Survival in the Wilderness: Live Broadcast My Leisure Life

Chapter 257 The Crocodile Squad makes the whole world laugh out loud! (3, please complete the order!

Chapter 257 The Crocodile Squad makes the whole world laugh out loud!

After breakfast, Lin Han did not continue to look for saltpeter mines.

Although the perception of the earth has been raised to 5 kilometers, it is not easy to find saltpeter mines on such a large island. It will take three or five days to search Hanshui Island again.

Lin Han plans to let the pets go out hunting in the future to look for saltpeter mines.

As for the more than 100 catties of saltpeter mine in front of him, a miniature ice formation could be built.

However, within a certain scale of the ice formation, the smaller the formation, the higher the loss rate.

Like the underground ice formation in Kirishima Castle, the scale of the underground ice formation is very large, and if one hundred catties of saltpeter ore is fully utilized, it can last for three to five years.

But to build a miniature ice formation alone, one hundred catties of saltpeter mine will only be used for half a month at most.

"Xiao Ye, move the bricks to the side next."

The bricks on the foundation are almost Wuhui blocks, which is enough for the time being. If it is stacked again, it will interfere with the normal construction that follows.

"Good master.

Xiao Ye drank the water of life and felt the benefits brought by the water of life. It respected the master from the bottom of his heart. Whatever the master says, it will never say anything else, and it will obey completely.

It moved quickly.

Lin Han pulled the wire again, positioned it, and then dug the foundation pit.

To improve the stability of the house, it is necessary to dig a foundation pit with a depth of 20 to 30 cm, that is, to build a part of the wall into the soil.

Digging the foundation pit is basically to determine the pattern of the house!

"After waiting so long, it's finally time to build a house!"

"Lin Shenniu can do anything!

"Warning! The law of the country stipulates that it is not possible to build a house casually now, and the countryside is no exception.

"Upstairs, you are skinny again."

"Lin Shen, do you want to recruit people at your construction site? I am a senior in the Department of Architecture in Beiqing, and I am about to graduate. I originally wanted to continue my postgraduate entrance examination, but if you are looking for someone at the construction site, I am willing to work directly. The salary is casual. , it is enough to have a full meal. 33

"Beiqing's greatness? Laozi has Beixiang certificate in hand, if you don't believe in Lin Shen, I don't want a bachelor's dog.

"Hello, I am the foreman of the Linshen construction site. I am urgently recruiting 20 young and strong young men. We only need to pay a deposit of 300 yuan before we can arrange to enter the construction site. The number of places is limited. It's my QR code..."

Skin it, very happy.

As time passed, the sun rose and Lin Han's bald head was exposed to the scorching sun.

However, Li Shuixin brought the hat and water very kindly.

"It's so hard Lin Han, I want a thermometer..."

Li Shuixin held the alien water cup and said while pulling her face.

Let her divide the weight, she can control the error within one or two. But it's too hard to feel the temperature.


Lin Han rolled his eyes up, where can I find a thermometer for you...


At this moment, Zhang Xiaofei, who was resting under the shade of the tree, suddenly stood up, the hair all over his body exploded, and his eyes stared fiercely in the direction of the sea.


Lin Han and Lin Han have seen this situation many times, and they immediately understood that someone was coming.

Is it a challenger from other islands, or is it someone who bends?

Lin Han quickly turned on the sense of the earth.

It is less than three kilometers from the hut to the sea, so the perception of the earth can already cover the sea.

"Zhang Xiaofei, come back.

Lin Han hurriedly stopped and was about to rush over to Zhang Xiaofei who was "fighting".

"Who's coming?"

Li Shuixin asked subconsciously.

"Old friend.

Lin Han replied.

"Old friend? Someone from the rescue team!"

Li Shuixin reacted instantly, and then looked at Lin Han with a strange expression, "How do you know?"

She heard, Lin Han's tone was very sure!


Said the leak again.

Just a quibble, say you guessed it?

Forget it, liar.

"You forgot, I have good hearing and I can hear them. 33

Lin Han nodded his ears and explained in a lofty manner.

Everyone still remembers the matter of blocking the catch.

Lin Han's hearing seems to be excellent!

During the days when Lin Han was away, in order to welcome him back, Li Shuixin widened the road from the hut to the seaside, making it easier to walk.

about half an hour,

The crocodile team appeared outside the courtyard.


Seeing a group of strangers, Zhang Xiaofei stood up immediately, two bell-like tiger eyes stared at them with fierce light, making the faces of these retired soldiers look ugly.

This tiger is bigger and more terrifying than the one seen in the live broadcast room!

"Friends, test it yourself, this big tiger is real! It's bigger and scarier than what you see on the screen...

Being stared at by it, my whole body is fried now!"

At this time, the drone flew over, and the team leader Crocodile learned the tone of Lin Han and said to the camera.

Directly amused the netizens in front of the camera!

"Pfft~ Rescue the little brother is afraid, it won't hurt if it bites you.

"It won't hurt? But it will die!

"Zhang Xiaofei, you are skinny again, watch out for Lin Shen to beat you!"

"Lin Shen: The rich boy who dared to scare me, I don't have your water to drink tonight. Zhang Xiaofei: Boss, I was wrong!"

"Looking at the little brother who rescued him, his face turned pale. It seems that it really takes a lot of courage to approach God Lin! 99

"Do you need courage? Just bring Liang Jingjing."

Seeing the crocodile, Lin Han probably guessed his purpose and walked over.

He touched Zhang Xiaofei's head with his hand and let it play aside.

