Survival in the Wilderness: Live Broadcast My Leisure Life

Chapter 532: Pursue while winning! Materials and drawings! (1, please complete order!)

Chapter 532: Pursue while winning! Materials and drawings! (1, please complete order!)

Li Shuixin leaned on Lin Han's arm, opened his eyes slightly at the glittering runes, and was full of anticipation.

"Okay! Let's take a look then! 59

Lin Han clicked without saying a word, and the dense words appeared in front of the two in an instant.

"500 catties of apples! 300 catties of bananas! 500 catties of coconuts! 700 catties of bread! How come there are 700 catties of bread! i

Lin Han looked at the top four things and didn't know what to say!

"There's more! Two hundred catties of creamy steamed buns, three hundred catties of sugar cane, and oranges! There are oranges! How about one hundred and thirty catties! So little!"

Li Shuixin said this because she had heard Lin Han say that oranges are the most precious thing at sea, but after getting so many boxes, they were only 130 catties.

"A lot! This may be the only batch of oranges in this sea area, and now we have them all!

"Hey! What is this! Amoxicillin! Anti-inflammatories!"

As Lin Han was talking, he saw something with the following unit of count as tablets, doses, and pills.

"Ten tablets of Amoxicillin 08! Ten tablets of Honghuisu! Ten tablets of penicillin! Three doses of epinephrine! Ten tablets of glucose concentrate!

"I didn't expect there to be medicines! Not bad!

Lin Han's face reappeared with a smile, the food is not needed now, and the medicine can be a little more!

In the end, after sorting out, the space on the boat is also much better than that of Qinlai, and the pets also have a place to have fun again, but the boat on Lin Han's side is full, and it is blocked when you go down a flight of stairs. Except for a path that only one person can pass through, there is no empty space.

The second layer is now also a coconut, because the coconut shell is relatively hard, even if it encounters any special weather, it will not be broken, and it can even crush the boat.

The resting place on the first floor was also put into food. What about medicine? Naturally, Lin Han regarded it as a treasure and put it into a specially made wooden box.

These medicines Lin Han believe will definitely come in handy in the future!

[Materials: rubber, 190 jin of black iron, 216 jin of iron, 422 jin of wood, 200 ml of solution, 1 lithium battery, 1 sheet of tin foil, 1 jin of copper, 1 bucket of blue paint, 200 g of Mingjing, 20 jin of plastic , 19 catties of fine sand, 10 catties of gasoline, 100 catties of aluminum, 53 meters of hemp rope, 7 meters of canvas, 2 unknown plant seeds, 3 square meters of glass, 1 compass, 1 signal gun, 1 signal flare, 5 steel wires Meter)

Before, the wood was only 109 jin, but with the box that was just removed, although it was only collected at a discount, Lin Han still came out with an extra 313 jin of wood.

[Food: 500 jins of bananas, 590 jins of apples, 40 jins of watermelons, 555 jins of coconuts, 10 jins of lychees, 200 jins of oranges, 1 jins of potato chips (100 jins eaten), 10 jins of cherries, 701 jins of bread, 1 jins of rice crackers, biscuits 4, sugar cane 300, milk-flavored steamed buns 200 jin)

Through the second wave of supplies, Lin Han also saw the delicate relationship between food. Coconuts are the most indispensable. Of course, this is also for most people. Among the supplies he collected, coconuts are The most, which means that the coconut content in the material tide is also the most, and the least is some other snacks and other fruits that are not just needed.

Of course, except for the very rare but very large oranges.

[Drugs: Amoxicillin 10, Honghuisu 10 tablets, Penicillin 10 tablets, Adrenaline 3 doses, Glucose concentrated pills 10 tablets)

Medicine is also the first time Lin Han has encountered, but there is no doubt that medicine is more precious than food and materials, because when medicine can be used, it must be the time when life is threatened. Food is useless.

Lin Han looked at the medicines he got this time, most of them were anti-inflammatory drugs or antibiotics, while the remaining two medicines were specially tailored for survival. Adrenaline can improve his physical fitness in a short time. .

For those whose physical fitness is not good, it is undoubtedly a help in the snow, and it is even more icing on the cake for Lin Han!

The drawings are still the same, seven drawings, but they are enough to double the fame of "HX"!

"HX is moving again! Come and see, if you go late, the good things will be gone!"

A person in the chat area suddenly said.

It turned out that Lin Han and Li Shuixin didn't stop after finishing those things, but kept using materials to make a lot of utensils, including ten fishing forks, ten fishing rods, and ten shade nets, but there was only one of them. Repeater!

"What are you doing?"

Li Shuixin quietly waited for the transaction prompt, but still couldn't hold back her curiosity.

"Of course, this kind of harmful stuff can't be sold in large quantities, if the police chase after us with our stuff, that kind of feeling is really uncomfortable!

"Then why are you still putting it on?"

"Of course I'm watching the fun and sighing! Okay! No kidding, although I put one, but my requirements are very high, a blueprint or above (including the blue name) How's it going? Do you think anyone would say yes?"

Lin Han's wily smile appeared on his face again.

"Aah! You told the police first if anyone agreed. I think you should first consider whether anyone has it! After the wave in the early morning this morning, I thought it was a hook. The 863 materials on the first day were Let people have a plan to prepare. The wave in the early morning this morning gave everyone hope of continuing to survive. If I guessed correctly, the next few days will not be easy! Of course, except for us!

Li Shuixin smiled knowingly.

"That's right! Each of the boxes was huge last night. It seems that the next day will definitely be a challenge, so we must continue to be vigilant! But..."

[Trade request received!)

【There are players who want to trade with you!

Before Lin Han finished speaking, a transaction request came directly.

"It's all for food, do you agree?"

"Disagree! We have food, now we need to start accumulating materials and continue to accumulate blueprints, why haven't these people reacted, food should be very precious now, or it will be very precious before tomorrow! 92

"Why do you say it's before tomorrow?"

Li Shuixin said and chose [rejection]

"Beware of danger! Don't you feel sick when it suddenly gives you a great benefit? So before tomorrow comes, you should...

"Beware of danger!

"Yes! You learn so fast!

Lin Han said and touched Shui Xin's head.

"The guy you asked me to contact! He said...

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