Survival in the Wilderness: Live Broadcast My Leisure Life

Chapter 205 Can I eat a soft rice bowl in the future? I want to be beautiful! (1, please order all!)

Under the sun, it was the shape of a heart, after a long separation.

"Lin Han, be my boyfriend! 99

Li Shuixin held Lin Han's neck and said half-seriously and half-jokingly.

She knew that if she didn't take the initiative to say these words, she might not be able to hear Lin Han's words until she left the island.

At the moment of today's explosion, her heart was inexplicably flustered, and she just wanted to hug Lin Han tightly.

Also let her make up her mind and hook this sentence!

"Uh, should I say this? 99

Being robbed of his lines, Lin Han was speechless.

It feels weird for a girl to say this to you, a bit like eating soft rice.

"Just say so - you agree. 93

Li Shuixin smiled slyly, "It's useless if you don't agree. Forget it, you have 80,000 viewers, and they're all watching. If you always give up, and I don't need to do anything, they won't let you go.

Woolen cloth!

Only when Lin Han remembered, it's live broadcast!

I actually kissed a girl in front of the audience...

He glanced at the drone secretly, and saw that six drones were right in front of him, staring at them.

Lin Han's face was not thick, and his face turned red in an instant.

"What did I see, Lin Shen actually blushed!"

"The shy look of the male god is too cute.

"Just wanted to say goodbye to you, but you made me fall in love with the new you again...

"Poor Lin Shen, was teased/played by Li Nvxia again. 11

"It doesn't matter Lin Shenda, even though you are in chaos, we will not say anything. 33

"Yes, we will definitely let you go.

Netizens don't think so in their hearts, but they will definitely tell you the opposite.

No joke, where is the joy?

"Lin Han, be careful.

Li Shui boarded the wooden boat and waved to Lin Han continuously.

The relationship between the two has been confirmed, and the concern in the bottom of my heart has increased a bit.

The long tail wagged its tail, and took the wooden boat to the depths of the sea.

In the sky, Xiaobai screamed and flew towards Hanshui Island with two bamboo baskets filled with aloe vera.

Lin Han came to the iron ore and checked the surrounding situation.

"Tantong, no mission?"

Lin Han was a little puzzled. After a whole day, he didn't receive any complicated tasks.

Could it be that ironmaking and forging cannot be learned?

Although he never took the initiative to ask Fantong for a task before, Lin Han felt the need to give it a try for the leisurely days in the future.

At least so far, Fantong has never let him down.

[Ding, at the request of the host, trigger the iron ore mining task: collect two tons of iron ore and transport it back to the residence for forging. Complete the task, reward 500 catties of iron, forging skill Lv5. If the mission fails, the reward mining skill is successful.

Mission introduction: This is a mission requested by the host, and the difficulty of ore mining has been reduced for the host. However, mining has certain risks, and I hope the host will weigh it.

Listening to Fan's tone, it seems that the tasks that are actively requested are not as good as those that are triggered by the fans.

Because of the uncontrollable danger of this kind of task, the traditional system will not be triggered, and it will not take the initiative to bring danger to its host, which is not in line with the traditional setting of the pavilion.

It doesn't matter", where will the harvest come from if you don't take risks.

Lin Han resolutely made a choice!

Iron ore is much stronger than limestone, so it is not easy to drill holes in it.

Fortunately, there are many cracks on the stone walls here.

Just two tons of iron ore, it is enough to blast these cracks, no need to drill additional holes.

After determining the blasting plan, Lin Han used the perception of the earth to find a hiding place around, and then buried explosives, lapped the lead, and ignited the lead.


Not long after Lin Han arrived at the hiding place, a huge explosion sounded, the land shattered and the ground shook.

Some gravel hooks fell into the sea more than 100 meters away.

After checking that all the bombs exploded and there were no hidden dangers, Lin Han ran to catch the iron ore from the hook.

The location of iron ore is flatter than limestone, and it is easy to handle. Therefore, Lin Han collected two tons of iron ore in just one hour.

