Survival in the Wilderness: Live Broadcast My Leisure Life

Chapter 160 Surprise, you can make dumplings without flour! (4, please order all!)

The firewood in the fire was almost exhausted, and Xiaohua and Dahua came to lick the fire with dead branches in their mouths.

These small actions saved Lin Han and Li Shuixin a lot of time.

Although the time is approaching ten o'clock, it is already eleven o'clock domestic time. However, there are still many netizens watching the live broadcast.

The barrage gradually disappeared, because everyone was silently cheering for them!


Lin Han threw a handful of paddy into the threshing machine, and knocked the grains down from the ears of rice.

Fortunately, there is a handmade quality bonus, and the quality of Lin Han's own hand-made things is very good.

Therefore, the threshing machine was not damaged after more than half an hour of beating.

In the machine slot, thick rice husks have been piled up!

"Lin Han, the mat is ready!"

Li Shuixin walked up to Lin Han in surprise. At this time, her clothes were already soaked in sweat.

The originally black and shiny hair was now stuck to his forehead and face with sweat, looking a little embarrassed.

But in the eyes of everyone, she is the most beautiful at this time!

She didn't rest, "I'll try it."

Seeing that there was not much rice left, Li Shuixin picked up a handful without hesitation and came to Lin Han's side.

She didn't say "I'll help you" but "I'll try it"

While helping Lin Han, he cleverly took care of his emotions.

"Not much, let's come together."

Lin Han gave her a moved look, then let her stay half-length and take off the rest of the rice with her.

"Pakyin-a sentry tower--"

After ten minutes, all the rice grains came off.

The two of them let out a long sigh of relief!

"Finally ready, now spread it on the drying mat?"

Li Shuixin said, as she was about to wipe the sweat from her forehead,

Lin Han hurriedly shouted, "Wait a minute, police! 99

"What's up?"

Li Shuixin looked at him puzzled.

"Your hand has just scratched the rice, according to our hometown, your hand is irritated, and now it is absolutely impossible to scratch your body, it will cause itching and even redness.

You wait. "

Lin Han explained, quickly came to the washbasin, brought a clean towel over, and carefully helped Li Shuixin wipe the sweat off his forehead, face and neck.

With a sweet smile on the corner of Li Shuixin's mouth, he quietly enjoyed it.

"Wow, what a beautiful picture, so warm!

"I really want to change positions with the heroine.

"If the male god can help F*ck Khan, it is estimated that he will faint with happiness."

"The barrier has been cut, and whoever dares to say that the male god is a straight man in the future, the old lady will use this picture on his face! 33

"Li Nvxia has suffered for a whole day, it's worth it!

Enjoying Lin Han's gentle wiping, Li Shuixin felt that the fatigue of the whole day had disappeared.


Lin Han carefully wiped the sweat off her face, and then wiped herself randomly, "Go take a shower first, I just tested the temperature of the water, and it's still warm. 19

"However, the millet hasn't been rolled out yet, and you will be busy for a long time by yourself. Why don't I go to the bath after you finish it, anyway, it's not in a hurry.

Li Shuixin hung his head, and there was a bit of stubbornness in his tone.

Lin Han smiled lightly, "Stupid? How to dry millet at night. It's very foggy at night, very humid, and there are bugs and mice that come to steal it."

"Uh, forgot.

Li Shuixin made a big red test.

She was worried that Lin Han would feel sorry for herself and would do everything alone. So, I will ask such a silly question.

"Then I'm going to take a shower.

After a busy day and sweating all day, Li Shuixin felt sticky and uncomfortable.

Especially when she was threshing grains later, the dust and "hairiness" on the grains fell on her body, making her itchy and very uncomfortable. Therefore, she urgently needs to take a bath and rinse.

"Right, take your clothes off."

Li Shuixin was about to go to the shower room when she suddenly turned around.


Lin Han was dumbfounded, why did he take off his clothes.

"It's... not good.

What he means is, the live broadcast.

Li Shuixin lost his big white eyes and said angrily, "What are you thinking! I asked you to take off your clothes, and I'll wash them off for you in a while! 39

She spoke in a Chinese tone.

Well, misunderstood.

Lin Han blushed and waved his hands quickly, "No need, I'll just wash it myself."

"Come on, your clothes have never been washed. Police ink, take it off!

Li Shuixin urged angrily.

Damn, am I being despised?

Take it off, whoever is afraid.

Lin Han took off his clothes and handed it to Li Shuixin.

The latter took the clothes and suddenly smiled mysteriously, "Forget, you promised me dumplings."

"Dumplings? It can be arranged now."

Lin Han smiled lightly.

When it comes to food, the two feel Russian at the same time.

I have eaten at 4 o'clock in the afternoon and now I have been working for six hours. I am really hungry.


Li Shuixin was amazed, there was no flour, how would he make dumplings?

"When did I tell a lie?

Lin Han laughed.

"Well... I'm going to take a shower first. 9

Li Shuixin rushed into the room, picked up a change of clothes and rushed into the shower room.

She was very happy at the thought of having something to eat.

Netizens were amused by her cute appearance,

"Sure enough, there is a foodie living in every little fairy's body!"

"As soon as I heard the food, I became a heroine like a fairy."

