Survival in the Wilderness: Live Broadcast My Leisure Life

Chapter 505 The truth? (2, please complete!)

Chapter 505 The truth? (2, please complete!)

"Yeah! I just went to fix the boat to dry it out. The rain will worsen tonight, but I can't leave the boat! Are you over here too?"

Lin Han looked at the audience in the live broadcast room and they are also pulling you often.

"Well, it's over, one said you would make her a stalactite jewelry, the other said she wanted the adoption rights of a goose, and she also said she wanted to name it Douzi, all of which I agreed for you! Look at it. …”

Li Shuixin said.

"Xiao Mu's adoption rights, these viewers in our live broadcast room are really smart, yes, they all agreed!"

Lin Han laughed.

"Okay! Let's take a break now, and we'll have to live stream the hatching pot in the evening! 93

Lin Han laughed.

"Then why don't you live stream now?"

"Who said that, we can just focus on the incubator now. It's past eight o'clock, and we rest until two in the morning, what do you think?"

Lin Han said this to Li Shuixin, but also to the audience.

Seeing that there was no objection, Lin Han also pointed the camera at the incubator and returned to the house with Li Shuixin.

"Something big is going to happen!"

After Li Shuixin lay down on the bed, Lin Han directly said the hook.

"Ah? What's the matter? Why are you scaring me again?"

Li Shuixin just lay down, and immediately sat up after hearing what Lin Han said.

"Actually, I contacted some experts today, which is to study the special image of the impending planetary collision and the abnormal rain. I suspected the problem of rain at the beginning, and I just received the latest research progress of the foreign special image!

Lin Han said.

"What! What! You speak slowly, I feel that my brain can't keep up with the speed of your speech!"

Li Shuixin's tone became more and more anxious.

"You calm down first and listen to me slowly, it may be the past few days. After my observation, the things contained in this rain are very strange, and the research report on the foreign portrait just now is also frequent, so Now I have come to a very scary conclusion!

Lin Han took a deep breath and stared at Li Shuixin very seriously.

"What conclusion?"

Li Shuixin was taken aback by the sudden seriousness.

The two big eyes also stared straight at Lin Han.

"In two days or so, more than 80 percent of the planet will be flooded with rain!"

Although it sounds nonsense, as a traveler, Lin Han believes that anything is possible.

"What? Eighty percent? Then tell me where is the twenty percent? 99

Of course Li Shuixin didn't believe it anymore, this thing sounds like a bit of science fiction.

She thought Lin Han was joking with her, but her serious face quickly made her put away this idea.

"No one can say this, maybe the roof of the world will not be submerged. But strange things did happen. The special image in the field of tile science found that the tiles are also surging, and the structure of the earth's crust is changing. The whole It is not impossible for the planet to be submerged by sea water.

Even the tone of Lin Han's words was a little trembling.

At the same time, there was a deep worry in his heart.

Such a drastic change will definitely lead to a century-old disaster, and the number of people who will die is immeasurable. Lin Han worries about his adoptive parents and younger sister. Once the disaster happens, they...

"How could this happen? It's too sudden. 1

Li Shuixin's pretty face blushed slightly and looked at Lin Han in a panic.

Although it's a bit nonsense, the words were spoken by the man she trusted the most, and her heart was already full of doubts.

However, he was not mentally prepared to accept it at all.

After all, a few days ago, everything was calm and beautiful. How could it be that a catastrophe that has wiped out the world suddenly appeared?

"Shui Xin, the universe is infinitely mysterious, and everything is possible. Do you believe that I am from another world?"

Lin Han took the flustered Li Shuixin's little hand, the warm palm of her hand, which quickly calmed her inner panic.

The latter stared at Mei Xian and looked at Lin Han nervously,

"Another...another world?

"Yes, you can understand me as an alien, it is a strange force that brought me to this planet. Therefore, I believe that there are other strange forces in the universe that can change or even destroy the planet's strength.

Lin Han's eyes were extraordinarily serious.

Travelling is a secret he has always buried in his heart, and he has never shared it with the police.

In the past, he was afraid that if someone knew, he would be taken to the laboratory for slices.

But now, the entire planet is about to be destroyed, so this secret is not so important. What's more, he had absolute confidence in Li Shuixin after going through so much.

"A strange power?"

Li Shuixin had some emotions in her head, and this information had a great impact on her.

"Doesn't that mean that our relatives will also be killed?"

Like Lin Han, she suddenly misses her relatives.

"Not only our relatives, but also us, may also die."

Lin Han's hand held each other tightly.

When it comes to death, there is not much turbulence in his heart. After all, he was the one who died once.

When I died in a previous life, I lived alone, but in this life, at least the person I love most is by my side.

"Is there no way to bend?"

In Li Shuixin's eyes, Yunxian showed a hint of sadness, "We can only sit here and wait to die?

0...· ask for flowers,

"No one can say what this strange force will transform this planet into. But I have a hunch that humanity will not perish. So, we still have a chance. 99

Lin Han's eyes flashed and he said seriously.

"Lin Han. 99

Li Shuixin held Lin Han's hand, suddenly added a little strength, looked at Lin Han earnestly with both eyes, and shouted softly.


Lin Han looked at her puzzled, how did she suddenly become emotional.

I saw that the latter suddenly leaned over and snuggled into his arms,

"No matter what happens, as long as you are with me."

Sudden tenderness is a man's greatest motivation.

Lin Han put one arm around her fragrant shoulder and gently smelled her hair, "Don't worry, I won't let anything happen to you. 22

Also, our amazing!

Lin Han added inwardly.

"You said, should we tell the audience about this?


Li Shui asked kindly.

However, Lin Han shook his head,

"No, if you tell Dajing, no one may believe it. Even if everyone believes it, it won't change anything. In the face of this strange power, they have no other way than to passively accept it.

Instead of causing a big panic, let them spend their final days peacefully and happily.

Okay, let's have a good night's sleep, we will contact the program team tomorrow to ask the island. 99

Lin Han gently supported her hair and said softly.

A worldwide catastrophe was imminent, and there was no point in staying on the island, and it was presumed that it would soon be submerged.

So, Hook Island went to find his family and tried to save them, and inlaying was what Lin Han should do.


Li Shuixin nodded obediently, like a kitten, snuggling in Lin Han's arms.

Perhaps this firm chest gave her a strong sense of security, and she fell asleep after a while.

Lin Han helped Li Shuixin pull on the quilt and walked out of the room quietly.

"Stalactites are the testimony of history. I have spent so long with you. I hope this can accompany you all the time. Of course, I also hope that I can accompany you all the time! 19

After Lin Hanyun came, he didn't go anywhere, because he knew that he still had one thing he promised Li Shuixin to finish, and that was to make a piece of jewelry for her.

Although it is impossible to count on diamond rings now, stalactites are still very memorable.

The six steps of sculpting, cutting, grinding, polishing, embellishing, and weaving ropes are normal in Lin Han's hands, and it takes less than half an hour. Lin Han made a stalactite pendant, surrounded by broken diamonds, and a metal frame above it, all of which were rewarded to him by the show team through that popularity...

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