Survival in the Wilderness: Live Broadcast My Leisure Life

Chapter 230 This is the honor of the Dragon Kingdom, and no one can take it away! (2, please complet

"Sorry, Zhao Yuan, everyone, I came across something late on the way. Where is the new species you're talking about?"

At this moment, an old man with a thin face walked in in a hurry.

It is now October and the weather is getting cooler.

However, the old man's forehead was covered with beads of sweat, which showed that he did not procrastinate.

see him appear,

Zhao Zeting and the others couldn't care less about complaining, and hurriedly pulled Guan Mingjie, an authoritative mammalian figure, to the screen, "Here, look at these two wolves, are they subspecies that have never been discovered before?"

"Here are some pictures, which we took screenshots, you can also take a look."

Zhao Zeting's students quickly handed over a stack of photos.

There are pictures of wolf skirt fighting and Lin Han persuading the wolf king, from all angles!

Guan Mingjie watched the live broadcast on the projection screen while looking at the photo in his hand.

That thin face became more and more dignified.

"How is it, do you see it?"

After waiting for a few minutes, Zhao Zeting asked anxiously.

He is now, for fear that someone will be the first to recognize this kind of creature before them.

Guan Mingjie put down the photo in his hand and shook his head, "I don't see it, wolves are a huge family. If they are subdivided, there are hundreds of species. But for sure, I have never seen a wolf with this shape. !perhaps……"

Before he could finish speaking, a young scholar rushed in, pressing this document in his hand,

"Zhao Yuan, it's not good!"

"What's up!

Zhao Zeting's nerves are tense now, for fear of hearing the words "not good".

However, things still happened.

"Charleway, a famous zoologist in the Eagle Country, just released a report on a global scale, which is a detailed research report on the clipping of wolves in the video. The analysis of this report is very detailed, which has caused a lot of people around the world. The resonance of animal researchers.99

"What! Charlie so fast!

Zhao Zeting's eyes trembled, and his hands trembled.

He picked up the report and looked at it, and his body shook a little, obviously taking a big blow!

66 "Old Guan, take a look.

Zhao Zeting was very disappointed,

This time, Long Guo was still a step behind.

The new species discovered by the people of Longguo actually made a crooked nut come out of the research report first.

It is a shame for the Zoologists of the Dragon Kingdom!

I am afraid that in the future international animal academic exchanges, the people of the Long Kingdom will not be able to raise their heads in front of the Eagle Kingdom!

Guan Mingjie picked up the report and read it carefully.

He tried to refute Charway's report by picking some faults, but failed.

"Although I don't like Charlway, I have to admit that he is very academically rigorous. This report is well written and impeccable. Although there are a few places he doesn't know, he cleverly asks questions. The way to avoid. So this academic report, there is no problem.

Want to surpass him, unless we can find something more rigorous and detailed. Like, wolf DNA!"

Guan Mingjie sighed lightly.

They watch Lin Han's live broadcast for a day or two. Everyone knows that it is impossible to obtain wolf DNA. At least until the end of the Wilderness show, there is no chance.

"Zhao Yuan, I am responsible for this matter. If only I could come back sooner."

Guan Mingjie knew in his heart that this matter was related to the reputation of the Institute of Zoology, and even the reputation of Long Guo.

Although he was not wrong, he felt sorry in his heart.

"Forget it, this is not the time to apologize. There is also a tiger, we don't know what species it is, you will have a good look at it later. 93

Zhao Zeting waved his hand in dismay.

"Tiger? Was it also subdued by Lin Han?"

Guan Mingjie said.

Being able to subdue two wolves was enough to shock him. After all, there is a tiger!

Lin Han, what kind of freak is he?

How could he tame animals as simple as eating and drinking...

"The tiger should have gone hunting. Of course, it is not ruled out that it left alone. 93

Although he believed in Lin Han very much, he didn't dare to talk too much.

Wan - why won't the tiger come back?

After all, it is a wild tiger, which is hard to tame.

At this moment,

Charlway's academic report drew international acclaim.

