Survival in the Wilderness: Live Broadcast My Leisure Life

Chapter 246 Dragon National Formation PK Universe Technology! (1, please complete order!)

After reading Zhuge Zhi's record, Lin Han's hand trembled, and the scroll almost fell to the ground.

Isn't this f*ck an alien!

For a long time, a story appeared in Lin Han's mind.

"What's the matter, it's stuck again?"

"Damn, what broke the network, why the picture doesn't move..."

Seeing Lin Han staying motionless, everyone laughed at the cassette.

"No, it's Lin Shen that's down. He often does this after entering the foggy jungle. It's good to get used to it. 22

"Look at the expression of Lin Shen, it seems that he has discovered a shocking secret.

"What is it this time?"

Because Lin Han didn't read the last paragraph, you don't know why he stopped.

After waiting for a while, Lin Han picked up the scroll.

Look restored.

"Friends, I finally know what Yeling is, I'll read it to everyone.

"Ye Ling, is a thing outside the sky, fierce in nature, devours people and is born, and the young spirit is placed in the belly of a person, it is completed, and it bursts out!"

"I think after listening to it, everyone knows what the so-called Eidolon is!

After speaking, he glanced at the camera with a complicated expression.

"Fuck, so arrogant?"

"I'm lying too, do you understand upstairs?

"I don't know, anyway, I think it's over.


"Five Ninety Seven"

At any time, there is no shortage of netizens who make jokes.

"Which kind uncle and aunt, translate it for me, a primary school student who doesn't understand classical Chinese, what does this sentence mean?"

"The same question."

"It means that Eidolon is an alien creature, with a ferocious and cruel temperament, and can eat people. Their larvae will lodge in their stomachs, and when they grow up, they will break open your stomach and come out... ...Fuck, isn't this an alien!

"Are you an alien?

Alien "doesn't understand? Ask Du Niang by yourself.

"f*ck, after a long time, Ye Ling is an alien? Isn't that a movie, how does it really exist? Besides, a can of it came to Earth after more than 700 years?"

"If this is true, doesn't it mean that aliens really exist? Damn, will there be aliens around us!!"

As soon as this paragraph came out, it instantly detonated the world.

Global, shocked!

If the above is true, then the human worldview will be refreshed again.

Although human beings have always believed that there are alien creatures in this world, they are only guesses, and no one has ever actually seen alien creatures.

For those cosmic life lovers, alien enthusiasts, and even all human beings, it is a shocking news for the special police.

Once the news spread, countless people poured into Lin Han's live broadcast room.

In an instant, the popularity soared in a dilemma!

Seeing the data of the explosion, the technicians of the program team breathed a long sigh of relief: Fortunately, they had prepared earlier and prepared a few more backup lines. Otherwise, the traditional system will collapse at this time, and global netizens will probably kill them!

"My friends, I have a bold guess: in the third year of Huanglong, Sun Quan ordered to kill Zhuge Zhi and Wei Wen who returned from Yizhou and returned without success. The two ghosts saved the lives of Zhuge Zhi and Wei Wen.

As for why he did this, we will leave it aside, because it has nothing to do with the story on our side.

After saving the two of them, Sun Quan gathered the tiger soldiers under the car that had already been disassembled by Lan Sanhu, and handed them over to Zhuge Zhi and Wei Wen, so that they would hook the sea again to find the immortal island. As a result, the two encountered a storm at sea and came here by accident. Seeing the scene on the island, they mistakenly thought this was Xuanzhou Immortal Island.

While searching the island, they encountered Eidolon, the alien! Perhaps at this time, the aliens were weak, so they easily occupied the island. But in order to gain a firm foothold here, Zhuge Zhi arranged a formation, established a fortress, and wanted to suppress and seal these aliens!

The article said that although the first confrontation with the aliens was revealed, many of their bodies were dragged away and hidden in a large discus. I guess this big discus is the spaceship the alien rides. Zhuge Zhi and the others had no way to open the spaceship, so they set up a formation to suppress it.

After more than ten years of pressure, the aliens suddenly counterattacked, and the two sides fought a bloody battle. Zhuge Zhi lost several rough people, and finally suppressed the aliens again

The story is compiled here, the logic can make sense,

"For a while, let's go look for spaceships and aliens. If everything is true, then the sacrifice of Zhuge Zhi and San Cong Chaxia Hu Shi over seven hundred years ago saved all mankind!

With the technology of human beings many years ago, there is no way to deal with such terrifying creatures as aliens!

Once they escape from this island, it will definitely be a disaster for human beings and even life on earth.

He finally understood why Zhuge Zhi had to spend such a huge shock to build such a magnificent formation.

Because he knows that "Eight Spirit" is really scary!

Hero, honorable!

"Friends, I think this story can be made into a novel or adapted into a movie. The directors of the Dragon Kingdom, it's time to use your imagination. The Dragon Kingdom Array PK Alien Technology is definitely worth watching! 91

Lin Han looked at the camera and joked.

