Survival in the Wilderness: Live Broadcast My Leisure Life

Chapter 226 The Changes of the Beasts (1, please complete the order!)


Xiaobai made a circle in the air, and made a sharp chirping sound.

Lin Han and it have the same mind and understand that this is the meaning of warning.

Obviously, Xiaobai also felt that the island was full of danger.

Lindsay waved at Xiao Bai, "Xiao Bai, come here."

Xiaobai landed on Lin Han's outstretched arm and looked at him curiously.

Lin Han was on the ground, picked up a stone at random, and then drew a hook and engraved a line on it: "I have landed on the island, everything is normal, please rest assured.

"Go, take this back.

Lin Han stretched out the stone, Xiaobai grabbed the stone and flew towards Hanshui Island.

It takes three or four hours for Long Tail to swim with a boat of things, but Xiao Bai only needs ten minutes.

It is very convenient to have it to pass messages.

After Xiaobai flew away, Lin Han was not in a hurry to go deep into the jungle.

His location is a small shoal, and further inside is a dense jungle.

The jungle of this island is denser than that of Hanshui Island, and there are sturdy trees everywhere. What catches the eye is a primitive scene.

Therefore, Lin Han plans to eat something first, and then go in and explore after he has enough energy.

He found a clean and firm place and sat down, then took the bamboo rice, bacon, fried fish and small tomatoes prepared by Yun Li Shuixin. A few leaves were ripped from a nearby palm tree to serve as a table on which to place food.

Seeing such a rich thing, netizens are sour,

"Damn, it's really sour this time, this is coming to Jimen for vacation.

"Li Nvxia is really caring.

"Love Rice looks so heartwarming, if a girl can make this for me, I'll marry her right away!"

"Five-eighty-zero" "Brother, is it okay for a boy?


I have to say, the rice cooked by Li Shuixin is delicious, with thin ham and fresh shrimp in it. It looks like rice, but it contains a lot of things, and the taste is nothing to say.


The preparation is a bit small, Lin Han finished it in one meal...

After eating, when Lin Han picked up a small tomato and was about to throw it into his mouth, he suddenly felt that danger was coming from behind. He hurriedly swung his body to the side, and a cyan shadow appeared from his ear. rushed over.

It's a big blue snake!

The body of the big snake is like a spring that has been favored, and it is as fast as lightning.

When he rushed to Lin Han's neck, he opened his scarlet mouth, revealing two ferocious fangs.

Without a hit, the big blue snake quickly retracted.

However, how could Lin Han let it escape!

Lin Han threw the small tomato into his mouth and quickly grabbed it, faster than the green snake, and grabbed its seven inches!

The powerful grip, like an iron pin, clamped the green snake tightly and pulled it out!

"Damn it in capital! God Lin has eyes behind his back? How did he know that something was attacking him from behind!!

"Damn, just following that scene scared the baby to death, it was too dangerous, but fortunately Lin Shen responded quickly.

"Lin Shen is very mighty!!

"I'm obediently screaming, this snake is too sinister, it's hiding in the tree as if it's invisible, and our picture is facing it, and we can't see it! Also, it said it was two meters short. Come on, such a big snake hides in a tree and makes a sneak attack?!!”

"This island is really dangerous, Lin Shenxiu was attacked as soon as he came. Lin Shenda, you have to pay attention to safety, the heroine is still waiting for you at home. 99

The sudden attack made everyone nervous.

Although Lin Han easily resolved the crisis, everyone knows that this is just the beginning!

You must know that this place is surrounded by the coast, and what you will encounter when you go deep into the jungle, no one dares to imagine.

"Bamboo Leaf Green? How did it grow so big!"

Lin Han grabbed the snake's head and took a look.

By the head and external features, it is good to judge the species of this snake.

It has a large triangular head, a thin neck, and a clear distinction between the head and neck, and the whole body is covered with small blue scales. This is the characteristic of Bamboo Leaf Green!

On one side of its body, there are red and white vertical lines, indicating that this is a male snake!

If it is a female snake, the pattern is white or light yellow.

"Zhuyeqing is usually seventy or eighty centimeters, and the largest is just over one meter. This one actually grows to two meters, could it be the snake king?

