Survival in the Wilderness: Live Broadcast My Leisure Life

Chapter 410 The two treasures of the study are collected! (2, please complete the order!)

"Lin Shen, Lin Shen, how do you know all this strange knowledge?"

"Lin God, can you tell me how you plan to expand your house next? I also plan to remodel my house according to your creativity! Look

"Lin Shen Lin Shen can you tell us what happened when you faced those jackals just now? The drone just switched the camera and saw that the group of jackals got out, what happened?

"Yes! What just happened to Lin Shen?

"You did it at that moment just now - ha! Taiwan

A barrage was a reminder to the brigade, and now everyone started to ask Lin Han what he had just done.

"Since so many people have asked me, let me answer this question, in fact, I just waved my hand, that's all!

Lin Han waved his right hand at the drone.


Then Lin Han said.

"Cut! God Lin, you are just teasing us, talk about it!

"Hahaha, there's really nothing to say, if there was a police officer, I would have said it long ago, just waved my hand and lied to you!?

"Lin Shen, you are not authentic, we have not seen it, and what you said is too ambiguous!

Some people are reluctant. What just happened must have been exciting to the SWAT police, but it was a pity that it was not filmed at that critical moment.

"Okay, okay! It's true, I really didn't lie to you, next time, if there is a chance next time, you will keep your eyes open!

Lin Han looked at the leaves in his hand, and after a while, he had picked up a lot of gum, which was enough for Lin Han.

"Okay! It's not too late, I'm going!

After Lin Han closed the barrage, he jumped again, took off another piece of gum from the trunk, and then used a wooden stick to smear the pectin from the grapes from the trunk to seal the crack in the trunk and leave. .


When Lin Han went, he was lighthearted, and when he welcomed him, he was also lighthearted. This is what Li Shuixin admired for Lin Han. No matter what he did, he could keep his steps steady without revealing any excess emotion or strength.

"Now with this brush, we can make it smoothly!

Lin Han didn't wait for Li Shuixin to speak, then he took these yellow-looking things and sat aside.

Of course, Li Shuixin, who was curious, also sat beside Lin Han, and she wanted to see what these things could do.

I saw two small wooden sticks decomposed from the branches on the ground, and then inserted a wooden stick into the pectin to dig a little, and then inserted another one into it, and now Lin Han uses two wooden sticks to sink Stir the pectin above, and within a while, the original yellow pectin begins to turn a little whitish.

"what is this?"

Li Shuixin couldn't help but ask, because it looked a bit similar to the whipped candy he ate when he was a child.

"Pectin! Come! Come and try!

Lin Han said and handed the things in his hand to Li Shuixin.

"Hee hee! It's fun, you're going to use this to paste the pen, right!

Li Shuixin wasn't stupid either, so he could naturally associate Lin Han's purpose.

"Yes! So the seam needs to be stirred well.


"See? As you stir, there will be more and more white matter in it, and its viscosity and cohesion will also increase, so stop the police, and I'll go get something!

Lin Han said and walked to the side, picked up the bamboo pen holder just prepared and the low-profile version of "Wolf Howl"

"Come! Come here a little!

Lin Han hooked the end of the pen head, put it on Li Shuixin's hand, and pointed it out with his fingers.

Li Shuixin also separated a wooden stick and smeared the pectin attached to the end of the pen.

Afterwards, Lin Han also pushed the end of the pen back with all his might, and as the excess pectin seeped out, the pen was done.

"Wait a minute, this pen will be ready to use after all the pectin has dried!

Lin Han smiled slightly.

"Ah! How long will this take, I can't wait! 6

Li Shuixin took out the piece of paper that Lin Han had just made from his pocket and looked at it.

"It's coming soon, what we have to do now is to make a little more pens. I think this kind of pens will only last for ten days at most, and it will definitely lose hair when we get it, come on!

In this way, Lin Han and Li Shuixin were busy again, but this busy feeling gave Da Xiang a solid feeling, and the practical significance of survival in the wilderness was also reflected invisibly.

0........ ask for flowers......

"Okay! There are fifteen in total. Even if you change it every ten days, it will be enough for you to use for half a year. We will continue to do it when it is not enough, just to prevent you from suddenly losing interest in this!"

"I will always be interested, are you still interested?"

Li Shuixin slowly put these pens on several leaves, and now these pens are her treasures!

During this gap, Lin Han also took some rubber seed oil from his arms, and took a simple container wrapped in leaves, poured all the charcoal that had just been separated and ground into it, and added it again. Stir in a little oil.

Originally it was black and shiny charcoal, but after adding oil this time, it became even more black and shiny. Li Shuixin hurried over when she saw it.

"Is the ink ready?

Li Shuixin asked.

"When it's done, use a wooden stick to dig a little more frequently when you use it later, and then add a little water and stir it. Just added a little oil, and even if the ink dries, you don't have to worry about it falling off.

"Now I think your pen is almost ready, don't you want to try it?"

Lin Han smiled slightly, and Li Shuixin also realized it, and immediately ran over, picked up a brush, and ran over.

"Is this okay?"

Li Shuixin was still worried that the brush was not completely dry, so she asked.

"Okay, you can see that the hair on the pen was pulled off just now, and now the pectin has dried, so these hairs have been pulled straight, and you can write! 66

Lin Han said that he found a leaf, and folded it three times, five times and two times into a shape similar to a triangular cone, but the inside was empty. In Li Xin's eyes, this shape was more like an ice cream cone.

Then Lin Han added the charcoal he had just stirred into it, and then added some water and stirred it a little before taking it in front of Li Shuixin.

"You try this first, I'll make another ink cartridge later, try it!

Lin Han felt a little strange, he had magnified things in front of Li Shuixin...

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