Survival in the Wilderness: Live Broadcast My Leisure Life

Chapter 253 Inadvertently, the sweet mode was turned on! (2, please complete the order!)

I haven't showered for several days, and Lin Han thoroughly enjoyed the shower and the "shower gel" prepared by Li Shuixin.

Although the Jimen adventure is exciting, love at home is the warmest and most comfortable.

After a bath and a good dinner, the whole world is full of beauty.

"Hmm, very wide, do you like this new outfit?"

Seeing Lin Han coming out of the shower room, Li Shuixin looked at her chin with her hand, and was very satisfied with the clothes she had made.

"It's very comfortable, what did you put in it?"

Lin Han obviously felt that the linen clothes that Li Shuixin prepared for him were some district police.

More skinny and comfortable.

"Things that didn't add to the police are just a few more steps when cooking the hemp to make the silk hemp more slender and supple."

Li Shuixin smiled lightly.

However, those who have watched her live know that it is not a simple process, but a very complex process.

She spent her time thinking about this outfit.

She just didn't want to take credit in front of Lin Han, as long as she saw Lin Han dressed appropriately and liked it, she felt satisfied.

Lin Han is not a fool, although Li Shuixin didn't say which process was added.

But his textile skills have also reached Lv4, and he naturally understands that it is very difficult to make the same material more supple and slender.

"Water Heart!"

Lin Han raised his head and looked at her seriously.


Li Shuixin tilted her head and looked at Lin Han curiously.

"The dress is very nice, I love it!

Lin Han said seriously.


Li Shuixin's pretty face blooms like a flower, revealing the most beautiful smile in the world.

You like it, that's enough!

Come and sit at the table, it's getting dark, and I'll light two torches.

Li Shuixin said with a sweet smile.

Lindsay pulled her,

"Where did you put the pile of junk that was delivered in the morning?"

"I was afraid that they would get wet or get wet, so I moved them into the house.

Li Shuixin replied.

Lin Han took her to the dining table, "You sit down first, I'll look for the lamp.


Li Shui looked at him in shock and followed behind him.

The room was dark and could not see anything. However, Lin Han used the perception of the earth to easily find those light sticks.

He brought eight such light sticks in total.

"You mean, these iron rods that look like pointers, are lights?!

Li Shuixin stared at the lamp stick in Lin Han's hand in surprise, her face full of wonder.

Is this thing a lamp?

Who can imagine.



Lin Han handed Li Shuixin one, and then taught her how to use it, "Pay attention to the handle end, there is a switch that can be turned. Turn it at will to wake up the light.

He flicked the switch in his hand: it hit the standard mode.

The light stick didn't make any sound, emitting a bright white soft light.

This kind of light is very bright, but not dazzling, and it illuminates the surrounding area of ​​several meters at once.

It was very easy to operate, and Li Shuixin also turned on the light in her hand.

However, she turned in the opposite direction of Lin Han, and turned on the sweet mode.

Soft pink tones, hooks are now around the duo.

The advantage of this light stick is that its different modes have different functions.

Standard mode, only has the function of lighting.

Sleep mode, soft light can soothe the brain and promote sleep.

In the working mode, light has the function of protecting eyesight, and it can also make people concentrate and improve work efficiency.

The sweet mode creates a romantic division, stimulates the passions of both men and women, and makes them involuntarily adore each other and become emotional.

In addition, there are entertainment mode, leisure mode, heating mode...

The police look at it's appearance, and its functions are quite powerful!

Li Shuixin accidentally turned on the sweet mode, which made the two people who were originally affectionate soar in an instant.

"Fuck, can't watch, can't watch...!"

"Goddess Lin, what are you doing, the police forgot that it's still live... What are you going to do, hurry up, I can't wait.

"What a romantic atmosphere."

"The black technology of the aliens is really awesome, it's really romantic to make a stick, are you going to play S oh mother? 9

"I've got the tissues ready, you can start.

"Wretched, scum, scum..."

"I'm so afraid that I'm moved to tears, so I prepare a tissue to wipe my tears, how can I be lewd, how can I be a scum, how can I be a scum?

In the eyes of everyone's expectation, Lin Han gently held Li Shuixin's chin, and gave it a little.

Then, pick up the light stick in her hand and adjust it to the standard mode.

Although he just fell in love at the moment, he did have an impulse.

But he is a sane man,

Push down?

What a joke, live broadcast!

Li Shuixin lowered her head shyly, and glanced at the drone secretly.

Then he deceived himself and thought: Gang Ji should be, no one saw it, right?

The dinner was very rich, and Li Shui prepared eleven dishes. The original dining table could not be placed at all, so she moved it over with the shelf that had been drying brick embryos before, and made a temporary table.

As for the pets, they were "beautifully" kicked aside by Lin Han.

No one disturbs their two-person world.

"Lin Han, tell me now, what kind of adventures did you have this time, have you encountered aliens?"