"Although it was very late, the two of them didn't sleep, and I didn't feel sleepy either. I wanted to watch Lin Shen make dumplings."

"I like watching the male god make dumplings the most, the focused expression.

At this time, most of the people who were still up late to watch the live broadcast were girls.

The sweet picture attracts them the most.

guest room,

The faces of several female guests were also full of anticipation,

"Wow, does Lin Shen want to make dumplings to dry? I'm looking forward to it."

Zi'er put her hands in front of Hun, her eyes fixed on the screen, with a smile of anticipation on her face, "Boys make dumplings, they are all very handsome. And Lin Shen, it is estimated that he will be very handsome. 93

"Yeah, yeah, every time I go home and watch my dad make dumplings, I'm dumbfounded." That nympho look isn't much better than hers.

Seeing them one by one like this,

The male guests are not happy,

"Wait a minute, don't you think about it, how can Lin Shen make dumplings without flour?"

Xiaoyi waved his hand to interrupt their fantasies.

"This is indeed a question, does Lin Shen plan to grind some rice flour to make dumplings? But the killer hasn't been sun-dried or shelled. If he really grinds rice flour, I'm afraid that the woman will not be able to eat dumplings until tomorrow morning.

Hill echoes the road.

The other male guests nodded in succession.

In fact, this issue has also aroused discussion in the live broadcast room.

Almost everyone thinks that Lin Han can't make dumplings.

However, there are still some people who are ignorant!

"Shout, what you can't think of, the male god will definitely be able to think of. If you do what you don't want to do, the male god will definitely be able to do it!"

The female guest Jiang Yiyi said.

"That's right, there is nothing in this world that a male god can't do! Just be sour.

Violet agrees.

"Do you think that the male god will be useless? Since he dares to say such a thing, there must be a way to do it. Anyway, I believe in the male god unconditionally!

0•••••••• Seeking flowers.....

Then that raised a small fist and said very firmly!

Xiaoshan, Xiaoyi, Dalu and other male guests were speechless: "I was defeated by your brainlessness."

It is already eleven o'clock in the evening in China, however, in Lin Han's live broadcast room, there are still more than ten thousand viewers in a dilemma.

Everyone is waiting, how does Lin Han make dumplings!

"I was going to sleep, but I didn't expect to hear that Lin Shen was going to make dumplings after taking a shower, and my curiosity suddenly washed away my sleepiness. 9)

"Tomorrow morning shift, I have already made plans to stay up all night to understand!

"Go to work? I'm ready to resign to watch Lin Shen's live broadcast.

"Wake up upstairs, how can you have a job! 99

Lin Han didn't know, but he just said that he wanted to make dumplings, which attracted so many people's attention.

He just thought that Li Shuixin had a hard time today, and she also helped himself to do the laundry.

Therefore, it is right to make dumplings for her.

Dumplings, first sentenced to fall.

Lin Han sliced ​​some ham, and the ham can be eaten directly, so this kind of stuffing does not need to be fried.

The point is, the ham tastes good.

After the slice is good, chop it up, add some chopped tap leaves, marinate with some oil and a few drops of oyster sauce and a little coconut wine. In this way, the stuffing inside will stick together and will not fall apart.

Then, hook a pottery bowl, and beat two eggs from the j cage into frangipani.

Although the wild eggs are not so diligent, the five wild mothers also provide him with two eggs a day to dry.

Two are enough.

Beat the egg flower, sprinkle a little salt in it, then take a hook, pick up a pair of chopsticks,

Put a little oil in a small fire pot,

When the oil and pan are hot, scoop a spoonful of egg drop into the pan and pop it open.

In a short while, an egg skin was hooked.

At this time, use chopsticks to pick up the spotted ham stuffing, put it into the ji egg skin, and use chopsticks to pick up the egg skin to wrap the filling.

Press down lightly with a spatula, then flip over and fry for three to five seconds.

An egg dumpling is ready.

"So what Lin Shen wants to do is egg dumplings!"

Seeing an egg dumpling out of the pot, many people who have eaten it reacted.

However, there are some people who have never eaten egg dumplings and are very surprised.

"How can you still make dumplings like this? See you soon!"

"I'm up, this egg dumpling looks delicious. 99

"After watching the live broadcast for so long, I finally learned some useful knowledge!

"Gulie~ I'm suddenly hungry.

"Lin Shen Da is too good, he can come up with such a method.

Egg dumplings are only local food, many people have never eaten them.

However, the people who have eaten it are no longer a minority.

"The taste of egg dumplings is still very good. When I was a child, every New Year's Eve, my family would make egg dumplings by themselves. Now that I have grown up, I haven't done it for a long time. 9

"Good, childhood taste.

"This dish reminded me of my grandmother, and I give Lin Shen a compliment.

"Mom, I want egg dumplings!"

A serving of dumplings made these netizens who stayed up late groaned with hunger.

In the past, making egg dumplings was a custom.

However, with the progress of the times, the pace of life is getting faster and faster, and there are fewer and fewer people who still adhere to this custom.

Therefore, everyone saw Lin Han making egg dumplings and was quite touched.

Many people who have children decide to have a full meal of egg dumplings tomorrow and give their children a taste.

PS: How many people have eaten egg dumplings, please raise your paws~ Zhang,

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