Survival in the Wilderness: Live Broadcast My Leisure Life

Chapter 216 This is so special, I lived a fairy life (3, please complete the order!)

Clean and tidy clothes, a complete set!

She wears leather shoes on her feet, the girl's hair is very clean and smooth, and the man... well, the man has a bald head. But it's also much better than the two of them who haven't had their hair cut for three months and are messed up like a savage.

Wait, there is a bowl of rice in the man's hand, in which there are braised fish, sausage, egg dumplings, bacon, braised pig's feet...



Chang Hao and Wu Ming swallowed at the same time.

f*ck, the food is so good!

Are they really just like us, here to participate in Wilderness Survival?

Wait, where did he get the bowls and chopsticks?

Chang Hao now doubts whether the rules of survival in the wilderness that he participated in are different.

Food, pets, there is a quiet and beautiful courtyard behind,

Is this what it means to survive in the wilderness? It's clearly the life you long for.

Chang Hao and the two were messy.

"Yes, we are also challengers."

Lin Han smiled and nodded.


Chang Hao and Wu Ming roared in unison, how could you be challengers, you are clearly the guests.

"How could you be challengers, where did the dishes come from, where did the dishes come from, where did the dishes like braised pork and bacon come from?

"Yes, brother, you lied to us, this joke is not funny at all. Honestly, are you filming your longing life on this island?"

Hearing the words of the two of them, Lin Han and Li Shuixin burst into laughter.

Photographing the desired life?

You guys really have ideas.

"Blind, look at the sky, the same drone."

Lin Han pointed to the drone above his head with his chopsticks, and a piece of crystal clear bacon was sandwiched between the chopsticks.

"Lu Hao~

Wu Ming swallowed hard.

f*ck, the police tempt me!

The two raised their heads and saw those drones, and they were all divided.

"Okay, but how did you get these things? Could it be that you exchange popularity for "five-eighty"? 93

Chang Hao was surprised.

But he did not believe that some people would choose tableware, clothes and shoes as useless survival materials.

Aren't saber, military shovel, and iron pot fragrant?

"It's fate that you met, you must have come from the police island, you must not have lunch, right? It's not easy to see you, let's have something to eat together.

Perhaps influenced by his adoptive parents, Lin Han is a person who believes in fate. I believe more that being kind to others will bring blessings.

He saw that these two people looked very decent, much better than the Charlie Zhang he had seen at the beginning, so Jihui invited them in for dinner.

To lend a helping hand to those who are in difficulty, to give a little help within one's ability, this is the education of his adoptive parents.

Lin Han was deeply benefited by it, and he should keep it in his heart.

"Really? We didn't even have breakfast."

Seeing that Lin Han was so kind, Wu Ming jumped up happily.

He is already in his twenties, but his heart is like a child who hasn't grown up, "Seriously, we haven't had a good meal these days..."

"Wow, is this where you live, it's so big and beautiful!

Before arriving at the small courtyard, Chang Hao and Wu Ming's eyes suddenly lit up, as if they had entered a fairyland.

"Beautiful! 99

Chang Hao let out an exclamation.

Compared to where they live, it's an absolute wonderland!

Flowers bloom, butterflies and bees...

Wait, they also raised bees! Vegetable fields! Rabbits, piglets, sheep...

The closer you get, the more shocking you get!

"what is this!"

Wu Ming was quickly attracted by the big waterwheel.

"Waterwheel, I made a set of tap water for myself, cooking or bathing, there are many aspects."

Lin Han explained.

"The reaction of these two buddies did not disappoint me."

"This is Grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden."

"No, it's the primitive people who walked into the modern city and felt shocked by everything they saw!"

"Lin Shen invited them to lunch! F*ck, this person is very lucky. Is the rescue team watching the live broadcast, I really want to know how you feel at the moment.

: "..."


Laozi didn't want to talk.

"Wow! What a big crocodile!"

Wu Ming was going to take a look at the waterwheel, but when he got closer, he found two big crocodiles lying there basking in the sun, which almost didn't scare his soul out of his body.

"The police are worried, that's also my pet.

Lin Han smiled.

"Huh? These two crocodiles are also your pets?!!"

Chang Hao and Wu Ming were so surprised that their vocal cords went off and they couldn't speak.

Who is this guy?

To be able to take such beasts as leopards, wolves, and crocodiles as pets!

"You two, aren't you hungry?

Lin Han returned to the front of the dining table and laughed when he saw the two who were completely dumbfounded.

I am afraid that anyone who sees him here will be so shocked.

"Er... gulu gulu!

