Survival in the Wilderness: Live Broadcast My Leisure Life

Chapter 235 Lin Shen doesn't know swordsmanship? You can install a martial arts master here (1,

"Damn, are these poison dart frogs crazy, attacking Lin Shen so recklessly?"

"Is the poison dart frog so scary?"

"It's terrible, I can't beat a frog in a skirt!

"However, Lin Shen is so handsome wielding his sword. Even a 24k pure man like me is fascinated by him. 93

"One sword and one frog, it's so handsome. Aite [please call me a little handyman], what kind of swordsmanship is this, I want to learn it!"

It is already well known that Lin Han knows martial arts.

No matter what he does, everyone will subconsciously rely on martial arts.

Quan Zhenguo explained, "It should not be a special set of swordsmanship, but only has the three characteristics of fast, accurate and wolf. 3)

[Xiang Shui Qing Shan: "Lin Han's sword has no rules, but his reaction is very fast. I think he should not be very good at using swords."

Quan Zhenguo's Southern School mainly trains boxing and palming, which is a kind of close-handed martial arts.

So, he doesn't know much about swordsmanship.

But when he saw the ID of "Xiang Shui Qing Shan", he instantly understood who it was. This person's kendo skills are extremely strong, he said that Lin Han can't use a sword, Lin Han is afraid that he really can't!

But netizens don't buy it,

"Ha? I said, buddy, have you ever installed a martial arts master here, and you won't be able to use it? Excuse me, how should you use the sword??"

"Lin Shen can't use a sword? You think we are blind. Can't you see the corpses all over the ground?"

"I'm afraid it's not because Lin Shen's swordsmanship has reached a realm of transcendence, you are a little shrimp in the rivers and lakes who don't know the true meaning of swordsmanship. 9

"Another one to be funny, the identification is complete!

Hunan Province, Hengshan

In the mist-shrouded mountain gate, Taoist Qingshan almost spat out a mouthful of old blood on the screen.

What am I, a martial arts master?!

Laozi is what it is, do you need to dress up!

Taoist Qingshan wanted to roar angrily, but his self-discipline was relatively high, and he did not intend to bother with this group of ordinary people.

However, the "Wulin Federation"

The fellows will not pass up this opportunity to laugh at him,

"Hahaha, I laughed so hard, Qingshan Niubi, have you ever pretended to be a martial arts master here. 11

Some people, scholars and netizens mocked the tone.

Martial arts, although the past few years have been quiet,

However, the various factions fought openly and secretly, competing for increasingly scarce resources, and there were many grudges.

The Nanyue faction has always been relatively strong, so it has made many enemies.

Those enemies would naturally not miss this opportunity to ridicule him. Although, it's only a small thing.

"Qingshan Niubi, your swordsmanship is too low, and you don't understand the true meaning of kendo! I advise you to stay on the mountain and practice for a hundred or eighty years before hooking."

"The description of the rivers and lakes is very appropriate!"

Some anonymous guys constantly mocked Taoist Qingshan in their skirts.

"Hmph, the little man with his head and his tail exposed. 19

Taoist Qingshan snorted and ignored it.

Quanzhenguo's Nanbaji Faction and Nanyue Faction are on the same mountain, and the relationship between the two is relatively good.

Seeing Taoist Qingshan eating marks, he sent a message to comfort him, "Master Qingshan, don't care about what netizens and Xiao Xiao say, Lin Han's live broadcast room is like this, whoever shows up will be sprayed.

He has a deep understanding of this.

"No problem."

The Daoist Master Qingshan still has the bearing, so naturally he doesn't care about these things.

Lin Han is completely unaware of the liveliness of the outside world,

Looking at the corpses of poison dart frogs all over the floor, Lin Han felt helpless,

He didn't want to kill like this, but he couldn't let the poison dart frog attack him.

"Is this an animal that has lost its mind, but why do I feel that their speed and strength are stronger than those I saw on Cold Water Island before! And their size is much larger than that of Cold Water Island!


Lin Han asked in confusion.

