Survival in the Wilderness: Live Broadcast My Leisure Life

Chapter 207 Iron smelting in a big brick furnace, a vision in the middle of the night! (3, please co

"Shuixin, starting today, we will build a large earthen kiln. Try to cover it within two days!"

At the thought of starting to build the applicator, Lin Han was also a little excited.

In the past, it was all about watching adults build, and doing it by myself.

But this time, he is the chief engineer, and everything depends on him.

This kind of feeling is like returning to the village when I was a child. I want to marry a daughter-in-law, and then I go to great lengths to burn bricks and build a house, just to marry the bride as soon as possible. Start a beautiful life that your neighbors and eight townships will envy!

Most of the houses built in the countryside are for the purpose of marrying a bride.

Thinking of this, there was some sweetness in his heart, and his eyes fell on Li Shuixin's beautiful face.

"Okay, let's start now!

Li Shuixin was also very excited.

She pointed to the open space in front of the door, "Are we going to build an earthen kiln here?"

I remember Lin Han said that the diameter of the earth kiln is about seven or eight meters. Looking around the small lake, only the space here is large enough.

"Can not."

Lin Han shook his head, he had no idea what the earth kiln would look like after it was built.


Li Shuixin tilted her head and looked at Lin Han curiously.

"After the earth kiln is fired, it will be like the alchemy furnace of Taishang Laojun, and it will be like a fire within a radius of ten meters. If it is built here, our hut may be ignited, saying that there are flowers and plants around.

Lin Han explained with a smile.

He still remembered that whoever burned bricks at that time, the door must be very spectacular.

Especially at night, the earthen kiln is like a big fire pot. At that time, when adults were teasing children, they said that it was Taishang Laojun's gossip furnace, and there was a monkey in it!

There is often a rattling sound in the earthen kiln, and the adults explained that it was the monkey smashing the gossip furnace with a golden hoop stick.

Children, believe it.

Innocent and beautiful childhood...

"Well... well, it's so scary, so where should we build it better?"

Li Shuixin's curious 08 eyes searched around, but after looking around, he couldn't find a suitable position.

According to what Lin Han said, there is no way to build around this place.

"In the past, in the village, people usually chose an open field, and there were no houses or trees within a radius of ten meters. Therefore, we must clear an open space to bypass, otherwise it will easily cause forest fires.

Lin Han pointed to the southwest,

"There is a downdraft, and the trees are sparser, so we can clear an open space there and use it to build an earthen kiln. 99

Lin Han had already taken this into consideration when drying the bricks before.

Therefore, the drying place is very close to the location he chose.

"Why choose downwind?"

Li Shuixin was like a curious baby, her beautiful eyes widened, thinking that everything Lin Han said was amazing.

Maybe, this is the common problem of every girl in love, thinking that no matter what a man does, he is more handsome than a policeman.

"When the bricks are fired, a lot of smoke is produced. If we build the brick kiln to the east, and the sea breeze blows here every day, within two days, we will all be smoked into salted fish.

Lin Han shrugged and spread his hands.

"Push one by one

You are the salted fish. "

Li Shuixin was amused.

"Well, let's build an earthen kiln downwind and start burning bricks!!

Li Shuixin raised his fist seriously.

As they said they did, the two walked over and started cutting down trees.

"Lin Shenda really knows everything, and he can say so much knowledge about burning bricks. If it were me, I would be a salted fish."

In our era, many people built their own houses by burning bricks. But there is indeed a lot of knowledge in burning bricks, and not everyone can burn them. You need to ask someone with experience to help you. If you burn them rashly, it is very possible Burn and cut a pile of waste bricks.

I thought these were all forty or fifty years ago, but I didn't expect the anchor to be so skilled at such a young age! I think, if his charcoal burning method is feasible, the yield of this furnace brick should be about 80% !

This method of burning bricks has a low yield rate, 90% of the good ones and 70% to 80% of the normal ones.

As long as it reaches 70%, this brick is considered a success.

This ancient method of burning bricks is indeed a feeling for some elderly people.

It brought back memories that have been buried in their hearts for decades.

It took Lin Han and Li Shuixin more than half an hour to finally clear the place. To prevent fires, the surrounding grass was also shoveled out.

