Survival in the Wilderness: Live Broadcast My Leisure Life

Chapter 209 The world shook, but no one knew the answer (2, please complete the order)

"Brother, it was flashing and flashing last night, what exactly happened?"

In the morning, Xiao Wu got up sleepily.

The vision that appeared every hour made him not sleep well all night, and he was worried all night.

He is now very tired mentally and physically, and can fall asleep when he falls.

But he had to get up because they didn't have much food left.

The fruit on the mango tree has been eaten, and no new fruit has been hooked. And on the coconut trees, the coconuts that are easy to pick have been picked up by them, and the ones that are not easy to pick are left, and they do not want to take risks.

If they want to survive, they have to hurry every day to hunt and fish.

Otherwise, you will be hungry.

The taste of hunger, which they have experienced too many times in the past few months. Therefore, even if they are feet, they have to get up to hunt.

Chang Hao, a master of survival in the wild, shook his head with a solemn expression, "I don't know, but it looks a little weird."

He stared at the drone, thinking about something.

Xiao Wu was a little scared and said, "You said, will it be like in the movie, the end of the world has come, the outside world has been destroyed, and only the two of us are left in the world?

I remember watching a similar movie not long ago, is it true?

Chang Hao glared at him angrily, "Nonsense, the drone is still shooting, it means that it's okay outside. Moreover, last night, there was a bright light out of the west, and there was no vision, how could the end of the world be possible.

The police think about it blindly, maybe it is a strange natural phenomenon, let's think of a way, how to fill our stomach today. "

Islands around Cold Water Island,

The surviving challengers all discovered last night's vision.

Surprisingly, someone actually broke down and sounded the alarm early the next morning, announcing the retreat.

Guest room

The guests are discussing this matter,

"I heard that someone withdrew last night. He is still a challenger with sufficient food and a safe residence. He already has a cage of more than 4 million fans. His withdrawal is really surprising. Lord De, you analyze it. How about? 99

After they discussed the matter of the fire-breathing snake in the earth kiln, their attention turned to the player who quit.

Dong Qingcheng's eyes turned to Lord De.

De Ye explained, "I've said from the very beginning that in the long-term wilderness survival, the players have to face the biggest difficulty, which is definitely not food, shelter, fire and water, but loneliness! Although this player has a good survival ability conditions, but all along, he has not been able to vent his emotions well and release his inner pressure.567

His survival skills are very good, which I appreciate. But his self-regulation ability is worse than other players.

What happened last night was really incredible, and it should have been the last straw that broke the camel's back. 99

Loneliness is the biggest difficulty players are facing at the moment.

After speaking, Lord De worried, "My suggestion is to arrange for his closest person to contact him immediately, and find a psychiatrist to help him ease. Otherwise, his psychology will have problems. 9

"This point, the program team has already arranged.

These questions have been told to Master De and many portraits from the very beginning. Therefore, the arrangement of the program group is still in place.

"I heard that you lived alone on a desert island for 60 days, and you have some psychological obstacles, can you share it with everyone?

Dong Qingcheng looked at De Ye and interviewed.

Recalling that period of history, Master De's expression changed slightly.

He took a deep breath, as if unwilling to mention it,

"Seriously, if you didn't ask me, I would never take the initiative to share that experience with the police in my entire life. Now that I think about it, it's terrifying to live on an uninhabited desert island for 60 days.

When night falls, you are surrounded by darkness, you can't go anywhere, you can't see anything. Also worry about the attack of wild animals and the bite of mosquitoes. Sometimes it's so stressful that you can't sleep for several nights in a row. And when you encounter difficulties, this pressure will multiply, no matter what you do, you want to carry a big rock on your back

Hard to move. "

The world's top field survival portraits all say things like Yun, and it is conceivable how much pressure the players are facing now.

Those who have found a partner can say that, someone will share and share.

However, for those players who are still surviving alone, no one knows what kind of pressure they are carrying in their hearts.

Will tomorrow, like this player, be crushed and give up.

"Although I managed to stay on the island for 60 days, but if I'm not afraid of your ridicule, it took me half a year to get around. I sometimes wonder if I'm crazy and send myself there. A deserted island with no people, challenging the limits of human existence."

