Survival in the Wilderness: Live Broadcast My Leisure Life

Chapter 266 Huang Nan, the preferred material for roof beams! (1, please order all!)

"Pfft~ When Lin Shen mentioned delicious food, the heroine's expression brightened!"

"It turns out that every little fairy has a foodie in her heart!"

"The heroine has been completely captured by Lin Shen's food.

"Classmates, Lin Shen has proved with his own practical actions that if you cook a good meal, you can find a beautiful female partner! What are you still hesitating about, quickly pick up the phone in your hand and dial 404-404- 4044, the registration hotline of our new Dongfang Professional Chef School. The first 100 students who enter can enjoy a surprise special price of 1 yuan for admission!

What are you waiting for, hurry up and make a call! New Dongfang Professional Chef School, you can not only learn the skills of making money, but also learn the skills of flirting with girls, both money and girls will be harvested!

New Dongfang, you deserve it! 99


Lin Han's live broadcast room has never lacked such entertainment advertisements.

Not for the police, just have fun!

Next, Lin Han "613" gave Li Shuixin a detailed explanation of how to raise fish on fire. Of course, to eat this delicacy, certainly not tonight.

After a busy day, the two simply grabbed some food and rested.

In the blink of an eye it was the next morning,

Lin Han picked up a chisel and a hammer and went to open a hole in the grave. The lime mortar used for laying bricks is not completely dry, so it is easier to open holes at this time.

"Master, let me come, you just tell me what to do."

Hearing the conversation between Lin Han and Li Shuixin, Xiaoye also realized that his work was not done well.

So, take the initiative to ask for supplements.

But these things are a bit complicated to talk about, and it may not be able to understand.

Lin Han decided to do it himself.

"It doesn't matter, I'll just do it myself, you can help Shuixin lay the ground.

There are some bricks left, just right for paving the yard.

The yard is full of mud, which turns into silt when it rains, making it very inconvenient to walk.

So, Lin Han burned some more bricks.


Xiao Ye hurried to help Li Shuixin.

There is one more person at home who can work, and many things can be done more conveniently.

For example, laying the ground requires a lot of sand and lime. Xiaoye took a shovel and a transport truck, and soon brought back a few trucks of sand.

If Li Shuixin was asked to do it by himself, he would not be able to finish it in two days.

With Xiao Ye's help, it only took half a day to lay a layer of bricks on the ground.

Lin Han also fished all the reserved holes.

"Sunny, it looks much neater now.

When I got down from the house and saw the clean ground, I was instantly in a good mood.

In addition to the ground used for walking, Li Shuixin also used bricks to pile up some lace to make the courtyard more beautiful.

"How about it, it's not bad.

Li Shuixin raised her chin, the corners of her mouth a little proud.

"Very good, you can go to the garden design competition. 99

Lin Han laughed and teased, and then said, "I've done it here too, we'll go logging together in the afternoon.

Because there is no steel and concrete, Lin Han can only use wood for beams and planks for floor plans.

In many parts of the countryside, houses that are more than two decades old are basically this kind of brick structure.


When Li Shuixin heard this, a hint of dodge appeared on her pretty face, "You and Xiaoye go, I'll be fine at home.

Logging is a laborious and tedious job.

These days, she has cut enough trees and doesn't want to cut any more.

If Lin Han was alone, she would definitely help. But now with Xiao Ye, a super tool man, Li Shuixin involuntarily developed a lazy mentality.

Lin Han didn't force her, his wise eyes took a full view of her thoughts, nodded and chuckled, "Okay, you can finish at home, Xiaoye and I will go.

After lunch, the pets have not returned from hunting.

Lin Han took a machete, a saw, a transporter, and Xiaoye to the forest to chop down trees.

Xiaohua was stunned and bored, and followed behind.

Recently, it has been raised a little fat, and it is very cute.

Every time it goes somewhere, it always attracts some netizens.

"It's here!"

After trekking in the forest for about three kilometers, Lin Han came to a tall and straight forest.

The forest resources on Hanshui Island are quite abundant, most of which are distributed according to the region.

Only a few trees with strong growth ability will be randomly distributed, and they can be seen all over the island,

The tree Lin Han is looking for today is also distributed regionally, not far from the hut.

"Have you seen these big trees, they are a kind of nanmu, called Huang Nan. As we all know, nanmu is a very good wood. In ancient times, the Dragon Kingdom used golden nanmu to build palaces.

However, Phoebe japonica is a unique wood species in our Dragon Country, and it is currently rare in number. It has been listed as a second-class endangered species by the state and is protected by national laws.

But Huang Nan is different, it is widely distributed and numerous, and is an important building material, as well as furniture wood.

It's better to use it as a roof beam. "

Phoebe is a large evergreen tree in the Lauraceae family. Its material is tough, not easy to grow insects, and has good water resistance. Moreover, the trunk is very straight, and it is Lin Han's first choice for beams.

When he first discovered Huang Nan, he had already identified this material.

"With roof beams and tile beams, about thirty trees are needed. 93

Lin Han calculated in his heart.

Everything on the island will become his private property. Therefore, he did not want to cut down another tree.

Just enough.

"This one looks good, it starts with you.


Lin Han chose a tree of about thirty centimeters, picked up the saw and sawed it from the root.

Xiaoye's hand is a bit like Edward Scissorhands' structure, with five fingers all sharp claws like scythes. It can barely move bricks and walls, but it's a bit stretched to hold a saw.

It wanted to help, but couldn't get the saw.

Lin Han was afraid that it would break the pot that he had worked so hard for with a little force, and hurriedly shouted,

"Xiaoye, just leave the sawing tree to me, and you will cut down the branches for me later.

On its left hand, there is an oversized hook, which is very sharp.

Cutting down a tree may cause damage, but it's fine to look at branches.

Make the most of it.

"Good master.

Xiao Ye obediently stood aside.

Lin Han continued to pick up the saw and saw the tree.

"It's not good, the bald head is cutting down trees again.

"Catch a bald head alive."

After being greeted from Kirishima, Lin Han turned bald again, and the posture of chopping trees was fitting.

Netizens ridiculed one after another that Tang Seng turned 5.1 into a bald head and embarked on the road of no return to destroying the forest.

"Xiong Da and Xiong Er have five seconds to reach the battlefield!"

The bald head "Qiang, I'm Boss Li, is the piece of wood I want ready, what, I'm being lazy again, this month's bonus is gone!"


The saw made by Ugin was so sharp that in less than five minutes, a large tree was sawed off.

Lin Han pushed it down hard,



The tree hit the ground heavily, breaking many branches.

However, these branches are to be cut off anyway.

Lin Han picked it up and saw it, cut it against the direction of the branch's growth, and cut off the branch level with the trunk.

"Xiaoye, have you learned it? Just cut off all the branches above.

This kind of simple thing only needs to be said once, and Xiaoye can learn it.

The rest, leave it to it!

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