Survival in the Wilderness: Live Broadcast My Leisure Life

Chapter 402 Preparations before papermaking! (2, please complete the order!)

"Oh! But it's better than nothing. Well, we're not doing any big project. I think it's good now, so hurry up and stir it up. You can see that it's all solidified into one piece, hurry up!

Lin Han just froze for a while, and the stone powder in the pothole had already solidified.

"Send a kiss! I'll go!

Lin Han hurriedly took the bamboo pole in his hand and started stirring. After a while, the stone powder turned into a mud-like paste.

"It's almost there. Fortunately, there is not a lot of lime in it, and the temperature is not very high. If the temperature is a little higher, there is really no way, let's go!

Lin Han dug out a part of the cement from the pothole with a large leaf and handed it to Li Shuixin, and he dug some with another leaf, and the two returned to the place just now along the same path.

"Look, is it a little sinking in the business now?

Lin Han pointed to the ground.

"Hurry up on the cement!"

Li Shuixin pouted and put the cement on the leaves directly on top of this layer of bamboo 08.

"That's it! Put it directly on the bamboo and wait for it to solidify, it will be more stable!

Li Shuixin asked.

"Yes, yes! That's it, I'll do it! 66

Lin Han split the bamboo joint from the middle, removed the flat part and placed it on top of the cement, and then started to press it gently with a hammer. After a while, the first layer of cement was repaired, and there were still Some bamboo unique texture, very beautiful.

"Just do it three more times, go and get some more!"

Lin Han said, put the cement on the other leaf on the night surface, and press it evenly in the same way as before.

After a while, Li Shuixin also came over with two leaves of cement.

"Almost done, you can now start making paper for you!

Lin Han smiled slightly.

"Paper? Could it be that we're going to start making paper now! ff

Li Shuixin has been waiting for so long, and Lin Han is finally about to start. She really can't forget the poems written by Lin Han, and she wants to use paper to record every bit of life.

"Yes! Didn't I promise you before? Make a fuss, first divide the bamboos into strips, peel off the inner layer, and peel off the outer layer.

"Yes! Guaranteed to complete the mission! 66

Li Shuixin's current mood is one of joy,

"These things are here for you, I'll get them! 9

Li Shuixin found a relatively sharp small stone piece, one end stuck in the upper part of the bamboo, and then smashed it hard with a hammer, the bamboo joint split from the middle, and soon a bamboo became dozens of slender strips of bamboo strips.

And Lin Han has now completed the final process. He found three or four bamboos, divided them into two from the cross-section and buckled them on the cement that was not completely dry.

"I've already finished it here. I'll come over tomorrow morning to see if it works. I see that you also prepared some seeds of flowers and plants. I've planted them all together, and the hooks will grow in about a week.

Lin Han walked to Li Shuixin's side and said.


Li Shuixin raised his head and glanced at Lin Han and smiled.

Lin Han also smiled slightly, squatted down and started to fold the bamboo strips with his hands.

"What are you doing?"

Why did Li Shuixin, the 100,000 people, start again.

"To destroy the fibers inside, these things must be soaked in water. In order to speed up the time and improve the efficiency, you can fold the bamboo strips by hand first, so that the fibers inside will disappear when soaked. Can better fall off Akatsuki!

Lin Han explained.

"Then what other materials are needed? Is it just bamboo? I remember making paper, but what kind of hemp rope is needed and what I can't remember, I just heard it before!

Li Shuixin scratched his head.

"We don't have hemp rope, but we can use rattan instead! Isn't there still hemp leaves growing up and down here?"

Lin Han then pulled up a plant from the grass behind him. The leaves of this plant grew a lot of tiny micro-fuzz, which looked a little infiltrating.

"There are many sticky branches and leaves in this hemp leaf. When you mix with these things, you will be able to achieve a general effect. Our current technique is summed up by the ancients for hundreds of years, so ha Ha ha!"

Lin Han said halfway through and continued to work on his hands.

With the busy movements of the two people, the bamboos were broken down into strips, and the long and crooked vines were divided into sections. What about the hemp leaves? Of course, they were torn apart by Lin Han's hands. In the end, they were put into a large pit and filled with water.

"Tomorrow, it's almost tomorrow, I'll start making paper-making tools when I go back, and you'll be able to use paper tomorrow night at the latest!

Lin Han found a huge leaf and changed it to the top of the hole.

And Li Shuixin also summoned a huge stone tablet, on which he wrote a warning with his hand - "There is a deep pit in front of you, don't get close!"

"If there are small animals here, they are likely to fall, so I will write this, so that they will not be in danger! 33

Li Shuixin smiled at Lin Han.

"Haha, interesting little girl, let's go! You can go now, I still have something to do!"

Lin Han turned around and walked towards the front 737 side.

"Hey! What else do you have?

"Didn't you just say it? The tools for making paper, is it possible that you don't want paper anymore? Remember to bring all the wild strawberries, or you won't be able to eat strawberry mousse!


Li Shuixin recently made two wishes, one is to eat strawberry mousse, and the other is to use the paper that Lin Han made for her.

"At noon today, you were supposed to cook, but I helped you in the end, so can you cook dinner tonight?"

Lin Han said while walking.

"Humph! I know that the food I don't cook isn't as good as you, and you let me cook it, as long as you're not afraid of eating your stomach, it doesn't matter, I just practiced your skills with you! 66

Li Shuixin did not refuse, anyway, Lin Han was the one who would feel uncomfortable when he couldn't do it well.

"It doesn't matter! I'm going to be busy tonight, so I don't have much time. I'll be there early tomorrow morning, so I'll depend on you tonight. It doesn't need to be too rich, and I don't need any delicacies from the mountains and seas! It's just an ordinary meal. Dinner is ready, how about you arrange the hot porridge yourself?"

Lin Han clamped the hammer on his neck, and both hands also carried it on it.

"Hey! You really warned that it makes sense that Sun Wukong likes to walk with a golden hoop like this, and it's really comfortable...

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