Survival in the Wilderness: Live Broadcast My Leisure Life

Chapter 255 Lin Chong went on an expedition, no grass would grow! (1, please complete the order!)

Chong Fantong said before that this island will be his sooner or later. Therefore, Lin Han intends to arrange a gossip array on this island to protect himself and the creatures on this island. Although, it is impossible to prevent those powerful weapons, but the effect will always be there. Of course, this kind of thing can't be rushed and needs to be planned slowly. When doing things, you can arrange the gossip array by the way. This will not delay things, but also can play a certain cover-up role. People can't see that he is in formation. The Bagua Array does not need to include the entire island, as long as there is enough space to protect its own life. Including the entire island is not only time-consuming and labor-intensive, but also easy to expose, which is not worth the loss. "I knew you wouldn't rest. 99 Li Shuixin made a grimace, then put on his sleeves and waved a gesture of obeying the order. "Everyone, come here!" Lin Han clapped his palms and called all pets~ Come here. Now there are more and more members of the family, can't be lazy like before. Otherwise, food will be a big problem. So planning must be done to use all the power-up. Pets hear the call, They ran over quickly. The old members arranged their positions in an orderly manner. It was not the first time for them to order troops. But the new members did not understand this and stood in a mess. Lin Han personally went over to guide them. First, he pulled Zhang Xiao Fly to the far left, "When the episode is called in the future, you will be standing here, remember. 93 "Lu Xiaobu, Diao Xiaomaid, you stand next to Zhang Xiaofei. Basically, they are arranged in order of height: Xiaoye, Zhang Xiaofei, Lu Xiaobu, Diao Xiaomaid, Dahua, Xiaohua, Hutou, Xiaobai, Xiuyuan, Zhengguo... After arranging them in sequence, the scene is very spectacular. "Beasts stitch together! "Danger! The animals on the Cold Water Island run fast, and the enemy army has thirty seconds to reach the battlefield." "Tigers, wolves, leopards... Such a group can only be seen in the live broadcast of Lin Shen. With such a lineup, even the lions should shy away. 99 "Isn't this the most surprising, so far, I can't believe it. Lin Shen accepted an alien as a pet! 11 "This is a good sign, if one day aliens invade the earth, maybe we can also accept one as a pet (funny)" I want to see them hunting together. "So many master hunters are hunting, but they have never seen or heard of them. However, Lin Han didn't let them all hunt together, everyone has their own task! "Now let's arrange a task for everyone!" Lin Han returned I am very satisfied with this team. "Shui Xin, you are in charge of breakfast. 99 "I have your order, sir!" Li Shuixin gave a military salute and said mischievously. "Xiaoye, you are responsible for moving the bricks out of the earth kiln and placing them in this position." Lin Han then assigned the task, pointing to Luzhi the earth kiln, and then to the place where the foundation was laid before. Xiaoye is the only humanoid pet among all pets. It can do many things that police pets can't do. Moreover, its intelligence is very high, and it only needs to be taught once. "Good master." Xiao Ye nodded.

"Zhang Xiaofei, your task today is to follow me. 99


The big tiger held its head high and played cute.

"Lu Xiaobu, Mink Maid, Dahua, Xiaohua, the four of you are on a mission to hunt! The first targets are goats and wild boars, but remember, try to catch as much as possible!

If it is alive, as many as you want. But if it is dead, it is enough to catch two to greet it. 99

Considering the limited resources on the island, Lin Han had to make careful arrangements in order to prevent a certain species from disappearing from the island and losing its original balance.

Otherwise, there are so many foodies with strong combat power and uncontrolled hunting, and it will take less than half a year, and there will be no other animals on the island.


"Meow meow""

Three wolves and one leopard held their heads high, sending out the momentum before the expedition!

As if to say: don't worry, master!

"Xiaobai, Hutou, you two go hunting on Lanshan Island and come back before lunch."



Haidongqing and tiger-headed sea eagle flap their wings and are eager to try!

"Xiuyuan and Zhengguo, you guys... take care of it. 99

Lin Han didn't assign them any hunting tasks.

After all, their hunting ground is this small lake, but now the small lake has completely become Lin Han's territory. There are many powerful beasts here, and other animals dare not come here to drink water.

But Xiuyuan and Zhengguo could not leave the water and go hunting on land.

Unless, catch some fish in the lake.

Everyone is tired of eating fish, so it is the best arrangement to let them look like and help Li Shuixin to do some coolies occasionally.


The two crocodiles made happy sounds.

Look at your task is the most relaxed, basically equal to sleeping in the sun.

This is their crocodile's favorite thing to do.

"Okay, everyone is on the move."

Everyone has received the task, yes, let's start the action.

Hutou and Xiaobai took the lead in flying into the sky, heading towards Lanshan Island in the west.

Let them go to the police island to hunt in order to relieve the material pressure on Hanshui Island. After all, their flight speed only takes a few minutes to fly over.


