to cut down all the thorns and give them the illusion that they are surrounded by enemies.

When chopping, you can also throw stones at the middle of the rolled up thatch to try to scare them out of the thorns.

Lin Han pointed to the thorn bush and said.

"All right."

Li Shuixin nodded, picked up two stones from the ground, and after Lin Han circled to the other side of the thorn bush, he began to make a sound to frighten the wild mountain, and kept cutting down the low shrubs and thorny thorns.


Among the thorns, a cry suddenly came out.

"Really wild ji!"

"Fuck, it's amazing, you can hear the screams from so far away! 99

"No wonder you were shocked to say that after watching Lin Shen's show for ten minutes, you don't want to leave. Now I believe it! 12

"But it's not easy to catch wild animals in such a place. There are thorns and bushes everywhere, and people can't get in at all. 29


"Da da--"

Li Shuixin's constant sales sound startled Ye Ye, and threw stones at the location pointed by Lin Han.

"A little bit—"

The man in the secret room was hit by her and flew up in shock.

Ye Gongji just flew up, and a stone flew across the opposite side and shot it directly!

It fell and fell silent immediately.

"Could it be that this is the finger-snap magic that has been lost for many years!

"This can be a headshot, Lin Shenniu shoots!"

"I always thought that Lin Shen was a power player, but now I found out that I was wrong, Lin Shen represents all-powerful!"

"I've decided to wait for Lin Shenyun Island, no matter what, I will go to the door and learn kung fu with Lin theology!"

"However, didn't Lin Shen just go around and say he was going to take these back and raise them to lay eggs? How did he kill it? I think Lin Shen's original intention was to kick his feet, but it turned out to be wrong/funny."

"Lin Shen will be biased? You are making fun of me!"


"Lin Shen definitely didn't miss it, there is no doubt about that. From the hair of Gang Lian, it can be seen that it is a wild male. If Lin Shen kills it, the wild mothers will be headless and will only mess around. , it will be easier to grasp.33

"The boss, Niuban, has learned a lot of useless knowledge!

Sure enough, after Ye Gong was killed, Ye Qun immediately panicked.

A few wild mothers panicked and flew out of the thorns.

Lin Han picked up a bamboo woven basket and threw it away,

brush one

Two baskets flew out, accurately covering the two wild mothers and placing them on the ground.

Double kill in the air!

"How can I have no culture, and I will go all over the world with one word!"

"Lin Shen Da Niu has a plus!! This special can be hit!

"In the past, Xiaobai killed goats in the sky, but today Lin Shenkong double-killed wild ji! 93

"To be able to double kill at such a distance, Lin Shen's throw is too accurate!

"@[Please call me a clerk], the clerk is big, come out and explain, what kind of kung fu is this!"

Lin Han's operation caused an uproar in the live broadcast room.

If, he only buckled one, maybe someone said he was lucky.

But he buckled two at once, accurate and accurate, and no one dared to question his strength.

Everyone is exclaiming that he is highly skilled and knows kung fu.

Under the leadership of several local tyrants, all kinds of rewards were also brushed and dried.

Jis are dark creatures, and when the light goes down, they can barely see anything, so they stop moving.

The two held by Lin Han struggled for a while, then lay on the ground and didn't move. The enclosed space would give them a false sense of security.

Lin Han only had two baskets in his hand, and three wild mother mountains. After flying hooks from the thorns, they got into the woods.

"Shui Xin, there should be eggs in the apartment, go check it out, and then throw these two into the cage. I'll go after the other three.

Lin Han shouted from the opposite side, followed, and got into the woods!

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