Survival in the Wilderness: Live Broadcast My Leisure Life

Chapter 440 The scene of a day! (1, please complete the order!)

Chapter 440 The scene of a day! (1, please complete the order!)

Lin Han carefully opened the leaves, put the hive into the hive, and sealed the mouth. Now all he has to do is not let the queen bee escape, and the rest can be said later.

"Okay! Just put it in a place and wait for it slowly, and then the bees will gather in this place again. As long as there is a queen bee, there is no fear of no bees!"

Lin Han took the box and found a place with flowers nearby and put it down.

"It was really dangerous just now, wait for a while before you start, there are several, don't make this one again!"

Li Shuixin looked at Lin Han.

"If you want something sweet, you have to eat something bitter! Let's go! Let's go on! 66

Lin Han patted the dust on his body and walked into the jungle again, of course this time Lin Han carried more pine needles.

"Right! What did you mean by worker bees? I remember you also said that worker bees are not..."

"A worker bee is not a life? Haha! It is, but it is not! 66

"It's over, it's over! Pay close attention, Lin Shen is about to start again!

"The heroine found another job for us =?=|||"

The audience, who had just recovered from the tension of the escaped bee chase, were now caught up in another tension.

"Because the eggs that hatch worker bees are all unfertilized, naturally these eggs can only be hatched drones, and in the colony, the queen bee, the queen bee, has the qualification to give birth, and the remaining bees All for a hive to serve!"

After Lin Han said a few words, he started to hurry.

And Li Shuixin didn't seem to be much interested after listening to it, so she naturally nodded as if she understood, and continued to follow Lin Han ahead.

"It's okay this time, the heroine doesn't understand, so naturally she didn't ask any further questions. Everyone can rest. I think Lin Shen will start frantically harvesting the hive. After the experience, Lin Shen should To speed up!

The fact is as the audience who posted the barrage said, Lin Han's actions in the next four capture hives are more and more smooth, except for one time in the middle, the hive in his arms almost fell, The rest of the time it was steady, and in the end, all five beehives were placed in a few places with flowers not far from him and Li Shuixin's you.


Lin Han clapped his hands, looking at the bees flying around, a smile appeared on his face.

"You did well today too! Look at

Lin Han praised Li Shuixin.

"Of course, I can now know what you are thinking and what you need with just a little use of my brain!

Li Shuixin said with a slight smile.

"Then can you tell me what I'm thinking now? Look

Lin Han laughed.

"It's already six or seven o'clock now, you must want to eat, it goes without saying!

"binggou! You're right, but I don't want to eat anything today, how about we get some fruit and go to the gazebo to watch the sunset? 99

It's rare for Lin Han to have such an interest. Li Shuixin just wanted to have a good rest. After all, after running in the jungle for so long in the afternoon, physical hard work is one aspect, mainly mentally, but always Everyone is nervous, this is the most laborious place.

"Okay! Didn't you pick a lot of wild strawberries yesterday? By the way! The strawberry mousse you mentioned hasn't been made for me yet!

"Do it! I'll make it for you another day, today is a great lesson!"

Lin Han said.

"What about tomorrow?

Li Shuixin said immediately.

"I ate the roast today, there is so much honey on it, and the sugar intake is so much, you still want to eat sweets and let your body rest for a few days! Be careful to eat too much sweets and get sick!

"I'll get sick from eating too much sweets? Then you tell me what's going to happen to me?

Li Shui thought for a while and thought that it was Lin Han who was making fun of himself.

But by the time she raised her head, Lin Han had already left.

"Hey! Wait for me!"

Li Shuixin also spread his legs and chased after him, but Zhang Xiaofei was lying on the ground at this time and had no strength at all. Seeing that his body is so huge, although he can run fast, he is also fast at learning!

The whole day is about to come to an end. In fact, when I think about it carefully, it seems that Lin Han and Mou Li Shuixin have not done anything. They just built a pavilion, re-mixed the pulp, made honey sauce at noon and baked them. Doing the hive thing.

0........ ask for flowers......

"But after careful calculation, we still did a lot of things, right!"

Lin Han took Li Shuixin's hand and walked forward

"Forget it! Haha! The main reason is that I got a new notebook today, and I wrote three days of records at once, but I can't write it once in the next few days!

Li Shuixin is also snuggling on Lin Han's arm at this time, and the whole person looks very petite. Of course, this can only be Li Shuixin's appearance next to Lin Han. If it were a human being, Li Shuixin could not behave at all Rhyme is such a sticky side.

"Alright, alright! The live broadcast is live, you have to pay attention to the image of the heroine!"

Lin Han pulled Li Shuixin's hand back into his own.

"Don't you give me such a time?


Li Shuixin muttered in his mouth.

"Here! How about you tonight? 66

Lin Han said with an evil smile.

"Humph! Want to bully me again!! I won't give you a chance!"

Li Shuixin let go of Lin Han's hand and ran up the hill.

"Hahaha! Look I'll catch you now!

Lin Han also gradually accelerated his pace.

"Come on! Come on! I might not be as good as you, but I can run much faster than you. If you can catch me, I'll let you..."

"What do you want me to do? Is it that I will let me hehe hehe as long as you can catch you..."

Lin Han said and ran suddenly, Li Shuixin was also startled, and then ran without looking back. The sound of the wind was now around the two people. At this time, the drone filming was not able to keep up with the speed of the two people. , and had no choice but to fly into the sky, and the Crab stopped to shoot the two people from a top-down perspective.

"Hahaha! I didn't expect such a cold heroine to have such a side. You chase me, chase me. If you can catch up with me, I'll let you hehehe..."

"Hey hey hey!!!

"Everyone, who can tell me what hehehe means, I'm relatively simple and don't know what hehehe means?"

Someone started fishing, but how could anyone be fooled by this measurement.

"Hey! I don't know either! That awesome boss knows what hehehe means...Xi,

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