Survival in the Wilderness: Live Broadcast My Leisure Life

Chapter 279 is top again, Rolls-Royce in the sea! (1, please order all!)

"Huh, you scared me to death, you can't do such a dangerous thing again in the future, if you catch something, what will I do!

When Lin Han swam to the shore, Li Shuixin hurriedly lifted him up the bucket, and then pulled him up.

Although he complained in his mouth, he was worried to death in his heart.

-Continuously searched Lin Han for Meimu, for fear that he would be injured there.

Seeing that his figure was still so perfect and healthy, with no trace of blood or bruises on it, it was a sigh of relief.

"Is it dangerous?"

Lin Han glanced back at Jingtao, he really didn't think so much.

He only knew that after mastering the rhythm of drying water, no matter how fast the water flow would not affect him.

"Okay, let's go."

Lin Han took the barrel back again. This gooseneck barnacle was not light, so Li Shuixin would not be allowed to carry it back so far.

Li Shuixin glanced at the barrel,

Then, Mei's eyes suddenly widened, staring into the barrel.

"Tina, this is a gooseneck barnacle! Look at the appearance, and it's all superb.

She finally understood why Lin Han suddenly jumped into the sea.

It turned out that there is such a superb food!

"Lin Han, did you know there were gooseneck barnacles over there?"

Li Shuixin came to the shore, stood on tiptoe and watched for a long time, but found nothing.

The growth environment of gooseneck barnacles is very harsh, and most of them grow in stone crevices. This piece of gooseneck barnacles, unless it is seen from the sea, the other three parties are difficult to find them.

"Let's go back first, it's going to get dark soon, and we didn't come out with lights."

630 Lin Han didn't explain, he picked up the bucket of seafood that Li Shuixin had collected, and returned.

On the way, he saw a fishing boat parked on the shore.

The fishing boat had already been delivered, but he was busy building the house for the past two days and did not come to check it, so he stayed on the shore.

It was more than expected, and the drainage was estimated to be fifty tons.

In fact, Lin Han couldn't understand why the program team agreed to his request. With a fishing boat, he doesn't seem to be surviving in the wilderness. And really, it became a desert island vacation. He can leave the island at any time in a fishing boat to fish the sea.

But Lin Han won't do it. He has to do things from beginning to end, and he is still waiting to win the grand prize.

"Ask you a question.

Li Shuixin's beautiful eyes also glanced at the fishing boat, and there was a hint of confusion in his eyes.

"what is the problem?"

Lin Han turned his head and looked at her from a different place.

"Can you drive a fishing boat?"

Li Shuixin stared at him with wide eyes and asked seriously.

Although having a fishing boat will make it much easier to travel in the future, Li Shuixin knew that it would be funny if neither of them could set up a boat.

Lin Han smiled lightly, "Of course.

Although he doesn't know it now, he just needs to take a look with the eyes of technology, and any technology-related products will not be something he won't.

"Then can you fly a plane?

Although this answer was expected, Li Shuixin still found it incredible. So, I asked again as a joke.


"!" Li Shuixin looked at Lin Han in surprise, but when she saw the smile on the corner of the latter's mouth, she instantly understood that Lin Han was joking.

"Fuck, the male god can also fly a plane! 99

"Are you sure it wasn't a fight?

"Do you think the male god is an alien with a brain full of chips? Otherwise, how can he understand the alien's words, and how can he operate those alien technology products?"

"No, Lin Shen is not a human being."

Along the way, the two talked and laughed, and soon they encountered the hut.

Today, it is the richest time for Li Shuixin to go to sea, and she is very happy.

And for his own dinner, he took the initiative to help Lin Han clean the seafood and prepare the ingredients.

Of course, the rewards are also plentiful.

Lin Han steamed the big blue crab, then fried a large pot of rice noodles with some mussel, shrimp, cuttlefish, and conch.

And a large pot of gooseneck barnacles.

Answered that sentence: high-end ingredients often only require simple cooking.

Gooseneck barnacles are delicious seafood that can be eaten raw by peeling the meat directly from the rough tube.

A gooseneck barnacle can eat very few places, and a half double gooseneck barnacle can only eat meat grains the size of soybeans.

However, both Lin Han and Li Shuixin felt that eating raw was too greasy, so Lin Han used some painting, salt and coconut wine to cook it until it was thoroughly cooked. This way of eating is delicious and not the original taste. So, after the two people finished eating the noodles, they also ate a large pot of gooseneck barnacles.

The netizens were so terrified that they cried out that they were eaten by another suite...

The next day, the donkey-hide gelatin cakes were boiled and shaped. Lin Han cut them into pieces and made a special wooden box to hold them in order to avoid attracting ants or other insects, or moisturizing them.

After Li Shuixin got up, he could not wait to taste a piece.

The effect may not be immediate, but the taste is really good. With honey and nuts, Li Shuixin doesn't feel tired of eating it.

While Li Shuixin was making breakfast, Lin Han went to collect a bunch of fungus, and then went back to collect some arrow bamboo shoots.

Since we want to make snail powder, fungus and sour bamboo shoots are essential.

Of course, there are some other materials, such as yuba, sour beans...

There is no way to get these Lin Han, and can only rely on some other accessories to fill the gap of flavor. For a person with a perfect art, this is not difficult.

dealt with all morning,

All kinds of ingredients are finally ready, at most two or three days, after the acid fermentation is complete, you can make the snail powder.

However, after the morning was over, the two suddenly had nothing to do.

The tile embryo needs to be dried in the shade, and the wood and board also need to be dried in the sun before processing.

So, when I was idle all of a sudden, I felt uncomfortable.

The first day was fine, after being busy for so long, it was rare to relax a bit.

But after being idle for several days, Lin Han and Li Shuixin felt that they were about to become salted fish.

"Lin Han, shall we go to sea today?"

Li Shuixin looked at the sky, it was sunny today, but no, it was a good day to go out to sea.

She really wanted to go to the bottom of the sea to explore again.


Lin Han took a look at the weather and was indeed very suitable to go out to sea.

Moreover, I now have a boat, just to experience it.

The two brought their gear, as well as extra clothes and towels.

It is impossible to dive for a day, so Lin Han intends to go to Lanshan Island after diving and search for Lanshan Island. Therefore, he also brought the Frost Bow and the Cold Water Sword with him.

on the fishing boat,

"The Eye of Technology, Read! 93

Lin Han came to the driver's seat, and then read the operation skills with the eyes of technology. After two minutes, he completely mastered the fishing boat driving skills.

Of course, only theoretical.

To become proficient, you need to improve your proficiency.

But for a person who is open to hanging, this is not difficult.

Lin Han drives a fishing boat, heading towards the depths of the sea.

In the previous waters, they had already dived several times, Lin Han decided to go to Lashan Island to dive and see different scenery.

Hanshui Island and Shan Island are not far apart, and the continental shelf in the middle is very shallow. Therefore, Lin Han occasionally uses the sense of the sea to check to see if there is any suitable place for snorkeling.

While sailing three or four kilometers,

He suddenly found a big fish, and his eyes suddenly lit up!

"Victory! Victory!

The long tail, which has been following behind the boat, also kept hitting the water with its tail, reminding Lin Han.

Lin Han hurriedly slowed down the boat so as not to disturb the big fish!

"What's wrong Lin Han?"

Li Shuixin, who was beside him, also noticed his abnormality and followed his gaze to the distance.

However, the sea is calm and there is nothing.

"It's a Rolls Royce in the sea! 19

Lin Han didn't turn his head, and locked onto the big fish in the distance.

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