Sitting on the dining table, Li Shuixin couldn't wait to ask.

Lin Han dropped two lamp sticks on the table, and the surroundings were extraordinarily bright.

Seeing Li Shuixin like a child waiting to hear a story, she couldn't help laughing out loud.

After sitting down, he shared the experience of the trip in detail while eating. The part about the system is naturally omitted.

The story was so wonderful that Li Shuixin was fascinated by it.

Sometimes he held his breath nervously because of Lin Han's thrilling encounter, and sometimes the giant mushrooms described by Lin Han stared in shock.

Exciting, but also thrilling!

Although she was a little regretful, she was not able to participate in such a wonderful energy. But I was also secretly glad that I didn't insist on going with Lin Han at the beginning.

With her strength, if she follows, it will only be a hardship for Lin Han.

"So, the aliens-Rough landed on Earth more than 700 years ago, thanks to Zhuge Zhi and the others, otherwise Earth's human beings would definitely be devastated.

Li Shuixin took a peek at it secretly, and glanced at Xiao Ye who was resting in the courtyard.


It's actually the kind of terrifying creature that was let go in the movie!

If there is no Zhuge Zhi to suppress them, they are likely to quickly occupy the island and use the creatures on the island to reproduce quickly.

Once they leave the island, they come to the mainland.


would be a disaster for mankind.

"The race of Xiaoye is indeed terrifying. Its defense is extremely strong, and swords can't hurt it at all. I think it's hard for bullets to penetrate its shell. At the beginning, Zhuge killed all the aliens, but he couldn't kill them. Xiaoye had no choice but to set up multiple formations to suppress it underground.

When I found the spaceship, the iron chain that imprisoned Xiaoye was on the verge of collapse. Once the iron cable formation fails, it won't take long for Xiaoye to run away from the big formation...

So, everything is arranged in the dark.

Now that I have conquered it, it can be considered a problem solved. "

Lin Han probably understands why Fantong set such a big reward to confuse him to explore the foggy jungle.

I'm afraid, it is also to prevent this catastrophe.

Li Shuixin frowned and worriedly said in a low voice, "You solved a problem for the world, but it will bring you countless troubles. 33

Alien, formation, UFO, these black technologies...

No matter what kind of thing, there is a life-threatening confusion on the earth.

In this age of competition, some dynastic empires will surely do whatever it takes to get them!

Therefore, Lindsay is sure to have a lot of trouble.

Although they had some influence in the Long Kingdom, Lin Han was making too much noise, and even ten Li couldn't keep him.

Take alien spaceships as an example, any empire that can study it can advance technology for hundreds of years, or even difficult years.

Just ask, who can resist such confusion!

"'" Take a step, take a look.

Lin Han was a little helpless.

It's not that he hasn't thought about these issues, and he also understands the truth of the innocence and the guilt.

Since these things have already made him encounter, he cannot escape.

The only thing he is worried about now is his parents and sister!

They are the only Qin people in this world.

However, when he left the misty mountain shell, he asked Fantong, and Fantong said that his people are safe, don't worry.

Although Lin Han doesn't know what's going on outside, he believes in tradition.

"Forget it, at least it's fine for now, isn't it?"

Lindsay II is a human being, and many things have already been seen.

He is very content to have so many wonderful experiences. It's always better than the last life, until the death of the body and the crossing are mediocre.


Li Shuixin nodded and looked at Lin Han firmly, "No matter what happens, I will stand with you!

She, said firmly (Li Nuo Zhao).

In the imperial capital, Li Qingyun murmured bitterly, "Silly girl, you are pushing Li Xiang into the fire pit. 99

Li Shuixin's words are equivalent to telling the world that Li and Lin Han are standing together!

Unless, Li, you announce now that you will break away from Li Shuixin.

Although she knew that in this context, Li Xiang's power was very weak. But for Lin Han, even if the man's arm is a car, she will do it!

"Thank you."

Lin Han was moved.

Li Shuixin showed a smile and was extremely happy, "Fool!

"Lin Han, why can't Xiao Ye kill him?

Picking up a piece of braised pork and stuffing it into his mouth, Li Shuixin asked again curiously.

Put those troubles aside for now and wait until they happen.

Now, eat well and chat well!

"Xiaoye is the imperial body of their race, and the whole body is stronger than steel.

Lin Han explained with a smile,

He didn't want to say more about Xiaoye. It's not that he doesn't believe Li Shuixin, but it's a live broadcast. He doesn't want the world to know Xiaoye's secret.

The reason why he took in Xiaoye is because Xiaoye has a strong fighting power.

In case Yang,

Someone is plotting against him, Xiaoye will be his trump card!

Lin Han knows,

More and more things are revealed by oneself, and sooner or later, people will be stared at.

Therefore, he had to plan ahead and save some strength enough to compete with the world!

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