Survival in the Wilderness: Live Broadcast My Leisure Life

Chapter 413 is a story, but also a history! (1, please complete the order!)

"What are you laughing at?"

"Why do all the stories begin this long, long time ago? Are these stories said to have happened a long time ago? Are there no stories in modern times?"

"Haha, of course, this kind of papermaking has been around since ancient times, so naturally it was a long, long time ago, listen carefully, all the questions you want to know are in it, maybe what you learned after listening to this story is better than I have more!

Lin Han smiled slightly.

"That's good! Of course I'm good at listening to stories, so let's talk!

Li Shuixin hurriedly sat upright, resting her head on her hands and quietly waiting for Lin Han to speak.

"Haha, the three hundred and sixty lines are hooked as the champion, are you sure that there is an industry like you in the three hundred and sixty lines that listens to stories?

"Humph! Yes, yes! Come on!

Li Shuixin now feels that it is not just a little embarrassing, she feels that the audience in the live broadcast room must be laughing at her.

Of course, it has to be said that Li Shuixin still has a little self-knowledge. Speaking of the barrage in the live broadcast room, even the audience in front of the mobile terminal are now pointing at Li Shuixin in the live broadcast and laughing.

"A long, long time ago, people who wanted to record what happened every day were knotted on a rope...

"Stop, stop! I have a question!

Lin Han continued to speak for a while, and Li Shuixin interrupted Lin Han.

"What's wrong? sh

"Why record what happens every day? 6

Li Shuixin asked.

"Whistle! What if you want to write a diary? Is there a reason for writing a diary?

Li Shuixin's sentence really stopped Lin Han.

"Aoao! It can be said that it can be said!"

"Even if you don't record what happens every day, it's always okay to record important things, right? But there is nothing that can be written, or when people don't even know what a book is, naturally it can only be used so that it looks relatively simple. way to record.

"When big things happen, make a summary, and when small things happen, make a summary. The disadvantage of this method is that the details of the incident cannot be clearly recorded, so most of them can only be supplemented by memory, so after a long time People can only know that big or small things happened that day, but they just can't remember what happened.

"Then what should I do? It's like a lot of important things, such as anniversaries. Those are all important days. It's a pity if you can't remember them!"

Li Shuixin's thoughts are sometimes like that of a child, but this is only sometimes, and it is in front of Lin Han, because only in front of this man can she continue to remove all the veils and become a little girl.

"So, at some point people also thought of this problem, of course, you can't tie a knot in everything, or you won't be able to let go of the knots you tie this year!

"Hahaha! That's right! So many things happen every day, what about later?

Li Shuixin continued to ask.

"Later, they discovered this...!"

Lin Han picked up a small stone and shook it in front of Li Shuixin.

"Stones? Does this kind of thing still need to be discovered?

Li Shuixin expressed disbelief.

"Of course there is no need to discover stones, they are all over the place, they just discovered a new method, that is...

Lin Han casually found a slightly larger stone, and used the small stone just now to draw a lot of things on it.

"Guess what this means!? 66

Lin Han asked.


Li Shuixin looked around, as if she didn't recognize what Lin Han wrote, she had a feeling that Lin Han made this more like a painting.

"This is... Zhang Xiaofei? It's Zhang Xiaofei, right? I saw that there was a "Wang" child on its forehead, it should be Zhang Xiaofei!"

Li Shuixin said with certainty.

"Right! I drew Zhang Xiaofei, I didn't expect you to recognize the hook at a glance!

Lin Han laughed.

"Humph! If I don't know enough about this, can I still be called a heroine? You just didn't write, you were painting. Are you kidding me?"

Li Shuixin reacted.

"That's right! It's just painting. When did I say that it's not painting? You learned to write when you were young. How did people write before they didn't know how to write? 66

Lin Han stroked Li Shuixin's jet-black hair.

"So, when did people invent the first word, that is "pictograph", the superficial meaning is the actual meaning, that is, to realize something in the form of painting, so naturally it is painting!


"They found that they could draw on the stone or on the wall, as long as the place that can leave a mark can be the basis for people to record things at that time. 9)

Lin Han moved his hands as he spoke.

"Look at what this means?"

Lin Han covered Li Shuixin with another stone.

"This is us, hee hee! This is you, this is me, this is Li Xiaofei, this is Lu Xiaobu, and this is Diao Xiaochan...

Li Shuixin said happily.

"Haha, it seems that you can already keep up with the IQ of people at that time, we can continue to go down with the process of history.

"What, I'm an upright modern person, I've gone through a few rough years of evolution, if my IQ is still that low, I don't deserve to be called a heroine!

"Go on, Lin Shen, it's really interesting, it's completely different from the history books!

"Interesting and interesting, I feel it is more true than the statements I learned before..."

"Whistle! Of course, these are all fabricated by me, it is purely for fun, if you like listening to me (Zhao Lihao), continue, haha, take it seriously!

Lin Han also opened the curtain at this time, and the screen was full of people urging Lin Han to continue. It seems that the history of that world is more popular in this world.

"Then I will continue!

Lin Han watched the popularity of the barrage still not change, and it was even growing like crazy.

"So, the way of portraying became a way of recording things at that time, and at that time, in order to spread ideas more widely, people naturally stipulated a rule among the crowd, such as a dog. They will be drawn together like this! 6

Lin Han said and drew a dog-headed word on the grass with his hands.

"Of course, I don't know what it was like at that time. I'll make an analogy, so that even if the police come, they can immediately understand the meaning of these paintings. This is the meaning of "unity", you Can you understand....

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