Survival in the Wilderness: Live Broadcast My Leisure Life

Chapter 220 A big living person, just disappeared? (1, please complete the order)

"Xiao Wu, how come he hasn't come back after going for so long? He won't have a serious stomach upset, right?"

Chang Hao baked the mouse and grasshopper snacks, but he still didn't see Wu Ming coming back, so he couldn't help but worry.

Although he did not have a watch, at least half an hour had passed.

Stomach upset, doesn't it usually resolve in a minute or two?

For so long, Mo- not really a problem!

Chang Hao put the barbecue on the fire and continued to smoke it, and found some leaves to cover it to prevent attracting flies or ants.

This is hard-earned meat, and he must cherish it.

"Yesterday's conch did eat a little too much, and some were undercooked. But conch is a creature in the sea, and there should be no parasites. Even if it is a little unpalatable, it won't be so serious. twenty two

Chang Hao also knows a lot about wild survival.

He once challenged himself to survive on a desert island for 30 days. In the first few days, it rained and failed to make a fire. He even ate raw conch shells. The taste, though hard to swallow, is at least edible.

"Xiao Wu? Xiao Wu?"

Chang Hao came to the place where the two often played big, and shouted a few times through the grass.

However, there was no response.

"Xiao Wu are you there?"

Chang Hao's voice was a little nervous.

Still no answer.

"Xiao Wu won't faint from food poisoning!"

After so long, if food poisoning is true...

The consequences are unimaginable!

Chang Hao couldn't care about that anymore, and quickly peeled off the grass.

However, there was nothing behind the grass, not even the slightest smell, and there was no trace of being pulled.

In other words, Xiao Wu has never played a tuba here!

"Where the hell is this kid going?"

Chang Hao breathed a sigh of relief. No one was seen, which at least showed that Wu Ming did not have food poisoning.

But why did he run off to?

Do you think it's smelly here and pull it away from the corner?

Chang Wu looked around the neighborhood, but still found nothing.

"Bad, this kid won't go..."

Chang Hao suddenly remembered that Wu Ming had whispered to him more than once in the past few days, going to Lin Han's hut to "borrow" something.

This kid won't lie to himself to have a stomachache, and actually ran away to steal things!

These days, they eat really badly.

Rao is Chang Hao and misses Lin Han's lunch very much. Simply, better than anything he has eaten in the city!

Also, Lin Han has everything there.

Not only are there ready-made ingredients, but also seasonings, pots and pans, etc., which is indeed enviable!

"Xiao Wu, Xiao Wu, I really don't know what to say to you, even if we retire, we can't do things like fishing.

If you really steal Lin Han's things, then the nature of being a person will change completely.

What about bitter points, at least live upright and challenge the wilderness with strength!

But if you do this, you will open up a kind of darkness in your heart, and it will be difficult to take it back in the future!

Chang Hao muttered while running, and in less than twenty minutes, he ran to Lin Han's hut.

"Lin Han? Are you there?

Chang Hao shouted across the fence.

No one is in the house, but the fence is open!

It was a pity that Chang Hao was not a soldier, and he had never studied reconnaissance, otherwise he would have found clues.

He saw that there was no one in the courtyard, only two crocodiles were lazily basking in the sun.

Hearing his voice, the crocodile glanced in his direction. The ferocious eyes startled him, and instinctively took a few steps back.

Chang Hao felt that these two crocodiles were much more aggressive than when they first saw them.

However, everything in the small courtyard looked normal, and he did not find Xiao Wu here.

Chang Hao breathed a sigh of relief again,

"Fortunately, Xiao Wu didn't do anything stupid."

He was really worried that Xiao Wu would come to steal things while Lin Han was away.

As for the fence being open, he understood that Lin Han forgot to close Xiao when he was Jimen.

In comparison, there are two crocodiles looking at it, and most wild animals would not dare to approach.

"Xiao Wu is not here, why is he helping Lin Han?"

Chang Hao continued to speculate.

In this regard, he just felt helpless, but not disgusted.

