Survival in the Wilderness: Live Broadcast My Leisure Life

Chapter 477 The plain cans are true! (2, please complete the order!)

Chapter 477 The plain inlay is true! (2, please complete the order!)

Lin Han picked up the wild vegetable with chopsticks and put it into his mouth and began to chew slowly. After a careful experience, Lin Han completely noticed the fragrance of the leaves of the plant that Li Shuixin mentioned. This fragrance is slow and slow. Slowly passing through Lin Han's teeth, his throat finally immersed in his stomach. This is very different from the fish caught by Lin Han before. He is good at the kind of food that can make the taste buds tremble. , Process all kinds of seemingly cumbersome foods into pleasant tastes.

But Li Shuixin's approach is completely different from his. For Li Shuixin, too complicated food will make her feel in a hurry, because she knows that she is not the kind of person with a brain comparable to Lin Han.

"So, I think as long as I work hard on these simple things, I can make something that rhymes to make people's eyes shine, like this plate of wild vegetables! You may not know that there is such a fragrance, right?

Li Shuixin is also slowly tasting his masterpiece.

"Well, 08 has a faint fragrance. It seems that you have really worked hard in the cooking of these dishes, and it is true that the original taste of the ingredients is the most authentic side, and it is always the road that you will never get tired of trying it for a long time. .99

Lin Han said.

"Okay, okay! The police are sensational, and that's what you said. As long as the mind doesn't slip, the solution is always more difficult than the rise. What do you say, eat quickly, if you don't eat it, I will eat it all. It's over!"

Li Shuixin waved her hand. Although she likes to hear Lin Han talk about these things, now is the critical time to eat. If Lin Han said this, she would delay her meal and hurt her stomach.


Lin Han smiled slightly.

"Li Shuixin, this girl really has a lot of things I admire, and there are a lot of things that I lack even in myself, just like the simplicity of the present, as long as the mind does not slip, the solution is always more difficult than the feet, it seems that in this sentence In terms of understanding, she walked in front of me!"

The food in Lin Han's mouth was chewed up slowly by him, but his eyes were always on Li Shuixin, who was gobbling down.

The night ruthlessly drove the pale red sunset away, and he dominated the entire sky. Some people like the morning sun, some like the sunset, and some prefer the darkness of the night.

The airflow on the isolated island is always in a state of echo, sometimes it is a kind of coolness that makes people feel comfortable, and sometimes it is hot and dry, which makes your heart unable to calm down.

The sound of chopsticks colliding with bowls and chopsticks filled the side of the love nest built by Lin Han and Li Shuixin, adding a touch of sweetness to the whole night.


Lin Han took the last mouthful of pumpkin porridge, put the tableware and chopsticks on the table, and wiped his mouth directly with the back of his hand.

"I'm full! Phew!"

To be honest, Lin Han has not eaten such a comfortable meal for a long time. The comfort mentioned here is the kind of comfort that is calm from the bottom of my heart. Although the food is not so luxurious, it is extremely reassuring to eat.

"Today's meal is not small!"

Li Shuixin also put down the tableware and wiped his mouth.

"When did you see that my appetite was small, and if my appetite was small, how could I work? I'll leave dinner to you in the future. I like this kind of dinner very much! 33

Lin Han doesn't praise people very much. It's not many words that he can say. Of course, Li Shuixin understands the meaning of what Lin Han said from the bottom of his heart.

"You clean up here, I'll take a look inside the house, there may be some wooden maps that still need to be re-laid! GE

Lin Han waved his hand and walked into the house. Li Shuixin also stood up and started to clean up the dishes.

He inspected the side of the house, and sure enough, some wooden floor gates had a foot up, and it seemed to be damp. Fortunately, Lin Han prepared extra wooden floors and cement today. All defective boards were replaced.

"What are you doing? I'm all packed, now can we start the quiz! 11

Li Shui's heart is now behind Lin Han and said.

"Why did you start urging me to have a prize quiz today, what do you want to do?"

Lin Han gave Li Shuixin a look and said.

"What does it mean to take the initiative to urge you, didn't you sew the link you just added yesterday? Then you still have to be on time every day, otherwise the police will feel that you are not on time!

Li Shuixin muttered in his mouth.

"Okay! Just say what you want, the police thought I couldn't hear what you said!"

As Lin Han said, he looked here and there in the room and touched there.

"It's nothing, if you can, I want you to win a question for me, and I want to host it! Just one question, and it's good for one evening!"

Li Shuixin is really at a loss when he speaks, after all, the leader of the live broadcast is Lin Han.

"Okay! If you like us one by one every day, there is nothing to stutter, come with me, we will talk about the quiz later, and now we still have things to deal with! 99

Lin Han took Li Shuixin out of the room and came to a pile of logs.

"This is the wood we prepared earlier, do you remember?"

Lin Han asked.

"Of course I remember, didn't I lose the boss's energy before? What? What do you want to do? 9817

Li Shuixin asked.

"Our current toilet is too simple. Now the whole house has been improved, and we have also made a shed for these guys next to it, so the rest of the things will naturally have to keep up. Let's make a closed toilet!"

Lin Han laughed.

"I don't think it's necessary, what else is there to do here? 99

Li Shuixin was a little embarrassed, after all, she was a girl.

"You're not particular?" Lindsay raised her eyebrows.

"I don't care!"

Li Shuixin also straightened her waist.

"If you don't pay attention to what toilet paper I do, come and help me!

As Lin Han said that, he hit several woods, and Li Shuixin also pouted. She had never won a fight with Lin Han, and the result this time was naturally obvious.

She scratched her head, but still picked up a few logs and followed Lin Han's footsteps.

Lin Han trimmed and smoothed the outside of the wood with a file, and then stacked them one by one. Then he made some cement again, and wrapped all the wood with cement. Of course, Lin Han still used The small wooden nails are specially made for reinforcement. After all, according to his idea, these woods only fix the general shape of the toilet...

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