Survival in the Wilderness: Live Broadcast My Leisure Life

Chapter 415 A poem and three knots! (1, please complete the order!)

"There are many other factors in it, inconvenience is the main factor of change, but there are many such as inconvenience to carry. Of course, compared with the previous stone, it is still much more convenient, but compared with paper, it is far worse. , In short, there are many factors, and now I will still ... well, I can't make it up."

The way Lin Han made up the story seriously made Li Shuixin laugh out loud.

"Hahaha, it's alright if you can't make it up! What about later?

"Later! People found that they could write on the bark, but the color of the bark was not good, and it was not easy to preserve. Every time, it had to be polished into pieces like paper, and over time the bark would still be damaged. Inquiring about the problem of blackening and other issues, at this time, a person appeared!


Li Shuixin couldn't wait for this big man to move.

"Cai Lun! 93

Lin Han said.

"Cai Lun? How did he invent paper?"

"Actually, Cai Lun didn't really invent paper. Before him, many people invented paper, but the technology is very immature, and the success rate of each paper production is not very high, so Cai Lun can be said to be a collection of The best of all the methods before the dark, the one who finally perfected the art of papermaking."

"He found that rotten fishing nets, bark, and other substances can be soaked together to make paper. The quality of the paper made by this method is very strong, and the storage time is very long. The most important thing is the quality of this paper. The price is very low, and to popularize a thing, it still needs to be spread from the common people.”

Lin Han said from his own memory.

"What about before? Could it be that the poor can't afford something like cloth?"

Li Shuixin had already mastered it, but naturally he didn't think this method was difficult.

"Poor people use cloth? Hahaha, back then silkworm farming was not an easy benefit, and more than half of people's production had to be turned over to the state treasury at that time, do you know that?"

"Well, I know, according to the history books, the taxation at that time was very heavy, and basically half of the annual harvest was handed over to the state, and I was left behind to make ends meet!"

Li Shuixin thought about what she had read in the book before, and it was not to blame for the dynasty at that time, mainly because all kinds of things in life at that time were relatively low, and there were not so many things that were naturally produced.

"Yes! So the more valuable things are, the more unaffordable for ordinary people to use. For ordinary people, Cai Lun's improved paper can be regarded as something that can really be popularized, and it can even be used as a money-making skill. In less than a hundred years, basically Everyone used Cai Lun's papermaking method, which is the origin of paper.

After Lin Han finished speaking, he took another sip of water.

"So that's the case, so you also learned the method of making paper from Cai Lun?

Li Shuixin asked.

"Yes... I learned from Cai Lun, because Cai Lun is me.

Lin Han didn't intend to say these words at first, but fortunately he reacted, otherwise Li Shuixin would have raised many questions from his mouth.

"Hahaha, you might as well say that you invented papermaking, in fact, your last method should be different from our current papermaking.

Li Shui thought for a while and said.

"That's for sure, because although the story is made up, the various ideas in it come from various small details in life, and it's just the little details that make the story sound very sobering!

"Then what do you want to say after hearing this story?"

Lin Han wanted to see what Li Shuixin could say.

"Actually, it's okay, it just feels like it will take so long for a piece of paper to go from the first knot to the last, but I still feel that we are too stupid!


"Hahaha! The heroine actually said that we are the smartest creatures on earth.

"I don't agree with the one who said that humans are the smartest, you must know that before the age of three, gorillas were the smartest creatures, and humans are getting smarter and stronger.

"The police are like this, the live broadcast studio is happy, how come it has become a fight between you big guys now?

Watching Lin Han's live broadcast can not only learn a lot of the true meaning of life, but also feel the joy of life, and can also increase some knowledge from time to time.

"I feel good, seeing that papermaking has gone through so long, but there are indeed many things in it. Popularization, replacement, recording, and transformation of thinking are all internal factors that promote papermaking. If people don't have these qualities , believe me, now we may still be using stones, or knots! 99

0.・・Ask for flowers・・

Lin Han did not know when he found a cane man and gestured to Li Shuixin.

"Hahaha, the knot! Then why don't we make a record today?

Li Shuixin took the vine in Lin Han's hand and started tying knots on it.

"This conclusion shows that we have made paper, which is a memorable event. i

Li Shuixin wrapped Tengman around his fingers in a large circle and then tied a knot.

You can "Ah! Then this conclusion means that we have made the pavilion today. Although it is not finished yet, I think it will be almost done tomorrow. This matter must be recorded."

Lin Han said he took the Tengman and tied a big knot.

"There's more! And we made bamboo rice. Although it's not a big deal, it's a little important thing, right?"

Li Shuixin said, took Tengman and tied a small knot.

"Haha, if you think so, there are countless things we have to record every day.

"So we changed, can't we just use paper in the future? Haha, we started using paper because of the trouble. 66

"It's ridiculous, since you like to record things, I will teach you how to make paper tomorrow. You will have as much paper as you want. What do you think?"

"Didn't you promise me a long time ago? Teach me how to make paper, the first thing to do when I wake up tomorrow is to teach me how to make paper, and now I'm going to hang up this commemorative rattan man! fi

Li Shuixin took Tengman to the place where the paper had just been hung, and hung Tengman next to the paper. These two things were summed up today, and she felt very happy.

"Tell me more stories in the future, and I think I really like listening to them, but sometimes when I think that these are all made ups, I feel a little incapable of telling them, but it's actually okay.

Lin Han knew what Li Shuixin wanted to express, but Lin Han couldn't say it. For various reasons, he couldn't hurt the person he loved in front of him.

"This needs to be replenished frequently, otherwise I really can't remember it, and if I can't remember it, there will be no story to tell...

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