Survival in the Wilderness: Live Broadcast My Leisure Life

Chapter 447 Bamboo baskets are empty! (2, please complete the order!)

Chapter 447 Bamboo baskets are empty! (2, please complete the order!)

"What about that person from before? Didn't you say you would give them six hundred and sixty-six thousand?"

The old man continued.

"Six million and sixty-six thousand? They think it's pretty good, but it's actually Lin Shen's fault. If it wasn't for what Lin Shen said, I would have given them six hundred and sixty-six million! Forget it now! You Give them 30,000 yuan is enough, and the rest is said that Lin Shen owes them! Listing

Xiao Wang always said something to the old man.


The old man also picked up the mobile phone on the drying table, and Mr. Wang also took advantage of the situation and turned off the computer on his side.

"Finished? Why do I see that the dialog box is closed!

The man's wife also asked when she saw that the remote controller that had just been installed on the man's computer was turned off.

"How do I know, maybe it's over! I really wanted to add a sentence just now, I'm a little regretful that I didn't talk to Lin Shen, this is a rare opportunity!

The man looked at the computer screen, as if he had a feeling that he had sold his soul.

"6.666 million inlays are a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity! Hurry up! The phone screen is on! The call is coming!"

The mobile phone was always 08 just turned on and the screen didn't even make a sound, and the woman saw it sharply.

"Hey! It's me!

The man answered the phone.

"Hands-free playback! Come and listen!"

The woman patted the man on the back and said.

"Just now things went well, and we are also honest in life! Naturally, we promised to do it!

At this time, the old man standing beside Mr. Wang spoke to the phone.

"Elder, then trouble you to say a few words to this person, I'll cut it first!

Mr. Wang is basically not afraid of anything, the only two fears are his father and the embarrassing situation. He feels that the feeling of getting pimples all over his body is very uncomfortable!

"Then cash it soon! Did you just give you all the account numbers that weren't bank cards? Did you make payments? Why are there still no SMS reminders? I have set up the SMS reminder function! 99

The woman took out her mobile phone to check it, and said to the phone.

"Wait a mininute!"

The elder on the phone took his mobile phone and pressed a series of numbers to transfer the money.

"Hey eh! It's here! You really didn't lie, if there is a chance next time... eh? Did you make a typo? Why did I show 10,000 yuan here? What is this? mean?

The excitement that the woman had just mentioned is now instantly quelled by a 1 and four O's on her mobile phone text message.

"This is the money you should get! Is there anything else? If there is nothing, I will hang up first! If you win the lottery next time, you can find me to realize it! Look!

The old man hung up the phone.

"This is the end? I just said that there is no such thing as a pie in the sky, why can't you listen to me? - Ten thousand yuan! Sew ten thousand yuan to betray our chance to talk to Lin Shen. ! You are crazy! 66

The man's voice became louder and louder, and he couldn't even hold back and roared out.

"Hurry up! Did he make a mistake, did they just say six hundred and sixty-six thousand? Did we hear it wrong? Look

The woman began to doubt her ears just now.

"Crazy woman! It was obviously 6.66 million just now. I heard it every word, but I still think it's not worth it. After all, God Lin is our idol. You have to do it for money. I just think there is something tricky in here! You crazy woman!


The man now stretches out his right hand to dodge his woman, but he holds back!

"Hey! Forget it, you are a person who likes to take advantage of petty profits, and this time it is considered that you have been tricked by you again!

The man thought about it and put down his hand, and sighed heavily.

"I...I didn't know it would be like this, I'll call that person now! Look

The woman picked up the phone and called the phone number just now.

"Hello, why did I just remember that you said 6.66 million? Why are you continuing with 10,000 now?

The woman said on the phone.

"Because Lin Shen's answer doesn't seem to satisfy our President Wang, so the reward to you will be reduced accordingly, and I hope you understand!"

The old man laughed.

"Liars! You are all liars. You used our opportunity to defraud the authorization. When the book is published, you can make a lot of money! Now! Immediately! Immediately! Give me 6.65 million!

Women really don't know what to say.

"Oh? What did you say? Why can't I understand a word? The transaction between us has been completed, I hope you won't bother me again, ma'am! Goodbye!"

The old man sneered and hung up the phone.

"Grandma's! Why is this old guy talking so aggressively! Don't worry, I have recorded it! I will go to customer service to complain now!

The man used the microphone on one side to record the voice of the old man on the phone just now.

"Then... what are we going to do with the ten thousand dollars?

"What else can I do? This is the six million and sixty-six thousand yuan you exchanged for your man's precious opportunity! Humph! 66

The man stood up and walked out of the house with his mobile phone in his hand...

"Haha, thank you for your support, we will also create and ask more interesting content, of course, if you have any comments, you can tell me through the barrage every day, as long as I see it, I will definitely choose 783. Selective reference, why is it a selective reference? After all, this is my survival with Li Shuixin, so I still


Lin Han said to the camera.

Now the person who is with Lin Han is as expected as Lin Han just said, maybe it is an intellectual, but no! This is a female student in the first year of graduate school.

The female student - a few polite remarks made Lin Han interested. Just now, she also put forward a lot of opinions on Lin Han's live broadcast content. Among them, Lin Han felt that the most sincere is about the development of original content.

How to make life more ordinary It's boring, and we have to innovate and create new content in this commonplace.

"Is there anything you want to ask me or do you have a request to make? The one just now is a suggestion, so it doesn't count, you can also make one for yourself!

The female graduate student was polite to Lin Han, and of course Lin Han must have repaid her in a polite and friendly way.

"This...then I really have a little favor and I need Lin Shen to help me!

The lively voice came intermittently from the other end of the microphone, and it sounded like this girl was a little embarrassed...

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