Survival in the Wilderness: Live Broadcast My Leisure Life

Chapter 426: Jiesheng eggs, eggs are raised! (2, ask for full order!)

Chapter 426: The parrot lays eggs, and the eggs lay in the pot! (Please complete the order!)

"Go back home! You guys have to hold on. If one of you dies first, then you can only get rid of them. If you can live, you will be kept in captivity. If you can lay eggs then that will be Hero Xiao! Did you hear it? If you hear it, don't call, save your energy!"

Lin Han glanced at the pots tied to the vines, smiled, and jumped directly to the tree and started running.

"Hee hee! In the future, it will be much more convenient to have these paper toilets, but it can't be wasted. I didn't know how to cherish what I wanted before, but now that I come to this island, I have to do everything myself. Do it, then know to cherish it! 32

In a blink of an eye, Li Shuixin had come to the grass in front of the house, where he organized the paper into three notebooks, and the "seven seventy" papers that Lin Han made as toilet paper were also very popular with Li Shuixin. It was carefully divided into equal parts, and there were three in each equal part, which was also inquired by Li Shuixin according to the actual situation.

"I'm coming!

"Hoohoho! 3)

Lin Han and the chirping of goose came from the forest, which made Li Shuixin stand up directly.

"How come back, I've been waiting for you here for a while!"

Li Shuixin looked a little gloomy.

"It was enough to catch a few pots, didn't I want to bake a pot at noon today? So I thought that if I was lucky, I could pick up some seasonings along the way. If not, luck is very good, you see Look! 99

Lin Han smiled and threw the three leaves wrapped in his hand to Li Shuixin.

"What are these?"

Li Shuixin also took it apart curiously and checked it out.

"Sichuan peppercorn?"

Li Shuixin opened the first thing wrapped in leaves.

"Yes! But to be precise, it should be Sanjiao. These are the original ecological green agricultural products. It would be very difficult to buy them in big cities! And the taste is much better than ordinary Sichuan peppercorns!

Lin Han introduced.

"This is! Olive! Hee hee! I know, you want to make olive oil, right! Olive oil is much better than rubber seed oil, and it has beauty and beauty benefits!"

Li Shuixin laughed.

"Yes! So you say whether it's worth my trip to rhyme this time."

Lin Han also sat down beside Li Shuixin cross-legged.

"Is it worth it or not to see what is in this last leaf!

Li Shuixin then opened it to dry the last leaf.

"What is this? How does it look like a five-pointed star! Fe

Li Shuixin took out an anise and looked at it.

"No! The five-pointed star has five horns, why is this... 1, 2, 3... eight horns? 66

"That's the star anise, don't you know the star anise? ff

Lin Han was a little surprised.


Li Shuixin shook his head suspiciously.

"This is also a kind of seasoning. It is used in braised pork or those roasted meat. Generally, after cooking and fishing, these seasonings will be filtered out. Of course, you have never seen it before!

"Then how did you know?"

"Me? I must be more knowledgeable than you little girl! Well, let's find a relatively flat stone!"

Lin Han stood up.

"What about these pots? Are we going to eat so much at once?

Li Shuixin pointed to the recruit who was tied up by Tengman on the ground.

"The living ones are put together with the previous capricorns. If they are dying or dead, they can be done directly today! Take a look!

Lin Han smiled and scratched his neck with his finger, indicating the meaning of killing.

"There are five more or the remaining two seem to have died. Did you run back with them all the way, look at these feathers are broken!

In Li Shuixin's mind, he still cares about these small animals.

"Hey! Haha, maybe I was in a hurry just now, we just don't have to kill it if we have nothing to do, and the remaining five should be locked up before, maybe there will be goslings!

Lin Han gave Li Shuixin a meaningful look.

"Baby goose? Why didn't a small pot hook come from the so many goose eggs laid before? fi

Li Shui thought to himself so many times before, but there was not a single goose egg hatching out of a small pot.

"Hahaha! That's not eaten by you, well, just kidding, goose eggs are also divided into fertilized and unfertilized goose eggs, the ratio of male goose and female goose in the previous recruitment was very discordant, plus the previous The weather temperature and all other factors, it may not be the goose's estrus period, so naturally it is the goose egg that is not fertilized, but it is different now, I just found out that there are female geese hatching eggs in the wild goose territory, so Ah, we might have goslings this time! 66

Lin Han smiled slightly....

"Wow! Really! That's great, I won't eat goose eggs from today, it would be great if I ate the small pot!"

Li Shuixin swallowed again.

"You look like you, you are duplicitous, in fact, there is no need for that. We have to identify which goose egg is fertilized and which goose egg is not fertilized. Even if you don't eat the unfertilized goose egg, it will go bad in the end! 9

"Then how to identify it?"

Li Shuixin asked immediately.

"I'll teach you when the time comes. Now is not the time to talk about this. Well, go and lock these capricorns, get used to the new environment, and let them get to know each other. I'll go find someone who cooks for lunch today. thing!"

After Lin Han finished speaking, he left.

"Little guys, it's up to you whether you can see the little goose, let's go!

Li Shuixin also carried Tengman away in Yan's tweet.

Lin Han found a large boulder that was fairly flat but the middle was concave, and then found a small pebble that almost filled the concave part of the large boulder, and then used bamboo section 5.1 to build a support , and brought them together.

And Li Shuixin didn't sit still. She didn't forget what Lin Han said before. After she went, she put the two waves of pots together, but the wild goose just brought by Lin Han was carefully separated by Li Shuixin. Avoiding the mutual bite between the two groups can also speed up the progress of making the two groups familiar with each other.

"You guys have a good relationship here, quickly lay eggs, and quickly give birth to Xiaomu!"

Li Shuixin touched one of the goose with a large crown, but did not expect this goose to be very aggressive.

"Humph! It's you who will eat next time!"

Li Shuixin wanted to stretch out her hand, but hesitated for a moment. Her hand strength was not ordinary. If she accidentally pinched her to death, the matter of giving birth to Xiaobi would be put on hold...

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