"Okay, now we can start building the earth kiln."

Looking at this open space, Lin Han was quite satisfied.

The wind at the lower tuyere is relatively sufficient, which helps the air to be poured into the kiln to support combustion. Such a natural outlet can save a lot of manpower.

It's just that it may be a little troublesome when ordering the kiln.

The construction of earthen kilns is also called loading kilns, which is a technical activity. It doesn't mean that it's good to pile up all the brick embryos, and the one caught by fishing that way is a dead kiln.

To install the kiln, the bottom of the kiln must be built first, and there should be enough gaps and passages at the bottom of the kiln.

Usually a macro with a diameter of eight meters needs to leave ten channels to ensure sufficient oxygen supply inside.

If the oxygen is insufficient, the fuel is not fully burned, and the temperature of the flame does not rise, then the red brick is not burned well enough.

When laying the bottom of the kiln, a layer of firewood needs to be placed first. In order to ensure that the firewood can burn, diesel oil must be smeared on it. Of course, Lin Han does not have diesel oil, so he can only spread animal fat on it to ensure that the firewood can burn smoothly at the beginning.

After laying the foundation, after each layer of brick embryos is installed, it is necessary to visit some broken charcoal on it.

This has two uses, one is to ensure that there are enough gaps in the interior space, and the flames can fully cover the brick embryo. The second is to prevent the brick embryos from sticking together during the baking and dehydration process.

In the process of installing the kiln, there is another very important place, that is the shell.

Usually the shell of the earth kiln is made of adobe bricks twenty times larger than the red bricks.

Thick adobe bricks can effectively lock the temperature inside the kiln and ensure that the kiln body does not disperse.

Installing a kiln requires not only skill, but also strength and patience.

Usually an eight-meter kiln requires the collaboration of twenty people and takes two days to complete.

There are only two people in Lin Han, so the speed must be much slower. If you want to complete it in two days, the time is indeed a bit tight.

Two days later, as the earth kiln got higher and higher, Lin Han built it on top, and Li Shuixin handed bricks below it became very difficult. At this time, the best way is to build a pulley block and pull the bricks up layer by layer.

However, with the help of Xiaobai and Hutou, this step was simply omitted.

Li Shuixin packed the bricks into the basket, and then transported them to Lin Han, saving the time of handling and pulling.

Another thing that takes more time than the police is that Lin Han uses this earthen kiln to calcine limestone and smelt iron.

It took a day just to put up a shelf.

Limestone can be said to be stacked directly in the place where the flame can fully burn.

But iron ore is much more complicated, not only to meet the high temperature, but also to set up a complex separation system for impurities. The molten iron smelted into liquid is introduced into the mold outside the earth kiln.

The whole family mobilized, finally on the afternoon of the fourth day, the ceiling was successfully capped.

At this time, at least three kilograms of charcoal were placed in the earthen kiln.

Next, is to order the kiln!

When there is wind, put the prepared firewood into the ten ignition channels that were arranged when the bottom of the kiln was pounded.

After the ten ignition channels were filled with oil-soaked dry wood, Lin Han breathed a sigh of relief.

"Shui Xin, bring the small blower, let's take advantage of the wind now and light the fire!

Lin Han breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this earthen kiln, which was as high as two floors.

It is hard to imagine that on a deserted island, with only the strength of two people, I really fished the earth kiln!

"In the utility room, I'll go get it."

Li Shuixin was also very happy and ran back quickly.

After a while, he ran back with a blower in one hand.

The long ponytail, which flutters with her steps, is very cute.

"What shall we do next?"

Li Shuixin handed a blower to Lin Han, carried one by herself, and looked at Lin Han eagerly.

Although she has been attacking these few days, seeing the earth kiln getting taller and more spectacular day by day, her heart is full of the same sense of accomplishment as Lin Han.

It seems that the two are doing something to create history.

"I'll set the fire in a moment, let you blow, and you blow. 97

Lin Han held a torch in his hand, next to a bamboo pole more than four meters long.


Li Shuixin nodded earnestly in response.

In the pair of the two, ten ignition channels were ignited in turn.

Although, it took a while, and Xiao failed several times in the middle, but before dark, it was all lit.


