Survival in the Wilderness: Live Broadcast My Leisure Life

Another use of paper in Chapter 424! (2, please complete the order!)

Another use of paper in Chapter 424! (Please complete the order!)

"Then how about doing what you said? Try it first, if you can, then it's time to cook, but I'm going to record your cooking steps! Look

A meaningful smile appeared on Li Shuixin's face, which made Lin Han feel a little depressed.

"You little girl, when did you learn to be so adaptable, do it! Since you want to make good use of these papers, I will definitely give you a chance, but there is one thing you haven't done yet, you can do whatever you want! I'm coming! Check it out

Lin Han walked forward with a smile.

"Ah? What's the matter?"

Li Shuixin muttered in her mouth, but she still walked with her legs and followed Lin Han.

"Look what these are!?

This time, the distance was very close. Lin Han walked with Li Shuixin for less than half a minute and came to an open space. There were many shelves, and many light yellow banknotes were hung vertically on each shelf, but it looked like But a little wrinkled.

"This is your paper too? How do you write on this paper? ff

Li Shuixin stepped forward and touched the papers with his hands to dry them. His hands felt bumpy, and it would be even more alarming if the brush was placed on it.

"This is not 753 for writing, this is toilet paper!

Lin Han put his mouth on Li Shuixin's shoulder and whispered.

Li Shuixin's face turned red.


Li Shuixin started to collect these dried papers.

"Put it away, otherwise it will be a hassle to go to the toilet, I made these with some shredded paper pulp, enough for us to use for a week, unless we have diarrhea, hahaha! 66

Lin Han also began to help Li Shuixin put away the toilet paper.

"What are you going to do this afternoon?

Li Shuixin asked.

"What do you want to eat? 99

Lin Han asked back.

"Then I don't know, anyway, I want to learn to cook with you, if you don't do it well, then I can't guarantee the student number!

Li Shuixin can now be regarded as finding a reason.

"Kiss! I can make something casually and you can learn it well, how can you still learn to say these big words now! Would you like to eat a roasting pot for lunch today? 39

Lin Han laughed.

"Baking pot? There are still Jie on this desert island? Why didn't I see it?" (aifb)

"There are definitely no captive parrots, but there are wild geese. You will go back and get a pot cage. If I'm lucky, I can get a few more, then we will have goose eggs to eat! Jie Eggs are raised!"

Lin Han said.

"Why didn't you tell me about this discovery? Our farm needs this kind of bird!

When Li Shuixin heard it, her face burst into a smile, and the speed of her hands also accelerated without knowing it. She really wanted to go to the goose house.

"Isn't there a few? Don't worry!

"Then you go quickly, I'll do the rest, you can go directly to me when the time comes!

Li Shuixin came to Lin Han's side and grabbed the paper in front of Lin Han in an instant.

"Okay! Then you should be more careful by yourself, I will come when I go! 99

Seeing that Li Shuixin was so proactive, Lin Han didn't have much to say, so he decided to leave.


At this moment, Zhang Xiaofei slammed his hook from the grass.

"No! You want to go out with me again, right? This time it's an important thing. If you eat it, what will I eat? You are here to protect your mistress! fi

Lin Han waved at Zhang Xiaofei and said.

"The police asked this guy to follow him, if you still want to raise geese!

Lin Han said a word and left.

Zhang Xiaofei wanted to go with Lin Han, but as soon as he was about to take a step, a force behind him stopped him.

"You can't go anywhere, just here.

Li Shuixin grabbed the wisp of mane behind Zhang Xiaofei and said.


Zhang Xiaofei made another cry of grievance and then jumped down.

"Good! Today at noon, Lin Han said to make a baking pan. Although it may not be enough to plug your teeth, I can give you a little taste! fi

Li Shuixin said.

But Zhang Xiaofei didn't take care of Li Shuixin, did it cook? Give it a little bit? It's never enough for Zhang Xiaofei to stick between his teeth, not to mention it's a little bit of one, so Zhang Xiaofei's anger in his heart won't come out.

Seeing that Zhang Xiaofei had no intention of getting up, Li Shuixin touched its head again and started collecting toilet paper.

"It should be here!"

After leaving the place just now, Lin Han also spread out his full speed. He jumped up and stepped over the small valleys one by one, leaving his figure on every branch.

It is estimated that after walking through the woods for half an hour, Lin Han finally came to the hinterland of a relatively flat valley that he sensed.

"Hoo ho ho! ho ho ho! 41

Lin Han heard several goose calls as soon as he arrived here.

Lin Han smiled knowingly, it seemed that the place was right.

Looking around, although there are many geese here, there are only five or six geese that can be taken away for captivity or eaten, and the rest are old geese or geese that look sick.

After Lin Han locked a few vines, Shunshu pulled a few vines from the tree behind him, and then both his feet slammed into the ground.

"Wu: I remember when it was dark in front of me, and then I was tied to a rope, and I didn't know the rest!

"Mu: I was talking to the brother next to me at the time, and suddenly I felt a gust of wind blowing in front of me, my brother disappeared immediately, and I was so frightened that I ran away!

"Hahaha! You have enough dramas, you really made me laugh to death!"

"I have to say that Lin Shen's speed is too fast, and the camera can't capture the details of Lin Shen's actions!"

The audience in the live broadcast room began to imitate the heart activities of Ken, and they spoke very humorously.

At the same time, Lin Han was also walking in the jungle. This time, he was not in a hurry to run back. On the one hand, it was because he had seven more Capricorns in his hands when he went this time. If he ran with these geese, he might not have left These little guys have already gone to the west! Another thing is that Lin Han was thinking about it, but he was looking for some condiments for cooking at noon today. The nearby materials have basically been picked, so naturally he wanted to try his luck here. If With luck, today's lunch will be even more delicious.

Mainly because today's noon is also the first day that Li Shuixin wants to record his cooking, so Lin Han wants to be perfect, but he just can't lose face in front of the person he likes....

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