Survival in the Wilderness: Live Broadcast My Leisure Life

Chapter 214 There are guests on the island (1, please book all!)

The saw is an important tool, so Lin Han also made a mold.

The saw blade is not very thick and it is very easy to machine. After they were thrown into the stove, they were quickly burned red by the scorching flames.

Lin Han was quick, hooked it with a military shovel, then fixed it with a wooden clip, and began to hammer it!

Just like forging kitchen knives, they are simple tools, and the sky-defying skill of the Grain Mountain Hammer is completely useless.

With Lin Han's continuous beating, the saw blade became thinner and the saw teeth became sharper and sharper!

His focused look has attracted many fans.

"Lin Shenda is really good, blacksmith, carpenter, construction, animals, plants, cooking, handicrafts, I feel that he can know the field. 93

"I won't say anything about it. The key is to be fine, which is a bit too much. The policeman is three hundred and sixty-five, and he is the champion of action. He is three hundred and sixty-five, and he is the champion... I am special. Compared with him, he is not even a hair.

"I always thought it was Tie Chou Chou who made iron, but I didn't expect Lin Shen to look so handsome when he made iron. Let me change Xiao, my understanding of blacksmiths. Unfortunately, you already have a heroine, otherwise, brother would still have a chance."

"Huh? It seems like something terrible got in."

"Entering the Iron Age, Lin Shen wants to live a leisurely life on a deserted island. I wonder what other anchors will feel when they see it. 99

While Lin Han was working hard, on the other side, Li Shuixin was also happily cooking.

The biggest trouble in cooking used to be chopping vegetables.

Whether it is a saber or a military shovel, it is not specially used to cut vegetables. It's okay to just cut meat, but it's a lot of effort when it comes to bone or dry things.

Now that there are real kitchen knives, cooking has become a kind of enjoyment.

Li Shuixin cut several dishes with ease, and is now making meat fillings.

"Friends, I'm so touched that I finally have a kitchen knife. Look, isn't the dish I made from Chopping Yun better?"

"Of course, this is not the key, because with a kitchen knife, it is easier to cut vegetables. I can finally warn the era of military shovels and Xiaoqishou cutting vegetables. Today, I must have a hearty lunch and eat well. Celebrate.

Li Shuixin chatted with the drone while filling the stuffing!


Of course, it's almost a self-talk.

"I don't think everyone has such an experience, cutting vegetables with a magic weapon that blows hair and breaks hair. Usually, the bones that can be cut in ten minutes, now only need a knife, and I just looked around, the top of the blade There is no gap at all, such a dish of 567 knives is simply a must-have at home.

Li Shuixin was complacent. Although she didn't know how netizens reacted, she couldn't stop her from being happy.

In fact, she really amused the netizens,

"Li Nvxia celebrates without asking a word!"

"You can always find reasons to celebrate, female hero, I have a question that I want to interview you: you can eat so much, why don't you eat so much that you don't get fat! I'm also a girl, and I'm envious, jealous, and hateful."

You can't remember how many times Li Shuixin has said, "Let's have a big lunch to celebrate."

Anyway, she can always find a reason to "celebrate"

Every time she celebrates, she must eat to the end!

But netizens are going to ask, why do you eat so much, but you don't get fat?

In fact, everyone's genes are different, some people don't get fat no matter what they eat, while some people can gain weight by drinking cold water...

Li Shuixin belongs to the kind of gene that doesn't get fat, plus she does a lot of work every day, and the calories she takes in are converted into energy, which makes her physique get better and better.

And one more important reason: the water of life!

The water of life can also speed up the metabolism of the human body and keep the human body in the best state. Excess energy will naturally be metabolized and will not accumulate in the body.

Therefore, no matter how much Li Shuixin eats, he will maintain the best condition.

In fact, she is heavier, five pounds heavier than before the show!

But her body shape, instead of getting fatter, has become more axis-like than before, which is a healthy slenderness.

This is all related to what she eats and drinks, which makes her body healthier and more beautiful!

"This kitchen knife is simply a must-have... Don't you think Li Nvxia is helping Lin Shen to sell kitchen knives?"

"666, although I really want to buy one, unfortunately I can't afford it."

"Can I rent it? How much is it for a day, I also want to experience what it's like to cut vegetables with a magic weapon.

"Why do I feel that the heroine doesn't know that this kitchen knife is worth five million? You say, will she be happy to sell it to me if I pay five difficulties?"

