Survival in the Wilderness: Live Broadcast My Leisure Life

Chapter 237 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

The 237th chapter is extraordinary and holy, the first person in kendo today! (1, please complete the order!)

"Damn it, Lin Shen coughed too hard, just after the last one was shot, I thought Lin Shen was dead. I didn't expect that without the last one, he became stronger! Could it be that this dagger is related to Emperor Yan's mystery? Like a heavy ruler, it has the effect of suppressing cultivation!!”

"It's really fierce. He killed such a big black panther with a few punches. I'm afraid Wu Song's reincarnation is nothing more than that."

"However, this black panther is really tenacious. Back then, Lin Shen killed a wild boar weighing more than 400 kilograms with one punch. After at least a dozen punches, will he continue to kill this black panther?


[Please call me a clerk]: "There are 19 punches in total, and each punch contains two kinds of power, Baji Jin and Inch Jin. The power is unparalleled! In fact, by the time of the 14th punch, the black panther had already died. The last five punches were made up by Lin Shen in order to ensure that nothing could go wrong.

"Niu do plus!

"Lin Shen, do you still lack a man to warm the bed?"

Not only Quan Zhenguo, but other martial artists were also frightened by Lin Han's fist strength.

Even if he was as strong as Quan Zhenguo, a police-level powerhouse like Taoist Qingshan, he couldn't stand Lin Han's heavy punches.

They were amazed that Lin Han's punches were fierce and the Black Panther's physique was tenacious!

You are thinking, if you encounter this black panther, can you deal with it so easily?

Although the battle was fierce, there was no danger,

The passionate emotions of netizens could not calm down for a long time.

One is such a huge black panther, which refreshed people's cognition of animals. First, the scene where Lin Han showed his reluctant strength and forcibly killed the Black Panther was very shocking.

"Lin Shen, quickly dig out its head and see, maybe there is a magic core inside!"

"It makes sense, this black panther is so tenacious, at least it must be a seventh-order demon! - A seventh-order demon core, do you have any inquiries from the bosses present?"

"I'll lie down for three hundred yuan!"

"I lie down for two hundred yuan! 99

"I...I prostitute the party for nothing, watching you ask!

A bunch of funny people.

Lin Han rested on the body of the black panther, the huge body of the black panther was like a big soft chuang.

Its 08's hair is very smooth and soft, and it is very comfortable to lie on.

At the moment, he is enjoying another kind of quick gan - a kendo room!

The mystery of the sword!

The essence and meaning of various sword techniques from ancient times to the present were integrated into his mind. Whether it was the wide-opening broadsword slashing style of the West, or the exquisite martial arts and swordsmanship of the East, they all turned into a warm current that penetrated into Lin Han's body from between heaven and earth and merged into his mind.

Countless villains danced swords in his sea of ​​consciousness, and then branded them in his consciousness.

As each silhouette flashed by, Lin Han could master a sword technique and master its essence and profound meaning as if he had practiced it for decades!

After more than ten minutes, Lin Han has become a master of kendo!

As long as he has a sword in his heart, all plants and trees can be swords.


After digesting so many things at once, Lin Han let out a long breath.

"Anything can be used as a sword, is this the profound meaning of swordsmanship?

Standing up again, Lin Han's temperament has changed.

There is an invisible force between the gestures, and even across the screen, it can give people a sense of oppression.

Ordinary netizens don't feel it, everyone is used to it.

Some people don't even feel it.

But the martial arts people are different, they can clearly feel that Lin Han's aura has improved a bit.

In other words, the realm has been raised!

Although there is no clear definition of realm in martial arts, everyone can still feel the change in such a famous name.

"Honey, what kind of freak is this! It's a normal battle, but you can break through it!!

In the Wulin Federation, some people began to complain.

For these martial arts practitioners, they often encounter this kind of battle that Lin Han has experienced, but even ten or twenty times, they may not be able to gain new insights.

Lin Han realized something new just once, and his aura changed drastically.

Apparently, great insight!

Can it be enviable?

"He used all the black panthers he killed. Could there be a new breakthrough in boxing?"

