Survival in the Wilderness: Live Broadcast My Leisure Life

Chapter 163 Living Culture Exhibition Hall, Li Shuixin's new toy! (2, please order all!)

"Hey, old man."

Imperial Capital, the top floor of a skyscraper, thought the beard was gray, but the spirited old man in a straight suit picked up the phone,

"Old Zheng? I said that you are not in charge of daily affairs, why do you have time to contact me. Did you get a bottle of treasured wine and think of me as an old friend?

There was a happy voice on the other end of the phone.

"I got a good thing, and you must be interested. Are you free, let's find a place to talk?

"It just so happens that I have a rest today, tell me the time and place."

"Then now, I'll send you the address.

"Okay, I just happened to call Lao Zhao, this guy has been hooked on some live broadcast recently, and he is not doing his job properly. In a while, you have to talk to him well. 22

"Live? What live?"

Lao Zheng was stunned for a moment and asked quickly.

"I heard what his son said about the survival show in the wilderness, which is the one that has become very popular recently. I said that he is already old, and he still watches the things that these young people like. He really lives and goes back."

Lao He's tone had a hint of hatred for not turning iron into steel.

However, Lao Zheng was stunned.

Man vs. Wild?

He looked at the computer on the desk, and the corner of his mouth couldn't help showing a strange smile.

"Old Zheng? Are you listening? You have to talk about him in a while. 93

"Well, okay, see you then.

Half an hour later, in a luxurious teahouse, three old men gathered here.

Lao Zheng, whose name is Zheng Guohua, is the CEO of an industrial and listed company with a net worth of over 10 billion.

Old He, whose name is He Tianlin, is the minister of the Ministry of Culture and Culture of the imperial court (the names of certain positions are taboo, everyone can understand it, don't go into it deeply), and he is in charge of the national culture.

Lao Zhao, whose name is Zhao Cen, is an academician of the Ancient Culture Research Institute and a lover of ancient civilizations.

The three of them are old classmates and now have a lot of energy in their respective fields.

"Old Zheng, quickly get the good things you said. Did you get a rare wine?"

As soon as he entered the box, Lao He walked towards Lao Zheng impatiently.

"Not wine, but more intoxicating than wine. Come, let me show you something first. 93

There is a projector in this box. Zheng Guohua opened his notebook and showed some video clips.

"Survival in the Wilderness? Why are you..."

He Tianlin was in a hurry. Could it be that Lao Zheng was dragged into the water by Lao Zhao?

"You're in a hurry first, and then after reading it.

Zheng Guohua and Zhao Cen looked at each other and smiled mysteriously.

"I want to see, what is the charm of this live broadcast that can make you so fascinated?

He Tianlin snorted, indicating that no matter how much the host of Rao is bewitched, he will never be able to impress him.

However, ten minutes later,

He was dumbfounded,

"This is... Luban stool! Mortise and tenon building!

He Tianlin looked at Zhao Cen dumbfounded, "This is what you said, Lao Zhao, the lack of culture in the Dragon Kingdom more than 400 years ago?!!"

Zhao Cen nodded, "Yes, the ancient culture of the Dragon Kingdom that I persuaded to apply for the World Cultural Heritage is this! It's just that the anchor's situation is rather special, and I can't be interviewed for the time being, so I can only report it in your name.

In fact, it is the credit of this young man in the video that we can open the historical fault line and find these lost cultures. He is the treasure of our Dragon Kingdom~.

"By the way, have you and Lao Zhong restored the Luban stool?"

He Tianlin asked.

Zhao Cen's eyes suddenly became excited, "Old Zhong and I have studied Lin Han's video no less than a hundred times, and found confirmation on some fragments of ancient books. After no less than a hundred attempts, we finally made the Luban stool. !

Really, when you make it, you know how amazing it really is!"

Really "make it? Then you must show it to us!

Zheng Guohua and He Tianlin were surprised.

"This is for sure!"

"Right, I can understand that Lao Zhao is paying attention to a piece. Why have you become a lover of ancient culture, Lao Zheng?"

He Tianlin looked at Zheng Guohua in surprise and asked.

Zheng Guohua smiled and explained, "I don't know much about ancient culture, so I'm naturally not as interested as Lao Zhao. But this little anchor knows something like this. Look at what he's doing now."

He smiled and turned on the computer. In the video, Lin Han was making some turning leaves.

In addition, there is a picture of Li Shuixin drying millet.

"Qing, I haven't watched his live broadcast for a few days. How did he find so many millets?"

Zhao Cen was surprised when he saw the millet full of drying pads.

"Hey, that's arresting, as well as Saquan? They actually know how to do these things!"

He Tianlin and Zhao Cen, who came from that era, are no strangers to these things.

However, with the progress of the times, they can't remember how old they are, and they haven't seen these things.

Perhaps now, these things can only be found in an inconspicuous corner of a remote rural area.