Animals that are irrational are extremely aggressive, which Lin Han knew before he came in.

But I didn't expect that this kind of gentle animal would launch an attack regardless of its life!

Even, some venom sprayed onto him just around the corner.

The toxicity of these creatures is obviously more severe than the poison dart frog on the water island!

Fortunately, Lin Han has an invincible physique.

Otherwise, even if these venoms are not fatal, they will make him very uncomfortable. (The venom of the poison dart frog is lethal only after it is integrated into the blood, and has only a very slight effect on the skin)

[Affected by the magnetic field and dense fog, the genes of the animals here have undergone some changes. Changes in humans are reflected in increased intelligence, while low-intelligence creatures are in physical form. Here is the danger mentioned by the system when triggering the task. 】

Traditionally explained.

The same creature, in this special magnetic field, is stronger in all aspects of stature and body than the outside!

The average size of poison dart frogs here is 1.5 times that of outsiders!

And more importantly, they are extremely responsive!

If Lin Han hadn't possessed the gift of earth perception, Gang Rao would definitely have been hit by a suicide attack by a poison dart frog.

"Fantong, how do I search for Jisuan to complete the task?"

Lin Han walked forward in no hurry, first used the perception of the earth to explore the surrounding area, and found all the surrounding dangerous factors in order to formulate the best way forward.

[Tongtong has detected that there are some special police things in this valley. The host only needs to find that place, even if the task is completed. "

Traditional way.

SWAT stuff? What!

Lin Han is full of curiosity,

But fortunately, not to let him scan the map.

The foggy valley is very big. If you scan the map, you will not be able to complete it in a week.

Take a break and move on.

Lin Han used the cold water sword to make some marks on the ground and on the tree trunk next to him.

It is difficult to tell time and square in the fog.

He has a watch, so don't worry about the time. Make some marks and you can determine the square.

The route he came in was all the way north.

In other words, the place he is facing now is the North!

The mark made by Lin Han is a cross with a compass. This can not only mark the location, but also determine the square.

In the fog, there are not as many creatures as he imagined.

Within a radius of one kilometer, there are not many creatures. As for ants, the lower creatures such as mosquitoes are hardly seen here.

Lin Han headed north, walked for about an hour, and advanced three or four miles.

Because of the sense of the earth, he can easily avoid the surrounding animals.

It was unavoidable, so he had to kill the sword.

"There's a fruit tree here!

As he was walking, a tree full of yellow and clear fruits caught Lin Han's attention.

After walking such a long mountain road, there are indeed some parrots.

He didn't bring water in, and his mouth was already dry.

Seeing these big, round fruits with lots of water, Lin Han couldn't help swallowing!

"Friends, although I don't know what kind of tree this is, it looks a bit like a grapefruit, and it has a lot of water in it. Usually this kind of fruit with a lot of water is edible. So I'm going to try it. 99

Lin Han said to the camera!

After he finished speaking, he jumped up with his rhyme cold water sword, and chopped down a branch full of fruits.

He landed first, then caught the branch.

"What kind of fruit is this?"

"Lin God eats, usually brightly colored, beautiful things are not edible, beware of poison!"

"I think it looks a bit like a fairy fruit.

"I'm going, Lin Shen didn't really enter the fairyland by mistake. Did you notice that the animals here are all so big, the mouse that Lin Shen killed just now, at least seven or eight pounds! Also, when the animals see Lin Shen, they will attack frantically, completely reckless. If they are not killed, they will not stop. This is clearly guarding something.

"Lin Shen's live broadcast is even more exciting than a blockbuster!

"But Lin Shenda, although we watch it very well, you can't listen to it."

At this moment, all the audience are sweating for the cold.

Imperial Capital, Li Huai,

[Peach Blossom Island Lord] Staring at the screen, my palms sweated unknowingly, and I muttered, "Lin Han, Lin Han, you can't lie down, my stupid daughter is still waiting for you stupidly. Woolen cloth."

He just came over from Li Shuixin's live broadcast room. Li Shuixin was completely absent-minded when he was doing things.

