Survival in the Wilderness: Live Broadcast My Leisure Life

Chapter Four Hundred and Thirty Seven   Go! Bee Catcher!

When the last point of the cross-section of the fir tree is left, and the triangular stone cannot continue to go down, Lin Han's stone saw comes in handy. .

"Each hive needs about one meter in length, width and height. Let's make five. Five beehives can hold about 500 bees, but it may take a few days to collect bees in the early stage, and there will be honey in half a month at the earliest. now! take a look

Lin Han did what he said, and since he had the experience of cutting the first beehive, the next action has sped up a lot of gaps, cutting and punching - in one go. The beehive in Lin Han's memory has only three holes to facilitate the entry of bees, but this time Lin Han drilled five holes in the beehive. to attract more bees.

Because there are only more hollows, the smell of the queen bee can continue to walk through the steel more smoothly, and then can penetrate deep into the jungle.

At this time, Li Shuixin also made greater progress. Zhang Xiaofei used his memory to bring Li Shuixin to the place where he found the hive last time. Good luck, these bees did not escape and re-establish the hive, but A new hive was built on a tree in the same place, and the scale was even larger than the previous one in Zhang Xiaofei's opinion.


Zhang Xiaofei started to back away while shouting, looking a little afraid of this hive.

"What's the matter? You big guy is afraid of bees? Was it bitten last time!

Li Shuixin asked.


Zhang Xiaofei called out twice in response, and licked his back several times.

"Here? Let me see! 9

But Li Shui had never heard Lin Han or Zhang Xiaofei say anything about being bitten by a bee.

"Sure enough, there are two wounds, but they are getting worse. What are you afraid of, but I have to say that I am also a little afraid, although you are a big guy, but you really can't handle these little things, haha Let's go! Now that you know the place, let Lin Han come over to help you clean up these bees next time!"

After Li Shuixin finished speaking, he and Zhang Xiaofei disappeared into the jungle.

After determining the location of the beehive, Li Shuixin followed Zhang Xiaofei to know at least five or six beehives, and marked them, because from Li Shuixin's knowledge, she knew that what was necessary to make a beehive was the queen bee, and Each beehive has only one queen bee, so it can only meet the production requirements of one beehive.

Looking at Lin Han's battle, he must have made multiple beehives, so naturally he needs multiple queens, and naturally he needs multiple hives!

"Okay, okay! Don't continue to look for it, it's enough, go ahead, be careful that those bees find you!

After Li Shuixin finished speaking, he walked into the jungle, Zhang Xiaofei also let out a low roar and followed Li Shuixin away!

"The next step is the pine needles. I remember there are pine trees over there. We can just go and pick them. Let's go!"

Li Shuixin sat directly on Zhang Xiaofei's back and patted Zhang Xiaofei's head, Zhang Xiaofei didn't want to stay in the right and wrong place for another minute yesterday, so naturally he ran towards the image with all his horsepower.

At this time, Lin Han had just finished everything, and also made several fir wooden frames, so that the bees could build hives on these wooden frames in the future.

"These two are back!"

Lin Han raised his head as if feeling the commotion from the other side of the jungle.


We "Welcome!

Then also came the voices of Li Shuixin and Zhang Xiaofei from the jungle.

"How? Harvest?"

Lin Han hurriedly poured a glass of water for Li Shuixin and handed it over, it was actually quite exhausting to go back and forth.

I found "At least eight places, I just don't know if we can meet your requirements, but the two of us dare not continue to move forward. If those bees are disturbed, we will suffer!

Li Shuixin drank all the water in his hand!

"I'll take a look at it later. I happened to have made five beehives. I don't want to do more. We are just starting to plan to raise bees. life! since

"Then why do we go to get the hive?"

"Now! Are you all ready for the pine needles?"

Lin Han laughed.

"Isn't this a ready-made pine needle? Wait for me, Zhang Xiaofei is gone!

Li Shuixin handed the container of water to Lin Han and walked to the side with Zhang Xiaofei, and after a while, he brought a lot of pine needles.

"See if this is enough!

"Enough! As long as it is pine needles, no matter what kind of pine tree it is, the smell of burning pine needles is what bees hate the most, and we will rely on these to drive bees away!

Lin Han wrapped these pine needles with large leaves, then wrapped two pieces of charcoal with several leaves, and placed them in the beehives he made.

"Zhang Xiaofei help me, and you two! fé

Lin Han pointed to Lu Xiaobu and Diao Xiaochan, who were lying on the ground dozing off.

After that, just two people, three beasts, one beehive and one beehive headed towards the jungle!

"How are you going to capture this queen bee?

Walking on the road, Li Shuixin asked.

"How did you know I was going to catch the queen bee? Did you know that before?

Surprisingly, Lin Han was 770, but Li Shuixin didn't know this.

"Humph! If I didn't even know this, I would really participate in this survival show for nothing, but I only know the queen bee, and I really don't know anything except this! 66

Li Shuixin stuck out his tongue.

"Haha! The queen bee is the boss inside the hive. As long as you catch it, you can control the entire honey colony, but it is also the hardest to catch because it is hidden in the innermost part of the hive, and there are many worker bees around. Existence, worker bees are things that are not life, but it is very powerful to initiate madness!

Lin Han said and noticed that Zhang Xiaofei's tiger body trembled.

"What! Did you get stung by a bee?

Lin Han touched Zhang Xiaofei, who was touching him.

"Hahaha! I thought you knew, but Zhang Xiaofei has two wounds on his body, it looks like a bee bite!

Li Shuixin stretched out her hands through Lin Han's ribs to the front, opened Zhang Xiaofeimao, and exposed the wound.

"I've basically asked more and more, it seems that it happened a few days ago, and the price of your hive is quite high, but fortunately it is not a killer bee or the kind of bee that specializes in poisonous bees, or you kid But I'm going to suffer, although I can't die, but that feeling is really...

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