The Eagle Country has always been in an international leading position in animal research. All countries admire it for being able to study the new subspecies of wolves so quickly this time.

Charway's analysis is very detailed, and he almost named the wolf!

Some people mocked Zhao Zeting and others while praising Charway.

It is said that the species were first discovered by the people of the Dragon Kingdom, but the people of the Dragon Kingdom have no ability to study them.

Their meaning is very clear: Dragon Kingdom can't do it!

Seeing these comments, although Zhao Zeting and others were angry, they were helpless.

It is indeed a step forward!

After resting for half an hour, Lin Han woke up, but the wolf and leopard next to him were still resting.

Lin Han checked the wolf king's wound, "It's okay, no infection has worsened."

He thumbed the hair on the head of the she-wolf with his hand. Their hair was not smooth, but rather rough.

The hair comes in three colors; blue-black, grey-green and white!

Feeling the master's stroking, the she-wolf moved her head to dry her head and changed to a more comfortable position.

"Friends, it's been a long time since I chatted, let's talk about wolves today."

Lin Han waved to the drone, the drone understood, landed on his hand, and instantly turned into a handheld camera.

"First of all, let me make a point, I'm not a fan, so what I said only represents my subjective thoughts. Just listen to everyone, don't take it seriously.

Wolves are ferocious but intelligent creatures. They are hated by many people, and they are also the belief of many people! In our country, there is a tribe of people who use wolves as totems! There is a book called "Wolf Totem". Friends, look at it, a very good book, you can understand human nature and wolf nature!

I personally like wolves very much, I find them tough and strong. Documentaries at home and abroad, as long as they are about wolves, I have basically watched them all. From both ends of the earth, to the eastern and western hemispheres, the footprints of wolves are all over the earth!

Arctic wolves, Antarctic wolves, coyotes, coyotes, tundra wolves, jackals, maned wolves... If subdivided, there are hundreds of species of wolves. 1

Lin Han held the camera and switched the camera between the female wolf and the wolf king.

This knowledge, of course, is traditionally rewarded.

In the past and present, although I have seen many documentaries, those are all summed up by human beings, and naturally they are not as rich and perfect as the traditional rewards.

After the beast level reached perfection, Lin Han obtained an animal illustrated book and knew all animals well.

However, the wolf that had just been conquered was not in the animal picture book.

This shows that it is a new species!

"Just now, I seriously recalled all the characteristics of wolves that I knew, and none of them matched the ones in front of me. So I guessed that I should be the winner of Daxiao. The two wolves I just tamed were never discovered by human beings. New species!"

Lin Han continued to introduce.

"New species?"

"They don't look any different from ordinary wolves, so how can you tell they're a new species?"

"Don't you see it, Lin Shenfang is entertaining himself. He said it himself. His words only represent his personal opinion. Let's get it after listening to Leah. It's hard to take it seriously. 3)

"However, there are so many varieties of wolves, and Lin Shen is not a zoological image, how can it be possible to know what all wolves look like. Who can guarantee that they have seen what all wolves look like?

Netizens obviously do not agree with the statement of the new species.

After all, Lin Han didn't show evidence, and most people don't know enough about wolves.

But Lin Han's words have attracted the attention of zoologists around the world.

[Animal image 007): "To clarify, what Lin Shen said is true, this is indeed a new species that has never been discovered.

Some experts stand up to support, and the credibility soars directly.

"Damn it, I just searched the Internet, there are news of new species everywhere. What about the animal portrait of the Eagle Kingdom, a new species was discovered and studied! I can go to f*ck, it's obviously Lin Shen found!"

"Isn't the old crooked to use it as a doctrine, in short, it is disgusting."

"Where are the statues in our country? This is the species that Lin Shen first discovered, but it was snatched up by Lao Wai? What do the statues in our country eat, I'm so pissed!"

Just knew that would be the case.

To be ridiculed by foreign experts, but also to meet the questioning of the people.

Zhao Zeting and others were ashamed and ashamed, feeling that they were your sinners!

