Survival in the Wilderness: Live Broadcast My Leisure Life

Chapter 262 In two hours, I have mastered a language! (2, please complete the order!)

Long Guo , a certain Xiaoming

"Xiao Ming, the English teaching is here, and the teacher your mother found for you is a teacher who graduated from Beiqing. Come out soon."

A woman knocked on the door and greeted a young man with black-rimmed glasses.

The man is bookish and polite, giving people the feeling of a scholar.

However, the study room replied, "I don't have time to watch the live broadcast."

The woman was about to compliment the child in front of the teacher. In one sentence, she almost didn't take her breath away!

"You interest-free child, haven't you watched the live broadcast every day, what's so good about the live broadcast! How bad is your English, don't you have any points in your heart? Can you watch the live broadcast and understand your English? Are the results up?

Usually, it’s fine to look at it, but now, with three years to go before the college entrance examination, and his English grades are abysmal, this patient has no sense of urgency at all.

Simply, pissed off the old lady!

The woman used the Hedong Lion's Roar to open the door of the study!

Behind him, the top student from Beiqing was so frightened that he hurriedly adjusted his glasses.


Xiao Ming got up angrily, Biao Qin spoke fluent English!

Xiao Ming's mother was dumbfounded,

God, is this still my English idiot, how can he speak so fluent English?

"Sister, didn't you say that Xiao Ming's English level is very poor, but his English is very good?"

Beiqing top students asked some 08 Yu.

These girls, come to entertain me?

Xiao Ming's mother was completely confused, "I... I don't know what's going on.


Xiao Ming turned the computer over and said confidently.

At this time, the live content was playing on the computer screen, and Li Shuixin was seriously teaching Lin Han grammar.

One teaches carefully and the other learns earnestly.

Of course, Xiao Ming's mother didn't understand it, but the top students in Beiqing understood it.

He was a little angry and felt like he was being teased.

"Sister, why did you report such an excellent online course to Xiao Ming's classmates. Why do you want to make fun of me!

After that, he left angrily!

He had never watched the live broadcast, and thought that what was playing on the computer was a situational conversation about learning English.

"Ah... Ha? Isn't that the live broadcast that Xiao Ming usually watches, when did it become an excellent English course?"

Xiao Ming's mother opened her mouth wide and was in a dazed state the whole time, "Son, all your English is from the live broadcast?

"Of course!

"The police gave the old lady English, but the old lady can't understand it!

"I said: Of course!"

Xiao Ming proudly repeats!

"It's amazing my son, I always thought you were an English scumbag, but I didn't expect you to learn such great English secretly! In the future, you can watch this kind of live broadcast as long as you want, and my mother approves it! 93

Xiao Ming's mother was afraid of disturbing her son's study... Watching the live broadcast, she quickly backed out and closed the door gently.

the latter,

Suddenly slumped on the chair, a long sigh of relief!

"Mom, I laughed so hard, fortunately, I prepared a few words of English in advance. However, I finally got rid of the annoying teaching and cut off the idea of ​​my mother asking for it!

Lin Shen, the heroine, thank you.

[Xiao Ming] rewarded the anchor Lin Han with a trophy.

[Xiao Ming] rewarded the anchor Li Shuixin with a trophy.

"The scumbags who just entered high school don't have much pocket money, it's a meaning. 9

Lin Han and Li Shuixin are indeed teaching English on live broadcast,

But, they also start around an hour in total.

Unless Xiao Ming has the same traditional support as Lin Han, it is impossible to learn such 6.

He learned a few sentences on the Internet in advance because he knew that his mother was going to ask for advice today, and he happened to see Lin Han live broadcast this content.

I wanted to pretend to be a coercion and teach you a trick.

Unexpectedly, I really confused my mother. And even the tutor was pissed off!

cool wow wow wow wow...

In fact, most of the people who want to learn English with Lin Han with the female hero have no idea.

Because Lin Han studied for an hour, his English language skills have been improved to Lv4!

Has mastered eight difficult vocabulary, more than ten kinds of grammar.

Although, it is a little worse than Li Shuixin, but such rapid progress makes everyone feel terrified!

Lin Han can draw inferences about many things, Li Shuixin continued to talk about one, Lin Han was able to say two and three, making Li Shuixin speechless.

I haven't taught yet, but you will!

Speechless, how can there be such a student!

It just doesn't give the teacher a chance to perform.

She originally thought that being able to be Lin Han's teacher would be very good, and she felt proud for a while.

But teaching her to find out that it doesn't taste right, Lin Han feels that she can do anything!

Every time he teaches a word, he feels that he has mastered all the uses of the word... But I haven't taught these uses yet.

"Lin Han, tell me honestly, are you pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger!"