"Sun zei! You dare to lie to my goddess, if Laozi doesn't treat you well, you're not a member of the fairy... Laozi pays half a dollar!"

"I'm lying five hard to get a piece of a hair!

In one hour, Lin Han successfully built two saw blades.

One is two fingers wide, (aifb) one is three fingers wide.

Use wide ones for big trees, short ones for smaller ones.

Two are enough, because Lin Han just tried it, the teeth made by this kind of gold drop are very tough, even if it is sawing a stone, it will not grind the teeth. For sawing wood, it is basically no problem for ten years.

"Lin Han, it's time to eat."

Li Shuixin shouted loudly after finishing the meal.

"Is the saw ready?"

Seeing that Lin Han had put out the fire, Li Shuixin asked curiously.

"The saw blade is ready, but a handle has to be made. These are easy and can be done in half an hour in the afternoon.

Lin Han washed his hands and sat down at the dining table.

At this time, Li Shuixin had already helped him prepare the meal, and a full table looked very rich.

Taro egg dumpling soup, braised fish pieces, fried bacon with bamboo shoots, braised pork feet, steamed sausage, boiled shrimp, and a plate of fried conch...

Two people eat so much,


"Well, don't worry, our life is getting better and better now, and the rest will take your time.

Lin Shen, let's toast.

Li Shuixin poured a glass of coconut wine and clink with Lin Han.

Since it is a celebration, how can there be less wine?

"Uh, still drinking?"

Lin Han gave her a strange look, he remembered that after Li Shuixin was drunk last time, when he slept at night, he hung on him like an octopus.

In his mouth, he also said some strange nonsense.

Lin Han worried all night, for fear that she would vomit all over herself.

"Since it's a celebration, of course you have to drink."

Li Shuixin didn't care about Lin Han, he touched the cup before he took it up, and took a sip.

The taste of coconut wine, with a hint of sweetness, is sweet and delicious, and the taste is mellow.

It doesn't have the spiciness of white wine and the astringency of red wine.

Because of his mild temperament, he is very popular among girls.

"By the way, we are running out of coconut wine, when will we make another bottle?"

Li Shuixin picked up a piece of sausage and threw it into his mouth.

Lin Han:

This lady is addicted to drinking.

"Make a jar... You really dare to think, how can there be so many coconuts now."

Lin Han said angrily.

This season, the coconuts have already fallen almost, and the coconuts of Hanshui Island have been picked almost by them. There are not many coconuts on Lanshan Island, it depends on whether other surrounding islands have them.

Remember, far to the east, there seems to be an island.

The last time I took Xiaobai and Dahua to hunt down the goat, I saw it on the stone bank in the east.

But the distance is a little far, and it is very blurry to see.

"Slightly, okay."

Li Shuixin was a little disappointed to hear that there was no alcohol to drink.

She does not like to drink, but likes the current way of life, and suddenly some elements are missing, and a small disappointment is inevitable.

"You like drinking so much?"

Lin Han took a mouthful of rice and looked up at her.

"Hmm? So you have a way, right!

Li Shuixin's eyes suddenly lit up, and she looked at Lin Han in surprise.

She knew that this man could always surprise her.

"There is, but there is, I'll go get it after I'm done with it.

Although there are no coconuts, there is another resource on the island, which is very rich. I remember watching a documentary that many countries in South Asia use that kind of wine to make wine.

However, the wine produced by that kind of thing is much stronger than coconut wine.

When Li Shuixin dared to drink it, he would not be able to control it.


Just when they were eating happily, Xiaobai, who was standing at the top of the big tree, suddenly uttered a cry and rushed into the sky.

The tiger head rushed up, they were scrambling in the sky, but their eyes were always staring at the east.

Dahua and Xiaohua, who were lying on the ground to eat, also straightened up and stared at the east with bad eyes.

"what happened?"

Lin Han put down his chopsticks and waved to Xiaobai.

Xiaobai landed on his arm and said a few words, "Gugu"

"What does it say?"

Li Shuixin asked curiously.

"He said, someone is coming.

"Could it be someone from the rescue team! Your popularity has exceeded 100 million?!!"

Li Shuixin was surprised.

If she used to be envious, but now, even she herself belongs to Lin Han, so naturally she won't be envious, she will only be happy for Lin Han.

