Survival in the Wilderness: Live Broadcast My Leisure Life

Chapter 499 The heroine's challenge to Lin Shen! (2, please complete the order!)

Chapter 499 The challenge launched by the female hero Lin Shen! (2, please complete the order!)

"What's better than you? That can't be compared to who goes back first?"

Li Shuixin asked tentatively.

"Yes! Let's see who goes first? If you lose, you will cook tonight. If I lose... What do you say? 33

Lin Han also didn't know what to say, so naturally he handed the words to Li Shuixin.

"Then if you lose, how about letting me unlock that popular quest reward, it feels really exciting at that moment! 99

Li Shuixin laughed.

"That's it?

Lin Han didn't expect Li Shuixin to make this request, and since that was the case, he could only agree "with pain".

"Okay! I definitely don't want to give you such a good opportunity, it must be interesting to open the box! 99

Lin Han pretended to be distressed and said to Li Shuixin.

"Hum! If you want to drive yourself and beat me, just start from here. I said that after three, two, and one, the game will start, and the destination is the lawn in front of us, and you can change yourself in the middle. Route, at the end only see who arrives first! 22

Li Shuixin formulated the rules in a few words.

"Yes! Yes! But I have a request!"

"What is it? I said it so clearly, do you have any other requests?"

Li Shui 830 felt uneasy all over her body. In her eyes, Lin Han was the incarnation of scheming. If she wanted to ask anything now, it would definitely be against her.

"Well, it's just that we can't go to dangerous places. We are just a small competition. If we can't guarantee safety, it's meaningless!"

Lin Han smiled slightly, which was completely unexpected to Li Shuixin, and at this moment she also felt a little sweetness in her heart.

"Okay! I promise you!"


"Stop! The police are in a hurry! 99

Li Shuixin stopped the countdown immediately.

"Why did it stop suddenly, I was ready to start running!"

Lin Han said leisurely leaning against the tree trunk.

"This time it's fair! You can't use other powers, you can't fly over it, and you can't do anything weird. I know you're full of skills, but this time we're going to have a fair game! 59

"Okay! Promise! Fair game, okay?"

Lin Han smiled slightly, in his opinion, no matter how much Li Shuixin tossed him, he would not fail.

"That's good! Get ready! Three!_-!"

Lin Han was still waiting for the one behind the second, but Li Shuixin didn't expect Li Shuixin to directly connect the second and the first, and then Li Shuixin also disappeared into the forest.

"This girl, hey! Aren't you kidding me?

Lin Han shouted into the forest.

"I said it just now, as long as I count to one, it's a start, you can't blame me if you have no idea! 22

Hearing Li Shuixin's voice, Li Shuixin was already far away from Lin Han at this moment.

"Do you think you can surpass me in just one second? It's been ten seconds now, try to catch up with you!"

Lin Han didn't move horizontally at first, but climbed directly to the tree and started to move at the highest point.

At first, Lin Han thought that he could use this height to see the sea level, but when he got to the top, Lin Han also found that he thought too much. At this time, the seaside was still blocked by the mountains, and he had to see it first. go back.


Lin Han stopped talking, the drone also reached the highest speed and followed in Lin Han's footsteps. After a while, Lin Han also saw Li Shuixin running.

"Hey! This girl is a little interesting!"

Lin Han saw that Li Shuixin did not rely on his legs to run, but used the elasticity of the trunk to rush forward.

She first found a tree trunk with good flexibility and relatively high hardness, then rushed back and pushed the trunk back with all the strength of her whole body. Finally, her legs and hands were loosened, and the rebound force of the trunk could instantly send Li Shuixin out. Far.

At first, Lin Han didn't think much of Li Shuixin's cleverness, but when he was chasing, Lin Han really felt that it was a little hard. Every time he was about to catch up, Li Shuixin would instantly move a long distance. Moreover, he had already promised that Li Shuixin could not use other powers, and could only rely on his most primitive power.

Therefore, it was really hard to catch up with Li Shuixin, who had already left some distance away.

As long as Lin Han doesn't want to be in such a hurry, there is still a long way to go, and...

(aifb) I'll try it too!"

Lin Han looked at Li Shuixin who was jumping up and down, and he was still interested in this way of rushing. Lin Han's childlike interest was suddenly opened up. There is a saying that there is a child in everyone's heart. .

"Why are you so slow!"

In less than a while, Lin Han also caught up with Li Shuixin.

"Yeah! Why did you catch up with me? How did you do it?"

Before Li Shuixin could eject, she saw Lin Han standing there talking to her on the tree trunk in front of her.

"What's so hard about you being so slow, it looks like dinner is over for today! Bye!"

If the barrage was opened now, Li Shuixin would definitely know what was going on, but Lin Han didn't open the barrage now, but disappeared directly in front of Li Shuixin's eyes.

"Humph! It's not over yet, I can't give up!"

Li Shuixin gritted his teeth and said, the strength in his hand gradually increased, and he ejected himself.

In this way, Li Shuixin did not stop for a moment, and immediately started the next ejection as soon as he settled down, and Lin Han also slowed down since he was ahead of Li Shuixin. As long as the two were not far behind, Lin Han could catch up. .

It was originally a four-to-five-hour journey, but after Lin Han and Li Shuixin competed against each other, it took more than three hours to arrive.

But when Li Shuixin came to the grass at the door, he didn't see Lin Han.

"Hey! Where's Lin Han? Those guys also disappeared? Lu Xiaobu? Diao Xiaochan?"

Now Qin and Li Shuixin have only one house in front of him.

"Lin Han? Lin Han? I know you're welcome. Where have you been?

Li Shui shouted laboriously, looking at the expression on her face, she was about to cry.

"Hey eh! Where is the soul? Am I not here? It's been a long time since I came back, and you'll see that you haven't come back in a while, so I took these guys to the shore to see the popular gifts, This is not for you! 19

Lin Han took out a box wrapped in a waterproof plastic sheet from Zhang Xiaofei's mouth and handed it to Li Shuixin.

"It's up to you, I lost today's game, I'm willing to admit defeat, I'll cook!"

Li Shuixin didn't seem to be sad because he lost the game, but instead prepared to cook in a generous manner.

"Okay! It's better for you to come. Today I'm on the road, and it can be regarded as a start with your catapult to dry, so the speed is fast!"

Lin Han laughed.

"What! You use my method! No wonder you came back so quickly! If you hadn't learned from me, you would have won today's victory, so I should have taken it apart!"

Li Shuixin also smiled slightly and took the box wrapped in black waterproof plastic from Lin Han's hand.

"Alright, alright! If you win, let me cook, and you can study what's inside, the barrage is opened for you, I put it here, you can interact with the audience!

Lin Han opened the barrage with the bracelet and left, and Li Shuixin had been shaking the box since the beginning, listening to the sound of the objects colliding with each other, she was very excited, girls like it the most The only thing is to dismantle the courier, although this is not a courier according to the official statement, but in the eyes of Li Shuixin...

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