Survival in the Wilderness: Live Broadcast My Leisure Life

Chapter 171 How to plow without cattle? Learn about the tool crocodile

"This soaked the millet? Shouldn't it be in the sun for a few days??"

"The same is a rural baby, which means that Lin Shen's operation is a bit incomprehensible. Usually, the first time to soak millet, it needs to be soaked with disinfectant or liquid medicine. Take the hole-marked millet in it, soak it in medicine for a long time, and then Take it out to dry for a long time, and then use clean water to wash it continuously. Only in this way can the millet germinate normally, and no deformity or necrosis will be found.

Lin Shen directly soaked in the cold spring water, so as not to damage the millet, it is estimated that it will take a long time to germinate.

"Khan, this brother upstairs, Lin Shen is in the wilderness, where did you get the medicinal liquid disinfectant you mentioned?

"Do human affairs and obey the destiny. In the era of slash-and-burn cultivation, isn't that the case."

"Didn't you just talk about Li Nvxia, the spring water is quite special, maybe it can promote the growth of millet? 99

"I'm invincible like a male god, you can do whatever you want and don't accept any refutation!

Seeing Lin Han soaking millet, there was a lot of discussion in the live broadcast room.

With the increase in the number of people watching the live broadcast, Lin Han has an extremely wide audience of fans, including some people with planting experience, and even agricultural portraits.

They do not know Lin Han's previous achievements, and they are very skeptical of Lin Han's rudimentary way of raising seedlings.

[Mr. Millet]: "Three-three-zero" "You don't have to look forward to it, the anchor's method of raising seedlings is impossible to succeed. Two catties of millet will eventually successfully germinate, absolutely no more than 1%!

"Ming, has someone started to erect flags?"

"Mr. Gu Zi? It sounds like a special image when you hear the name! I like to see the special image and get slapped in the face."

"Scientific research has proved that if you set up a flag in the live broadcast of Lin Shen, the chance of being slapped in the face is 100%, and there are no exceptions."

"Hmph, no matter what your image is, dare to question my male god, this old man will destroy you!"

"Old man? Male god? Forgive the black question mark on my face.

The Dragon Country Agricultural Research Institute, a group of agricultural professionals, saw the barrage of these people, and couldn't help but get angry.

"Zhou Qiang, what lousy live broadcast you recommended to me, the people in it have no quality at all, ignorant!

Zhang Xiaosheng, a specialist in the research institute, was very angry at the replies of these netizens, and glared angrily at the student who recommended him to watch the live broadcast.

"I was kind enough to tell them that this method was wrong, and as a result, I was laughed at by their ignorance?

I have already said that there are some ignorant people on the Internet now. If you don’t study hard every day, you will simply be playing with rotten things when you look at these rotten things! 39


Zhou Qiang also wanted to defend himself.

But he was interrupted by Zhang Xiaosheng impatiently waving his hand, "It's nothing, just ignorant netizens. If we do science, we also believe in these things. How can the science we've made progress be punished by the police? Peer jokes?

Our Dragon Country, but a big agricultural country, leads the world in agricultural level, this advantage cannot be lost in our hands!

Seeing the barrage that netizens kept sending, Zhang Xiaosheng sighed, knowing that his words were serious.

However, it is impossible for him to apologize to his students.

I had to sit in front of the computer again, trying to use my knowledge to change the ignorance of netizens.

[Mr. Millet]: "Listen to me, I have been engaged in agricultural research for 20 years, and cultivating and planting rice is my specialty. Why do I conclude that the anchor's method of planting millet cannot be successful? The main reasons are as follows. point reason.

Rice seedlings require many conditions to be successful.

First of all, someone said before that seedlings need to be disinfected. Although the anchor does not have disinfectant, it can be disinfected with salt water. Only in this way can the seeds be guaranteed to germinate.

Secondly, the temperature control of seedlings, if you use cold water, you need to soak for seven days to make the accumulated temperature reach the temperature suitable for breaking the buds of millet. Although the anchor is long-winded under the sun, this method can only heat up the surface, and the internal temperature is still cold, so the germination in time is only the surface of the millet.

Then there is the environment for seedlings. Usually, if we are raising seedlings in soil, we need to choose a place with strong wind and plenty of sunshine. However, the land chosen by the anchor obviously has no wind.

Finally, the pH of the soil, the natural pH of the soil is rarely suitable for rice growth, so when we grow rice, we need to adjust the pH by ourselves.

There are also some reasons, such as soil fertility, pest control, weeding, etc., the anchors are not in place.

Of course, the anchor is on a desert island, and the conditions are so poor that we can't be as sophisticated as we are. But the success rate is naturally not guaranteed. "

Zhang Xiaosheng can be said to be hard-hearted and talk a lot, hoping to reverse the ignorant thoughts and blind worship of netizens.

However, the result was that he almost vomited blood.

"Is that so, I learned a lot of useless knowledge again!