"666, Lin Shen, it's too wasteful for you not to write novels."

"Hello Linshen, I'm the boss of Your creativity is very interesting. Come to our website to sign a contract, and the price is free."

"Dragon National Array PK Alien Technology, I have ideas. If anyone makes it into a movie, I will definitely support it. 93

"Celebrate +1!

"Celebrate +999~999!"

The novel and the directors from all over the world are all excited.

This is so special, the cliff is a good stalk.

After re-sealing the two coffins, Lin Han didn't move the police, just took the book and hooked it.

They left the scrolls to tell future generations what happened. Therefore, there is absolutely no problem in taking the scroll.

According to the description on the scroll, Alien and Big Discus were suppressed in Jing and Du Ermen.

Lin Han returned to the gossip array and came to Jingmen.

Jingmen and Dumen are connected behind each other, but Lin Han was late and did not open the door.

"Friends, although more than seven hundred years have passed since a can, I have a feeling that the alien is not dead! 9

Lin Han wasn't sure if that thing was an alien he knew, let alone how many there were.

- Many years ago, Zhuge Zhi failed to suppress once, resulting in the death of rough people.

Now that so many years have passed, if they are resurrected again, can they be stopped by their own strength?

However, he is only separated from this earth-shattering secret by a door. If you go in and see what happened, anyone will feel regret.

Besides, Fantong also said that if you find Eidolon, there will be additional rewards!


Try it.

Lin Han did not rush to open the Jingmen, but first returned to the Shengmen, and put his back ginseng and bows and arrows in the passage of the Shengmen. On his own, he only carried a sword and a dagger.

Pack light and sew when you are in danger.

After being fully prepared, Lin Han opened the scene door and walked into a huge cave.

What caught my eye were sixteen huge iron cables.

"Another array!"

Lin Han's eyeballs jumped fiercely, and his respect for Zhuge Zhi rose again.

array array,

This man dedicated his life to living in aliens.

According to the records in the books, he lived to be 96 years old, which was a very long life in that era.

He was seventy-three years old when he sent off his last companion, which meant that he had lived alone on the island for twenty-three years!

The reason why he didn't leave was probably to reinforce the seal and formation.

"Fantastic, deduce this formation!

[Ding, it is detected that the host has discovered a new formation, and the auxiliary function has been deduced! 】

[Ding, the deduction is successful, progress +1!)

Sixteen or sixteen iron chains are locked by a huge creature. Anyone who has seen science fiction movies can recognize this thing at a glance - UFO!

"Shocking, so shocking, I actually saw the UFO with my own eyes, and it was so close!

Lin Han raised his head and looked at this huge spaceship with a height of four or five floors, and his heart was extremely shocked.

"It's really a spaceship! Are there really aliens! 19

"Danger! Alien invasion warning!

"Danger? How do I think that there will be a beautiful alien girl dancing inside, and then start a wonderful romance with Lin Shen?"

"What do you mean, Lin Shen and Alien...Fuck, the picture is too bloody, I dare not watch it.

Ordinary netizens are still in a ridicule mode. Watching the live broadcast is a fun in itself.

But for scientists around the world, this discovery is nothing short of a century!

In the Longguo Institute of Science and Technology, everyone was shocked and crazy,

"Quick, no matter what method you use, contact the Wilderness Survival program team as quickly as possible, I want to see the boss of Yin's Jipao! 99

The director of the research institute, Deng Qizhi, the most authoritative scientist in Long Kingdom, said excitedly.

The eighty-year-old old scientist is excited like a child.

Because he knew that if the Dragon Kingdom could exclusively enjoy the research rights, it would be of great significance to the Dragon Kingdom's scientific and technological research!

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Not only the scientific research institute, but even the national army was also disturbed.

They mobilized their relationship and contacted Yin Tiancheng.

At the same time, many Guo 5.1 also went to Yin Tiancheng with enough sincerity.

They do not ask themselves to enjoy the exclusive research rights, as long as they can participate in the research, they can satisfy any conditions of Yin Tiancheng.

This shows how important this UFO is for scientific research!

Some scientists speculate that if human beings can study 30% of these technologies, they can advance Earth's technology for a hundred years!

Therefore, no country will give up this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

Lin Han didn't know that the outside world was completely crazy,

Yin Tiancheng bears all the pressure.

He just needs to keep doing his thing.

"It can be seen that this spaceship has been pried and smashed. Zhuge Zhi tried his best to open the spaceship. Therefore, he locked them up with sixteen large iron chains. .19

Lin Han walked to the spaceship,

"I don't know what material it is made of. It's been more than seven hundred years after a can, and there's not even a little rust on it. Maybe, it's a metal that has never been seen on earth."

Lin Han tapped the spaceship with his hand and made a crisp sound of hair clipping.

at this time,


Inside, there was a sudden loud noise!

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