Lin Han touched his nose, "Netizens are really awesome.

Likewise, he also misunderstood.

Seeing his embarrassed appearance, netizens were instantly overjoyed,

"My God, what did I see, Lin Shen is actually embarrassed!"

"Are you embarrassed? Why do I think it's self-indulgent... I just took a look at it, the popularity is around three million, and the peak popularity is still more than three million, where does it come from?"

"Wait, why did the rescue team land on the island without breaking 100 million?

Visually "what will happen to PY transactions that we don't know about.

"I think it's Lin Shen's cultivating immortality that has been exposed, which has alerted some hidden organizations. Our Lin Shen is about to go to the slicing table.

As the suspicions of netizens became heavier, a drone separated and went to the east to find it.

Soon, they saw a small sailboat approaching the coast, and two red-bodied men with stone axes and wooden bows on their backs. A stone knife was bent on the waist of the trousers whose original color could no longer be seen clearly.

Looking at the costume, it is obviously a challenger!

"Damn it, isn't it someone from the rescue team, is it some other challenger?"

"I know these two people, and I used to be their fans. The tall one is called Chang Hao, who is a wild survival expert in our Dragon Kingdom. The short one is called Wu Ming, who seems to have graduated from Dongfang and is a cook. Chang Hao's Survival skills in the wild are very proficient...Ahem, of course, I'm talking about comparing with other challengers. If I hadn't entered Linshen's live broadcast room, I'm afraid I'm still following him now.

Chang Hao's survival skills are indeed very good, especially good at making various survival tools. A few days ago, I went to his live broadcast studio. He was making a sailboat. I didn’t expect him to make it. He actually drove the sailboat to Hanshui Island. "

"Chang Hao, I know that at the beginning of the show, many people were optimistic about him. If it weren't for the dazzling light of Lin Shen, I'm afraid he would be the first anchor who has reached a dilemma in popularity. Among us, many people are from Come over from his live studio. 99

"To be honest, these two rely on their strength. I don't dislike them. I don't know what Lin Shen will do when he encounters them."

"There seems to be a good show to watch. 93

Netizens in the live broadcast room began to sell melon seed drinks again.

The excitement is endless, one after another.


The sea slapped the coast, and as soon as Chang Hao and Wu Ming jumped into the water, they were pushed forward by a wave of sea water and almost fell over.

"Quick Xiao Wu, drag the small sailboat ashore.

Chang Wu turned back and glanced into the sea with lingering fears, and said hurriedly.

How did he know that there were actually sharks in this sea area,

Fortunately, the shark did not intend to attack them, otherwise such a small sailboat would not be able to withstand a wave of sharks!

"It's too dangerous to go around."

After the two worked hard and quickly dragged the small sailboat ashore, Wu Ming also said with lingering fears.

I have to say that Chang Hao's ability is very strong, and he actually used the most primitive and simple tools to make a swinging sailboat!

The raft below is made of dead wood and dry bamboo, which is very buoyant. As for the boat, it is made of twigs and palm leaves and has a good wind resistance.

The mast is a column. He didn't have a chisel to make a hole, so he used the method of fire to burn a hole in the keel at the rear of the ship.

It's smart and the method is good.

"Brother, do you think there will be the supplies we want on this island? Is the vision that has been going on for several days really sent from this island?"

Xiao Wu's mood is a little hesitant. It is compared to leaving an island where he has stayed for more than three months and coming to a new environment, which means starting from scratch.

Chang Hao sighed, "I can only try it. I just saw an island in the west, and it's not too far away. If it doesn't work, we can only continue to go west. That island, we can't stay there anyway."

On the island where they were located, supplies were relatively scarce. After eating mangoes and coconuts, there was no fruit to eat.

And there are some large prey on the island, such as wild boars, goats, and even leopards, jackals and so on.

They tried their best to catch a wild boar, or a goat.

On the contrary, the Kai ship that attracted the jackals.

This cross-island migration was also a helpless move, because more and more large carnivores appeared around their residences.

Among them, including a huge tiger!

Having a tiger means there are other tigers on the island. Therefore, they dare not stay any longer.

Just encountered the vision a few days ago, Chang Hao decided to take the risk to explore this island!

"God bless, I hope we can make it!"

Wu Ming prayed to the sky,

However, he raised his head and glanced aside inadvertently, something that caused his pupils to suddenly dilate,

"Look bro!

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