Survival in the Wilderness: Live Broadcast My Leisure Life

Chapter 451 The most important thing is that you like it! ((3, please complete the order!)

Chapter 451 The most important thing is that you like it! (3, please complete the order!)

"Didn't you say that it would be cold at the seaside? There is a stream here. Could it not be cold?"

Li Shuixin pointed to the small stream under the slope beside the two of them. There was also a suspicious look on his face.

"But we can't do anything right now. What if we encounter wild animals at night at the police station? Now that Xiuyuan and Zhengguo are both here, even if danger approaches us, these two guys can protect us. There was a little time for us to react.

Lin Han made the final modifications to the simple tent he just made, and then spread the quilt inside.

"Come in, we're going to rest now!"

Lin Han laughed.

"What about you? You're not going in now?

Seeing that Lin Han didn't mean to enter, Li Shuixin also asked worriedly.

"I'm going to make a bonfire, it won't be cold at night, and it can still light up! if

Lin Han also smiled and left.

"Then be careful! I'm waiting for you here!

Seeing Lin Han's stubborn attitude, Li Shuixin turned his head and thought about it for himself. If Lin Han was alone, he wouldn't have spent a lot of time doing these things, so a warm feeling rose from the bottom of his heart. , and no longer say anything.

"You can now chat with these audience members or talk to Xiuyuan and Zhengguo, I'll come when I go!»

Lin Han smiled and stood up.

"How do I play with these two guys? Is it possible that I have to go to the stream? I'm still chatting with the audience! Go, don't worry about me, there are these two guys!"

Li Shuixin waved at Lin Han and opened the barrage.

"Women, are you really going to spend the night here tonight?

Li Shuixin saw a barrage.

"That's not it! If I don't stay here for the night? Is it possible that I'm going to spend the night with you?

Li Shuixin said angrily, these audiences sometimes ask some inexplicable questions, and there is absolutely no need to answer them!

"Hahaha! Welcome! Welcome! As long as the heroine wants to come, we all welcome it collectively!

"Forget it, don't say anything nasty here. 93

Li Shuixin smiled and looked at the other barrages.

"Woman! I think that Lin Shen's arrest of bees today is a wrong decision, and now you are all gone. If tomorrow morning there is not as Lin Shen said, what will you do?

someone asked.

"Don't speak ill of Lin Han in front of me, he did it for me, but also to show everyone how to catch bees, he will be chilled if you say that, and I also I must be angry, and besides, I will definitely trust Lin Han, I will go there tomorrow morning and I think he will be able to deal with it immediately! 46

Li Shuixin said with a firm smile.

"We really like the two of you, so we won't say anything bad. You just didn't see that person, the heroine. If I meet that guy, I'll definitely get him!

There was a barrage from a guy who was standing and talking without back pain.

"Okay! Don't fight and kill. Portrait speech is also the most real feeling in people's hearts. After all, the effect of the two of us on the show can't satisfy everyone. Naturally, there will definitely be some "trolls". !66

Li Shuixin made a double quotation mark on both ends of her head with both hands.

"Beep! Beep! Beep!

At this moment, Li Shuixin suddenly heard the sound of the Lianmai program in the live broadcast room.

"Hey? Isn't that only a certain time every day that I will continue to connect to the wheat? How can it be possible now!

Li Shuixin made a surprised sound in his mouth, and his hands were also on the button but did not press it.

"Damn it! Which guy found this out, it's not fair! Didn't it say that there were only two quizzes a day?"

"That's right! You must not accept the heroine! Otherwise, this is the biggest unfairness to us!

"Which guy is this! What about the official? Why doesn't the official care?

"That's right, right! Woman, please don't connect!"

For a while, the live broadcast room suddenly became lively again.

"Haha! Good! How could I possibly be connected? I still know the rules, how can this be called suddenly? I just saw that Lin Han also took the initiative to call the police, how can you still call the police? Call me! That's weird!

Li Shuixin scratched his head and said 0...

"Dear viewers in the live broadcast room, due to the mistakes of the previous staff, I forgot to turn off Lianmai Fantong and restored the original settings. Now it has been adjusted, please respect the environment of the live broadcast room, the live broadcast environment depends on the big!

An urgent traditional reminder appeared on the screen of the live broadcast room.

"Oh! The official hook is here. It seems that there is indeed a problem. Well, let's not discuss that. At present, the only way to connect with us is to have a daily quiz with Lin Han.

Li Shuixin said.

"But! Heroine! I really feel that the chance of getting twice a day is too few. As for our audience, it's like buying a lottery ticket.

"Exactly! Exactly! It's really a slim chance! 66

"If someone with a heart attack is hit suddenly, the person will definitely have a heart attack!

The barrage in the live broadcast room also started talking and talking.

"I can't make fun of this, but... I have to say, the chances are a bit ridiculous! It's hard for ten thousand people to have two chances! I'll talk to your Lin Shen later, I can't control this! 66

Li Shuixin thought about it carefully, but felt that what the audience said was somewhat reasonable.

"Yeah! When did our heroine listen to Lin Shen in everything! This is not the style of a heroine! 93

"Female 5.1 Hero, you are the representative of women in our society. In fact, you also have the right to choose. You can set up a quiz with prizes, and then there will be more opportunities!

Some people are beginning to see the needle, but Li Shuixin is also shrewd, how can he allow these people to provoke his relationship with Lin Han!

"You guys are going too far! How can you provoke the relationship between me and Lin Han! We are one, and naturally these activities are also one. If Lin Han can think of this method, I can't think of it, and as his daughter My friend, I just want to help him with all the things in life. I really can't be so comfortable without him! Look

"Some people may think that this makes me appear to have a low status, but in fact I don't. As long as I like this method, I want to have no problems in my heart! Yes! The most important thing is to like it...

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