Survival in the Wilderness: Live Broadcast My Leisure Life

Chapter 534 Orange Item - The Scream of a Seeker! (1, please complete order!)

Chapter 534 Orange Item - The Scream of a Seeker! (1, please complete order!)

Although the attitude of the strong men talking to this person is still very unfriendly, as long as the decision is made by this young man, these strong men also obey what they say, because they know how much this person is to their small body. importance.

"I'm really lucky to meet everyone!

The brawny man who was on a raft with the young man laughed.

"Hehe! I once said, Director, we all worked together for almost ten years before, and our big guys have settled for you!

said one person.

"Where's my brother and sister? You woke up and didn't see it? 93

"The police reminded me, I was playing cards outside at the time, and when I came together, I found myself here alone, and I was looking for it for a long time! I couldn't find it!

"How long? It's been a long time since you said this can for a day. It seems that your feelings for your younger brother and sister have really changed!

The strong man laughed.

"What nonsense are you talking about? Didn't you find your sister-in-law? 17

"Your sister-in-law? Humph! I think she must be doing better than me now, and what I'm just worried about is my son!

The strong man sneered and said, at his age, the person who cares most about him is the child besides his wife, but fortunately the strong man's son is in his twenties, even if he lives alone, the strong man believes in him. Can take care of yourself.

"We are terrified, as long as we can collect enough materials to find our relatives, it will be closed!"

The strong man said and took out the compass he got earlier.

"Humph! We really don't have to say about your luck, Director. We have never seen this orange item, let alone those materials! All of them are purple!"

One person laughed.

"Do you really think I'm lucky? If I didn't have this thing, I wouldn't even think about looking for my person. Now that I have this thing, I want to think about it every day, but I still have to gather all the materials and seams. what!

[Seeker's lamentation: An ordinary compass can no longer be ordinary, but as long as you don't give up, don't abandon it, and collect all seven ocean gems, he can guide you to find what you most hope to find, including life. "

This is an item in the first batch of materials that the strong man came to this world to get. At that time, he had no idea that the color of the item name was so particular about it.

"Does it have a limit on the number of times it can be used? Everyone is watching the director's face (aifb) and Zi Ji gathered together!

another asked.

"It didn't show, but I don't think it's at least one time, or as I said before, as long as they can collect them, everyone will find the one they miss the most first in order!"

The strong man said that he also put the compass into his pocket.

"Ahead! That ship again!"

While the strong men were talking, the young man was never idle. He had been observing the surrounding situation with his binoculars. His hard work paid off, and he finally caught a glimpse of the wooden boat in a hurry. .

Really "fake? Didn't Pharaoh say it's impossible? Bring it over and let me see!

The strong man beside him said that he also took the telescope.

"Grandma's! Where is it? Why didn't I see it! 99

"You're watching when the waves go down!

The young man said angrily.

Is it true that IQ is inversely proportional to body size? The stronger the body, the dumber the brain?

I saw "I see! I see! Brothers, look north! There is a ship there, it looks quite large, but I don't seem to see anyone on it?

Naturally, these guys can't see it, the pets' raft is on the other side of the boat, and Lin Han is also lying on the other side deck to rest, the pets in the sea may still be sleeping, so watch The merchants are also quiet.

"Grandma's! Is this also the material that was immediately found? Just a ship!"

The strong men around their parents couldn't help but feel their excitement. They had been here for a while, but the shark didn't show up, so they didn't have anything to worry about.

"Hey! What are you doing, Mr. Zhang? Why did you leave first!"

The strong man came back to his senses and found that his former office director had actually left them in front of the raft!

"Boss, didn't you say that whoever gets what you encounter in the future belongs to whoever gets it first? Hehe! That's fine!

"Your grandma's! Row!

The strong man threw a oar to the young man, and he was struggling to start rowing the raft himself!

"Go and rest, I'll rest!"

Due to the fountain of life, Li Shuixin's physical function has also been greatly strengthened. As long as he closes his eyes, he can quickly enter a deep sleep. The dreamer can sleep well after seven or eight hours, while Li Shuixin only needs one or two hours. can rest well.

"Okay! I'll go inside for a little while, come! Eat an orange, it's all peeled for you!

Lin Han stood up and put a piece of orange into Li Shuixin's mouth.

"This is to prevent sepsis, right! Thank you!

Li Shuixin laughed.

"Yes! There's a lot here. Eat a little properly, but you can't eat too much. If you go too far, you might get angry. I'm in!

Lin Han said that he also walked into the cabin, lay on the wooden door, and entered the water after a while.

Inspired by the "HX" accounts of Lin Han and Li Shuixin, many accounts have sprung up in the trading area and began to sell high-quality products in a targeted manner.

But no matter where it is, the market recognition is high or the first batch of people to enter the market.

Therefore, these people not only did not occupy the "HX" market, but also made people's voice for "HX" even higher.

"Damn it! I was deceived. He said that I don't need to go to the market for transactions, and I would be charged any fees. I didn't do it, so I took it seriously and traded directly with him account to account. Turn around, he disappeared, and his name was changed!

"I don't think you should trust anyone except the HX team. Anyway, I don't think I can meet good people. After the beginning, who has good things in their hands? Isn't that HX the official welfare account? Don't be greedy for petty bargains! 93

"It's definitely not an official account, how could there be such a thing, we are in the real world, don't think of it as a game, but this person's credit is definitely high, and the things I bought from him are really easy to use!"

"What a pity! What a pity! I can't seem to find his stuff now, the previous wave has been bought out! 59

If Lin Han knew that HX was so famous now, what kind of expression would he have...

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