Wu Ming was really hungry, so he rushed over quickly, "Sister-in-law, I can do it myself, how can I let you eat."

This guy Wu Ming can talk, and his sister-in-law is very sweet.



“You actually have rice to eat!!!”

Wu Ming's pupils suddenly dilated, and he almost didn't crack the corners of his eyes.

Shocked, so shocking.

At this time, he came to the shed and saw the cabinets and spice racks inside the shed.

"This is……

He rushed over and said, "Chili powder, oil consumption, salt, vegetable oil, sour tap, painting... God, you have everything here!!

Shocked all the way, his heart couldn't take it anymore.

He doubted again, where is the wilderness to survive, it is clearly here to enjoy.

Look at the bacon, bacon, smoked sausages hanging everywhere, dried and dried...

Does this look like a Survival Wilderness challenger?

"Little brother, aren't we participating in the same Wilderness survival game?"

Chang Hao also asked extremely speechlessly.

"Pfft hahaha~ Isn't it the same Wilderness Survival? Chang Hao asked this question very well. 39

"From the first day Lin Shen arrived on the island, you have not lived the same life.

"Lin Shen is here to enjoy, and you are the protagonists of survival in the wilderness.

"These two people are so funny, they contracted my jokes for a day."

"Although I am very jealous that they can eat the food made by Lin Shen, it is worth it for bringing us so much joy.

Netizens are completely amused by these two guys.

However, anyone who walks into this world of Lin Han will be so shocked.

After being shocked for a while, Wu Mingrao returned to the dining table with two bowls of rice, and found that there were tears in the corners of his eyes.

"What's wrong with you?"

Chang Hao asked angrily.

"Woooo... I'm so touched. After more than three months, I finally got rice again. I finally got a decent meal...

With tears in his eyes, Wu Ming grabbed it frantically.

"Well, this rice is so fragrant, fragrant and glutinous, it's delicious."

He was really starving and forgiving. He patronized the rice and forgot to add vegetables.

In a blink of an eye, half a bowl of rice was eaten.

"Damn, why did you bring such a fool." Chang Hao turned his head in a black line, turned around and smiled and said, "Let the two of you laugh, we have never eaten such a good meal. Do you eat this every day? It's better than the city. The people who eat noodles are good.33

Thinking of the food he had eaten in the past three months, the iron man Chang Hao also felt a little sore at the tip of his nose.

Oh shit,

Finally had a meal for people to eat.

"too delicious!

"Pick up and down."

"This sausage is delicious, how did you make it?

"Pick up and down."

Their mouths were full, and they kept sending them inside.

This meal, they were very full, very full!

Never been so satisfied.

"thank you all.

After Chang Hao finished eating, he stood up and bowed sincerely to thank him.

He knew very well that he and Lin Han were competitors, and there was no need for Lin Han to invite them to dinner.

It would have been a great mercy for Lin Han not to drive them away.

Feeling the kindness and kindness of Lin Han, he also sincerely thanked him.

"thank you!"

Wu Ming also bowed.

Lin Han smiled and waved his hand, "You're welcome.

have eaten,

Li Shuixin took the initiative to clean up the bowls and chopsticks, just like a hostess of the family. When Lin Han chatted with them, she was very well-behaved and seldom spoke. After eating, he took the initiative to clean up, making Chang Hao and Wu Ming envious.

Such a beautiful and virtuous girl is so hard to find nowadays.

"Brother Lin, are there rice fields over there? You and your sister-in-law planted them?"

After the meal, the three sat and chatted together.

Wu Ming found the opposite rice field.

"Yes, when I went to the police's island to explore last time, I found some rice, some of which were milled and eaten by themselves, and some of which were grown.

Lin Han explained with a smile.

"How do you grind rice?

Chang Hao asked curiously.

"Use kindness, that's the thing."

Lin Han pointed out that the roll that was placed in the corner of the fingertips had no other function except to grind rice. So after using it, I put it on hold.

"You are really amazing! In such a short period of time, not only have you built a house, but you have also made so many things! This year's champion is none other than you!"

This sentence is what Chang Hao said from the bottom of his heart.

The more he knew about Lin Han, the bigger the gap between him and Lin Han he knew.

Compared with Lin Han, he can't even compare one of Lin Han's toes.

"Everyone wants to be a champion, doesn't they?

Lin Han smiled.

He wasn't proud, but he didn't have to be humble either, he just said what everyone thought.

Chang Hao admired his frankness, nodded and said, "That's right, we came to participate in this show because we came to the championship. 33

"Brother Lin, what is that tall dirt bag over there, did you catch it too?

