Survival in the Wilderness: Live Broadcast My Leisure Life

Chapter 526 False alarm! Mutated seaweed fish! (1, please complete order!)

Chapter 526 False alarm! Mutated seaweed fish! (1, please complete order!)

Lv Xiaobu and the others were a little unhappy at first, because they saw their master live in the big boat, while they were still on the raft, but now it is different. Under the leadership of Zhang Xiaofei, these guys finally It was because I realized the feeling of running again. The raft was too small before, but it made these guys worry.

"In this case, wouldn't it be a little troublesome for us to move in the future?

Li Shuixin's mind is still very secret, although she hopes to see these guys happy, but the most important thing is her life with Lin Han.

"Don't worry, I'll leave these to Long Tail!"

Lin Han pointed to the frontmost rope on the raft where the pet was sitting.

"When the time comes, let the long tail bite the rope, and we can move together! Long tail! Where is the long tail "863"?"

Lin Han was still joking, but suddenly he found that the long tail that had appeared and disappeared on the sea before was nowhere to be seen.

"Long tail!"

Li Shuixin also came to the edge of the hull armor and shouted to the surroundings.


At this moment, a few heart-pounding voices suddenly came from the sea not far away.

This sound is definitely not a good thing at this time.

Lin Han also took out the ice bow, put on the bow and arrow and aimed forward, because he had already felt the breath of the long tail.


Another wave rolled up, startling the pet on the raft.




These guys also noticed that it was the breath of the long tail, and one by one wanted to jump into the sea to check.

"You guys be quiet! This is the sea, what can you do! 99

Lin Han let out a roar, and these guys instantly became quiet.

"Look! That's the fruit of cultivating karma, and it seems to have passed!"

Li Shuixin had sharp eyes and saw two pairs of big eyes.

"The long tail must be tangled in something, it wants to come up, but the thing keeps trying to pull it down! Strange!"

Lin Han saw that the long-tailed shark fins have been hitting the sea and wanted to provide himself with upward force, but in the end it was of no avail.



After Xiuyuan and Zhengguo joined in, the sea in the distance became even more unsettled.

"That's the crocodile's unique attack method, look Lin Han!"

Li Shuixin saw that Xiuyuan and Zhengguo were rolling non-stop. When the crocodile only started to bite, it would bite the prey with its mouth, and then the whole body began to spin.


Lin Han adjusted his breathing to once every three seconds, and drew his bow to aim in front of Xiao.

Fortunately, Xiuyuan and Zhengguo provided the direction of the big payment, otherwise Lin Han really wasn't sure what was under the sea.

When you let go, the bow and arrow flew out with the wind, and quickly passed through the air. If you listen carefully, you can detect the sound of the hook breaking through the air.

Then the bow and arrow entered the sea, Xiuyuan and Zhengguo also stopped rolling, and the long tail of the fish was exposed to the sea and swayed a few times.

"Hit! Hit! Lin Han, you are amazing!"

"That's up to you! Wait for them to see, is there something under the sea?

The bad premonition in Lin Han's heart was still flickering.

At this time, the sea finally returned to calm. Xiuyuan and Zhengguo seemed to have stinged something in their mouths, and they moved towards Lin Han, and behind them were the terrifying fins with long tails.

"What color is this? Why haven't I seen it before, and...

Afterwards, Lin Han also followed Xiuyuan Zhengguo's tail to take up the things under the sea surface.

Li Shuixin almost vomited out.

I saw that the fish in front of me looked like an ordinary fish, but the forehead of the fish was vertically protruding, and there seemed to be a lot of stuff in it. Lin Han touched it with his hand, and it turned out to be soft. There are many kelp-like things extending out of the top of the brain, entangled with each other.

Up to now, Lin Han touches these things with his hands, and there is still a reaction.

"This should be the thing that lives with a long tail, you say it is a long tail!

Lin Han turned his head and glanced at the long tail under the sea.


Long Tail shot out a breath from his own air hole, which should be in response to Lin Han.

"Is there really such a thing on Earth?"

Li Shuixin had already stood aside at this time, the fishy smell from the fish made her very uncomfortable.

"Probably not. This is the first time I have seen plants grow on fish, and they can be controlled. The key is that the strength of this kelp-like thing is not ordinary! Look! 33

Lin Han slashed back and forth with an iron knife on it, but he didn't leave a trace on it.

"You're saying it's weird!

Lin Han laughed.

"The runes are flashing, take a look!"

At this moment, Li Shuixin noticed that the runes on the back of Lin Han's hand began to flicker, and also came over.

[Mutant seaweed fish: This fish was originally the lowest end of the food chain in the ocean, but who would have known that it would be able to rank among the top carnivores after intermingling with seaweed! It should not be underestimated! The nutrients in the fish brain are Very full, if you are really hungry, then try it! One meal is worth a week!)

The flashing runes transformed into a layout and appeared in front of Lin Han.

"Mutation? Mutation indeed!

Lin Han said thoughtfully.

"Why does it mutate? What the hell is going on here?"

Although Li Shuixin had heard about the mutation, it was the first time he had seen it with his own eyes.

"Chemical, biological, and physical factors will change some things in the organism to a certain extent. These things slowly accumulate, and when they reach a certain level, they will in turn cause the organism to change. Just like this fish, it was originally only a food. Grassy, ​​but 5.1 became a carnivore after melding with seagrass, and even our long tail almost lost!

Lin Han said and touched the long tail floating on the sea.


The long tail sprayed a jet of water directly on Lin Han's face.

"Hahaha! He must be unconvinced. I think you should give him a little more time just now. What if the long tail can solve it by himself?"

Li Shuixin also crouched down and touched the long tail.

"We still have to be careful, okay! I think our seeds are in place now!"

Lin Han brought a wooden board and dissected the mutated seagrass carp. Except for the seaweed on its head, the big round head and the sharp teeth, the rest Lin Han was also thrown back into the sea...

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