"Indeed, these two things are insignificant. But they represent the culture of an era, a kind of labor heritage. Two old friends, think about it, if this trend continues, after a few hundred years, will anyone still remember these things?

You say, will they, like the stick-mao craftsmanship, become history and fail, or even disappear completely in the long river of history? 9

Zheng Guohua suddenly sighed.

The other two were struck by electric shocks.

Indeed, what is lost is not these two inconspicuous labor tools, but a piece of culture, a piece of history!

"You say, how many young people know about these things now? If Lin Han hadn't made it, I'm afraid even we would have forgotten it. Now netizens are saying that Lin Han's live broadcast is a living cultural exhibition hall, Many people say that he is the ambassador of cultural heritage.

Zheng Guohua Road.

Zhao Cen nodded and saw, "They are busy with farm work, which really reminds me of the double robbery that year. How many years, we are almost forgetting that history."

"Once our generation disappears, no one will really remember that history." He Tianlin sighed, "Old Zheng, what do you propose? 22

Zheng Guohua said, "My suggestion is to build cultural exhibition halls and even cultural museums with local characteristics throughout the country! Let the locals remember the labor experience of their ancestors!

This is a commemoration and a legacy.

I can build these cities north of the Dragon Kingdom!

Knowing the past, following energy and the future. Two old friends, what do you think of my proposal?"

"Agree!" Zhao Cen wanted to do this for a long time.

"I need to hold a meeting to study this matter. However, it is up to you to grant Lin Han the title of cultural communication ambassador. 33

He Tianlin smiled lightly, tapped the table with one finger, and looked at the two working on the screen with interest.

After more than an hour of work, Lin Han has made several parts.

The skeleton of a small blower is basically completed, and he is now making wind rotor blades. As long as these wind rotor blades are stuck on the rotating shaft, turning the handle can generate a lot of wind.

In fact, it is quite troublesome to make a windmill. Under normal circumstances, it takes an experienced carpenter three to five days to make it.

However, Lin Han's manual skills have reached perfection, and so are the world's top carpenters.

In addition, he has the strength to work non-stop, and in just one morning, he completed a quarter of the work.

Busy time always flies, and in a blink of an eye, two days have passed.

Lin Han's first blower is here!

The peculiar shape has attracted many netizens to watch.

"Is this the legendary blower? Lin Shen actually made it a rhyme. 33

"Gang Ji Du Niang took a look and found that Lin Shen made the blower that he caught, and it looked even better than the picture. 9

"Lin Shen is really amazing, he can do anything!"

"It makes sense for Lin Shenda to be so good. When he was young, he would have so many things, and when I was young, I couldn't even play with mud. 93

"Sure enough, a childhood without playing with you is an incomplete childhood.

[Read it upside down, or Wang]: "My friends, do you still remember what day is today? 33

Suddenly, the Super God Emperor appeared, attracting the attention of countless people.

"Of course I remember, how can I forget such an important day.

"Yes, a rough-haired fish ball is ready.

"Lin Shen has brought us so many surprises, accompanied us so many days and nights, and gave him two gifts, which is right.

"Everything obeys the call of Emperor Wang Tiandi.

[Read it upside down, still the king]: "Two gifts are not our style, I hope, it is three!

"Three pieces! Emperor Wang Tian is mighty and domineering!

"As expected of God!"

"My broadsword is already starving, please God's order! 99

"Suddenly looking forward to it, I hope to come early in the evening!

Lin Han didn't know that netizens were planning a big event for themselves. Now the blower has been cured and the millet has been dried.

After these two days of data distribution, the stones, rice straws and other objects in the millet have been cleaned up quickly, and only a few small things are left.

"Shui Xin, you will blow the wind later, but you need to be faster, the faster you turn, the stronger the wind. 53

Lin Han collected the millet (the money was good) and put it into the woven tube. Under the notch of the blower, place an empty radish basket to pick up the cleaned millet.

"Okay, I'm ready to shout.

Li Shuixin grabbed the handle of the windmill with one hand, with the excitement that he was about to experience on his face.

"Okay, let's go!"

"Hmm! 11

Li Shui responded with a heavy heart, and then turned hard.


The windmill suddenly made a sound, and at the end, the wind blew the hook.

Lin Han picked up the millet and lifted it up, then slowly tilted towards the inlet of the blower.


The millet was poured into the blower, and under the action of the wind, many sundries soon rushed out from the end.

The distance of the blower is actually very simple. When the object falls, the wind blows, the light things will be blown away, and the heavy things will fall.

In this way, the debris is separated!

"It really blew away a lot of dirt!"

Li Shuixin was very excited when she saw the rhymed debris, and involuntarily, she turned faster.


The blower made a loud noise.

"Don't spin so fast, you won't have the strength for a while. 99

Lin Han reminded with a smile.

That's right, a blower can be so much fun...


Li Shuixin pouted and stuck out his tongue, then returned to the speed he had just circled around.

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