Wu Ming looked around like a curious baby, and asked if he saw something he had never seen.

At this moment, his eyes were fixed on the steaming earthen kiln.

"It's an earthen kiln, I'm going to burn some bricks and build a bigger house.

Lin Han explained.

These things have been broadcast live, so there is no need for him to hide them.

Because even if you tell them how to do it, they may not do it.

"Build a house……"

Chang Hao and Wu Ming breathed for a while.

They now wonder if they are human, why is there such a big gap with Lin Han.

Burn pottery, build houses, smelt iron...

When we were still struggling with food and clothing, he was already doing these things!

"Seriously, are we really on the same show?

Chang Hao shook his head with a bitter face and sighed.

His expression happened to be captured by the camera, and netizens immediately took screenshots and made them into expression packs.

"Doubt life.jpg!"

"I will always be compared with Lin Shen, and I will doubt life."

"Chang Hao, Wu Ming: We were stunned the whole time.

"You said, what would they do if they knew the price of these things that Lin Shen owns?

"It's too cruel, or the police said it. It will be directly autistic.

The three sat together and chatted for a while, Lin Han told them about the situation of Hanshui Island, and by the way, he learned the situation of the island where they lived before.

During the chat, Lin Han learned a very valuable information.

On that island, there are many quartzites and conglomerates, all of which are good materials for making glass.

If you want to build a good house, glass windows are indispensable.

This information is very valuable to Lin Han.

Thank you "Lin Han, for telling us so much, thank you so much.

Chang Hao was very polite, got up and bowed again.

Looking at his appearance, it seems that he wants to leave here.

Wu Ming was in a hurry, holding Chang Hao in one hand, looking at Lin Han pitifully, and begging, "Brother Lin, can we survive with you? We promise, the champion must be yours, we can't take it away, right?

As long as you take us in and let us do anything, we promise to be obedient. You see, it is more convenient to build a house with one more person and more labor, and it is also more convenient to do farm work, right? "

He looked at Lin Han with longing eyes, and pleaded with Li Shuixin,

"Sister-in-law, you are kind-hearted, accept us, we will definitely be able to create more things! 39

Although Li Shuixin had a good heart, she also knew this kind of thing and couldn't just take in people.

She was afraid that Lin Han would be embarrassed, so she planned to be the villain.

However, Lin Han took the lead with a clear and authentic attitude,

"Sorry, the two of us have a good life and don't need the help of the police. So, there is no way to keep you. 93

Keeping them for lunch is out of kindness.

Lin Han believes that meeting is fate, so inviting them to a meal does not mean that they are allowed to give meals every day.

He and Li Shuixin are self-sufficient and have a leisurely life. There is no need for police officers to join in.

To put it horribly, what can they do when they join?

I'm afraid it's not even good to be a coolie.


Lin Han doesn't want people to disturb their wonderful two-person world.

Therefore, even if Wu Ming was pitiful, he would not be reluctant to accept him.

If you come to 5.1 to participate in a dangerous program like Survival in the Wilderness, you should be mentally prepared to be eliminated and suffer!

If you don't even have the courage, quit rhyme as soon as possible.

"Brother Lin is very grateful for being able to invite us to a meal and tell us so much. As for the rest, I understand. 19

Although Chang Hao also wanted to stay, he could hear what Lin Han meant from the previous chat.

So, he won't be as spineless as Wu Ming's pleading.

"Brother Lin, can we survive on this island?"

Chang Hao asked for opinions.

Lin Han shrugged, "It's optional, but this island is also very dangerous, there are leopards, jackals, and wild boars, so you have to be careful yourself.

Speaking of which, benevolent and righteous!

Thank you". 59

"Xiao Wu, do you want to come with me?

Although Chang Hao didn't like the way Wu Ming was crying, he still decided to take him with him.

After all, for him, one more person means more power!

"Brother Lin, I can cook, and my cooking is delicious. I can cook delicious food for you every day, please keep me and Angkor.

Wu Ming did not want to give up and did the last struggle.

"You know, the way a man cries doesn't change anything, including my decision.

Lin Han gave Wu Ming a disgusted look, this guy is too weak.

Then, he looked at Chang Wudao, "Maybe back in the city, we can become friends. But on this desert island, we are competitors. So you can survive here, but don't interfere with each other."

"Understood, we are just here to try, we can't leave.

Chang Hao sighed lightly.

Lin Han's attitude has been very clear, he doesn't want to be hated. Even if you fail, your dignity and backbone cannot be lost.

So, dragged Wu Ming away.

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