Survival in the Wilderness: Live Broadcast My Leisure Life

Chapter 419 Completed, cement floor! (1, ask for full order!!)

Chapter 419 Completed, cement floor! (Seeking full order!))

"Then why don't you just lay the last layer in the first place? Aren't you superfluous?"

Li Shuixin still couldn't understand what Lin Han said.

"Hahaha, the first layer is the softest and most delicate. If it is laid on these rough fibers as the second layer, wouldn't our efforts be in vain? Why do we need to put bamboo The internal correction of the frame is so clean and flat that the first layer is shaped, and the second layer will not affect the first layer when it is laid on top of the first layer, because the bottom is supported by bamboo strips, waiting for it to dry. When we turn the whole paper over, doesn't the top layer become the last layer?

"Letting these rough fibers as the last layer can effectively prevent the paper from being cracked or squeezed, and the whole paper feels very weighty when handled in this way!

Lin Han took the bamboo frame from the big pit and put it on the table.

"Wait for this piece of paper to dry a little, and you can see the effect of the hook, hurry up! Dry it!

Lin Han said to Li Shuixin who was still in love.

"Okay! Let's do the inquiry first, although I still can't understand what you just said, but I still think what you said makes sense, strange!

Li Shuixin also imitated Lin Han's actions and started to make the second layer of paper.

"753 What's so strange about this, the paper is mainly made for you, how could I mess around? Do it quickly!

Lin Han and Li Shuixin re-applied the second layer of pulp to all the more than a dozen bamboo frames.

And Lin Han also picked up the first bamboo frame just now. Now the pulp in the bamboo frame is basically dry, and the paper is separated from the bamboo frame as long as the paper is shaken a little.

"Come on! Look! Does this side look smooth and this side a little rough!

Lin Han took the paper from the bamboo frame and put it on the table.

"That's right! It doesn't seem to affect this side at all, but the rough side looks so ugly!

Li Shuixin touched it with her hand, and there was a look of disgust on her face.

"Although it's ugly, it's very useful. If it doesn't have this rough side, you can write with a little force on it, and the ink will seep in. Well, take the time to tear it all off, and then like me Lay flat on the table, remember to keep the smooth side down! 6

Lin Han said that his hands moved again.

"Why are you so anxious? Isn't it early in the morning?

"The pavilion is almost there, and I have a new idea, that is, I plan to cover the top of the pavilion with glass, but surround it with bamboo, so that we can see the sky when we look up. now! take a look

"Then why not surround it with glass all around?

"Because we don't have the kind of colloid that can fix glass well, cement can't stick to glass, you little girl really doesn't have back pain when you stand and talk, and your hands are quick, if you have any comments, we will Say it in the past! 66

Lin Han smiled and started busy again.

No matter which step of the craft of papermaking is particularly important, it seems to be very attentive. It is the same as when the pulp was just laid, and now the paper is barbed from the bamboo frame.

Li Shuixin spread the sheets of paper that were still a little wet on the table, and slightly modified the edges and corners with his fingers to make the whole sheet look more flat, and Lin Han was not idle either. A lot of vines and bark were thrown into the pit. There was even some charcoal.

"This time I soaked it for a week to see the effect, and it's all done, right?

Lin Han said to Li Shuixin.

"It's almost there, how long does it take to wait?

Li Shuixin asked, pointing to the neatly arranged papers on the table.

"It almost takes two to disappear, the fiber layer inside is very thick, and it must be completely dry before it can be used!

"What is the weave layer?

"It's just like the rough layer cake, there are many, many layers in it, and each layer is its own side, so you can understand?"

"I want to eat rough cakes! 9

"Alas! Come (aifb) over and see our gazebo! 12

Lin Han frowned, and hurriedly opened up the topic, he didn't want to dig some rough cakes for himself.

Under the leadership of Lin Han, Li Shuixin headed all the way to the south, and after a while, the two of them came to the pavilion. At this time, the cement floor had completely changed its color, from the previous light color to the current gray-white color.

"The concrete floor is basically ready, even if you stand on it and jump around, it will have no effect!

Lin Han said with a satisfied smile on his face.

"Really? Then I'm going to try it!"

Li Shuixin looked at the gray and white cement floor with a little doubt.

"Okay! But you'd better be careful, come, hold me!

Lin Han took Li Shuixin's hand with one hand and slowly brought Li Shuixin closer to the concrete floor.

Li Shuixin tiptoed and slowly placed it on the concrete floor.

"Lay it flat, lay it flat, if you don't put one foot flat, how do I know if this concrete floor is useful?"

Lin Han laughed.

"I'm afraid that if you trample on this piece of land, wouldn't your credit for yesterday and today be in vain?

Li Shuixin said with an embarrassed expression.

"What's the matter? Don't dare to try if you are afraid of failure, then you will never succeed. Come on, I'll come too. This is the place where we can see the scenery in the future. If we can't even hold the weight of two people, then But it's all over again!"

Lin Han did not hesitate this time, and directly took Li Shuixin's hand and walked onto the concrete floor.

"Look! It's still good, no problems whatsoever."

To Lin Han's relief, the concrete floor was much better than he thought.

Lin Han lifted his feet and even the cement under his feet didn't even have a crack at all, but the dust was a bit heavy, maybe the adhesion between the limes was not very good.

"It's awesome! God Lin, he just looked at me in a cold sweat.

"Further! I see, God Lin is here to make fun of us, how could there be no one standing on the concrete floor?

"Good morning, you got up early enough!

The first wave of enthusiasm in the live broadcast room today is the beginning.

"It's almost meaningless, but now with our living standards, we can't meet that requirement, so let's do it first!


Lin Han came to the place where the bamboo was just inserted, and looked at the four corners, which were now sealed with cement, so now the next step can be started.

"The general appearance is now that the repairs have been completed, and the rest are some corners and corners. Now I will teach you, and you will be responsible for doing this later. I will go and get the glass...

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