"It's very possible! Judging from the previous battles, he doesn't use weapons such as swords and daggers. It's just boxing and archery, which is very clever. So even if he has a breakthrough, it must be a breakthrough in archery or boxing. !twenty two

"Archery? I have personally seen him perform such marvelous archery skills as the Five-Star Lianzhu, and if he breaks through again, what kind of realm is that?

The martial arts people were dumbfounded,

Lin Han's archery is already very exaggerated. Several people with excellent archery skills are ashamed of themselves. No matter how high it is, no one dares to imagine what realm it is.

[Quan Zhenguo]: "Lin Han's boxing seems to be fierce, but in fact it contains very ingenious strength. He is able to combine the two completely different dynamics of extreme movement and inch strength, and this alone is the reason. , I think there are few boxing skills in the world today that are better than him. So I think it is unlikely that a breakthrough in boxing skills is possible."

"It's not archery, it's not boxing, what is it? It can't be swordsmanship.

Some martial arts practitioners who use swords sneered silently.

Of course, you just laugh at this statement. Comparing Lin Han from start to finish, he never used a sword.

Because of the inability to guess, what Lin Han has realized has made people in martial arts curious.

Lin Han retrieved the dagger from nearby, and then quickly took off the black panther's skin.

He is not uncommon for the meat of the black panther, but this skin is really soft and should be of great value.

Seeing Lin Han peeling, netizens joked,

"Haha, when Lin Shen was beaten in the face, yesterday he swore to persuade everyone not to hunt wild animals and take their fur. So, what are you doing now?

"Lin Shen: The police are talking nonsense, I just give it a change of clothes.

"Hello Lin Shen, you are suspected of killing the world's special protection animals, and you will spend the next 100 years in prison. Please come with us. 13

Of course, the netizens were only joking, and did not mean to criticize and smear Lin Han.

What happened just now, everyone is watching.

If Lin Han doesn't kill this black panther, then he will die.

The law is people-oriented.

It is not against the law to protect animals when people are in danger of killing them.

"Oh, what a pity, what a pity!"

In the Institute of Animal Science, a group of bigwigs sighed.

In particular, Guan Mingjie, in his eyes, the research value of this black panther far exceeds the sum of the love of the forest wolf and the love of the forest tiger. Such a huge black panther is most likely a genetic variant!

If we can study its gene sequence, maybe people will be able to raise giant pigs, giant cows, giant sheep and so on in the future.

Greatly improving the quality of meat and meat production, has a great role in promoting the progress of human civilization.

Unfortunately, Lin Han killed it.

A corpse and a living body, the research value is completely different.

"Forget it, Lin Han has no choice but to.

Zhao Zeting patted Guan Mingjie on the shoulder and comforted him.

The latter nodded, "I know, Lin Han must have done the right thing in this situation. It's me, I'm asking too much."

He naturally hoped that Lin Han could capture this black panther alive, even if it was tame.

Just like Zhang Xiaofei and Lu Xiaobu.

However, that was too difficult.

Now Lin Han's skinning speed is getting faster and faster. In less than ten minutes, a complete black panther skin appeared in his hand.

Lin Han said to the camera, "Friends, I have no choice but to kill this black panther, so I can't just sit still. So since I killed it, it's a waste to leave its fur here to rot, so it's better to take it.

Of course, I still hope that everyone will not hunt wild animals.

Lin Han found a vine and tied the leopard skin.

There is no sunlight here, and there is no way to expose it to the sun, so you can only take it with you first, and then deal with it after you go out.

As for the black panther's body, Lin Han just cut off a piece of meat and roasted it when he was hungry.

After packing up, Lin Han picked up the bow and sword, and retrieved the three arrows she had gone before.

These iron arrows are all metal and are very precious to Lin Han. If you can find it, you will naturally find it.

The two arrows in the back were still looking for them, and they both landed on the ground. Using the sense of the earth will soon find it back.

But the first arrow was completely submerged in the tree trunk more than 30 meters high. Lin Han first made a hole in the tree trunk, which drew the iron arrow around.

With all the preparations, move on.

Just a few minutes after he left, a group of dark red ants appeared in front of the black panther's body.

These ants are much bigger than bullet ants, the small ones are almost one centimeter, and the big ones can grow to 2.5 centimeters!

Thousands of dark red ants crawled over the black panther's body, and within half an hour, the black panther was left with only a skeleton!

