Survival in the Wilderness: Live Broadcast My Leisure Life

Chapter 517 Added value, new trading ideas! (2, ask for full order!)

Chapter 517 Added value, new trading ideas! (Seeking full order!)

"Actually! I have a better way. Your engine needs oil. For my way, I only need a few kilograms of meat for a hundred nautical miles. It needs to be environmentally friendly and environmentally friendly, and it needs speed and speed!"

Li Shuixin looked at the couple of Xiuyuan Zhengguo who appeared and disappeared on the sea.


When Xiuyuan Zhengguo and his wife saw the malicious look from Li Shuixin, they also sank into the sea water all of a sudden.

"Haha! Look at what you said, these two guys have a direct conditioned reflex!"

Lin Han laughed.

After consuming some materials, Lin Han's overall strength has reached a new level. Looking at the players around the world, there are very few people who can think of upgrading the raft at this moment, and most of them are still staying. At the level that can solve the problem of food and clothing.

When strengthening the raft, Lin Han also noticed that these materials and items also have grades. For example, ordinary ones such as wood, iron, copper, etc. are all white names, while the black iron he carries is The red name is the electrolyte first, and the engine is the green name.

Therefore, Lin Han also has a new plan in his mind. Bartering can make his resource 08 more directional. To achieve the core purpose, he must use some simple materials to exchange for higher-grade materials. .

Lin Han looked at the panel, it was already 2:30 in the afternoon, and he and Li Shuixin also felt the hunger from the abdomen.

The drawing of the fishing rod that was traded before also came in handy.

[Old fishing rod; one pound of iron and two meters of hemp rope. Note: Although it's just an old fishing rod, anything can be hooked!)

There is a gap in the iron, but there is no hemp rope, but Lin Han does not have it, but it is impossible to say that there is no such thing. It is to turn his eyes to the trading area.

After using a pound of iron to exchange ten meters of hemp rope, Lin Han also built a fishing rod for himself.

What surprised him was that the blueprints did not disappear, but were always there. That is to say, as long as the blueprint transactions were not cut out, as long as there were materials, they could always be manufactured.

"Then can we trade with fishing rods? In this case..."

Before Lin Han could speak, Li Shuixin thought of a good idea.

"However, those ordinary materials do not contain any technology, so they are naturally relatively cheap, but after manufacturing, these finished products contain technological value. This is the content of economic principles, how do you know? !

Lin Han is a little surprised, this Li Shuixin's growth rate is also amazing.

"It's simple. Look at the big-name products before. A bag sold for tens of thousands of dollars. In fact, the cost of materials is a few hundred yuan. Isn't the extra money just the processing fee?"

Li Shuixin smiled playfully.

"Haha, that's what you mean, this one is different from our fishing rod, and that one still contains a brand effect, but! Yours is really a good idea!"

Lin Han suddenly had an epiphany and had a new plan in his heart.

Fishing is a test of one's patience. The hook must be fast, precise and ruthless, and it must be light when hitting the water.

This may seem contradictory, but it can be achieved as long as you master the strength in your hands.

In this respect, Li Shuixin is much better than Lin Han.

"Then let's catch the fish first?"

Lin Han obviously didn't want to admit defeat either.

"Okay! I used to fish a lot on the island before, if I lose to you in this matter, then I will be in vain!

Li Shuixin also did not want to admit defeat.

"Shh! Xiaobai don't bark, be careful to scare the fish away!

Although the world has become a sea of ​​Wang Yang, the fish in the ocean are not affected at all, maybe even the fish did not expect that his homeland suddenly became bigger.

"You guys run far away, you have been swimming here, and the fish are afraid to approach! 99

Li Shuixin said to Xiuyuan Zhengguo and his wife after a while.

"Quiet! Quiet! Actually they don't affect anything at all here!"

Lin Han was a bit dumbfounded, it seemed that Li Shuixin was still easily influenced by the outside world.


As the words were being said, a few fishes tumbled directly under the sea, and fell onto the raft impartially.

Lin Han fixed his eyes and saw that it was his pets that threw the fish in the sea directly on it.


"This definitely doesn't count, it's not you who caught it, how can these guys help you!


Li Shuixin glared at the guys floating on the sea.

"Whistle! Did you hear? Don't affect us here, be careful that your mistress is angry, you go to scout around to see where the closest person to us is and what their supplies are now. Such a situation!

Lin Han waved his hand, a bunch of bubbles appeared in the sea, and then it returned to quiet.

"A group of white-eyed wolves! I was very good to them before, why do they only listen to you! 99

Li Shuixin pouted and said.

"Okay! Now the game officially begins, and if you win, I'll give you a reward!

Lin Han laughed.

"What reward?"

When Li Shuixin heard the reward, her face immediately became serious.

"You may not get it, fish well!

Lin Han lifted the hook up from the surface of the sea, and the meat that had been placed on it was nowhere to be seen. It seemed that there were indeed fish under the surface of the sea.

Readjusting, throwing the hook, Lin Han moves in one go. Then he also sat on the raft and looked at the sea quietly.

In the waters dozens of nautical miles away from Lin Han, there are also several rafts floating. If you look closely, you can find that there was a fight.

"Forgive your life! Forgive your life! Heroes spare your life!"

A man with scars on his face is begging for mercy from another man.

"Humph! Either die, or join us, you can decide! 93

The man with the upper hand spoke to him.

"Join you? Did you get together so quickly?

The man with the scars on his face said with a look of horror.

In less than half a day, someone has already started to form a team, but I didn't expect it at all, and I didn't meet anyone at all.

"Isn't that nonsense? Just choose, I would suggest you to die directly. Anyway, looking at you, you are not the kind of person who can rob the police!"

"Big brother! He only has three coconuts here, and some cookies! There's nothing left!

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