Survival in the Wilderness: Live Broadcast My Leisure Life

Chapter 158 Mysterious Prize: The Fountain of Life! (2, please complete the order!)

"Congratulations to Lin Shen, I would like to mention a little brother!"

"Lin Shen: The tiger head is so beautiful, it must be delicious when grilled!"

"Wouldn't it be delicious to have some more chili noodles?

"Hutou: There are so many big guys around, shivering!

In just a few minutes, the ferocious aerial overlord, the tiger-headed sea eagle, was as meek as a bird in front of Lin Han, and everyone was shocked.

Too soon, are the animals so talkative that they convince them in a few words?

Through communication with Hutou, Lin Han learned that this guy is the overlord of Peishan Island, and this sea area is its territory.

Xiaobai suddenly came to this island and offended its territory, so he fought.

Both birds were wounded in this battle,

Lin Han quickly returned to the hillside, picked the anti-inflammatory and antibacterial herbs, and rubbed the hook concoction on their wounds.

Although they have a strong healing ability on their own, with the help of herbs, they recover faster.

"Okay, you will be good partners in the future, and you should get along well.

After harvesting a tiger-headed sea eagle, Lin Han was still in a good mood.

After all, its combat power is very powerful.

The reason why he lost to Xiaobai was because of tactical mistakes.

Moreover, after the animal and Lin Han have established a spiritual connection, they will be smarter than before. Xiaobai was influenced by Lin Han, so his tactical choices were naturally better. Coupled with its noble lineage, it can be regarded as the real king of Costin.

Being able to defeat the tiger-headed sea eagle does not depend on luck, but on strength!

Xiaobai "Brother is driving! Tiger head" glanced,


The latter called out twice in grievance.

At this time,

A bamboo raft floated on the water, it turned out to be a long tail.

Lin Han walked over and pulled the bamboo raft ashore.

On the other hand, Xiaobai patted Hutou's head with his wings, and pointed at Costin and made a few "coo" sounds.

The latter "crack"

Although I can't understand what they are saying, everyone can guess.

"Fuck, the two of them, are they chatting!!!"

"I've grown into an elite, and I just felt that the tiger's head was a bit shrewd. After being subdued by Lin Shen, I felt that it was a lot smarter all of a sudden! 93

"Xiao Bai: Big man, I'll cover you in the future. Hutou: Thank you, thank you, and give the boss tea."

Lin Han put the rest of the raw paper into the bamboo cage, and there was still a little space. He made a space inside the bamboo raft with branches and put some rice into it.

The rice is placed vertically, as long as the weight is controlled, Yizi will not be soaked in the sea water.

This trip, about one hundred and fifty pounds can be transported.

"Fortunately, long tail.

Lin Han touched the nose of the long tail,

"Thumb flutter."

The long tail tapped the water with its tail, and gave Lin Han the palm of his hand with its nose.

Then, turn around and swim towards Hanshui Island.

After this trip, there are still 500 catties of rice left.

According to the calculation of Long Tail every two and a half hours and one hundred and fifty kilograms, it will take four more trips to transport all of them.

That is, ten hours!

Lin Han's brows furrowed, it was too long, and he hadn't counted the time for Long Tail to rest.

I'm afraid it can't be finished today!



Just when Lin Han was at a loss, Xiaobai and Hutou flew over.


Xiaobai flew to Lin Han's shoulder and said something to him.

Lin Han was stunned and said, "You said, you help me with luck~?"

Xiaobai said, "Brother nodded!" nodded.


The tiger head came over with a tiger head and a head, and raised his arrogant head.

"Huh? Do you have strength?"

However, Lin Han was still a little worried, "But, you are injured. 11


The tiger head fluttered its wings and flew into the sky, took a lap around Lin Han, and then grabbed two coconuts and rushed into the sky.

"Okay okay, then try it. 99

Lin Han hurriedly greeted it down.