Lin Han looked at it and muttered to himself to the camera.

As he spoke, he grabbed the snake and approached the camera, so that the audience could take a closer look.

Longguo Institute of Zoology,

Zhao Zeting and a group of portraits gathered to watch the live broadcast.

They have their own work to go, and they don't usually watch live broadcasts much. As long as the rhyme shows animals, or is related to animals, they will continue to gather here.

The communication between Lin Han and the animals gave them a new understanding of animals.

Although they have not yet understood what is going on, they are researching in this area.

Watching Lin Han's live broadcast is very helpful for studying zoology.

Today, knowing that Lin Han is going to land on a new island, Zhao Zeting has been paying attention to the live broadcast room. Unexpectedly, it really pays off!

"Quick, zoom in on the picture! 99

The reptile research specialist, like Chen Qiaosheng, was so excited that it was posted on the screen.

Zhao Zeting quickly reminded, "Old ignorant, calm, calm, you blocked everyone.

Shu Qiaosheng blushed, realizing that he had lost his way, and hurried back.

On the side, Zhou Xing'an, a specialist in marine biology, joked, "Zhao Yuan, have you ever said about Lao Shu. When you saw the jade white dragon, you were much more excited than Lao Shu is now.

Speaking of this, a group of bigwigs from the Zoological Research Institute couldn't help laughing.

They are colleagues, but they are also old friends who share common interests and have worked together for decades.

In this kind of field, younger people can only stand quietly behind, daring not to speak.

Everyone here is big!

"Can that be the same, that is the only jade white dragon in the world!

Zhao Zeting argued with a blushing face.

At first, he was really excited.

"This may also be the only bamboo leaf green in the world that grows to two meters long. 99

Zhou Xing'an continued to joke.

"Uh...that's right."

Zhao Zeting had nothing to say and immediately laughed, "You guys should be mentally prepared, intuition tells me that there will be unexpected creatures on this island!


Shocked, and suddenly came to the spirit!

But Lin Han is a little embarrassed now,

Although Bamboo Leaf Green is not a rare species, such a large Bamboo Leaf Green is indeed very rare, and it is a pity to kill it.

Let it go, it may be to let the tiger return to the mountain.

This snake is extremely aggressive, and Lin Han can't guarantee that the snake won't attack him again.


Lin Han shook his head. He didn't know what this snake could do for him. It's better to conquer a snake than a bird.

"Forget it, it's a pity. Since you want to eat me, you should be mentally prepared to be eaten by me.


Lin Han pressed the snake's head to the ground, seven strokes - strokes,


Zhu Yeqing's head was cut off.

The head made by Ugin is exceptionally sharp, and it takes no effort at all to cut off the snake's head and spine.

"Hey, wait!


Seeing Lin Han cut off Zhu Yeqing's head so simply, Chen Qiao blushed with anger and had a thick neck, and swears on the spot!

"Bastard, that is a rare giant bamboo leaf green in the world, you... you actually killed it!

Shuqiao smashed his feet and almost didn't have a heart attack.

To him, this rare creature is more expensive than anything.

All the bosses of the Zoological Institute, look at me, I look at you,

face to face

"Old Shu, condolences.

Zhou Xing'an stopped joking, walked over and patted his shoulder to comfort him.

Lin Han cut a slit along the snake's belly with seven heads, skillfully cleaned it, and then set the fire to smoke and roast the cleaned snake meat.

"Friends, you must pay attention when eating snake meat. It can be eaten in the cracks when it is cooked. Because there are parasites in the snake meat, it can cause diarrhea at light level, and life in severe cases. So when eating game, you must pay attention!

Of course, there are so many delicacies in the city, it is best not to eat game.

While washing the meat, Lin Han chatted with netizens.

After washing,

He was going to find some leaves and cover the snake meat.

"Hey, look what's over there!

Lin Han found a strange-looking thing on a dead tree trunk.

In an instant, it attracted the attention of netizens!

"What is that, Lingzhi?

"666, have you ever seen such a thick ganoderma lucidum? This is obviously a lump of shi..."

"Although it looks ugly, it should be a kind of fungus. According to Linshen Jimen, there must be food luck, and it is very likely to be a kind of food.

