Survival in the Wilderness: Live Broadcast My Leisure Life

Chapter 277 The heroine rushes to the sea! (1, please complete the order!)

It was already the third bowl, and the corners of Li Shuixin's mouth were covered with sauce, as if he had grown a beard, which was extraordinarily funny.

Lin Han really wanted to make a mirror and show her how she looks now.

However, as long as she likes to eat, Lin Han will not organize.

Before that, he was also worried that Li Shuixin would gain weight sooner or later by eating like this. No matter how good the genes are, they can't stop her mouth.

But after chatting with Fantong for a while, this concern was quickly dispelled.

The water of life has many functions such as regulating the body's mechanism, promoting digestion and absorption, and speeding up metabolism.

As long as Li Shuixin drinks the water of life every day, no matter how much she eats, she will not gain weight.

The magical effect of the water of life will automatically help her adjust her body to the best state!

So, she likes to eat as she likes.

Isn't it just to make her happy to eat something so delicious?

"What are you doing just looking at me, I have flowers on my face.

Li Shuixin noticed Lin Han's gaze, kept glancing at herself, and said with a full mouth, "You can eat it too, lard won't taste good when it's cold.

"You have... chopped green onion on your face.


08 Li Shuixin scratched his face indiscriminately, and then continued to eat.

What is the image!

Is there any lard mixed powder delicious?

In front of Lin Han, she never needed contrived restraint. Keeping your own nature is the most endearing thing!

After a while, a large pot of lard mixed powder was eaten by the two of them.

Li Shuixin and Lin Han are basically 55 to 50.

Even though she was full, her eyes kept going into the basin and she refused to put down the bowls and chopsticks.

"Lin Han, don't we still have a little powder left, can we make it tonight?

Li Shuixin stretched out a finger, poked lightly on the back of Lin Han's hand, and asked in a negotiating tone.

After eating it only once, she fell in love with this delicacy completely.

"Really, I never thought that powder can be so delicious! 97

Since that prank on the little sister, her psychology has also left a shadow, and she has directly passed food such as powder from her own recipe.

So, since childhood, this is the first time she eats powder.

"Is it so delicious?"

Lin Han smiled.


Li Shuixin nodded hurriedly like a goose pecking at rice, "It's really delicious, I feel like I'm about to become a glutton, and I can't stop until I burst my stomach. 99

Lin Han:

In the face of Li Shuixin's strong request, Lin Han couldn't refuse.

I had to promise her that I would do it at night.

Now with a grinding plate and some simple making tools, it is not difficult to make rice noodles, and you can eat them anytime you want.

Moreover, the conversion rate of rice noodles is higher.

After a pound of rice is cooked, there is only 1.2-1.4 jin of rice, but when made into shi rice noodles, it can reach 1.8-2.4 jin. So, it is more cost-effective to eat noodles.

In the afternoon, Lin Han continued to make the remaining tile embryos,

He asked Li Shuixin to take big flowers and small flowers to the beach to catch the sea.

Tonight, he plans to make seafood fried noodles for Li Shuixin. So she can find whatever she can find and eat at night.

Lin Han's tile embryo is relatively monotonous, so most netizens go to Li Shuixin's live broadcast room to watch the female hero rush to the sea.

Coming to the beach, Li Shuixin took off his shoes, rolled up his trousers, and showed a pair of delicate white jade feet.

Following on the wet sand, leaving a string of small footprints.

Dahua came over and was in charge of protecting Li Shuixin, so he watched the surroundings under the shade of the trees on the shore.

Sharp eyes are like radar, constantly scanning around, eliminating all dangers.

It is relatively calm, but the florets are quite different.

The little guy followed behind Li Shuixin, jumping around on the beach, leaving a mess of footprints.

From time to time, the sea rushed over, but when I saw the sea coming, I was afraid that I would be swept away by the waves, so I hurried back.

That's it, it's always fun.

Simple, lively, and brought a lot of happiness to everyone.

Lin Han and the two often come to this beach. Although there are not many seafood, they can occasionally find some conch, razor clams, cuttlefish, crabs and other things.

Lin Han didn't even think about letting Li Shuixin find as many things as he could to have fun.

"Look, there's a hole here!"

Li Shuixin walked along the beach for a while, and soon found a hole under his feet.

She has no experience in catching the sea, but Lin Han has taught her a lot during this time. Moreover, the last time she saw Lin Han dig out a big squid from such a small hole.

"Haha, I didn't expect to get something so soon. It seems that my luck is not bad.

Before starting to dig, Li Shuixin felt a little complacent.

Her personality has changed a lot since she met Lin Han. In the past, she was a cold goddess, and she seldom behaved like this.

But after meeting Lin Han, she found herself inferior to this boy in every way.

Soon, he was conquered by this boy who was a few years younger than him.

Her strength gradually subsided, and she slowly turned into a little girl, showing her most gentle side.

"Uh, it takes several hours every time I catch the sea, and I'm sore after the harvest.

"Sure enough, if you stay with Lin Shen, will your luck get better?"

"It seems to be a crab hole, the heroine should be careful not to get caught in her hand."

"Yes, whether it is a cuttlefish or a crab, it must be dug with a stick, not directly with your hands. 99

This is the first time that Li Shuixin has come out alone for food since the two met, and netizens couldn't help but worry.

In fact, everyone's worries are unnecessary. Li Shuixin's behavior in front of Lin Han is very stupid, which does not mean that she is really stupid.

Netizens who have watched her live broadcast from the beginning know that not only is she not stupid, but Yunqi is smart!

She can remember and understand what Lin Han said.

Lin Han had already given her some skills in catching the sea, so she would not be stupid enough to use 613 hands to dig it out.

At this time, she took out her saber and did not forget to show it off in front of netizens, telling her that you can't use your hands...

Netizens: "..."

However, after digging for a long time, she dug a big hole, but there was nothing in it.

Made her depressed for a while.

Sure enough, luck is still not as good as that pervert Lin Han.

Until Lin Han came to the beach after finishing her work, she also caught a small blue crab and some conch shells.

"-In the afternoon, you found these?"

Lin Han was speechless for a while.

If she was alone, she would probably starve to death.

Li Shuixin was even more speechless, puffing out his cheeks, and said a little aggrievedly, "Hmph, this beach seems to be against me on purpose, and I have searched all over the beach to no avail.

She is really trying her best.


Lin Han couldn't help rolling his eyes, you can't find your own feelings, blame the beach for not asking?

"Look what's next to that?"

He pointed to the small hole not far behind Li Shuixin next to the finger.

"Huh? When is there a hole? Why didn't I see it just after?"

Li Shuixin hurried over and dug up with a saber.

After a while, he turned a cuttlefish with a big head.

"Ha, I finally caught you!

Li Shuixin didn't care, this was Lin Han's discovery, and he quickly pierced the cuttlefish with a saber, then jumped up,


happy like a child,

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