The wolf king howled: Let's go!

The four figures quickly disappeared into the jungle.

Because this is the chassis that Dahua is familiar with, and because Dahua's combat power is stronger than that of the Wolf King, the captain of this team is still Dahua.

Dahua knows where there will be prey!

"Damn it, what's going on with the show crew, send drones to follow. Where else can I see the three-headed wolf-leopard's solo group except the live broadcast room of Lin Shen? Have no consciousness at all, the show group pill?

"It is strongly recommended that every pet of Lin Shen be equipped with a drone for live broadcast!"

"It's for the animals, but you don't give them the camera? Look at the hair!

"Take off the warning!

"Send drones within three minutes of the program group!"

pets left,

However, the six drones of the two still surround them for live broadcast, which makes many netizens feel dissatisfied.

They complained that the comprehension of the program group was too poor.

After receiving feedback from netizens, the program team quickly made diligent adjustments.

Immediately hook the drone to track and live broadcast the pets who go out to hunt. For netizens who like natural animals, this is a wonderful content that must not be missed.

"Two sets for Xiaobai and Hutou for the time being, one for close-up close-up, and the other for remote macro control!"

"As for the group question of three wolves and one leopard, we will also have two sets for the time being. Lin Han and Li Shuixin will each keep one set for the time being!

In addition, give me the fastest speed to mobilize nine spare equipment, each of Lin Han and Li Shuixin must be supplemented, and they are the main attraction. The aliens will give you three, and the bird group will ask the beast group to add two each!"

0•••••••• Ask for flowers...

Yin Tiancheng was not there, and Liu Ha, the technical director, was in control of the overall situation.

The program team's ability to act is relatively fast. Just after the order was issued, the nine drones took off from the nearest logistics ship. In half an hour at most, it will be all in place!

"It's almost there!"

"Damn, I almost gave a bad review. The program team can play the heartbeat like this next time. 9)

“Laozi came for the sea eagles and the tiger-headed sea eagles. I finally saw that they had the opportunity to hunt, how could they miss it. 11

"Personally, I prefer wolves!"

"The big flower set is my true love!"

The show has been going on for so long, and each of Lin Han's pets has many fans.

especially large flowers,

If a man dares to pack a group of wolves, his fighting power is probably not under Zhang Xiaofei!


Since that battle, its popularity has surpassed Xiaohua and Costin, and it is the first place in the feared pet list!

Therefore, many netizens want to see the scene of its hunting!

After the pets left, Lin Han showed Xiaoye how to move and lay bricks.

This kind of simple thing, Xiao Ye can learn it by himself.

If you don't understand, Li Shuixin is with you, just ask her.

"Shui Xin, I will go around with the little flying hook to see if we can find saltpeter ore. 93

The idea of ​​building a refrigerator has always been stored in Lin Han's heart.

"Saltpeter mine? Are you going to make some ice cubes?"

Li Shuixin gave Lin Han a sullen look, "There are so many important things you don't do, why are you going to get these things. In such a hot day, the ice cubes melted all at once, and they can't be stored at all.

She felt that Lin Han was wasting time.

Lin Han smiled slightly, "I won't tell you first, you'll know when it's done. 99

"Not making ice?"

Li Shuixin asked curiously.

Lin Han smiled without saying a word, turned over and rode on the back of the big tiger, and disappeared into the woods.

"It's mysterious again..."

Li Shuixin was powerless to complain, but she was used to Lin Han's mystery.

Inside, there was a little more hope.

Because every time Lin Han is mysterious, it will bring her unexpected surprises!

"Can saltpeter do anything other than make ice?"

Li Shuixin tilted her head and looked expectant.

"In addition to making ice, saltpeter can also make gunpowder. Lin Shen did it. The heroine is a little forgetful. 9

"Did you ever think that the female hero has become stupid recently. Could it be... the kind that will be stupid for three years?"

"Damn it, there is such a possibility! It must be a foolish three-year pregnancy. 39

Li Shuixin is beautiful and skillful, and cooking is also a major attraction.

Therefore, her live broadcast room also gathered a lot of people.

"Water friends, what do you think Lin Shen is looking for saltpeter for? Is he making gunpowder again?"

It should be "No, Lin Shen didn't say that he wanted to mine. If he didn't mine, why would he make gunpowder? Moreover, he was hiding it from the heroine, obviously wanting to surprise the heroine. Gunpowder, what kind of surprises can gunpowder bring? Roughly the same."

"Who said gunpowder didn't have surprises, did you forget when you started mining on the mountain? Lin Shen, he is better at flirting with girls than anyone else! 11

"For me, after the bombing, Li Nvxia directly confessed to Lin Shen! If I bomb it again, will it blow up a baby? (I love hearing it:)

"I personally think that Lin Shen is looking for saltpeter this time because he wants to make a super large refrigerator..."

"Refrigerator?! Damn, it's really possible!"


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