If Xiao Wu got some food from Lin Han with his own labor, it would be a good thing. At least it shows that his heart is right and he knows how to trade labor for food.

Along the way, Chang Hao found the school forest.

"Chang Hao, are you hunting again?"

After resting, Lin Han, who was helping Li Shuixin to saw the trunk together, stopped when he saw Chang Hao appear.

Before, they only caught a mouse and some grasshoppers, which was not enough for two big men.

He thought that Chang Hao was going to hunt again.

"No, I'm here to find Xiao Wu, why didn't he come here to help you?

Without seeing Xiao Wu's figure, Chang Hao frowned again.

After looking for so many places, he didn't see Xiao Wu, and he suddenly had an ominous premonition.

"No, didn't he go with you, why did he come to me to find him. 99

Lin Han wondered.

He didn't like Wu Ming, and even if Wu Ming turned back, he would not accept Wu Ming's help.

That person has a personality problem.

That's "strange, I can't find him anywhere. 9)

Chang Hao's heart became more and more uneasy.

After living together for so long, he knew very well what Wu Ming's strength was. The police said that a wild beast like a jackal, a leopard, and a small snake could not help him. Part of being able to survive to this day depends on luck, and more on Chang Hao's care.

"You're in a hurry first, what exactly happened, can you tell us about it?"

Lin Han didn't want to care about people like Wu Ming,

But seeing that Chang Hao was in a hurry, he couldn't help but be moved.

"It's like this..."

Chang Hao explained in detail what happened after he and Wu Ming returned, but he concealed the issue of Xiao Wu's morality. It was not explained that Xiao Wu had the idea of ​​stealing things.

He just told Lin Han that he searched around and couldn't find Xiao Wu, thinking that Xiao Wu came here to help, so he came here to find him.

"According to what you said, the logic doesn't make sense."

Hearing Chang Hao's words, Li Shuixin immediately doubted, "You suspect that he lied to you in order to come to help us, so you came here to find him? But it's not a shameful thing to help us, why did he? To lie to you? Also, why is he avoiding drones? 99

The last time we met, because Li Shuixin didn't speak much, Chang Hao thought she was just a vase.

But this opening, suddenly made him unable to argue.

Chang Hao was stunned, this girl's logical thinking is so powerful, she can think so clearly at once!

Although Lin Han did not speak, he clearly agreed with Li Shuixin's analysis.

At this moment, he was looking at him with questioning eyes.

"Sherlock Holmes is online!"

"It's amazing that my heroine has exposed Chang Hao's lie all at once.

"Isn't this guy quite decent, why lie? He's hiding something.

"I'm curious, where did that Wu Ming go?"

"He didn't go to Lin Shen's hut to steal something..."

Netizens watched Lin Han cut down trees all morning, and they were sleepy.

Many people are offline.

When they learned that Chang Hao was here to be tricky, they immediately cheered up, turned into detectives one by one, and analyzed it with all due respect.

Being stared at by Lin Han,

Chang Hao was extremely guilty, so he had to explain honestly,

"Well, to be honest, I came here from your residence.

Since the last time we had a lunch with you, Xiao Wu and I couldn't go back to the days when we survived, and it was hard to swallow any food we saw. Xiao Wu had quietly told me to steal some food while you were away.

He suggested it a few times, but I refused. So this time, I'm worried that he's going to steal from you without telling me.

Because it involves Xiao Wu's reputation, I'm really sorry for concealing it from you.

Although he didn't do this thing, it still made him feel very ashamed to talk about it in public.

"Steal from us? He knows we have a lot of pets, so he must be stupid?

Li Shuixin frowned.

Today, although they put the big flower and the small flower on the hook to let the wind out, there are still Xiuyuan and Zhengguo couple, as well as Xiaobai and Hutou two birds of prey.

The fighting power of Xiaobai and Hutou is very strong, and the ten Wu Ming also dream of stealing things from them!

"I've been to your residence, but I didn't see Xiao Wu, so he probably didn't steal anything.

Chang Hao quickly explained.


Li Shuixin felt that normal people would not do such silly things.

