Survival in the Wilderness: Live Broadcast My Leisure Life

Chapter 296 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

The 296th chapter is how the blood bird's nest is formed (1, please complete the order!)

"Damn, why does the bird's nest I sell smell fragrant after opening it?"

"I bought it too. The bird's nest seller told me that the stronger the fragrance, the better the quality. I even gave them a five-star review! Am I being deceived?"

"Lin Shen, why didn't you come to dig out the swallow's nest earlier, and after I was deceived, you said, intentionally make me uncomfortable!"

"Fake blood bird's nests cause cancer! Wouldn't it be so scary, I just checked the blood bird's nests I bought for my future mother-in-law according to the method said by Lin Shen, and every fake information was correct!

"Brother, I'm afraid, you haven't sent it out yet. Don't tell your girlfriend, just replace it with the real one secretly."

"I'm afraid, because I've given it seven times before. My girlfriend's mother, won't she have cancer!"

"Brother, don't be afraid, tell me your girlfriend's contact information, and your bank card number and password, and leave the rest to me to help you. 33

"I'm "630" special..."

With the improvement of people's living standards, more and more rich people.

When Lin Han finished telling the police how to detect the authenticity of bird's nest, those who have bird's nest in you took out their bird's nest to check.

This was so hard to check that many people found that they had been deceived.

The white bird's nest is fine, but at the most Shang just fills up the holes of the bird's nest with rice paste to add some weight.

It's a waste of money to sell, but the quality of the bird's nest is fine.

The blood bird's nest is miserable. Most of the fake blood bird's nests contain carcinogens. And the people who can afford blood bird's nest are basically rich and powerful people. These people know that they have been deceived, and they also know that they immediately use all kinds of forces to clean up the bird's nest market.

It is of great benefit to ordinary consumers and the large market environment.

Of course Lin Han didn't know these things. After the introduction, he continued to pick bird's nests.

The entire cave on the cliff is full of blood bird's nests, so he will hollow out one of the caves.

A little from each cave, and soon enough, the three-pound task amount was collected.

[Ding, congratulations to the host, successfully climbed the rock wall and obtained three catties of blood bird's nest!"

The traditional reminder rang in my ears.

【Award: Ownership of San Island!】

At the same time as Fantong issued the award, Yin Tiancheng received a call from the family, and the second uncle who was in charge of the family's industry personally called.

Winning is like the failure of the last visit to Mist Island. The whole family has studied for a long time, but they have not found a way to crack the 101 Heroes Array.

In desperation, they had to pin their hopes on Lin Han.

Therefore, Yingxiang called the second elder to ask Yin Tiancheng to do something to increase Lin Han's goodwill towards them. For the later exploration of Kirishima, to obtain the technology and formation on dance to pave the way.

Yin Tiancheng thought for a while and decided to give Lanshan Island to Lin Han as well.

Compared with Kirishima, ten Lanshan Islands are not enough to mention.

After harvesting enough bird's nest, Lin Han did not over-exploit, but retreated from the cliff.

With three catties of bird's nest, he returned to Li Shuixin.

Be careful" and see what this is.

Lin Han picked up the special piece of blood bird's nest and put it in Li Shuixin's palm.

The latter, with a hint of surprise in her beautiful eyes, opened her mouth and said, "This is blood bird's nest! The rarest bird's nest in the world is expensive, and it is called the diamond among bird's nests! My God, you actually found this kind of bird's nest. Good luck too.

The original worry was diluted by Lin Han's discovery.

Li Shuixin's heart was full of surprises.

She leaned over, grabbed Lin Han's bamboo stick and asked, "How many blood bird's nests are there in total? 99

Lin Han took off the bamboo stick and turned over the thistle bird's nest to show her, "It's full of blood bird's nest.

"All...all of it!!

Li Shuixin slowly raised her head and looked at Lin Han in shock.

"I heard that the blood bird's nest was built when swallows built their nests, and the saliva was not enough to spit the blood from the hook. So it's very rare, why are all the bird's nests here are blood bird's nests? Could it be that all the swallows here vomit blood ?


She raised her head and looked at the cliff in the distance, and a touch of respect suddenly rose in her heart.

To swallows!



She was hit on the head.


Li Shuixin shrank his neck, and quickly rubbed the place where he was beaten with his hands, puffing out his cheeks and saying angrily, "Why are you beating me!"

Swallow, "You believe in vomiting blood and building a nest, shouldn't you be beaten?

If you go out to buy bird's nest, you will be the first to be deceived.

Lin Han teased.

Li Shuixin said suspiciously, "No...Isn't the swallow spitting blood?"

"I heard that swallows build their nests three times a year. The first time they built their nests because they drooled more, the bird's nests built were crystal clear and round, as translucent as white jade, and they were the best among white bird's nests. The second time they built the nests, there was less drool and nutrients. Scarcity, the quality of this bird's nest is poor.

The third time to build a nest, because the saliva was exhausted and the unit was feeding offspring, they chose to vomit blood to build the nest, and this seam produced a blood bird's nest. Therefore, blood bird's nest is very rare.

Is it not?"

Li Shuixin asked weakly with her head tilted...

All along, this is also her understanding of blood bird's nest.

In fact, not only her, but many people think so. Because those merchants deliberately created such a gimmick in order to sell the blood bird's nest at a good price.

Any commodity, once there is a poignant story, the price will soar.

"of course not!"

Lin Han said undeniably, "That's all a gimmick spread by the merchants!

The swallows vomit blood to build their nests, which sounds very touching.

But in fact, it is not credible.

Seeing Lin Han's tone so sure, Li Shui Xin immediately realized that she was wrong.

He glanced at Lin Han secretly, and asked weakly, "How did the blood bird's nest form?"

In the live broadcast room, many people raised their heads curiously.

Yes, since bloody bird's nest is not produced by swallows vomiting blood, then what is also a golden swiftlet, some swallows can produce hemorrhagic bird's nest, while most swallows can only produce white bird's nest?

how to explain!

Lin Han gave Li Shuixin a look and said lightly,

"There are three factors for the formation of blood bird's nests: 1. Swiftlets live in the sea and often eat seaweed, or insects and fish that feed on seaweed, marine plankton! These foods contain a lot of minerals, gold Swiftlets eat them, and their saliva naturally carries a lot of minerals. These minerals are oxidized, and some of them will turn red.

The second reason is that the bird's nest is built in a cave with a relatively high iron content, and the iron in the rock slowly penetrates into the bird's nest after a long period of infiltration. In addition, the natural mineral water in the cave drips into the bird's nest, which will also produce color changes. 5.1

The third reason is that the air in the cave is sultry and the oxygen content is scarce. The bird's nest containing minerals is subjected to the sultry air, and it turns gray-red or orange-red after incomplete oxidation.

The bird's nests here are all blood bird's nests because it accounts for the first two factors. Swiftlet lives by the sea and eats food rich in minerals. In addition, the rock wall contains a lot of iron. Under the impression of these two factors, not only are blood bird's nests built with rhyme, but the quality of blood bird's nests is higher than Anywhere else is better! 11

After listening to Lin Han's explanation, Li Shuixin had a learned expression.

"It turned out to be like this. That is to say, blood bird's nest contains more minerals than white bird's nest, so its nutritional value is much higher, and the price is much more expensive?

she asked earnestly.

Lin Han nodded, "Ruzi can be taught. 99


Li Shuixin smiled happily.

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