Lord De laughed at himself,

Although he looked relaxed when speaking, anyone could imagine how much pressure he was under.

It takes half a year to survive on a 60-day deserted island!

"After listening to your introduction, we have a general understanding of what kind of pressure we need to face to survive on a desert island. It is unimaginable for us to sit here, and we can only silently look forward to the players, hoping that everything will be well for them."

Dong Qingcheng is very good at talking, her voice is very gentle, like a soft palm, which can calm people down.

By the small lake, in front of the bamboo house,

Li Shuixin stared blankly at the top of the earthen kiln, the seven fiery snakes twisting fiercely, as if they had been immobilized by someone, and they remained motionless.

a long time,

She woke up suddenly, rushed into the room and dragged Lin Han up,

"Lin Han, Lin Han, come and see! 99

She shouted nervously and hastily.

Lin Han quickly woke up, got up, hugged her, blocked her, and looked forward vigilantly, "What's wrong, Shui Xin?

He also thought that Li Shuixin was in danger.

But when I saw the scene above the earthen kiln through the door, I instantly understood.

"I'm afraid, I saw it last night. Although I don't know what it is, I have checked the earth kiln and there are no signs of cracking, so there should be no danger."

Lin Han relaxed Li Shuixin and comforted him.

"Hmm. 27

The act of going around just made Li Shui's heart warm to reveal.

Lin Han reacted quickly, and the action of subconsciously protecting her gave her a strong sense of security.

In an instant, there was no tension.

"Even you don't know, what is that phenomenon?"

The two came to the threshold and watched the fire snake gradually disappear into the earthen kiln, Li Shuixin said softly.

She has always felt that Lin Han is omnipotent and knows everything.

"You are stupid, everything in the world is complicated and rough, who can know everything.

It looks scary, but it should have erupted a few times by now, and the earthen kiln has nothing to do with it, so I don't think it's a bad thing.

Lin Han explained with a smile.

At this time, he had better pretend to be mad and foolish and pretend that he doesn't know anything.


Li Shuixin nodded obediently, "Okay, let's have dinner."

After she picked up the wooden spatula and washed it, she brought up the breakfast, a...a fragrant seafood fried rice.

"Ha? I waited from last night to now, just to wait for Lin Shen to announce the answer, but you told me, you didn't know?"

"Lin Shen, give me a treat. This is the gossip furnace you built. Do you know what kind of demon is being made in it? I don't believe it if you kill me."

"Last night there was an old crook who said that it was a vision of iron smelting, which sounds a bit nonsense, but when it comes to Lin Shen, it seems that everything has become reasonable again.

"You said, will it really jump a monkey at that time?"

Netizens are talking about

This incident has become a major global news, and it is even more explosive than the discovery of a UFO.

Seven fiery snakes swallow the sky, the wonder of the world!

After all, what is the reason?

This event has attracted countless special images from various fields.

However, these experts in the scientific community can't figure out why they have racked their brains.

In the end, it can only be moved closer to the outer (aifb) star creatures, supernatural phenomena... these aspects.

Yin's Collection Building,

"Mr. Yin, the editor-in-chief of major media, the bosses are clamoring to see you, they have a great authority on fishing reels in the country, do you think they want to meet?

Yin Tiancheng's secretary and assistant to the president looked suspiciously at the relaxed boss in front of him,

She admires Yin Tiancheng very much,

The sky is about to fall, yet he can still be so leisurely.

Let the media giants at home and abroad wait at the door, no one dares to think about this kind of thing!

You must know that they have a huge authority on fishing reels at home and abroad, and offending one casually is likely to bring many negative effects to the set.

However, Yin Tiancheng drank a cup of tea leisurely, raised his head and chuckled, "You go and tell them, I am going on a self-driving tour, and I am not at the company at the moment, so there is no way to see them. 22

After speaking, he tapped the keyboard.

I saw that his desk and chair were turned, and quickly turned one hundred and eighty degrees, and changed to a set of exactly the same desk and chair, but Yin Tiancheng was gone.

His office has hidden compartments!

Yin Tiancheng came to the back and walked to the huge viewing window with tea, looking at the bustling city,

"Everyone, the location of the island is my biggest secret. Do you want to interview on the spot? Do you think it's possible!