"Thank you for saying so much, let us know a lot of useless knowledge."

"I have also planted land before, and I don't deny that Da Da said it well. But how does Da Da know that what you said is the only feasible way?"

"Please don't question Lin Shen, he is a man who pierces miracles. 99

"You are a textbook-style farming method, dare to ask, how many of the hundreds of millions of peasants in the Dragon country can farm like you? A germination rate of one percent! According to what you said, the ancients starved to death long ago. .

Netizens don't care what kind of expertise you are.

Although Zhang Xiaosheng was well-intentioned,

However, his teaching methods are indeed dogmatic. After a long time of research, the way of thinking has become a little rigid, and I always feel that what I am studying is the right thing, and everything else is left out of the way.

In fact, his disciple wanted to say this for a long time.

It's just that he didn't dare to speak out because of his obscenity.

Seeing the crazy barrage of netizens, Zhang Xiaosheng stayed in front of the computer...

After soaking the millet, Lin Han left it alone.

He believes in the fountain of life, which can awaken life.

Even the wounds of animals can be quickly healed, and they can be reborn, and the trivial matter of germination is naturally easy to grasp.

Taking advantage of this time, Lin Han went to the jungle to find a suitable branch and used it to make a hoe handle.

The branches are from thin to thick, and the thickness of the root is just larger than the hole diameter of the hoe. Then hit two wooden wedges in it to produce the effect of expansion screws, and a stable hoe is ready.

"Shui Xin, take Xiu Yuan and Zheng Guo to hoe the grass on the other side of the lake, and I'll make a model."

Lin Han handed the hoe to Li Shuixin.


Li Shuixin looked at Lin Han in surprise. She had heard of it, but never seen it.

"Yes, those soils need to be renovated to be able to grow rice, too hard soil can't grow seedlings. 33

Lin Han explained.

"But we don't have iron, what should we do?"

Li Shuixin puzzled and said 0...

"It's a bit of a hassle, look around and see if you can find a replacement. If you don't have one, you can only rely on the two of us. 33

The plow is indeed a difficult thing to do, other constructions are okay, the key is that the plowshare needs a large piece of iron.

For alternatives, Han also does not have much confidence.

"It doesn't matter if you can't find it."

Li Shuixin comforted her softly.

"try your best.

Lin Han shrugged.

As a human being, Lin Han's mentality is much better than hers.

However, it is indeed much more comfortable for someone to be able to comfort themselves.

"Xiaobai, Xiaohua, follow me!

Lin Han left the courtyard and climbed to the rocky hill behind the house.

The best substitute for iron is stone!

Before the Iron Age, it was the Stone Age. Stone knives, stone axes, stone cones...

The ancients used stones to create everything.

Lin Han hopes that he can find a piece of obsidian big enough to make a plowshare.

"Xiaohua, Xiaobai, if you see this kind of stone, remind me that it is very big.

Lin Han took out an obsidian and showed it to Xiaohua and Xiaobai.

The more eyes you have, the more likely you are to find it.



The two little guys responded and went around to help find it.

"It's nice to have so many helpers. 99

"Xiaobai and Xiaohua are too smart to share the burden for Lin Shen. 99

"Xiaohua is so cute, what should I do if I like it more and more, it seems like I have one."

"Upstairs, there is a tea shop that wants to invite you to come.

"Isn't anyone thinking that Lin Shen has no cattle, so how can he pull the plow? He can't, he can go on it himself. 99

Type is an important production tool in ancient agriculture,

However, pulling a plow is a very laborious job, often requiring cows or horses to go around it.

This is why, killing cattle in ancient times was a crime.

"This question has depth! 99

"God drags six or seven hundred catties and runs in the mountains, it's nothing to pull it / Funny to save your life! 99

"Who said that God Lin has no cattle, let's find out about the tool crocodile?"

5.1 "The poor Xiuyuan couple has been arranged again. 39

"Let's see if Lin Shen can find a suitable plowshare. It's not that easy to make a plowshare with stones. The requirements for stones are too high."

"Huh, what is that?"

In the live broadcast room, as soon as a netizen asked questions, Lin Han found out.

A piece of obsidian weighing forty or fifty pounds and shaped like a long triangle!

"The stone is very nice, the shape is just right, it's perfect!

Lin Han picked up the stone and was pleasantly surprised.

How long has it been since I found it,

luck, luck.

"Damn, what kind of character is this, you found it as soon as you said it was difficult, and you don't want to be like this. 35

"Lin Shen is mighty!"

"You can have whatever you want, Son of Luck will find out!"

"Other anchors will probably cry when they see this. 1

Holding the stone, Lin Han returned to the bamboo house in surprise,

Next comes trimming and sanding, making the stone look like a plowshare.

The processing of obsidian is not easy, but fortunately Lin Han has a chisel. Little by little chisel, little by little grinding, in the morning, the shape of the plowshare is slowly caught in the sight of people.

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