"We've known each other for a long time, and we still don't know your name.

Lin Han smiled, staring at the crocodile a little hairy.

"My code name is Crocodile.

Crocodile replied.

"Brother Crocodile, do you want to come in for a glass of water?"

Lin Han continued to laugh.

Drink water?

The crocodile team was very moved, and nodded quickly, "Okay."

Everyone wants to taste the spring water that pets are obsessed with, what does it taste like!

With such an opportunity, how could they miss it.

If you can take a sip, even if you go back and be punished, it will be worth it!

After entering the fog, Lindsay shouted to Li Shuixin, "Shuixin, there are guests at home, quickly give them a cup of hydrolysis to quench their thirst."


Li Shuixin hurriedly took Yun Yun a few water glasses and a clay pot, and poured a glass for each of them.

Looking at the clear water in front of you,

Crocodile and his team members were very excited. Finally, they had the opportunity to try the magical mountain spring water.

Now, he just wants to pretend to be 13!

"Did you know, someone did a survey on the Internet before. They said what would you like to do if you were in a shipwreck at sea and accidentally drifted to your island?

There are five options in total: 1. Eat a meal made by Lin Shen. 2. Drink a sip of magical mountain spring water. 3. Riding a long tail in the sea. 4, and you shadows. 5. Live with you for a week.

Do you know which is the most popular option?"

The crocodile picked up the water glass and said excitedly.

"Are you supposed to want me to guess all the options before saying 2?

Lin Han rolled his eyes and said speechlessly.

You have written the answer on your face and asked a question.

"Cough cough. 99

The crocodile coughed dryly, and nodded with a blushing old face, "That's right, drink a sip of the magical mountain spring water, and the popularity has reached 41%! How many people dream of wanting to taste the taste of mountain spring water, no Think how lucky we are today!


He put the water glass in front of the camera, and laughed loudly, "Friends, as a fan of Lin Shen, I'm really happy.

If you want to be envious, hurry up and be envious, I will finish drinking in a while.

Look at his smugness!

Lin Han raised his hand to remind him that this is not the water of life...

But before they had time to speak, these people couldn't wait to drink.

"Friends, I'm going to drink, and I'll share the taste with you later.

The crocodile said proudly, and then gulped it down.

A glass of water is not much, and Gulu Gulu finished it in three or two sips.

"Damn, I'm sore!

"Wuwu, I really want to drink, even one sip."

"I'm also a fan of Lin Shen, I started chasing it from the first day of the broadcast, why am I not treated like this!"

"Look at how excited they are, and learn from Xiaohua! This is the expression when Xiaohua waits for water every day. 33

"Aite program group, is the rescue team still recruiting? 99

Seeing that the crocodile team has the opportunity to drink mountain spring water, tens of thousands of netizens in the live broadcast room are all envious and jealous!

I can't wait to take the crocodile away with one foot and come by myself.


After waiting for a while, the faces of the crocodile and others did not show the expressions everyone imagined.

I remember that every time Lin Han's pets drink the spring water, they are very surprised, lively, and excited.

As if those waters are the best food in the world, and one sip will make them happy all day long.

However, after the crocodile and the others finished drinking, these expressions did not appear, but a strange aftertaste appeared on their faces.

"The taste...isn't the same as the Liangbaikai I usually drink?"

A member of the team smashed it, said Zui.

"This water is very ying, not as soft as the female hero said."

Another person continued on to 613.

The crocodile also frowned, "It's not sweet, it's not soft, it's nothing special?"

"What's the situation? Is the spring water fake?

"How can it be fake, Lin Shen and the heroine can play, can pets also play?

"Why do I feel relieved when I see them being upset!"

The crocodile also had a variety of guesses in his heart, and it was a little uncomfortable.

"Lin Shen, this mountain spring is different from what you usually say.

Could it be that Lin Shen and the female hero have been deceiving Da Jing, and the delicious mountain spring water is simply fake?


Lin Han coughed dryly and looked around, "Well, I didn't say this is mountain spring water.

The mountain spring water has just been drank by the guy in one breath, and now it is continuing. These waters are boiled lake water, and they are naturally cold and boiled. There is no district police. 35

Lin Han explained.

"Lake water? 99

"Cool and white!

The shot of the crocodile team lost its color in an instant...

Liang Baikai, you didn't say it sooner!

I just went around...

Damn it, I'm embarrassed.

The crocodile stuck in his chest in one breath, and almost didn't turn over.

Thinking of how proud he was just showing off, he was so ashamed that he couldn't wait to dig a hole and bury himself in it immediately.

Just at this time,


Li Shuixin finally couldn't hold back, and her waist bowed as she laughed.

Lin Han could hold back, but being surrounded by Li Shuixin, he also laughed.

The live broadcast room is even more fun,

"Pfft haha."

"Crocodile, crocodile, do you want to die of laughter Laozi, and then inherit my flower chant?"

"Thinking of the beginning, but not the end."

"You started the game by drinking the nectar and Yulu, but what you drank is cold and white, which makes me laugh to death."

"Woman: I will endure it, I will endure it again, I can't bear it anymore, hahahaha...

"The old lady has laughed out loud! 99

"The landlord next door asked me if there was a goose at home, I: goose goose goose goose..."

"Lin Shen: I didn't laugh, I really didn't laugh, hahaha..."

PS: 0 (TT), how many big guys are still chasing, I panic a lot~ For the following plot, do you have any good suggestions, can you leave a paw in the book review area, please~

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