"Mr. Lin, Miss Li, since Xiao Wu hasn't gone anywhere, will he be in danger on the road? You are familiar with this island and there are so many pets, so can you please help to find Xiao Wu? ? Don't delay you for a long time, just half a day!

0........ ask for flowers......

If he can't find it after a long time, it means that he must have an affair, and the search and rescue team can only come to him. "

Chang Hao asked.

It could be seen that he was really worried about Wu Ming.

This guy, I really don't know what to say about him. Obviously you can survive alone very well, you have to bring a tow oil bottle.

A person like Wu Ming is obviously not right, but he is still so worried.

"Not now, it's going to rain soon."

Lin Han looked at the sky and said lightly.

The weather on the island is changing, and the rain will come. Lin Han knew about the rain that lasted less than 20 minutes through the weather forecast function.

For twenty minutes of rain, it was not worth it to travel for half an hour, so he brought an umbrella.


Chang Hao stared blankly at the sky, "Why does it rain when the weather is sunny?

He was a little disbelieving, thinking that Lin Han didn't want to help.

"Lin Han observes the weather, he said that if it rains, it will definitely rain.

Li Shuixin said seriously.

She has long believed in Lin Han's ability to observe the weather.

With Lin Han, he never misses the weather.

He said it would rain if it rained, and he said it would be a typhoon. It was more accurate than any weather forecast!


"Watch the weather?"

Chang Hao was a little dumbfounded.

Who the hell is this guy, he is young, he can do anything!

Making pottery, building houses, striking iron, and even watching the sky...

"three minutes."

Lin Han found a place to sit and hang out, and opened the umbrella made of bamboo.

Three minutes were not long, and Chang Hao didn't say anything.

He sat next to him, staring at the sky.

However, two and a half minutes later, there is still no dark cloud in the sky, and the sun is still shining on this place.

He suspected again that Lin Han was making excuses.

Lin Han doesn't like Wu Ming, he sees Yunlai. So if he doesn't want to help, he won't say anything.

As long as three minutes arrive, if there is no rain, he will leave here and find Wu Ming by himself.

Just two minutes and fifty seconds later, a gust of wind suddenly blew, and it quickly floated over with a dark cloud.

"Whoa, whoa-"

Bean-sized raindrops fell from the sky, hitting the surrounding leaves with an instant crackling sound.

This rain, it came suddenly!

"It's... it's really raining! 99

Chang Hao turned into a dog and stared blankly at the sky.

Saying three minutes is three minutes, it feels like the rain is falling from him, is this still a human...

This boy is too scary!

"Aren't you going to find a place to hide from the rain?"

Looking at Chang Hao who was dumbfounded in the rain, Lin Han reminded.

Since the umbrella was not very useful, he only made one. It's just right to cover the two of them, but it won't be able to cover the other one.

Didn't see, Lin Han and Li Shuixin are sticking together.

Netizens always think that Lin Han made the umbrella so big on purpose, and whenever this happens, he takes the opportunity to spread dog food.

Lin Han is really wronged,

He made this umbrella, which was originally used for sunshade when fishing. Later, when I was working outside, I would use it occasionally in rainy weather.

"Uh, hiding from the rain..."

Chang Hao looked around and found no place to hide from the rain.

"Forget it, my whole body is soaking wet anyway."

The tropical storm was heavy, and within half a minute, he was all wet.

"It's okay, this rain will be over in twenty minutes. 9

Lin Han smiled and comforted.

"twenty minutes..."

Twenty minutes under such heavy rain, it still didn't turn into a soup.

There happened to be a sawn-off book next to it. Chang Hao used it as a diagonal support, and put the branches cut down by Lin Han on it to make a simple shelter from the rain.

Although the metaphor effect is not as good as an umbrella, it can also block most of the rain.

This guy's hands-on ability is still great.

Twenty minutes later, the heavy rain stopped abruptly as if it had been set in advance.

Chang Hao was shocked again, he even doubted whether Lin Han had the ability to control the weather.

Because I didn't want to go to Wu Ming, I deliberately created a storm...

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