If they can help, shipping will be much easier!

Even with the flying speed of the tiger-headed sea eagle, from Hanshui Island to Lanshan Island, a round trip takes about ten minutes.

Xiaobai is faster, it can fly at full speed up to 90 meters per second, and it will come over in less than a minute for ten nautical miles.

Netizens are not surprised that Lin Han can communicate with pets.

God Lin, you can't look at him with the eyes of a mortal.

Lin Han bundled up the rice poles, then found some thatch and tied them up to prevent them from falling.

"Xiao Bai, I'll give you 30 pounds to try first.

Lin Han grabbed two handfuls of rice and tried the weight, about every fifteen pounds.

Although Xiaobai is only fourteen or five pounds, he can easily grab prey much heavier than himself and fly for a certain distance. Back then, intercepting a goat three times his weight in the air was enough to illustrate this point.

For example, tiger-headed sea eagles and golden eagles are large birds of prey that can grab up to thirty times their own weight in prey!

Therefore, the delivery capacity is still leveraged.

Xiaobai easily grabbed 30 catties of rice and flew into the sky.


However, it did not go away, but was drawn in front of Lin Han.

"Okay, the police are brave, let's go."

Lin Han laughed and scolded,

This guy actually took it easy on himself.


Xiaobai fluttered his wings and flew into the sky, and quickly disappeared into the clouds.

Come on, "Hutou, come and try fifty pounds.

The strength of Hutou is much stronger than that of Xiaobai, which has been proved by the battle just around.

So give it fifty pounds and it should be fine.


The tiger head opened its strong and powerful claws, grabbed two bundles of rice, and flew away with ease.

Then, it threw the rice on the ground, "Huh-"

"Huh? You think it's too light..."

Lin Han is speechless, these two guys are a little familiar.

However, Hutou may have just joined and wanted to express himself.

"Then satisfy you.

Lin Han added 5 catties of rice to each side, for a total of 60 catties! Almost three times the weight of the tiger head.


"Is it still too light? Okay, you still have injuries, that's all."

Lin Han smiled and patted its head.

The latter followed by grabbing rice and flying into the sky.

All of a sudden, ninety pounds were transported!

Lin Han took a look at the weather in the nearby sea and made sure there was no storm, and this Lian breathed a sigh of relief.

"With the help of these two guys, the speed is much faster."

A gratified smile appeared on the corner of Lin Han's mouth.

The hook of the tiger's head was indeed a pleasant surprise to him. But if Xiaobai hadn't defeated it, how could he have conquered such a powerful bird of prey.

"Xiuyuan Zhengguo couple on land, long tail in the water, Xiaobai and tiger head in the sky, Lin Shen, you can come back and start a courier company.

"The tiger's head is too fierce. It can actually grab 60 kilograms of heavy objects. It's like an air transport plane."

"I didn't like Hutou very much at first, but now suddenly, I love it."

"Why do I feel that Hutou is about to repeat the fate of cultivating fate?

"Suddenly there is a feeling, and then look at the new version of the divine sculpture..."

About ten minutes later, Xiaobai flew back.

Although it can reach a peak speed of 320 to 350 per hour, it is not so fast when flying with a load and carrying injuries.

It was ushered in ten minutes, and it was already very diligent.

"Come on, take a rest. 99

Lin Han took advantage of this time to catch some shrimps in the nearby reef, which probably weighed more than a pound.

There are many shrimps on the nearby reef. Although these things are fast in the water, Lin Han's hand is faster. I caught a pound in less than ten minutes.

He was very curious, the shrimp were so easy to catch, how did the two of them use the fishing cage yesterday, and then they caught less than a pound...

"elder brother!"

After eating a few shrimps, Xiaobai couldn't wait to deliver the rice.

