Survival in the Wilderness: Live Broadcast My Leisure Life

Chapter Four hundred and forty-nine is always my life here! (1, ask for full order!)

Chapter 449 This is my life! (1, please complete the order!)

"If you like someone, you have to be brave to confess. Of course, those who are already together should also cherish each other, because in the eyes of each other, you are both the most precious people! This is the end of today. If you still have any questions, you can leave a message to me through the message board. Although I will not be able to reply to everyone's messages, I will read each of your messages carefully and find a few typical ones. Reply to the message by live broadcast, well, today's prize question and answer session ends here! 19

Lin Han waved to the camera and exited the live broadcast room.

"This is my life! 46

Lin Han's whole body relaxed, and then Li Shuixin said.

"This is all your life, live broadcast, you can't live without one, if you don't have one of them, it's meaningless!

Li Shuixin added with a smile.

"Then why is it meaningless to talk about it? We are here to survive, and live broadcast is only a means for the organizer to make money, so we have nothing to do with live broadcast. What we need to do It's just to manage our own life well, well, should I go back to 783 to sleep?"

The broadcast seemed to be a short live broadcast, but the time had been delayed by at least two hours. At this time, Lin Han also felt a sudden swallow in his mind.

"So early? It might not even be nine o'clock now!"

Li Shuixin laughed.

"Haha! What the hell is Lin Shen thinking, I think you gentlemen already know it by now! ff

"Whistle! Why is it starting to be a gentleman again, there are many underages in this live broadcast room, you must not bring bad children!"

"Hahaha! Look at Lin Shen's eyes, squirt! Humans are still animals!"

The audience in the live broadcast room finished their last joke today. Lin Han and the heroine are already going to rest, so their own side is gradually starting to go offline.

In less than a while, the number of people in the live broadcast room has been reduced by more than half, and the rest are either people who hung up and forgot to quit, or are die-hard fans of Lin Han, who will never quit until Lin Han disappears from the screen. out!

"It's time to go to bed, what do you think about going to bed early today?

Lin Han suddenly lay on Li Shuixin's legs, and the girly fragrance contained in Li Shuixin's skin gradually sneaked into Lin Han's nose.

"Is this the body fragrance? Lin Han twitched his nose and smiled.

"Body fragrance? That...that must be it, who is full of stinky sweat every day like you!

Li Shuixin actually didn't have a clue in his heart. If he used to dress up, he would definitely use everything, but now he has no conditions to dress up, but Lin Han still said that he has body fragrance, which is a bit wrong. After all, Li Shuixin is also a person who knows the reason. people.

"Hahaha, that's all I said, but I didn't expect you to actually think so? What kind of body fragrance are you girls wearing, they're actually made up of cosmetic rouge, like that kind of crispy fragrance? Meat, or pickled cucumbers, hahaha!”

Lin Han directly stood up and walked to the edge of the cliff and looked up at the sky.

"What! You just don't understand anything, stop talking nonsense there, and still can't sleep? If you don't sleep, I'll go first!

Li Shuixin also said and stood up.

"Sleep! Sleep! Sleep! How can we not sleep! Let's go to bed now! Go!

Lin Han could see from Li Shuixin's eyes that there was a little expectation, and of course he knew what this expectation was. He took Li Shuixin's hand and walked towards the image.

"Slow down! Slow down! It's already dark, be careful with your feet, be careful with your feet!

Li Shuixin said.

"It's alright, with my skills, is it possible that I'm still afraid of the dark? It's really funny (aifb), let's go!

"Alas! What are you doing! Release your hand! Release it!"

Li Shuixin never dreamed that one day he would be held by Lin Han's neck and walk so fast.

"Shhhhh! Shhhhhh!

But suddenly Lin Han made a voice from her mouth telling her not to speak!

"What's wrong? What's wrong? Could something happen? Don't scare me!

Li Shuixin followed the direction of Lin Han's face and heard the slightest hint of...

"Why does it sound like there are so many bees? Didn't you clean up this afternoon? Why are there still so many bees?

Li Shuixin asked.

"Probably those bees from before! And it's on alert now, we're in trouble!

A depressed expression appeared on Lin Han's face, why did he encounter all kinds of bad things.

"Then what should we do? Use pine needles, can't pine needles drive these bees away? We don't have to worry about it!"

Li Shuixin didn't know how to say these words, but judging from Lin Han's expression, it was completely impossible to implement.

"Forget it! We won't go, let's go see it tomorrow morning!"

Lin Han stood there and thought about it, he did have a way to drive away these bees, but he couldn't take Li Shuixin to take this risk.

"Don't go tonight? That's not right, what if it's still like this tomorrow morning? Don't you want to live in another place? We haven't eaten the honey yet, and now I'm afraid even the house will be lost!

Li Shuixin pulled his neck from under Lin Han's arm, and had a sullen expression on his face.

"Don't worry about this, we'll come and see tomorrow morning. If there are still so many bees, we'll burn them all. We can't put our safety aside for the sake of honey!"

Lin Han smiled.

"If that's the case, what can you do?"

Li Shuixin asked.

"We have a lot of humidity at night here. In the early morning, can you find that many dewdrops gather on the leaves, and there are many tiny fluffs on the leaves, and the same is true on the wings of bees, and these Guys also have a lot of micro-villi on their abdomens, and at night, the moisture in the air can naturally gather on their bodies."

"In this way, in the daytime, their wings are wet, their bodies are also wet, and naturally they can't fly. They need to find a place to let the water on their bodies evaporate and then they can fly again. This is why we can pass tomorrow safely. When it's time to get things ready, we plug the holes in the hives...

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