Seeing the flame burning inside the kiln, Li Shuixin jumped up happily grabbing Lin Han's arm.

After more than 20 days of work, it is finally over.

"Lin Han, are we going to guard it at night?

Li Shuixin asked.

"No, a few days ago, with the charcoal in the kiln burning by itself, we just need to add some dry wood to it every three or four hours. 99

Lin Han explained.

"Well, I'll come tonight. 93

Li Shuixin said seriously.

Wake up once every three or four hours, and switch between two people, which will not affect sleep.

"Ah, okay.

Lin Han smiled and said nothing.

But he knew that if there were no foreign objects to wake him up, Li Shuixin would definitely not be able to wake up at night.

Therefore, he had to wake Li Shuixin up at that time.

But he was already awake, so why should he wake Li Shuixin again?

"Then how about you cook a little bit tonight and make egg dumplings to celebrate?"

Li Shuixin licked his lips,

Suddenly I remembered that I haven't eaten egg dumplings made by Lin Han for a long time.

"no problem.

The two walked into the electric shed.

A drone continuously circled the earth kiln to fully display the appearance of the earth kiln.

The netizens in the live broadcast room were all shocked by this behemoth.

"666, I haven't seen you for two days, so it's already covered!"

"Like the mausoleum of the Western Xia Dynasty!

"Lin Shen and the heroine are too powerful, I'm afraid I will have to pile up such a big thing for a year.

"I didn't expect Lin Shen to build a brick house, but after seeing this earthen kiln, I now feel that Lin Shen can build the Great Wall! 3)

"Did people burn bricks like this in ancient times? It's amazing."

"Although I have learned a lot of useless knowledge, I still think Lin Shen is amazing."

"Looking forward to Linshen's brick and tile police villa 567."

At this time, many people started to go offline.

Popularity is gradually declining.

Lin Han made a hearty dinner, and after the two ate it, they washed and slept...


The earth kiln exudes light, the whole body is red, and it looks very spectacular.

This picture just started attracting a lot of people, but it has continued like this, and everyone can't stare at it all night.

Lin Han said that it takes about fifteen to twenty days to burn the kiln.

Therefore, with the passage of time, the popularity in the live broadcast room became less and less. By two or three in the morning, the popularity had dropped from more than 30,000 to less than 300,000.

Most of the people fell asleep, only those who had insomnia occasionally clicked in, and those who had nothing to do on night shifts would continue to watch the live broadcast.

three in the morning,

Lin Han quietly got up to add firewood to the earth kiln,

Just as he picked up a pile of dry wood and walked to the earthen kiln, a vision suddenly occurred!

I saw that several fire snakes suddenly rushed to the earth kiln and flew into the sky!

"what is that!"

Lin Han was also taken aback by the sudden abnormal sound, and the picture was very spectacular, as if he was filming a mythical movie.

Seven fiery snakes danced in the air, soaring into the sky.

The whole island was illuminated.

There is a relatively large island more than thirty nautical miles east of Hanshui Island.

The challenger on the island looked at the outside with eyes that didn't wake up, with a confused expression on his face,

"Its daybreak?"

He pushed his partner and asked, "Xiao Wu, it's dawn, it's time to get up and work. 99

"It's dawn? Why is it so fast, I feel like I haven't slept yet.

Xiao Wu also rubbed his eyes and got up,


He suddenly rushed out of the house in a panic, "Brother, something is wrong. Look at how the sun is coming out from the west?!!"

The person who got up first also woke up abruptly, staring at the west with split eyes, "It's weird, the sun is really lying down from the west! 19

At the same time, the surviving challengers from many surrounding islands discovered this strange phenomenon.

The most surprising thing was those netizens who stayed in Lin Han's live broadcast room,

"Fuck, what is that!"

"It's so fantastic, isn't it possible that God Lin is cultivating immortals?

"Seven dragons shine in the sky, the anchor is cultivating immortals! It's really hammered!"

"The hair trimmer, Lin Han is just like us, standing beside me. 33

"Who can explain, what's going on here? Aite [please call me a handyman], Aite [Gourmet Ajie], Aite [animal expert 001], Aite..."

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