Fortunately, Lin Han quickly attracted everyone's attention, which greatly eased the pressure on the Zoological Institute.

0........ ask for flowers...

"These two wolves look a bit like Kenai Peninsula wolves in terms of coat color and size. You see, the wolf king is about the same length as me and weighs about 70 kilograms. With such a huge size, only Kenai Peninsula wolves and British wolves are the same. Wolf Ji can be compared with it.

However, their fur is not smooth at all, it feels like a rough hand to touch, and they are very firm! This is very different from other wolves.

In other wolves, the fur is softer and the fur is very warm. However, this wolf lives on tropical islands all year round, and does not need to keep warm, but needs to dissipate heat. So it evolved into this rough, tough hair.

As you can see, their pores are relatively large, and they have sweat glands, which are very suitable for perspiration and heat dissipation. This is very rare among canines. This proves that they are a new species!"

Lin Han pokes away the she-wolf's hair with his hands and takes a close-up shot for everyone.

Ordinary netizens will also see a boom.

Add at most one "666"

But for zoologists, a very important explanation indeed!

Because Lin Han was on the scene and had close contact with the wolf.

So he is not an animal portrait, but he speaks more authoritatively than anyone else!

"It turns out that it is no wonder they have such long hair, but they can still survive on tropical islands! 93

After listening to Lin Han's introduction, the doubts in Kai Mingjie's heart dissipated instantly.

The guilt that hung on his face from the beginning gradually dissipated,

"Zhao Yuan, it seems that this honor belonging to the Dragon Kingdom was taken away by Charlie's dream."

Guan Mingjie smiled slightly, "Gangdai Lin Han's words made two loopholes in Charway's academic report. This report of his will be invalid! And Lin Han, a native of our Long Kingdom, his live broadcasts are popular with netizens all over the world. I am watching, so the result of his research is the achievement of the people of the Dragon Kingdom, and no one can steal it!"


Everyone was long and breathed a sigh of relief!

Grandma's, finally able to raise her eyebrows.

Those who mock us and kneel and lick Charlway, do your faces hurt?

"Fortunately, Lin Han turned the tide, otherwise our Dragon Kingdom would really not be able to raise our heads this time. 33

"However, this kid is really amazing. He actually knows so much about wolves. I feel that I don't know as much about wolves as he does!"

"Lin Han, since he knows so much, why does he keep talking about it now? Could it be that he did this just to punch Charway in the face?"

"Uh...whether it's true or not, Charway's face is definitely swollen this time.


Dragon Science Research Institute, re-rhyme the long-lost laughter!

Lin Han didn't know what was going on in the outside world. The reason why he continued to introduce wolves was purely on a whim.

It's boring to be alone, right? Telling some knowledge about wolves may increase your popularity.

Lin Han holds such thoughts.

"The Kenai peninsula wolves were extinct a hundred years ago. Before that, they were considered the largest wolf in the world. But I think this statement is about to be overturned. They, will become the world's largest wolf. The biggest wolf in the world, and it won't go extinct!"

Lin Han pointed to the sleeping wolf king and the female wolf, and said confidently.

The reason why I dare to say this is because of the water of life!

Animals that drank the water of life have grown a lot bigger. Xiaobai's wingspan and weight are almost catching up with the tiger's head. And the big flower is more than ten centimeters longer than before, and the weight has increased by more than ten kilograms!

The florets that are growing are the most obvious, they are not yet fully grown, and their body size is already larger than that of an adult golden-backed jackal.

No one knows how big it will eventually grow.

Therefore, Lin Han feels that as long as they are kept for a long time and the water of life, their size will definitely surpass the Kenai Peninsula wolf and become the largest wolf in the world!

"Subspecies of wolves are usually named after place names, but I don't know what the name of this island is, or whether there are such wolves in other places. Therefore, there is no way to name them by place names.

Plus, you know I'm not very good at naming names. So I thought of a way to thank everyone for supporting me. So, call it love Timberwolves.

You love me and they love me too.

Hmm! Although this name is not very pleasant, it is very meaningful. In the future, this species will be called Love Timberwolf!


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