Li Shuixin quit, she now seriously doubts that Lin Han is actually proficient in English, and pretends that she doesn't. Then, point it out when she hooks the wrong one.

Play pig eat tiger?

Lin Han glanced at her half-smile, "Do you think I need this?"

"Then how do you feel like you can do anything?

Li Shuixin frowned and said softly.

"It's not that you can do everything, but you can learn it. You should know that there is a kind of person in this world called Tianzhuo!"

Lin Han took off the roasted swallows, brushed some chili noodles, and said in secret.

"Tianji you are tall! You are a pervert.

Li Shuixin turned her long eyelashes in dissatisfaction.

"Okay, don't tease, Mr. Li, you haven't finished talking about the question you just talked about. Besides, I'm still a little vague about the district police who are not completely flipped and completely flipped.

He also knew that Li Shuixin wasn't really dissatisfied, so he went on to talk about the doubts in his heart.

Because the English language skills have been improved to Lv4, Lin Han can be considered to have mastered the sixth level. For him, English is no longer a book from heaven. Where he understood and did not understand, he had a clear understanding in his heart.

"Well, for the sake of your good attitude towards learning, I'll talk to you again.

Incomplete flipping means…”

Li Shuixin glanced at Lin Han, and after confirming that this guy was not deliberately teasing him, he continued the class.

Because there is a lot of cooking, the meals have to wait for a while to be sewn.

The two are fine anyway, one is willing to teach and the other is willing to learn, so naturally they can continue.

In a blink of an eye, two hours passed,

Li Shuixin took a sip from the water glass, moistening her somewhat dry throat, "The usage of the subjunctive in unreal conditions is roughly this, have you mastered it?"

[Ding, successfully learn new knowledge, English language skills +17!)

[Ding, the English language skill level has been raised to Lv6!

Congratulations to the host, you have successfully improved your English language skills to perfection. Get full proficiency in English language vocabulary, plus bonus English language skills proficiency!)

The traditional prompts sounded in Lin Han's mind!

The corners of Lin Han's mouth suddenly lifted up!

Tradition is really powerful!

In just two hours, a language was mastered. With this bonus, he is more proficient in English than many native speakers!

Li Shuixin's English level is very good, converted into grades, that is, about Lv5.

However, after Lin Han studied with her for an hour, she went from not to being proficient in the language, and completely mastered the language!

How terrifying.

"Shui Xin, I feel that you have opened up my second line of Rendu!"

Lin Han's eyes lit up and said in a mocking way.

"Ren Du Ermai? What do you mean, learn English and make you a martial arts master? 22

Li Shuixin's expression was a little strange.

Looking at this guy, he was full of helplessness.

"It's not a martial arts master, but I feel that I have suddenly learned and mastered this language! 9)


Li Shuixin's eyes became even more bizarre, looking at him was like looking at aliens.

Although, Lin Han is a quick learner and understands a little bit.

But it is easier said than done to be proficient in a language. We have spoken Chinese for so many years, and no one dares to say that he is proficient in Chinese since 613.

Do you dare to speak proficient English after studying for an hour?

Believe in you.

"Do not believe?"

"Do not believe!

"You can ask any questions. If I can't answer any of them, you can make any requests. If I can answer all of them, how will you feed me this meal?

Lin Han thought of a picture, and the corner of his mouth couldn't help but twitch.


"Ask whatever.

Li Shuixin did not believe in evil, so he asked more than a dozen questions one after another about the difficulties he encountered in his studies.

Even when she was studying in Eagle Country, the language professors couldn't answer some questions, but they were answered by Lin Han.

Lin Han's spoken language is also very different from before.

As soon as I heard it before, I knew that it was the English spoken by the people of Longguo. But now, even Li Shuixin, who speaks fluent English, doubts whether this guy grew up in the Eagle Country. Even some slang words, even she didn't know.

"Lin Han, you... also said that you are not pretending to be a pig to eat a tiger!"

Li Shui said angrily, "The few questions that I just asked you, even the language professor of Ying Country can't answer, you know such difficult questions, and you lied to me, saying that you can't speak English, Let me teach you.

You big liar!"

She seemed to be really angry, and her eyes were a little red.

With a ding, he turned his back to Lin Han.

Lin Han laughed dumbly, took her hand, and said seriously, "I said, I was really an English scumbag two hours ago, do you believe it? I have English college entrance examination results to testify!"


"How many points did you get in the college entrance examination?

Li Shuixin turned around and looked at Lin Han aggrievedly.

"I don't know the transcript, but the estimated score is only 77 points.

150 papers, only 77 papers, this is Lin Han's true level.

"You mean you've only just learned an hour before you've fully mastered the language of English?"

Li Shuixin puffed up the channel.

"It's you who taught me well. 93

Lin Han laughed.

"The devil is believing you.

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