Lin Han continued to walk for about three hours, watching the sky gradually darken.

He looked at the time, following four o'clock in the afternoon.

However, the light in the fog had become rather dim.

Lin Han decided to find a place to build a fire and rest for a night.

Using the sense of the earth all the time, his spirit is a little tired, so it is not wise to stay up all night to travel.

In the foggy valley, the terrain is rugged and the terrain is quite complicated.

If you don't use the perception of the earth, you will definitely have to take a lot of wrong roads, and it is very dangerous.

Luckily, it only took half an hour to find a hanging valley!

There was a nest of birds inside, and when Lin Han approached, two big birds with a bigger head than a tiger flew towards Lin Han.


The big bird made a sharp chirping, and the whole valley was startled.

Lin Han took his time and slashed with his sword.

The cold water sword broke through the thick fog and darkness, and split a big bird in half!

Another big bird attacked from the side, Lin Han turned around with a sword and pierced it!

a stab, a stab,

When the two big birds came out, they were very powerful, but they died very quickly!

"Fuck, Lin Shenniu, Gang Lian's two swords are so handsome!"

"Immortal demeanor, this cliff is immortal demeanor!"

"I was taken aback when I saw the two big birds just now. I thought it was another hard fight. I didn't expect that Lin Shen fought the Black Panther before and still retained his strength! F*ck, Lin God, how much power have you retained?

"These two swords are so handsome, Aite (please call me a little handyman), the handyman is big, do you know what these two swords are called? This must be the real swordsmanship.

"Who said Lin Shen couldn't use a sword?"

Qingshan Taoist:

This shit can't go away, can it?

Taoist Qingshan was also full of shock at this time, "Though these two swords are ordinary, they contain a very high level of true meaning of kendo, and they are completely in the sky and the ground in the realm of swordsmanship that used to chop frogs.

Did I read it wrong before, or did he hide it too deeply?"

At this point, all the 597 warriors were stunned.

They were still joking around just now that Lin Han can't use a sword,

As a result, the slap in the face is so timely!

These two swords are completely standing at the peak of kendo. Ordinary swordsmanship was used to the extreme.

"f*ck, we've all misunderstood, this guy's swordsmanship is terrifying."

"It's more than terrifying. His flat split was completely done with a random hook. This old man has practiced swords for 27 years, but he didn't see any movement of the hook. , as if the surrounding world is under his control. He doesn't need to see with his eyes or listen with his ears, he can control everything and hit any target!

This person's swordsmanship has been extraordinary and holy, and it is not an exaggeration to say that he is the number one swordsman today!

"Yes, the two moves he used are completely the basic moves of all swordsmanship. But I feel that they are more nimble than Taiji swords, and more domineering than Songshan swords! This person can master the two true meanings of swordsmanship, from rigid to soft. Soft, and easy to convert, easy to drive. Strong swordsmanship, rare in the world!

"Qingshan Niubi, how does it feel to be slapped in the face?"

"It seems that your swordsmanship is indeed too low, and you can't see the extraordinaryness of the portrait.

"You can be the police here to install martial arts experts..."

Lin Han picked up two big birds and walked to the nearby stream to wash them.

You don't need to ask to know that these two big birds are creatures that the outside world has never seen before.

It has been explained by the traditions that if living things live in it for a period of time, their genes will change, and it is not impossible to become a new species.

However, outsiders do not know,

Animal science researchers, seeing Lin Han killing Xiao Black Panther and two big birds, were heartbroken.

But ordinary netizens don't have so many concerns,

They were just amazed by these huge creatures,

"This f*ck, the cliff is back to prehistoric times, the lost jungle! Otherwise, why are all the creatures here so big? 99

"Aite [animal expert 001), does the boss know what species these two big birds are? If you don't know, then we will name them Ailin birds for Lin Shen. 9

Zhao Zeting studied flying animals, from ancient times to the present.

However, it is really unknown what the origins of these two birds are.

Moreover, when shooting in fog, they will be affected by some fog, and they cannot see all the characteristics of the big bird.

Therefore, there is no way to conduct in-depth research.

If Lin Han doesn't say it, no one knows.

And Lin Han, obviously not in the mood to introduce these animals, too many unknown animals, numb.

In his eyes, these two big birds are just today's dinner...

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