Survival in the Wilderness: Live Broadcast My Leisure Life

Chapter 537 The situation is not right! Hurry up and retreat! (2, please complete the order!)

Chapter 537 The situation is not right! Hurry up and retreat! (2, please complete the order!)

The sturdy man's terrified eyes kept looking around, he looked at another person who was on the same boat with Lao Zhang.

"Me? Director, you can't spray people with blood! Although I'm with Lao Zhang, I have nothing in my hands, and everyone is watching. You're going to hurt my heart!"

The man smiled awkwardly, and he also thought it was strange, if you shoot arrows, you shoot arrows, how can the arrows that come over can freeze the wounds!

"Who is that?"

"Who else could it be? Of course it was shot from there!"

The young man pointed to the wooden boat in front of him with his chin, and was also hiding behind a pile of goods.



The brawny man was talking when another arrow came in front of him. Fortunately, the brawny man moved to dry his body while he was talking. Even so, the arrow stuck on his left arm.

The blood flowed out suddenly, and it seemed that the artery was injured.

"I'm going! This woman is so accurate with arrows!"

The strong man hurriedly wrapped the wound with his clothes, and also hid with the young man.

"Director, we still..."


"Go on! It's still too far away now, and Lao Zhang is out of breath. You can find a place to hide. As long as we can get close and rush up together after a while, we will naturally be able to catch this woman on the spot! Grandma's! That's how Laozi likes to resist!"

The strong man took the wood pulp and began to row again.

Seeing this, the young man jumped to another raft. The strong man just came over to check Lao Zhang's injury. Now the young man still feels that he has to keep a distance from these people.

"What are you doing?"

the strong man asked.

"I'll protect you from the wind at the back! What if someone sneaks up on it? Didn't you agree?

The young man glanced at the strong man, but the strong man couldn't find any reason for a while, so he could only focus on the raft.

"Lin Han and the others are here..."

"I'm going to die. Since I'm so anxious to die, let them do it!"

Lin Han picked up the Ice Bow again, and this time he shot an arrow with all his strength.

Then death also ruthlessly swept across a person's chest, fell to the ground, and died.

"Grandma's! Why is this woman so strong! She can shoot through the goods!

The director said that he also brought some goods from the side and blocked it in front of Lu himself. The closest thing to him was several iron gates.

"Director! Why don't we go, it will take a while, two brothers have already died, go to that kid who can't do anything, we only have dead people left here! 93

Another strong man said worriedly.

"What are you afraid of? It's a good jar to die for two people, and each of us will be able to get a little more stuff when we have a good harvest!"

The strong man laughed.

"We are surrounded from four directions! Let's see where he is going to fight! You all protect yourselves, I think the beasts have drifted far away, and we can't take care of a woman? This is a complete joke!

The strong man snorted coldly, and then rowed hard.

At this time, the young man saw that the strong man did not take care of himself, so he retreated in his heart.

-He who eats with his IQ also has his own opinion in his heart.

Although the ship in front of me is far from the ships in the previous world, it is the most luxurious in this world where everyone starts with a raft.

So there should be not just that woman on this boat, there must be someone else.

"With such a big goal, if there is no means of self-protection, a fool will sew it on it! The situation is not right, hurry up and retreat! 99

The young man stretched out his hand from behind the cargo to get the wood pulp.


At this time, there was a broken voice again, and the wood pulp in front of the youth was also beaten to a pulp.

"Someone wants to go! You let Longtail deal with him!

A trace of pity flashed in Lin Han's eyes, but then disappeared again, there is no pity here.


Li Shuixin didn't think too much, she knew that it was Lin Han who was protecting herself.

"Damn it! Found out!"

The young man hid behind the cargo and did not dare to make a move. At this time, his distance could be said to be very far, and anyone on the wooden boat could hit him at such a long distance. The young man was afraid that if he stretched his hand again, it would be an affair.

"Yes! What the hell is this?!"

The young man suddenly saw a triangle appear on the sea beside him. This is not good news. The triangle moving on the sea is a shark.

"Again? No! Why didn't you see it just now? Why did it come again? 11

The expression on the young man's face was a little desperate.


There is no time for the young man to think and experience, his life is over here, and the long tail has a big mouth.

The big one swallowed the raft in one mouthful, and then followed the gap beside the mouth of the long tail, and those wooden boards were also scattered and hooked.

Strangely, there was no blood on the sea.

"Huh? What's the sound? Where's Xiao Li?"

The strong man also heard the disturbed voice from behind him. He turned his head to Xiao Li, who was still on the raft just now. Now he and the raft can be said to have disappeared.

"Damn it! This kid slipped away!

The strong man's first reaction was that the young man ran away.

"Director, what do you see there?


A brawny man seemed to have seen something terrifying, picked up the wood pulp and immediately began to madly paddling in the opposite direction.

"What what!"

The strong man didn't understand either, and looked behind him through his head.

"Damn it! Why is this damn thing here again! What are you running for!

When the strong man regained his senses, the remaining three people had already started to flee with all their strength.

"A bunch of idiots! It's the closest to the boat now, and when you get on the boat, the shark should have nothing to do! It's just right, you guys help me delay the time!"

When the disaster is imminent, they will fly separately, and this sentence really shows up.



There was a scream behind the strong man, it seemed that a person had died.

"Don't! What the hell! Didn't you say that the sharks will fall in love in ten days? Don't come! Get out!

A person also intends to use wood pulp to drive away sharks, but such a little thing can be said to be useless, still thinking of driving sharks away?


The sound of falling water let the strong man know that another person died.

But the wooden boat was getting closer and closer to him, only the last two or three meters away.

The strong man jumped and came directly to the wooden boat.

"These are all! 39

What attracted his eyes were some exquisite objects, some shade nets, fishing rods, and ovens, and piles of coconut shells, and even he saw a bucket of blue paint, which was next to the paint bucket. There are also two HX letters on the rod that haven't been killed off.

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