The rest, just wait for the long tail to come back, and use the ship to transport the ore back.

Counting the time, it was less than an hour and a half before Long Tail went back.

It takes two hours for the long tail to go back and forth, and after unloading and resting, there will be another hour at the earliest.

Lin Han looked around to see if he could find some other resources.

As a result, they found Charlie Zhang's place by accident.

"Hey, there are other challengers here?

Lin Han was a little surprised to see this anticline-style hut built with branches and palm leaves.

He carefully looked around, and even used the perception of the earth.

However, no humans were found within a kilometer radius.

When he approached, he found that the hut had been abandoned for a long time. There were many ants and insects in the residence, and the meat hanging on the roof was also full of flies and insects.

"Is this place unoccupied for at least a month, has it been abandoned by the challenger, or has the challenger been eliminated?

Lin Han covered his nose and turned around,

Found signs of the activity of two people,

"Two people form a team, and there are wild boars hanging on the roof. Could it be the two people they met at the beginning? They were eliminated??"

Lin Han suddenly thought of that night, it was raining heavily...

The environment here is quite good, there is a creek, and the terrain is high and the view is wide.

Other than that, there is nothing, the materials are scarce, and it is uncomfortable to ask for farming. Lin Han looked around, but couldn't get anything of value.

The only useful thing is that, knowing that the two annoying guys have been eliminated, there may be no other challengers on Chanshan Island.

That is to say, they can come and pick up the materials here at any time, and no one will rob them.

On the way back to the coast, Lin Han hunted down a forest eagle with stones and lost three pounds of hair.

After a busy morning, he is really tired, and iron ore needs to be transported twice. After at least four or five hours, he will be able to return to Hanshui Island.

Therefore, Lin Han couldn't wait to get angry and made himself a pine wood roasted forest sculpture.

Plus two coconuts for a drink, and got together for a lunch.

Busy until 6 o'clock in the afternoon, finally all the ore was transported to Hanshui Island.

On the last trip, Lin Han came with the wooden boat.

Li Shuixin and Xiuyuan couple were already waiting here.

Just settled on a relationship, and after being away for a few hours, it feels like months away. Li Shuixin looked at Lin Han's eyes, full of tenderness.

"Jian, let's have a drink."

Li Shuixin brought him a bottle of prepared honey lemonade, which had been chilled.

The sweet and sour taste quenches thirst and fatigue.

"I'm fine, I guess Long Tail Zheng is broken.

Lin Han unloaded the boat, touched Longtail's head, and gave him all the lemonade to drink.

Long Tail obviously never drank anything sour, and suddenly, the sour drool turned into an emoji.


The long tail spun around in the acid spot, constantly slapping the water with its tail.

"Uh, not so sour.

Lin Han took a sip, it was sweet and sour, and it tasted good.

"Slightly a little...Lin Han, look at what you've done. The long tail will probably have a shadow on this kind of water in the future.!

Li Shuixin was on the side, smiling wildly.

It's not her fault, because the expression with the long tail is so cute.

Netizens have also been circled by fans,

"Well, I didn't expect sharks to have such a cute side."

"I've always thought sharks were ferocious and scary, but this one is so cute. 9)

"This is the cutest shark I've ever seen, bar none."

"So cute, Mom, I want a shark.

"Sharks are only a glass of lemonade away from being ferocious to cute."

"Really? I've bought a glass of lemonade and I'm on my way to the aquarium..."

Many netizens were amused by the expression of the long tail,

Lin Han touched his nose, he didn't know it would be like this, it tastes good by himself. It may be that sharks have different tastes than humans.

"Long tail, drink more water.

Lin Han said to Long Tail.

However, the latter wandered around in the water for a while, but then turned back and stared at the bamboo tube in Lin Han's hand.


Looking forward to ing!

"Ah, do you still want to drink? 99

"Plump flutter...

Looking forward to it!

This look is exactly the same as when Li Shuixin ate chili for the first time.

Lin Han laughed dumbly and looked back at Li Shuixin.

0.....·For flowers..

