Survival in the Wilderness: Live Broadcast My Leisure Life

Chapter 507 Since you can't go back, stay and prepare well! (2, please complete the order!)

Chapter 507 Since you can't go back, stay and prepare well! (2, please complete the order!)

"What's the matter, is it broken?"

Lin Han tried several times, but it still didn't work.

So, I tried a few more times with Li Shuixin, but there was still no response.

A bad thought suddenly appeared.

"Is this communicator out of power? Do we have spare batteries here?"

Li Shuixin asked immediately.

"The polymer battery is installed here, which can be used for two or three years under normal circumstances, and the communicator is usually not turned on. It only needs a weak current to maintain it, and it will not run out of electricity! 22

Lin Han said.

Li Shui further confirmed the ominous premonition in his heart.

"Could it be that..."

"Yeah! Shui Xin, you are right, it should be because the complicated communication system is out of order, and even the live broadcast cannot be started, and we have completely lost contact with the outside world!

Lin Han tried the 08 live watch and shook his head.

"Then what to do? Didn't it say that the crisis is coming soon, what about our people?"

"Shui Xin! Listen, don't worry, our people will be fine!"

Lin Han grabbed Li Shuixin's left and right arms with both hands, and looked at her with tender eyes, conveying her strength and courage!

"I don't remember that there is a battery in the incubator? It was a sunny day a few days ago, why don't you try again? What if there is no power? We can't rule out this possibility, right! 99

Li Shuixin was still a little unwilling to give up.

"Well! Shui Xin, what you said makes sense, I'll try it!

Lin Han stood up and pulled Li Shuixin to the side of the incubator. The little parrot inside seemed to be irrelevant at this time, but Lin Han cautiously used some weeds to keep warm. Open the base of the incubator, and take the battery from the inside.

But the reality still gave Lin Han and Li Shuixin a heavy blow, and the battery still did not respond to the communicator.

Lin Han also quickly reassembled the incubator. Although the crisis has come, there is no reason to deprive these little creatures of the opportunity.

"Look! There is indeed no signal. It may be that strange energy that has begun to affect this planet!"

Lin Han raised his head and looked at the sky.

Since he can't move, he needs to think about his next plan.

According to the reminder in the dream, do you want to prepare a raft in advance?

"Lin Han, you said that when such a big thing happened, will the show team send someone to pick us up?"

Li Shuixin suddenly thought of this.

After all, they are in the spotlight right now.

Once lost contact, the program team will definitely take action.

"The police have thought about this, come and help me pack up together, the catastrophe will come soon, we must be fully prepared! Besides, before the disaster, human nature cannot be tested, and we may have been their tool to make money before. , But what are we to them now? It's better if we can come, if we don't know, we have to rely on ourselves, but we can't pin all our hopes on the program team, come and help Shuixin!

Lin Han pulled Li Shuixin into the house, and then packed up.

"Okay! What do you need to prepare for then?"

Li Shuixin took the hemp quilt from the protagonist's hand and took it out. At this time, the rain was still falling vigorously, and there was no tendency to decrease at all.

"Those are measures to keep warm, and then fresh water! Fresh water is the main thing!

Lin Han thought of the disaster films he had seen before, food and fresh water tanks at sea are king.

"Fresh water? How do we prepare for this?"

Li Shuixin came in from outside and asked.

"Coconuts! Coconuts! We don't have any big containers here. Coconuts are the best thing. You go and get those guys and get as many coconuts as you can. I will continue to pack them up here. A catastrophe may happen at any time. So act fast!


Lin Han said.

"Okay! I'll go now!"

"Wait a moment!"

Just when Li Shuixin was preparing for Jimen, Lin Han suddenly stopped her.

"Return safely! I'm waiting for you!"

Lin Han hurried forward and kissed Li Shuixin on the head, and then started packing again!

"Hmm! You pay more attention to yourself! 99

Li Shuixin picked up the hair that was scattered in front of her forehead, and then hurried out again.

"Keep warm, there is no problem with water, now it is food, and food is more important, but according to the dream, it should be provided with food, so you can't bring too much, it is too heavy , If everyone is that small raft, at most five or six hundred catties is enough. Li Shuixin and I add up to almost three hundred catties, so we can carry more than one hundred catties at most. Prepare first. !"

As soon as he said it, Lin Han felt that stone cakes were the best food to satisfy his hunger. He built a fire and started making cakes. After a while, the hills lay in front of him.

"I'm coming!"

Just as Lin Han continued pancakes, Li Shuixin came back with the group of little guys.

"There are sixty in total. I made a big net with rattan man. Is it enough!"

Li Shuixin put these coconuts in front of Lin Han.

"Enough is instant 830! Shuixin, you packed all these, I'll go get some salt now!

Lin Han covered Li Shuixin with more than 100 cakes that had been baked in a hurry, and rushed into the bamboo hut.

"Hurry up! I want to ask what we are preparing for. Isn't it the end of the world? Where else can we go?"

Li Shuixin was really too busy just now, so she would do whatever Lin Han asked her to do. Now that she has done so much, her doubts have not diminished in the slightest.

"Be prepared.

Lin Han smiled mysteriously, and deliberately sold it off.

A familiar scene appeared in front of Li Shuixin, making her impetuous heart settle down again.

She, unconditionally believes in Lin Han. Lin Han said no problem, it must be all right.

At this time, all kinds of birds and beasts on the island are also very unstable. The birds are flying around, and the beasts are running around everywhere. Sometimes you can see some birds slamming into the trees, and sometimes you can see some hares tearing at each other. bite.

It seems that some things are messed up, but Lin Han knows that it is not unfounded, but that the ability of animals to perceive magnetic fields is dozens of times that of humans. The only explanation for this phenomenon is that the magnetic field changes wildly in a short period of time. .

Lin Han is also crazy, preparing all the materials that can be used!,

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