Yin Tiancheng raised the corner of his mouth.

He knew very well that these people came to him for the purpose.

News, pay attention to truth, live!

Not there, how can it be true?

So when they came here, they definitely wanted to interview on Hanshui Island. If he agreed, how could he continue to film his show of survival in the wilderness?

Lin Han, who has become his cash cow, will never allow anyone to cause any damage.

"Lin Han, ah Lin Han, your kid is really getting more and more mysterious, you can even catch this kind of vision! Although you tell me, you don't know what's going on. But you lied to the audience, but Can't fool me..."

Yin Tiancheng smiled mysteriously at the corner of his mouth.

The vision will erupt every hour.

Lin Han and Li Shuixin are used to it, what to do.

These days, their main task every day is to go into the mountains to find firewood.

Because Fantong had told him that he might need twice as much firewood. So to ensure enough firewood, Lin Han chopped down some cardboard trees. This kind of tree is easy to dry out under the sun, and they are not precious species, and they grow faster.

So using it as firewood is a good choice.

The vision continued until the third day,

No one from all walks of life in the world has studied rhyme.

Many people tried to find Yin Tiancheng to study on the island through various relationships, but Yin Tiancheng suddenly disappeared and could not be found.

Everyone can only be in a hurry.

[Please call me a clerk], that is, the senior brother of the Southern School Bajiquan, Quan Zhenguo!

He came to Longyuan to find the contemporary sword-making sect, the Longyuan faction!

The Longyuan School is not only famous in China, but also has a high reputation in the world.

However, what the world sees of Longyuan is just the agent of the Longyuan faction in the world.

In fact, every sect will have this kind of agent, they rely on this method to build their reputation, recruit descendants, and obtain necessary funds.

However, Long Yuan did better and was stronger.

The head of the Longyuan Sect, Mo Wen, is a descendant of Ou Yezi, the founder of sword-making, and his sword-making skills are very superb.

As long as it is a weapon he casts, it is very popular in the martial arts world, and people don't hesitate to fight for it.

Quan Zhenguo and Mo Wen once had a relationship, and the two have a very good relationship.

Although the Nanpai Bajiquan does not need long weapons, Long Yuan will also be asked to build some short-blade bodyguards. After going back and forth, the relationship between Nanpai Baji and Long Yuan became closer.

"Brother Quan, I heard that you recently recruited disciples in the secular world, and I am a little bit reluctant to think about it. Not long ago, Master mentioned this matter, saying that you were addicted to watching live broadcasts? Why did you come to Brother Yu when you have time today?

When an old friend comes to visit, don't ask for good tea.

They are detached masters who care little about the affairs of the mundane world.

When you have time, it is better to study more traditional skills and carry forward the things left by our ancestors!

Quan Zhenguo took a sip of tea and said with a smile, "I'm here at this time. Brother Mo, there is an internet here, I'll show you something good. 33

"Internet? Brother Quan wants me to watch the live broadcast?"

Mo Wen laughed dumbly and pointed at Quanzhen National Road, "Brother, after so many years, you and I have grown up, why your character still hasn't changed at all. I really don't understand, what can be good about live broadcast.

Quan Zhenguo smiled mysteriously, "Brother Mo, don't say this too early, be careful that you will be slapped in the face later. 99

Originally, he would not have said such a thing,

But after watching the live broadcast for so long, Quan Zhenguo also learned what netizens do.

"Slap in the face?"

Mo Wen is even more speechless, this guy is getting more and more strange now.

Brother Quan was not such a person before, he was all harmed by that damn live broadcast. If things go on like this, he is afraid that it will be difficult for him to take over the Southern faction.

As an old friend, Mo Wen was very worried about Quan Zhenguo's situation.

He thought about it and decided to follow him first and watch the live broadcast. At that time, just give some pointers, make what the live broadcast said worthless, and persuade him to change his ways.

"Okay, I'll take a look first."

He asked his disciples to bring the computer over.

As modern people, although they are reclusive, they are not isolated from the world. Therefore, these convenient modern technologies will also be used by them.

"Come on, let me see what the live broadcast is that fascinates you so much.

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