After it and Hutou were transported back and forth, in less than an hour, the remaining five hundred catties of rice were all transported to the bamboo house on Hanshui Island.

cold water island,

Li Shuixin called Xiuyuan and Zhengguo, and asked them to transport all the oysters and rice that Longtail sent to the bamboo house.

Then remove the bamboo raft from Long Tail and let it pick up Lin Han.

It was busy until four or five o'clock in the afternoon, and this cross-sea transport work was not completed.

Because neither of them had lunch, when Lin Han came back, Li Shuixin had already cooked a sumptuous meal.

-A plump pine roast duck, a braised small yellow croaker with full of color and aroma, sauteed bamboo shoots with bacon, scrambled eggs with tomatoes, and a plate of boiled purslane.

"Qing, so rich, you can smell the fragrance from afar.

I have to say, this sister's hands are getting better and better, and her cooking skills are getting better.

Lin Han smelled the aroma of the food as soon as he walked to the lake.

"" When I saw Xiaobai just came back, I knew you were welcome too. "

Hearing Lin Han's voice, Li Shuixin smiled peacefully and walked to the table with two dishes, "The water is ready, wash your hands quickly, it's time for dinner."

"I'm getting hungry.

Lin Han grabbed a piece of bacon and threw it into his mouth, then went on to wash his hands.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for completing the cross-sea transportation task and winning the mysterious prize - the fountain of life!)

Just when Lin Han turned on the "faucet" and was about to wash his hands, he remembered the sound of the system.

"The fountain of life?

Lin Han is slightly overjoyed, hearing the name is a good thing!


Lin Han communicated with Fantong in his heart.

[The Spring of Life: The spring water that nurtures the power of life, has the effect of quenching hunger and thirst, and enhancing strength. Long-term drinking of this spring water can also beautify the skin, enhance physical fitness, and even prolong life. Using the fountain of life to breed animals and plants can speed up their growth rate, improve their quality, and make them more spiritual! 】

"How amazing!

Lin Han was secretly surprised that this kind of spring water has surpassed human cognition.

However, other places are not without similar things.

For example, in Changshou Village, Jiaozhou Province, Longguo, there is a Panyang River in the village, and there is very rare small molecular water in the river water. This water can directly enter the nucleus and DHA to stimulate life vitality. Known as the world's rare healthy water, water of life.

This village has passed many centenarians, and the oldest one is 142 years old!

Nature can produce such magical places, and it is not too much to reward the fountain of life.

[Please choose the location of the spring/eye: Once selected, it cannot be changed. After selecting the location, the system will be automatically transformed within an hour without any loopholes. The water of life produced by the hook (the money is good) cannot be found out with the current technology, and it will not bring any trouble to the host.

"Uh, have you chosen not to change?

Lin Han hesitated, he naturally wanted to take this kind of magical thing with him.

This island, after all, only lives for one year.

Wouldn't it be too wasteful to put the spring water here.

[The host does not need to worry, Fantong has detected that as long as the host completes this wilderness challenge and wins the championship, he will have the ownership of the island, just like an independent country with sovereignty, and no force can interfere. Therefore, the host can choose to set the table/eye on the home island with confidence.

If the host is worried that the spring water is being used by others, the host can make the spring water disappear at any time.

"I will take ownership of the island!!"

Lin Han was stunned.

The program group only set up bonuses, and did not say there are other awards.

However, he did not doubt the traditional words.

Just yesterday, Yin Shiji had passed the highest meeting, and as long as Lin Han passed the challenge, he would give Hanshui Island to him. This has already been closed, and no one can change it.

Coupled with some secret operations, Lin Han will have absolute sovereignty over this island, and no force can interfere!

Since this place will become its own territory, it will be nothing to set the spring/eye here.

"You choose the location of the spring/eye, as long as it is near this house. 99

Lin Han didn't know where to put the spring/eye, so he simply let Fantong choose.

[Ding, the location of the spring/eye can be selected, under the stone mountain behind the bamboo house, after an hour, the water will begin to flow!"

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