The latter was puzzled, and Mei Mu glared at Lin Han, "Why are you looking at me smiling so happily. 9)

"Do you feel that the appearance of the long tail is very similar to the first time you ate chili peppers? 19

Lin Han joked, "A sour tooth is about to fall out, and I still want to drink. A spicy tongue is numb, and I still want to eat..."


Li Shuixin was dumbfounded, saying this, it was really a bit similar.

"Hate and laugh at people!"

Li Shui Xin said angrily.

netizens are happy,

"Hahaha~ Lin Shen is the truth. 99

"I just looked through the records and compared them, it's really similar. 33

"At the beginning, Li Nvxia's hot face turned red, exactly the same as her current long tail.

Facing the request of the long tail, Lin Han had no choice but to give it all the remaining lemonade.

The latter, once again performed the appearance of being sour.

"Okay, let's put the stone handle."

Lin Han put the stones unloaded from the boat into the wooden cart. The one ton that had been transported in the previous trip had already been transported by Li Shuixin and the couple Xiuyuan.

That's a ton of stone, and the three of them didn't look too lightly.

Therefore, Lin Han insisted on transporting this ton back.

Li Shuixin arrived in advance and prepared a sumptuous dinner.

Perhaps to commemorate this day, she made a full table.

Braised tilapia, taro smoked rabbit meat, fried bacon, mushrooms, fried goose eggs with tomatoes, steamed ham slices, boiled shrimp.

Simply, even more abundant than the Chinese New Year.

Lin Han ate a roasted forest eagle at noon, less than one-third of his meal, and his stomach growled hungry. Seeing the delicious food on this table, my appetite was instantly hooked.

Wash your hands quickly, sit at the table and get ready to eat.

Li Shuixin went to serve dinner.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for completing the mining task, reward 500 catties of iron, forging Lv5!"

[Five hundred catties of iron]: The method of making iron and implanting it in the host's mind, as long as the host follows this method, at least 500 catties of iron can be obtained.

In an instant, a lot of knowledge rushed into Lin Han's head.

There is knowledge of iron smelting and knowledge of forging.

Soon, he knew why the system only rewarded Blacksmithing Lv5 instead of directly rewarding completeness.

Because the direct reward is complete, there is no additional reward. If you improve to perfection by your own efforts, you can get additional rewards. Such as the world's top food recipes, mastery of handicrafts, engineering construction, etc.,

They are all additional rewards obtained after upgrading a skill to a complete level!

The reason why Fantong is rewarding Lv5 is to let Lin Han practice this skill by himself.


As for the method of making iron, it is very simple, just make a few pottery shelves and sink iron containers. At that time, all were thrown into the big brick furnace, and no one could see what happened inside.

Others, complex can help complete.

"Why are you in a daze, eat quickly when you're hungry, could it be that I don't make it delicious?

Li Shuixin came over with two bowls of rice, and placed one of the large bowls in front of Lin Han.

Of course, she is also more confident in her own craftsmanship.

"It's delicious, it smells so good.

Lin Han came back to his senses and said with a smile.

Li Shuixin picked up a piece of fish without thorn and put it in his bowl, "Then eat it quickly, from today onwards, you will be my man, cheers! 9

To commemorate this day, she specially prepared coconut wine.

After continuous fermentation, the coconut wine is much richer than it was a month ago.

In the cup, there is a faint aroma of wine.

"Your man?

Lin Han felt strange when he heard this name, "Does that mean you will take care of me in the future? Can I eat soft rice with peace of mind??"

"Hey! Think beautifully!"

Li Shuixin put down his chopsticks and stared at Lin Han sternly, "If you want to eat soft rice, do you think your strength allows it? Let me tell you, from now on, I will be responsible for beauty and beauty, and you will be responsible for making money. We have a clear division of labor! 39

"Divided... labor! Clear? Excuse me, where is your labor? 22

Lin Han asked back.

However, Li Shuixin picked up the glass and touched the glass that Lin Han had not picked up, "cheers! The police care about those details, so they decided so happily. 99

Lin Han: "..." Xi,

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