"Pfft... I told you to read more at ordinary times, but you didn't listen. Look, your ignorance was exposed all at once.

"You know what this is?"

"I don't know, I didn't study hard.


Today, the netizens of botany seem to be offline, and no one has come out to explain 0......

However, Lin Han quickly announced the answer,

"Friends, this is a horseshoe fungus, so named because it looks like a horse's hoof. Its inside, like a compacted sponge, is what many wilderness challengers use to store fire!

The humidity of this island is obviously much larger than that of Cold Water Island, and it may become very difficult to start a fire after entering the jungle. But with it, I can save Tinder Akatsuki. "

Lin Han cut off two large pieces of horseshoe fungus, and then dug a hole in it, revealing the dark yellow inside of the hook.

Gather some more desiccated coconut threads, and the fire problem is almost solved.

I pulled some leaves and spent half an hour smoking the snake meat.

Lin Han himself was almost resting, he took his things and stepped into the jungle.

He used the sense of the earth to detect it, but did not find the entrance to the foggy valley, indicating that it was more than one brown rice away from the coast.

It is not easy to determine Fang Yu in such a dense jungle.

Fortunately, Xiaobai has ushered in, and it can help guide the direction in the sky.

"Dahua, let's go!"

Lin Han put all the things in the bamboo basket, carried his sword behind him, and stepped into the jungle.

However, it didn't take long for Lin Han to sense the danger approaching.

The tigers, and the wolves, seemed to smell him, and were moving towards this direction!


Dahua is also a top hunter. Feeling that there is danger approaching, he quickly presses down and stares around with his eyes exposed!

Look left, look right.

There are dangers on both sides!

"Did you feel it too?"

Lin Han looked at the nervous smallpox and patted its head with his hands.

"Meow meow"

Dahua suddenly felt a lot more at ease!

"Why stop?"

"It seems that something is approaching, you look at the big flower, its eyes are fierce, as if warning the police.

"What can make Dahua nervous?"

"I'm going, after being attacked by a snake just now, how long has it been, come again! This island is too dangerous.

"No, when Chang Hao lived on this island before, there wasn't so much danger. What's going on? Did the beasts on the island suddenly increase?"

Because Chang Hao was friendly with Lin Han, after he left, his fans also turned to Lin Han's door, making Lin Han instantly gain millions of regular fans.

These people are also full of curiosity about the foggy jungle.

After following Chang Hao for three months, they also knew more about the island.

"Everyone still remember, why did Chang Hao leave? Since the last time Lin Shen hooked up on that kind of vision, there have been more and more beasts on the island.

In just a few days, there were more beasts than the previous three months combined.

Presumably after Chang Hao was forced to leave, the beasts on the island increased again.

5.1 Chang Hao left because there were more and more beasts.

He had no way to deal with those beasts, but to leave the island to survive.

"It's not that the number of beasts has increased, it is impossible for the program team to let people get close to these islands. Besides, whoever is idle, stuffing beasts inside.

I think it should be a beast from the depths of the mountain, running out!

"It's possible!"

"Lin Shen is so powerful, he killed a wild boar with one punch at the beginning, and now he has a lot of flowers by his side, it should be no problem.

"Let's see what is coming."

Everyone chatted, and a colorful tiger came out of the forest.

It was the one that the earth's senses discovered when Lin Han first landed on the island!

This tiger is very big, and its head reaches half of Venerable Master's body. The whole body is from head to tail, at least five meters long!

Thick limbs, look full of power!

It stepped on a branch and easily crushed the branch with the thickness of an arm, showing how much he weighed!

"f*ck, it's a tiger, such a big tiger!

"Although there are one pig, two bears and three tigers, such a big tiger is obviously more terrifying than the wild boar we encountered at the beginning, can Lin Shen and Da Hua be able to deal with it?

"f*ck, Laozi's legs were weak, and if he was at the scene, he would have fainted on the spot. 11

"It's over, this time, I'm really in danger!"


Just when everyone's attention was on the tiger,

On the right, a wolf howl suddenly came!

The camera turned quickly,

I saw a group of wolves with dark blue hair, and the silent rhyme was now on Lin Han's right....

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