Survival in the Wilderness: Live Broadcast My Leisure Life

Chapter 475: Ye Ye Shengge That Can't Be Done! (2, please complete the order!)

Chapter 475: Ye Ye Shengge That Can't Be Done! (2, please complete the order!)

"We are on this island, but we have refined the live broadcast. To be honest, I also know that it is impossible for everyone who watches the live broadcast to like me 100%, or 100% like you. , so we can divide the time, you have your live broadcast material, I have my live broadcast material, we also have our live broadcast material, in fact, this also gives these viewers the right to choose independently, after all, the humanized live broadcast seam is Now the main thing!"

Lin Han said.

"Ah? There are audiences who don't like you? There are audiences who don't...don't like me...this..."

For a while, Li Shuixin really had a hard time accepting such a statement. After all, in her opinion, she and Lin Han could focus on live broadcasts every day. How could anyone not like them?

"What's the matter, no one is perfect, our live broadcast is not absolutely satisfying everyone's taste, naturally gamers don't like it, but we can't change our live broadcast style mainly for these people, we have to adapt to the public. taste.

Lin Han laughed.

"But there are still people who don't like me...don't like you!"

It seems that Li Shuixin is still quite entangled just now~ Lin Han said what he said.

"Okay! Silly girl, as long as we can make progress step by step, I believe that everyone will like us!

Lin Han said.


Seeing that there was hope, Li Shuixin laughed Gao Yudi.

"When have I lied to you, just believe me! 99

Lin Han leaned on the wooden pier and gradually closed his eyes, even he didn't know that the footsteps broke into his mind like a beast.

After thinking about it for a while, Li Shuixin also found out that Lin Han, who was already asleep, had her boyfriend so hard at work, how could she be willing to disturb her, and naturally she chatted with the audience in the live broadcast room.

Time passed minute by minute, and when Lin Han woke up, the sky had gradually dimmed, and Li Shuixin was still chatting with these audience members without any intentions.

"I'm asleep?

Lin Han sat up straight.

"Isn't that nonsense? Sleep well? 33

Li Shuixin immediately looked over after hearing Lin Han's voice.

"Why didn't you call me just now?"

Lin Han rubbed his head, probably because he didn't control the position he just slept in, and now he feels a little stiff.

"What do I want you to do, I see that you have learned so much, so I want to let you sleep well, and tell you the good news, that popular task is now 93% completed, and there is still the last percent. Seven, I think it can definitely be achieved in just another hour! 33

Just a few hours after Lin Han slept, Li Shuixin was also chatting with everyone hotly. The popularity of the live broadcast room did not seem to decrease because of Lin Han's absence.

"What time is it?" Lin Han sat up straight and stretched his neck.

"It's almost half past six, and there is still an hour and a half before the deadline for the popular task. Can you make it in time?"

Li Shuixin asked.

"Why did today's mission end so late, isn't it...

"Have you forgotten? Today is Friday night, isn't everyone on holiday? So it may be extended, an hour and a half is too late?

Li Shuixin asked again.

"That must be too late, what do we do now?"

Because Lin Han just fell asleep after sewing, his mind is still a little emotional.

"Of course it's time to eat now, I'm already hungry!"

Li Shuixin took her belly and looked at Lin Han expectantly.

"How about you show your hands to the audience in the live broadcast room?"

Lin Han smiled slightly, he still felt a little affectionate, so it was up to Li Shui to help him or not.

"Then I'll go! You wait here for me for a while!

To Lin Han's surprise, Li Shuixin didn't say anything and agreed directly.

"Alright! Be careful!"

Lin Han hurriedly said to Li Shuixin with a worried look on his face.

"Isn't it just cooking? Why did you tell me to pay attention to safety, your courage is really small! 99

Li Shuixin smiled and left.

"What did your heroines say to you this afternoon?

Li Shuixin walked on the front foot and Lin Han asked the audience in the live broadcast room on the back foot.

"The heroine has told us a lot, but I just don't know what Lin Shen wants to know! 93

"I don't know! I don't know!"

0....... ask for flowers....

"What? Lin Shen, are you still worried that the heroine will speak ill of you behind your back? 99

Lin Han also had a happy smile on his face when he saw these barrages.

"You people, I thought something was wrong, but now that you say this, I can say with certainty that Li Shuixin never spoke ill of me, okay, okay! Let me take a moment and think about what else I have today. Things didn't get done!"

Lin Han opened the options in the live room one by one, and then checked the message board, but found that not many people left messages for him this afternoon.

"The guests will be here the day after tomorrow, you can have fun! You can also leave a message and say what you want the guests to do!

Lin Han laughed.

"After dinner, I will check the wooden map. Some cements are not fixed, so I need to fix it again. Then I will go to see Zhang Xiaofei's small house. The most important thing is that I plan to make a simple version. 9

"Although the last time was not bad, I think there is more room for improvement, what do you think?

Lin Han said to the camera.

"Hey! Lin Han, if only you could give us a complete decoration!

"I really don't know who will be on the island this time, what is this experience of life, this is completely enjoying life!

The audience in the live broadcast room was once again uneasy.

"You can't say that, although the living environment has improved, how can our life here be compared with yours? Whether it is good or not depends on the ability of the guests!

Lin Han said and stretched.

"Okay, what happened today? Why is this!

Lin Han was a little confused, he should be clear about his body, the key is that he didn't do any high-intensity work today.

"Lin Han, listen to our advice, don't exercise often at night, be careful to hurt your waist, and there are still a lot of things to do at ordinary times!

"That's right! God Lin, it's not okay to sing songs every night. You have to be disciplined in what you do, or your body will be dragged down by you. Like me, you didn't know how to discipline yourself when you were young. , Now, it's completely impossible....

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