Obviously, she is waiting for Lin Han or Costin.

Xingcheng, Xia you.

Xia Changhe stared at the screen alone and prayed silently, "Xiaohan (silly brother), you must be safe.

Unconsciously, the orphan in the previous life has received more and more attention from people.

0........ ask for flowers ·

Lin Han picked a fruit,

"It's a bit bigger than an apple and has a skin like a grapefruit, but the skin is so thin that it's not very easy to peel."

Lin Han gave up peeling with his hands and took out a dagger to peel it.

His knives are very good. After cutting one, not only the skin is not broken, but also very uniform.

"It smells like a very strong sweetness, you see, the pulp and mango are a little harder, but softer than apples. In my experience, it should be edible, so I'm going to take a bite now. 99

Lin Han didn't know what kind of tree it was, and there was no hint in the plant illustration.

But even if it is poisonous, his physique can try it at will.

Lin Han cut a piece with a dagger and put it in his mouth.


"'s sweet, it's a comforting and comforting flavor, somewhere between apple and mango. It has the crispness of apple and the mellow aroma of mango. So, it's definitely edible.

Friends, I should have found a treasure, which may be a new species.

It has a lot of water in it, which is very important. Because I'm climbing mountains and consume a lot of water, this fruit can replenish my lost water in time so that I won't be dehydrated.

Although there are many streams in this valley, the creatures in it are so terrifying, I think it's better to be careful. It is safe to eat fruit to add water. "

After tasting it, Lin Han determined that this fruit is not poisonous and can be eaten with confidence.

The important thing is that it tastes good.

He picked one up and ate it in big gulps.

Long Guo, Institute of Plant Science,

"What kind of tree is this, does anyone know?

Dean Yu Hongliang looked back at everyone.

Two days ago, the Institute of Animal Science was in the limelight, making them envious for a while.

Yu Hongliang felt that it was their turn today for the Institute of Plant Science.

This fruit tree is the opportunity!

"Looking at the leaves, it looks like a rosacea, but looking at the trunk, it looks like a sumac. 99

"Obviously, it's an evergreen tree, but it's hard to say exactly what it is.

"Maybe it's really like what Lin Han said, it's a combination of mango and apple, a hybrid fruit tree.

A group of portraits from the Institute of Plant Science discussed for a long time, but there was no result.

Like previous zoology, they can only infer from video, which is too narrow.

If you can get some samples and do a DNA test, you might be able to determine its family and genus.

Unfortunately, Lin Han did not introduce this fruit tree this time, nor did he name it. Therefore, the idea that the Institute of Plant Sciences wants to be in the limelight is doomed to fail.

Before climbing the mountain, it took a lot of physical strength. In addition, Lin Han was hungry in the morning, so he ate three large fruits in one go.

He put three or four fruits in the back ginseng and buckled the back ginseng.

Then, move on.

The deeper you go, the more animals there are, including a huge mouse and a huge snake!

deep in the mist,

Pythons can be seen everywhere, Lin Han even found an anaconda more than ten meters long, that guy is about to become a fine!

Most of the time, he could use his sense of the earth to avoid these animals.

Lin Han found a rule that as long as he was not seen by these animals and kept a distance of more than 20 meters from them, they would not attack him. This phenomenon makes Lin Han feel very strange, just like pulling monsters in a game, if you don't approach the wild monsters, the wild monsters will not take the initiative to run over to attack you.

However, not all animals are like this.

Lin Han left the fruit tree and walked for about a kilometer, when he suddenly sensed a strong danger approaching!

Is a very fast guy, and, quietly!

Although it is far away, Lin Han can be very sure that its goal is himself.


Lin Han felt a little agitated, and hurriedly put down the money.

He inserted the Cold Water Sword in front of him, then took the Frostbow Bow and inserted the four iron arrows in front of him.

Anyone can see how nervous he is at the moment!

"Why did Lin Shen stop suddenly? What did he find?

"Lin Shen's expression is a bit wrong, he must have discovered a powerful danger."

"What is it that makes Lin Shen so nervous?"


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